Planet ideas


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
So, in a hypothetical world where Fenco obeyed your psychic commands had infinite time and resources, what kind of worlds would you like to see in TiTS?

My pet idea is a Safari world. A pristine planet, newly discovered in the rush with no sapient indigenous life. So naturally a very expensive tour company is setting up shop, offering the galaxy's great and good a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit a new place, see the wildlife and then hunt and kill it (taxidermy services included)! Be sure to book your trip before the UGC gets around to declaring the place a nature reserve. For combat and quests, toss in a group of environmentalists trying to sabotage the tour and some private security types getting paid to make sure it all goes smoothly..
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd pick something similar to the Lovecraftian Dreamlands with tons of psionics and shaggable monsters of all genders, races and shades of the colour octarine.
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Aug 27, 2015
A nice planet. Because really, we have none. I consider Mhen'ga to be the nicest, and it's still a rape jungle. :eek:hdear:  

Booooooorrrrriiiiiiiiiing. Just expand Vesperia once its space station gets in, literally typecast as "nice".
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'd love to visit a planet mostly dominated by the sea.

It would have dozens of tropical Islands, and be inhabitated by land people and water people living in harmony. The land race would live on the Islands, or on platforms suisei no gargantia style, while the water race would live under the sea. Of course not exclusively, the technology would be great enough for any person to live wherever they want and easy travel between their above surface cities and sub surface ones. Amphibian technology, mods etc.

Oh and, not exactly a planet but an amusement park station or two...One based of mizuryuu kei land. All play and fucking, without any grimdark stuff lying beneath it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
No! I want a place that can explore the elements of a normal-ish society getting introduced to the absurdity of TiTS. Can you imagine if mod vendors came down and started to set up little temp shops? The people trying work out some kind of conversion of their currency to UGC credits? A fairly standard humanoid species being given gene mods that are essentially magic to them (as if they're not magic to the rest of TiTS :p )?

There's so much potential to be explored, it's just that none of it would "grab you by the balls" or anything. But I think some very interesting characters and scenarios would be able to come out of such a thing.

Live it up to me Misty to wish for a mix between a meticulously hard sci-fi and a slice of life. :)

Not there isn't anything wrong without that, but just imagine how lost Captain Steele the seasoned Frontiersman will be on that world.
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Jan 8, 2016
Phaedra II and Vesperia pretty much covered all my bases for what I wanted out of a planet (surprising no-one). All I really care about at this point is variety. A bunch of different settings enable writers to do different things and envision new scenarios. For instance, there was that dude a little while ago who had thought up a race that I personally thought was cool, but had nowhere to put it as it was a semi-aquatic race that lived in temperate climates (I think, details hazy). That pretty much leaves only Mhen'ga, which is basically full to capacity already. I'm personally not a big fan of an aquatic world unless it features land prominently as well, but that's because I don't get hot for squidgirls or whatever other aquatic horrors are going to make an appearance and while shark girls are A++, there's only so many different species of sharks you can put on a waterworld. Mermaids can come too I guess. Even psychic ones.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd love to visit a planet mostly dominated by the sea.

It would have dozens of tropical Islands, and be inhabitated by land people and water people living in harmony. The land race would live on the Islands, or on platforms suisei no gargantia style, while the water race would live under the sea. Of course not exclusively, the technology would be great enough for any person to live wherever they want and easy travel between their above surface cities and sub surface ones. Amphibian technology, mods etc.

I can't second this hard enough. We've had nothing with a large body of water, yet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I would like to see:

  • Ocean Rush World with a beach. The enemies would be mostly underwater and the beach would be sort of an resort.
  • Swamp Rush World, because those would like be the most interesting monsters.
  • Pirate World. So we can buy all the illegal stuff and do as much money as we can.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
World where PC need to have ability to fly to even move around town not meantioning wildness. I mean some small rocks in air to stop for a moment but nothing bigger that...dunno small house sized ones. Why game must always make PC be on easy to explore planets? And for flying there could be then also used jetpacks if PC not having it own wings.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I wana see a colorful to all excess planet with a thing for hallucinogens.  Sorta like so the moment you step off the ship to the moment you sleep it off will be one big trip.  Except, at the end, you'll be stuck full of come alien eggs. 

Probably will be hell on the writers,  Unless its just a town in a bubble, and when you step outside you get a scene that represents the trip.  And, RNG stuff!.  Kinda.  You get the point. 

