Colonizing the Dark Continent (For Weiss Ritter)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alestra laughs lightly. "Your friend has little to fear. Greblin's attempt there would be considered desperate and pitiful by any self respecting she-beast. Hopefully a few more seasons without a partner will teach him the value of subtlety."

"You can't blame him for trying. Along with the expansion of their emotional capacity, potential stimuli fueling their physical urges have been... Diversified. Although I eventually fell in love with one of their kind, I am human and prone to fantasy just like everyone else."

She gives you a sly look. "The lietenant is a rather spectacular specimen of the human form. Do you really find the attention paid to her all that surprising?"

"But fear not. After that little display, you've some time to stake your claim." She pauses for a moment and after seeing your expression, elaborates. "Show them that you belong to each other and you will have no fear of competition."
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Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel looked at Alestra with a quizzical expression. The challenge this 'Greblin' offered seemed to have at least some legitimacy in Hillfolk culture, yet his efforts were 'desperate' ,'pitiful', and lacking in subtlety? Was it because he offered it to a stranger to both him and his people, or was the act offering such a challenge itself brash? He lacked the cultural and personal context to know for certain.

"" The young man blistered and chanced a glance in Telai's direction, hoping she was still too occupied with the Hill Folk to notice. Her almost inhuman strength had been demonstrated time and time again, but the memory of the brief instant he had seen her unclothed sprang to mind unbidden. In that scarce moment the image of her body rippling with muscles won through years of hard training that did little to diminish the exotic amazon's considerable feminine charms was seared into Nathaniel's mind. Now that Alestra mentioned it, it was probably only her high rank in his expedition combined with what she could physically do to anyone who displeased her that kept Telai from being constantly followed by would-be suitors.

"Ah..." Nathaniel swiftly looked back to Alestra. His cheeks grew red and heated even before she began to speak of them 'belonging' to each other. "Right. The Lieutenant can't settle down with your tribe now, even if she were interested. She has prior obligations..."

The young Brightland nodded slightly and moved to stand. "Are there any Hill Folk customs I should be aware of before I approach? Or any last moment advice you might have for me?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alestra chuckles at your hesitance. "I'll spare you the intricacies of mating etiquette. After all, Telai is the one demanding your attention. If you take an interest in one of our females, I promise to revisit the topic." She shoos you forward with a wink. "Go on. Remind your employee of her obligations."

The voluptuous woman all but descends into a fit of girlish giggles. Despite being the oldest person you've ever encountered, Alestra seems to have retained a certain childish deviousness in regards to matchmaking. Whether she is aware of your past attractions to the imposing Telai, you can't say.

Meanwhile, Telai's throng of admirers has grown. A short queue of the more brazen Hillfolk has formed, each a male hoping to best Telai in their ritualized battle. None have been successful yet. The lieutenant is blazing fast and moves with the economy of a true warrior. Her bizarre stances you recognize from manuscripts detailing eastern fighting techniques and even the more impractical looking forms prove brutally effective in diverting Telai's powerful adversaries.

You're close enough to see the sweat gleaming on Telai's firm shoulders when she hurls a lumbering newcomer over her shoulder, fiercly laughing all the while. "This certainly is the best sparring practice I've had in awhile! You guys are all effort with no execution. Come on, who's next?"
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Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"I'm glad you're finding all of this so amusing, Miss Alestra," Nathaniel's tone was as dry and unamused as the look he gave the sorceress. Part of him wondered just how many of his memories she'd managed to glimpse before he could raised his defenses, but he couldn't rule out Alestra's wicked lust for life being a product of her adopted culture. The Hill Folk did seem to be an...energetic lot in all things.

He sighed softly and turned around just in time to see Telai hurling one of the husky would-be suitors with an uproarious laugh.The young Brightland froze in his steps and felt a chill shoot up his spine.

Oh gods. OH GODS. Telai was going to break him in half. Accidentally. Whatever desperate notions Nathaniel had that he might...somehow be able to use speed and agility to compensate for the best fighter he had's superior strength, constitution, and skill evaporated in an instant as he watched the amazon demolish several other Hill Folk males with a series of lightning swift movements and the perfect execution of techniques he naively assumed were more flash than function.

