Mercenary/Smuggler Varmint Training


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
With the addition of Siegwulfe I'm guessing, (I'm probably wrong), it's going to have an upgrade or special bonus with Tech Specialists, it being a drone and all. So I thought since Tech Specialists get to upgrade a combat accessory, (accessories if Tech Spec. can upgrade Siegwulfe), why not let Mercs and Smugglers upgrade the Varmint via training. Mercs could train Varmints do deal more damage and be able to do crit damage (I can't remember if drones/Varmint damage can crit or not) and Smugglers deal more damage, (not as much as Merc training), and be all sneaky beaky like just dealing damage to HP via the Shield Bypass weapon flag. Tech Spec would be barred from training not because they get Tam-Wolf 2.0 but because what are they gonna do? Teach it to surf the extra-net, strap guns on it and call it MetalGarurumon?

metal garurumon.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think Siegwulfe isn;t restricted only to Techs. At least on wiki it not say anything about it. Not checked it on other than techs class so wouldn;t either personaly attest if Siegwulfe is all class accesable drone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Siegwulfe can be bought by any class, but can only be used as an attack drone by Techs


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
Siegwulfe can be bought by any class, but can only be used as an attack drone by Techs

Knew it could be used by all classes but thought it worked like Varmint and didnt replace your attack drone. My line of thought was having Tam 2.0 + Siegwulfe 2.0 (seems like a given since it replaces attack drone) felt kindve unfair.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Knew it could be used by all classes but thought it worked like Varmint and didnt replace your attack drone. My line of thought was having Tam 2.0 + Siegwulfe 2.0 (seems like a given since it replaces attack drone) felt kindve unfair.


All classes can buy her; only Techs can use her in combat.

Also the Vermint (I just tested it) is equipped in the accesory slot just like Tam-wolf and Siegwulfe.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think if any class should have bonus for bringing beast pets in combat, it should be smuggler. Mostly because to be able to smuggle animals you would need at least some experience/knowledge in handling them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well if anyone can buy it but only Techs use in combat...that kind of weird. What would be reason for rest classes to buy her? For onboard interaction that would be only fucking her? That like one scene only. Weird really weird she's not possible to be used by all class in combat too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I thought you could only fuck the Badger version, or does it have alternate scenes?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
...But the whole point of Tech exclusive combat accessories is to make up for the fact that Tech Specialists fall short in other aspects.

Smuggler deals ungodly amounts of damage through Aimed Shot/ Sneak Attack as well as having the best potentially for stacking evasion (Improved Agility 10% + Primitive Bow 5% + Omnisuit 5% + Light Jetpack 10% + Lava Saber 3% + Agility 11% + Sexy Moves from Fyn 10% + Lucky Breaks 4% = 58% in addition to whatever Reflex gives you) and having two moves that further lowers the enemy's chance of hitting them makes up for their lack of high HP or Shield.

Mercenary benefits the most from resistance gear having an Hp healing ability and the highest HP in the game. In addition to this, Mercenaries deal the second most damage due to their ranged damage increases in Rapid Fire + Double Shot.

  Tech Specialists with shield perk largely stand in the shadows of Mercenaries due to a lack of Energy regen and Mercenaries being able to deal more damage overall. With the attack Perk Tech Specialists still deal the least damage offensively and are now the frailest of the three classes, unable to augment their evasion to ludicrous levels like Smuggler or having higher shields to bring them up defensively with Mercenary.

Items like this are one of the few bones Tech Specialists are thrown.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
or having higher shields to bring them up defensively with Mercenary.

Items like this are one of the few bones Tech Specialists are thrown.


Techs have inherently higher Shields than anybody else. Defense Techs by 64 points, at least. Plus you get half again your Shields every fight, since the first time they go down you get 50% back again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I saw in another thread shield armor points is a thing. Not yet implemented, but I guess it´s something my techie can look forward to.

But to be honest I´d also love more drone boosting perks.

All classes can buy her; only Techs can use her in combat.

Any class can use any version of her in combat.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2015
Just found out that even though Tam-Wolf description mentions it will replace your attack drone there is no Drone slot like there is armor/weapon etc etc and it is just an accessory. Will a drone slot or something be implemented in future builds for Techies as that's just how they do or maybe as a future leveling perk. Or is that the trade off for Techies getting cool class specific items.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Any class can use any version of her in combat.



*checks the wiki*

Hmmm, says nothing about her being Tech exclusive...   okay, guess...

*checks github*

This Is odd... why does it say here "A new replacement drone! Useable only by Tech Specs in combat", but there's nothing inhere to support that. 


And here i thought she was specifically made for Techs. I am slightly disappointed.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
This Is odd... why does it say here "A new replacement drone! Useable only by Tech Specs in combat", but there's nothing inhere to support that. 

Because copy/paste from Google Docs.

Y'all need to stop reading comments (not actual code) in GitHub.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I thought you could only fuck the Badger version, or does it have alternate scenes?

Well i know both version can be fucked since on first save I tried check her I first bought her normal version from Uveto and it does had sex option :D

Plus you get half again your Shields every fight, since the first time they go down you get 50% back again.

