Shade contact message?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
As much as some incest dirty talk between siblings would turn me on, Shade seemed pretty keen on "burning" those memories fucking of course. 

But hey, maybe she likes (not)roleplaying. 

I stand firm for my incest fetish~! Plus it adds for the bonus of a flustered milf~. :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well combining Shade and proper fucking scene is already dream come true for fans of incest+milfs all in one package :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
the big kick in the nuts now is what happens when our niece shades daughter  becomes interact able lol.

I see mom aka shade killing us lol for starters


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
the big kick in the nuts now is what happens when our niece shades daughter  becomes interact able lol.

I see mom aka shade killing us lol for starters

I can see that for sure. A firm grasp on our shoulder, as we look back she whispers. "Keep it platonic, or your dead, kid... ". Though part of me wants to stir up some jealousy, get this milf to go to town on us in the bedroom.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think if Shade never knew PC is her half-sibiling she would allow PC get closer to Astra. BUt if she knows...then not so much chance to Astra ^^

I think at least that was said in past that either PC can try get some more interactions with Shade or her daughter never both of them. But that up to Savin how it will be in the end solved.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I hold out the hope that if she does know, and you keep it going, that reduces her attitude towards Steele going after Astra


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Though part of me wants to stir up some jealousy, get this milf to go to town on us in the bedroom.

"So I heard you liked younger girls," you hear from behind the opaque screen. Shade steps out with that familiar prowling, sashaying gait of a woman who knows what she wants... You lean back in bed and take in the sight from toe to twitching cat-ears: Shade's found herself a brand-new outfit, with tall boots, a short plaid skirt, and a little white blouse that's positively straining around her prodigious bust -- one side of which is marked with a little "Uveto High" emblem, just above where a nipple ought to be. 

You gulp as Shade crawls into bed and up your body, pushing you back until your head's in the pillows, fringed by falling locks of silver hair.

"Does taking advantage of sweet little blooming flowers get you hard, []?" she whispers, tracing a hand up your stiffening package, "Or have figured out yet that it's a woman with experience that gets your fires burning?"


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I for one would be fine with a platonic relationship with Astra, I don't need to have fucked every single one of Amara's known family to be happy, as funny as the scene where the PC&Amara put 2 and 2 together would be.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I for one would be fine with a platonic relationship with Astra, I don't need to have fucked every single one of Amara's known family to be happy, as funny as the scene where the PC&Amara put 2 and 2 together would be.

I have to respectfully disagree. I would be happier to bang every last relative we've got.

Something has to tide us over until we can finally drag our rival into bed.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Game needs more dirty talk of all kinds. Scenes are exceeding several thousands worths worth of just descriptions. Savin pls fix.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
As a writer, is dialogue particularly more difficult than descriptions? I mean yeah, I'll read "silken folds" and "baby batter" for the 10,000th time if I have to, but dialogue is so much better.

Actually you know what really got me going but was still description heavy? The entirety of Miscreant Manor; Fen compared the warmth of being cummed in to taking a shot of whiskey. Not saying it's super realistic or anything but damn.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
"So I heard you liked younger girls," you hear from behind the opaque screen. Shade steps out with that familiar prowling, sashaying gait of a woman who knows what she wants... You lean back in bed and take in the sight from toe to twitching cat-ears: Shade's found herself a brand-new outfit, with tall boots, a short plaid skirt, and a little white blouse that's positively straining around her prodigious bust -- one side of which is marked with a little "Uveto High" emblem, just above where a nipple ought to be. 

You gulp as Shade crawls into bed and up your body, pushing you back until your head's in the pillows, fringed by falling locks of silver hair.

"Does taking advantage of sweet little blooming flowers get you hard, []?" she whispers, tracing a hand up your stiffening package, "Or have you? figured out yet that it's a woman with experience that gets your fires burning?"

Gotta love them assertive milfs.

Shade is my favourite mature woman so far in the game.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I always feel like I'm reading the line between "too much voice for too uncertain of a character" and "so flat and generic I might as well not have it at all."

This is why I like The Witcher series, to name just one. CD Projekt doesn't give a shit about you self inserting; you either take Geralt's voice and love it or you don't. Too many companies (like Bethesda, who have since turned around with Fallout 4) swear up and down that having silent protagonists is the sole, pure RPG experience, when it just leads to flat and generic characters.

Have I ranted before here on this forum?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
This is why I like The Witcher series, to name just one. CD Projekt doesn't give a shit about you self inserting; you either take Geralt's voice and love it or you don't. Too many companies (like Bethesda, who have since turned around with Fallout 4) swear up and down that having silent protagonists is the sole, pure RPG experience, when it just leads to flat and generic characters.