Oh gods...

He gulped when he was certain all eyes were upon the magnificent spectacle before silently entrusting his glasses to Alestra.

"I am," Nathaniel stepped forward the instant any of Telai's would-be suitors hesitated to join the other fuzzy Hill Folk crumpled in heaps about her. His heart was pounding in his ears and much of his body felt numb, but few would have been able to guess that as the young Brightland spoke in a clear and level voice, assumed a practiced martial stance, and observed Telai with a neutral expression all the while.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Telai looks around a bit, clearly not expecting a human voice amidst her impromptu melee. Her eyes meet yours and she hesitantly crouches. You circle for a few tense moments that seem to stretch on forever. Forcing yourself to take the initiative, you advance defensely but the amazoness dances back effortlessly.

"This isn't something you can pick up in a heartbeat, sir. If you're curious, I'd be glad to show you some patterns to practice, but sparring might be a little premature."

It is impossible to mistake the indecision in her tone. Either she doesn't consider you a worthy opponent, or her soldier mindset is blocking her ability to physically confront you... Or she's just trying to spare your ego a major bruising.

A voice merrily sings out behind you.

"Come on dear, leave that big brain behind and take her down! Show her the power of physical persuasion!"

An audible snickering flows through your observers. Alestra for her part seems entirely earnest in her encouragement, if a bit unrealistic.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
For a moment, Nathaniel considered Telai's offer. So much of his life had been dictated by the rational part of his brain that it could hardly be expected to be overridden completely so easily. That his lieutenant was so unwilling to face him in unarmed combat stung a little. He could hardly deny that thinking he could beat the likes of her at her own game without his trusty rapier was...unlikely, but did she fear he would punish her for thrashing him? Was Telai afraid that he was so delicate that he couldn't handle a spar with her?

Something other than a brawl in front of Alestra and the Hill Folk he hoped to establish friendly, or at least respectful, relations with probably would have been the best way to address all of that, though.

...Or so Nathaniel thought until Alestra called out and her 'children' made their enjoyment of all this clear. The young man tensed and straightened. It was too late to back down now. Plenty of the Hill Folk's males had been bested by Telai with ease already. Surely there would be no shame if he joined them in the dirt, but retreating without throwing a single punch? Surely that would be disgraceful even to Alestra's 'softened' version of Hill Folk culture.

"I don't think they would appreciate that, Lieutenant," Nathaniel gestured with his head towards the assembled Hill Folk and gave Telai a moment to ready herself before darting forward.

He just might have surprised the amazon as his hands lunged for one of her arms while his foot attempted to sneak around and lock behind her's, potentially throwing her clean off-balance if Nathaniel's attempt to seize, jerk, and hurl her to the ground succeeded. Those years of fencing lessons weren't all just for show and exercise, after all. He could move quite fast when he wanted, and any true swordsman knew a thing or two about grappling around their weapon in the event someone got too close for a lengthy blade to be of use. Now, whether all that would be enough to overcome Telai's specialized hand-to-hand combat training and vastly greater strength even for a moment remained to be seen...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Speed contest: 10 + 1 vs. 5 + 5. Success!)

You dive forward and seize Telai's outstretched hand. Telai's eyes widen as you manage to put her on the back foot. She tries to shift her weight, but you're already behind her with your leg firmly locked against her ankle.

(Strength contest: 12 + 1 vs. 9 + 5)

You struggle against your captive for a moment. Your head buzzes with theory of leverage and momentum. By rights Telai should be on the ground and at your mercy! Your tendons creak with effort as slowly your hold slacken and Telai's sleek physique begins to push back. You can feel the Lieutenant's muscular back clench against your midrift and you begin to lurch backwards. You barely manage to keep your hold on her arm as the amazoness yanks her leg clear and spins to face you.

"Decent plan, but you're hardly equipped to follow through. First rule of close combat: play to your strengths."

(Fortitude challenge: 4 + 1... -_-")

Telai exhales a hard puff of air directly into your face. Your glasses fog and you squint in discomfort of the impact against your eyes. You recover quick as you can, but you are unable to maintain your hold on Telai's arm.