Well it's just 25% unless tooltip ingame is not yet fixed to show 50%. Shield Regen - Builds a redundancy into your shields that can reactivate them at 25% capacity once per fight after they drop.

So the plan was orginally to regain 50% or 25%?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015

Techs have inherently higher Shields than anybody else. Defense Techs by 64 points, at least. Plus you get half again your Shields every fight, since the first time they go down you get 50% back again.

I was explicitly refering to attack drone Tech specialists. They lose a ridiculous amount of Shielding for a (currently) bad damage augment that doesn't even boost them to the levels of the other two classes. This is horrible because it means Attack Tech can't compete with Mercenary in Defense OR attack, although attack is slimer because Rapid Fire is a wild card.

Defense Tech Specialists can stand on generally even footing defensively with Mercenaries.

Also, the evasion stat seems bugged, Max one can get is apparently 29% despite the actual percentages adding up to 58% before Reflex calculation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well drones terrible dmg especialy those that replacing tech default drone is all cuz main dev work to not make them even decent worth. Many times meantioned and nothing changed since then. So not much to cry over here let get over it and wait for another drone that will share Tam-Wolf and Siegwulfe fate of of been fast forgoten. But I still value how Savin is keep trying to make them somehow more interesting :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Well drones terrible dmg especialy those that replacing tech default drone is all cuz main dev work to not make them even decent worth. Many times meantioned and nothing changed since then. So not much to cry over here let get over it and wait for another drone that will share Tam-Wolf and Siegwulfe fate of of been fast forgoten. But I still value how Savin is keep trying to make them somehow more interesting :D

It seems strange, when the game is easily broken by the other two classes.

Ehh, it's their choice, I still play the class, it's just a little annoying it doesn't have it's own unique niche it can do better than other classes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@VantagePoint Yeah I too like mostly Techs even if other two classes are supposely OP/OP broken. As concept especialy drone techs is something different that two other calsses. Well drone techs can be seen as summoners that use also their pets to fight. If not for fact their also supposely should fill role of space mages even if their got biggest issues atm with space mana aka energy menagment that is easiest of all classes dryed up with hardest way to recover.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
The fact that Techs have a inherit dependence on lust weapons not present in other classes aside, i have no real issues with Techs, even if they are a bit weaker then the other classes. 

The one thing Techs need at the moment is kinetic energy weapons.  And, i suppose, a melee route. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Uh yeah, Techs don't have to rely on lust weapons. They have access to some powerful energy based ranged weapons (Salamanderr Rifle/Pistol, Arc Caster, Shade's weapon). I do agree that there needs to be more energy melee options outside of the Lava/Vamp blade, which is why I'm making a dedicated shop for them (at some point in the future).


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016

Techs can only efficiently deal 3 types of damage: Thermal, electrical, and lust.  Electric is trivialized by grounded, 90% of thermal weapons are trivialized by mirrored, which leaves us with far less lust immune weapons then thermal/electric pseudo-immune enemies.  Amara is a good proof of concept as she has both grounded and mirrored, on top of 30% thermal and electric resists. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So what you mean is... sometimes you might have to press the Tease button instead of the Shoot button? :p


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
So what you mean is... sometimes you might have to press the Tease button instead of the Shoot button? :p

By process of elimination, yes. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well newest drone somehow giving lust source too for techs. of lvl 5 perks giving techs gravitic dmg which is 4th type of dmg and should be in theory hard to find resistance for this attacks.


Aug 26, 2015
The actual weaknesses of Techs are no Energy recovery, poor skill synergy, no melee skills, and some skills that do literally nothing (Attack Drone as soon as you have Tamwolf, Shield Hack on almost all enemies, Weapon Hack on almost all enemies).  Lust weapons still aren't necessary since you always have a ridiculously powerful Lust cannon in the form of Tease.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The actual weaknesses of Techs are no Energy recovery, poor skill synergy, no melee skills, and some skills that do literally nothing (Attack Drone as soon as you have Tamwolf, Shield Hack on almost all enemies, Weapon Hack on almost all enemies). 


Now everyone write Fen about it so I can finally fix it :|


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
So what you mean is... sometimes you might have to press the Tease button instead of the Shoot button? :p

Hey, mang, sometimes we wanna roleplay as a hardass.

I can't imagine that Steele jiggling their dicks at enemies :p


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Hey, mang, sometimes we wanna roleplay as a hardass.

You telling me walking around with a goo shooting bazooka ain't badass? :p  

so I can finally fix it :|

Fix it?

Is it not supposed to be TiTS hard mode? :p

(Not exactly hard, I mean one can easily beat Dr. Lash 3 times in a row using a techie, but you get the joke)

The actual weaknesses of Techs are no Energy recovery, poor skill synergy, no melee skills, and some skills that do literally nothing (Attack Drone as soon as you have Tamwolf, Shield Hack on almost all enemies, Weapon Hack on almost all enemies).  Lust weapons still aren't necessary since you always have a ridiculously powerful Lust cannon in the form of Tease.

I actually do like having a perk specifically for drones. But I agree, it (and other skills) could be better.

(I hope techies get a drone specific slot one day)