Remember: TiTS runs on weirdness. 
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Vesperia is already being coded (jk it's just room descriptions). Even though Uveto still needs tons of content and Savin hasn't even started most of the projects I want him to do.

I'm not even salty though.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Vesperia is already being coded (jk it's just room descriptions). Even though Uveto still needs tons of content and Savin hasn't even started most of the projects I want him to do.

I'm not even salty though.

I don't even know what you want from me anymore Nooby :#


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
@noobsaleh...has a picture.


*Freaking out

He probably wants SyriQuest. And Pupcest. And... probably something involving locking either Anno or Syri (or both) in chastity and then having Steele (and/or the other sister) tease them. Maybe that last one is just me. >_>

What else does noobie want? Hmm...

Your undying love and affection forever. :D  

Oh and more milf kitty. That might just be me, though. 

What have I become, I used to be such a good poster....YOU did this to me misty!!! :p  

New planet idea. A planet dominated by big mountains, and lots of hot springs. Of course harpies would live there :)

...I really want to see some hot springs in TiTS.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
He probably wants SyriQuest. And Pupcest. And... probably something involving locking either Anno or Syri (or both) in chastity and then having Steele (and/or the other sister) tease them. Maybe that last one is just me. >_>

I want all of this plus Treated Reaha. But first Nerrasa.  From Gedan I want ship mechanics, KiroQuest from Fen, and So from Nonesuch.

Oh also Misty is working on something I didn't even knew I wanted until she told me about it.

That's pretty much it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Savin You know how with this saying: Give them a thumb... so he want all your project been insta written and coded ingame. Probably something tht never happen but everyone should have their dreams, right?

@Zevos Ummm one hella long inceptionlike adventure on some planed ending with been bloated with alien egs? Oh got surely wild imagination. *tips hat*

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Gedan and Fenoxo don't even code full time. Wsan and Jacques can code but aren't official staff. Hell even I've coded for Fengames before.

In other words, writing output far outstrips coding.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Please don't hate me. :eek:hdear:  

We woud never be able to hate you misty. Don't be silly :p  

This is a nice forum, people are relatively kind to each other here  :D  (If you act nice too f course, and don't make stupid questions etc.)

Aislinn herself will be an amazing addition to the game (Gotta love that deflation scene... I've heard so much about...don't want to be spoiled...oh and socks, gotta love them knee highs)


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Still have my hopes up for a planet/other kind of place covered in skyscrapers. Something with the flair of a gigantic city.

Advanced and full with diversity but corrupted and with a high crime rate.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@flying_moustache I think something as you said was meantioned in past as one of lil later than current one explored worlds. So chances are high for this one.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2016
I kind of want to see a planet where There's two types of terrain. High scaling mountains where at the tippy tops lies a harpy civilization and the wide stretching grasslands below where a bunch of kaithrit rushers have started to colonize the place and try to make peace with the harpys.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I heard something like that was being considered in 2015, but nothing at all since back then. So...yeah. I hope its still being considered.

Hope never dies...or so their saying. WIth slow speed new planets are added it may take few years for this highly urbanized one planet t be added. Thou idea of all areas been town to explore sounds...refreshing. As PC never leaving city on that planet ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Hope never dies...or so their saying. WIth slow speed new planets are added it may take few years for this highly urbanized one planet t be added. Thou idea of all areas been town to explore sounds...refreshing. As PC never leaving city on that planet ^^

Yeah, I think it would be a nice fresh take. Instead of wandering through a jungle or such, you'd explore the city. With dark alleys, sewers, shady clubs and bars or jurst areas with especially high crime rates as "danger zones" for random encounters. Maybe quests involving some kind of mafia.

I'll just be patient.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'd pick something similar to the Lovecraftian Dreamlands with tons of psionics and shaggable monsters of all genders, races and shades of the colour octarine.

Do you mean, ghouls, zoogs, toad-beasts, demi-humans?..., oh and cats, many cats. I have to admit, stetically, the Dreamlands are quite pretty, as long as you don't peer to long into the void between the stars.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Oh right, you were the other person I told...

I think you might have missed this exchange earlier.

Please don't hate me. :eek:hdear:

Don't worry, noobie is literally incapable of processing any serious emotions when in forum mode, didn't you know that? :shibe:

Serious talk though, just like shade I don't think you will ever to get any hate from this forum, MB.