The dusky battle mistress has reistablished the distance between you in a single bound. You see her face light with the joy of physical contest. Sculptors would kill capture such grace of motion, such strength bound within muscle and sinew.... The sight is both beautiful and terrifying.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Telai was probably the strongest person he had ever laid eyes on, rivaled only by Cynthia's Lentani's beastly hatchet-man and perhaps Ruan, but even her splendidly muscular form was subject to physics! Or so he thought as he heaved against the towering amazon to bring her crashing into the ground...and heaved...and heaved. The young man fought hard not to gasp as Telai weathered his assault like an immovable rock amidst crashing waves.

Nathaniel tensed as he suddenly found himself face-to-face with a chiding Telai. She easily freed herself from his tired grip and in the time it took him to blink and register all that happened, had dashed to the other end of the makeshift arena once more. He frowned as her words echoed in his ears. 'Play to his strengths'? He was certainly trying to do that here, but...well, perhaps he had been trying to show off a bit with that attempt to flip the mighty amazon flat on her back.

The young Brightland assumed a proper fighting stance once more.

No more playing. He'd lasted longer than quite a few of Telai's would-be suitors already, but only thanks to his lieutenant showing mercy rather than pressing her advantage while she had it. The odds of beating the southerner at her own game were slim to say the least, but if he was going to lose this spar of theirs, it would not be without a fight. He would not be so easily disgraced before Telai and the Hill Folk.

Once again Nathaniel swiftly advanced upon Telai's position, attacking with a swift and precise series of punches and kicks to the more vulnerable parts of her body, while taking care not to over-commit least he be unable to evade her counterattacks. Her jaw, gut, kneecaps, and so on. The universal weak-points of the human body where even Telai's muscle alone would offer dubious protection against even his fists and feet. It was effectively fencing adapted to hand-to-hand combat. At least as well as Nathaniel could with just a few moments adapt his style. And without the sharp piece of metal that could have deal catastrophic damage to anyone if jabbed in the right place...

...Well, Nathaniel was trying!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(speed contest: 15 + 1 vs. 5 + 5.)

You advance, holding your defensive stance until an opportune moment presented itself. Your fencing instruction didn't translate perfectly into the realm of Telai's blistering brand of combat, but some things were universal. You lash out at a weak point, then retract before a punishing counterattack can ensue. Telai snorts with amusement as she is unable to effectively trap you. She contents herself with parrying your blows at the last second, watching and waiting to see what comes next.

You attempt a kick at Telai and nearly stumble as she tricks you into extending out of measure. Reflex and luck barely lets you see her scything leg incoming. Unfortunately, the attack leaves you only one avenue of escape.

You leap into the air and there is a swoosh as Telai follows through with her blow. Some part of you winces realizing that her powerful sweep would have decked you in moments... But it doesn't land. You are airbourne with telai directly under you. The amazoness's eyes widen as she realizes this new vector of attack. You cross your forearms and brace for impact.

There is a thud as flesh impacts. You gasp as the air is driven from your lungs, but no amount discomfort will let you squander this opportunity. You had caught Telai by surprise, this was the time for agression.

Your grapple isn't particularly precise, more of a bearhug actually. But either by luck or design, you manage to haul Telai's thigh to her chest and pin one of her arms. The position is so awkward that she abandons her struggle and bursts out laughing.

You suddenly become aware of your closeness with the Lieutenant. Reserved as Telai has been up until now, the only other time of intimacy with her had been treating her wounded leg. Now your eyes are inches from her bright laughing smile. You can see her chest heaving and feel the warm flesh of her thigh flexing under your fingertips.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel fought the urge to grit his teeth as each of his blows was casually deflected by the experienced soldier. He was able to avoid each of Telai's efforts to ensnare or even floor him through genuine skill and speed, and had definitely lasted longer than any of the previous Hill Folk suitors by this point, but the Amazon's bemused expression made it abundantly clear he was merely entertaining her now. If she decided to get serious about her offense, there was a very good chance he would wind up sprawled across the cave floor or pinned beneath dusky warrioress as her limbs trapped his and her powerful yet feminine form pressed down upon his prone body closely enough that he could see the drops of sweet trailing down her hard-won muscles...