So many +1s. God I hate silent protagonists.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"So I heard you liked younger girls," you hear from behind the opaque screen. Shade steps out with that familiar prowling, sashaying gait of a woman who knows what she wants... You lean back in bed and take in the sight from toe to twitching cat-ears: Shade's found herself a brand-new outfit, with tall boots, a short plaid skirt, and a little white blouse that's positively straining around her prodigious bust -- one side of which is marked with a little "Uveto High" emblem, just above where a nipple ought to be. 

You gulp as Shade crawls into bed and up your body, pushing you back until your head's in the pillows, fringed by falling locks of silver hair.

"Does taking advantage of sweet little blooming flowers get you hard, []?" she whispers, tracing a hand up your stiffening package, "Or have figured out yet that it's a woman with experience that gets your fires burning?"


Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
"Does taking advantage of sweet little blooming flowers get you hard, []?" she whispers, tracing a hand up your stiffening package, "Or have figured out yet that it's a woman with experience that gets your fires burning?"

Both are a-okay. Although something about a MILF dressed up as a schoolgirl is nice.


So many +1s. God I hate silent protagonists.

Hoo boy. Don't tell fans of Dragon Age: Origins that. I saw many heated discussions on the bioware forums about silent vs voiced protags. 
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Really liked DAO. Still would have preferred a voice though.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
This is why I like The Witcher series, to name just one. CD Projekt doesn't give a shit about you self inserting; you either take Geralt's voice and love it or you don't. Too many companies (like Bethesda, who have since turned around with Fallout 4) swear up and down that having silent protagonists is the sole, pure RPG experience, when it just leads to flat and generic characters.

The PCs are only flat and generic if the devs don't provide enough in-game building blocks to create a solid DIY protagonist and/or the player can't be bothered to use the ones they have.

I have nothing against an RPG with a strongly characterized protagonist, especially if it leaves enough room to personalize him to some extent.

I'd also once again bring up Planescape Torment as a game that kind of managed to have done both approaches simultaneously.

Both are a-okay. Although something about a MILF dressed up as a schoolgirl is nice.

Thou speaketh  the Truth, brethren.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Dialogue for Steele is kind of hard, at least for me. I always feel like I'm reading the line between "too much voice for too uncertain of a character" and "so flat and generic I might as well not have it at all."

And when Steele doesn't talk, it's hard for the other half of the scene to talk. Dirty talk is give and take. All dialogue is give and take. You can't just have your NPC asking saucy questions and have Steele respond with nods/grunts all the time.

Really, Steele speaking is a whole can of worms in and of itself. If you characterize them too much, you can break peoples' characters. Too little and it's just bad. Not doing it at all is honestly the safest bet, but I do feel the scenes are a bit dry without some sexy talk.

What about dialog based on our personality?  writers put in 3 dialog options for there scene's based on  our personality score. We get  x as a response from us to there  question. It would provide  needed dialog,  keep with immersion of the  personality we chose, and have been portraying  so  far. thoughts anyone?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
We have that. It's still hard, because the personalities are exceptionally general, and the nuances of an individual's manner of speaking are quite subtle. Kind Steele written by two different authors can come off as two entirely different people, even though both are "Kind." In order to establish the kind of consistency that would let people reliably write in-depth and characterized dialogue for Steele's personalities, we'd need a head-honcho kind of "content coordinator" and/or "lead editor" person that went over every piece of submitted content and edited out-of-character bits and general inconsistencies to better fit the game as a whole. Which is not really going to happen.

I always thought  fen/savin and co  did that.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Hoo boy. Don't tell fans of Dragon Age: Origins that. I saw many heated discussions on the bioware forums about silent vs voiced protags. 

As a fan of both DAO and DAI, I must say that I didn't actually mind having either silent or voiced protags. Though DA2's lack of diversity in protag creation killed me a little, it wasn't ever the voice that I had issues with.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
"So I heard you liked younger girls," you hear from behind the opaque screen. Shade steps out with that familiar prowling, sashaying gait of a woman who knows what she wants... You lean back in bed and take in the sight from toe to twitching cat-ears: Shade's found herself a brand-new outfit, with tall boots, a short plaid skirt, and a little white blouse that's positively straining around her prodigious bust -- one side of which is marked with a little "Uveto High" emblem, just above where a nipple ought to be. 

You gulp as Shade crawls into bed and up your body, pushing you back until your head's in the pillows, fringed by falling locks of silver hair.

"Does taking advantage of sweet little blooming flowers get you hard, []?" she whispers, tracing a hand up your stiffening package, "Or have figured out yet that it's a woman with experience that gets your fires burning?"

Damnnit I did not need a ladyboner this late.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
because the design philosophy of FenGames is such that there's not really any definitive "canon" to base submissions on.

I don't think that's quite true. 

It's more like, there's a very vague outline of the world that authors get to fill in with us. But once something's actually in the game, it is canon.