Does anyone have the stuff used to run tomb of whores, and Moo&D? Item information, traps, maps, races, tf effects, I wanted to use it for reference in case I ever ran something similar.
Moo&D is on my Patreon. Getting the Tomb of Whores and Fall of the Order of Light stuff was a reward for donating back during the live game. Would have to talk to Fenoxo or Sinarra to see if you can still get ahold of it.
Moo&D is on my Patreon. Getting the Tomb of Whores and Fall of the Order of Light stuff was a reward for donating back during the live game. Would have to talk to Fenoxo or Sinarra to see if you can still get ahold of it.
Ah, I didn't realise most of it was rewards for backers. I'll just wait until I have some money saved to put a tip and get it then, as for Tomb of Whores and Fall of the Order of Light, I can live without them, I like cows more anyway.
It's been a LONG time.... he really needs to put it into a kit and sell it through like Drive through RPG or something. It would sell A LOT! I mean ... damn.... lol There is a lot of hype about it for something that only popped up for a little bit online.
He should make his own 3.5 book with spells, potions, currseed and magic ittems and stuff. ^.^