At your worst, you dig too deep into things, bring to light a lot of unfortunate and terrifying implications and stirr some drama. But no one outside of yourself gets deeply negatively effected while almost always something is gained as a result of those.

At your best (i.e. the rest of the time), you are helping people, liven up the forum with witty banter/shitponting with the help of your trusty accomplice and write good things - not just good smut, but also the bits and pieces the game needs, like that pregnancy support system.

The former have no chance to outweigh the latter.

Yeah, I think it would be a nice fresh take. Instead of wandering through a jungle or such, you'd explore the city. With dark alleys, sewers, shady clubs and bars or jurst areas with especially high crime rates as "danger zones" for random encounters. Maybe quests involving some kind of mafia.

I'll just be patient.

What reason will PC have to be on a hive world like that, in your opinion? I can't think of a good one atm.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
What reason will PC have to be on a hive world like that, in your opinion? I can't think of a good one atm.

If it would be one of main plot planets then easy...find probe, get next coords.

LIl harder to find some excuse if it would be just a side planet like Uveto.

Well PC so far keep visting only relatively low civilized places but there is still chance somewhere in place of current rush already existed planet with such topgraphy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
What reason will PC have to be on a hive world like that, in your opinion? I can't think of a good one atm.

Honestly: I haven't followed any bigger plot in TiTS for a long, long time.

If I remember correctly, theres two reasons to go somewhere. 1) a probe crashed on a planet or 2) rofllol lets visit that. Like New Texas.

I think 2) shouldnt be a problem. As for 1)...a probe could have crashed into a high-tech satellite or trader spaceship, which is then brought onto the surface for repairs. Does that sound reasonable?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
If it would be one of main plot planets then easy...find probe, get next coords.

LIl harder to find some excuse if it would be just a side planet like Uveto.

Well PC so far keep visting only relatively low civilized places but there is still chance somewhere in place of current rush already existed planet with such topgraphy.

A technologically developed world found in the current rush - sounds close to what Misty wanted, actually. Though I see no reason for a UGC government to allow Rushers onto such planet, since it will probably have even less unclaimed space and resources than Myrellion a lot of chances for a big dimplomatic incident.

If I remember correctly, theres two reasons to go somewhere. 1) a probe crashed on a planet or 2) rofllol lets visit that. Like New Texas.

I think 2) shouldnt be a problem. As for 1)...a probe could have crashed into a high-tech satellite or trader spaceship, which is then brought onto the surface for repairs. Does that sound reasonable?

Even with the type 2 worlds, they are either a dedicated vacation spot or a place that can be of interest to a rusher doing Rush things. A normal densely populated world won't be either of those.

The scenario you've described involving the probe would require for a technologically advanced and densely populated world to exist in a newly discovered system. Which have the problems I listed above.

Maybe if one the probes were to get stolen from an unspecified Rush world and relocated on a core world by some criminal asshat that wants to crack it open...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Even with the type 2 worlds, they are either a dedicated vacation spot or a place that can be of interest to a rusher doing Rush things. A normal densely populated world won't be either of those.

I feel like Im not familiar with the whole rusher plot...I could picture it as having tourist attractions though. Famous for its nightlife (bars, clubs, parties)? And easy access to certain drugs? (dont want to make this TOO dark, but hey)

The scenario you've described involving the probe would require for a technologically advanced and densely populated world to exist in a newly discovered system. Which have the problems I listed above.

Maybe if one the probes were to get stolen from an unspecified Rush world and relocated on a core world by some criminal asshat that wants to crack it open...

The probe is not supposed to be there, yes. It could somehow have come off course. Or maybe crashed into some old trader spaceship taking a shortcut through one of the newly discovered systems (Im kinda fond of that idea).

Imagine a calculating, greedy, maybe young trader on a high-risk high-reward tour. Invested all his cash in cargo to max his profit but is then hit by the probe and suddenly in need of repairs. Which he cant afford and cant be done on any of the low-tech planets around him. So he heads to the next best thing: the city planet.

Im sure the gangs controlling the districts there could notice that the probe is worth far more than some spare parts and rip the guy off. Even force him to take the deal, because if they control the place, where is he supposed to go for repairs?

Would that be in order with the lore?
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