"Grah..!" The only hint that the particularly loud grunt came from the young Brightland trying to clear his mind of such...distracting imagery rather than his physical exertions was the way he shook his head. Nathaniel needed to land at least one solid blow upon Telai before this spar ended...

The kick that followed came faster and harder than all previous blows. It was aimed towards what seemed like a gap in Telai's defenses. His chance to score that face-saving blow! Nathaniel's foot flew through the air rapidly and landed...right into Telai's trap!

The young man gasped as his reflexes took over. His heart felt like it leapt with him as Telai's thickly toned leg cut through the air he stood in a mere instant ago. The blood-pumping organ pounded in his ears as he slammed atop the Lieutenant, actually knocking her to the floor. Nathaniel's body felt numb, as though her were in a dream, even as he lunged forward and locked his arms tightly around her body.

For a moment, he rested on top of her, half-expecting her to throw him off any moment now. But against all odds, the pin seemed to hold! Awkward, uncertain laughter joined Telai's as Nathaniel only just began to realize their position now that the adrenaline faded.  They were close. Their faces were mere inches apart and he could observe every breath and twitch in her body that was not concealed beneath the woman's clothes.

Nathaniel's cheeks began to heat and turn a bright pink. He moved to withdraw, weakening the pin he believed he had trapped the amazon in, only to suddenly freeze like an animal caught in the path of an incoming carriage. Had he actually won? Was this spar over? Or, in his flustered haste, had he made it even easier for Telai to break free? After all, his fencing lessons had real issue translating to unarmed combat. Grappling with a rapier in hand was all about reestablishing favorable distance between yourself and the enemy, or keeping them locked down just long enough to finish with a thrust of cold steel. Grabbing someone and...keeping them there was never an issue in any of the lessons he'd ever had!

His mind went blank, or may as well have given the utter lack of productive thought flowing through it. Nathaniel remained frozen atop of Telai, halfway trying to keep her restrained.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Telai's dark eyes regard you for a moment in a curious expression that you can't identify. Her hand lingers on your chest for a moment before it gently presses at you, a signal for you to let her up.

Panting, you both rise from the cold stone ground amidst the cheers of the surrounding Hillfolk. Your eyes find Alestra's and she smiles at you knowingly. Ruan snorts at her side. A faint chime in the back of your mind informs you that the chieftan is assuming a dismissive air. He speaks to his mother in the harsh gutteral tones of his race.

Alestra laughs. "Oh, don't be such a poor sport." She turns back to you and Telai. "Ruan says he'd have had her on the ground in half the time. Without her holding back."

Telai rolls her eyes and rolls her shoulders, muttering. The voluptuous mystic chuckles as starts to embrace the much larger woman before pausing, wrinkling her nose. You and Telai are both dripping with sweat from your recent exersions.

"I don't think I've met a more capable woman. Indeed, you should be cherished by whomever you decide to give your loyalty... But enough sentimentality. I think your commander has had enough excitement for one night. Why don't I show you two where you can get cleaned up. After all you've been through, I'm sure you'd appreciate a night of uninterrupted sleep.
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Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel rose quickly, trying to somehow will his face become a less crimson color. He contrasted sharply with Telai as he stood by her side. Fair skin to her bronze flesh, a lean scholar to her towering amazon, and so forth. Yet, he barely needed the Song's hint or Alestra's translation to guess what Ruan was trying to convey. His eyes rolled almost exactly at the same time as Telai's. Maybe, just maybe, the chieftain of the Hillfolk could claim a slight physical advantage, but there was no way whatever skill he possessed could come close to martial mastery Telai had just demonstrated. His people might have been bloodthirsty warriors before Alestra soothed them, but surely that couldn't compare with the science the people of his home continent had made of warfare!

"A wash and some rest sound wonderful," Nathaniel's tone was terse and more than a little weary. "Thank you once again for your hospitality, Miss Alestra."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Alestra leads you throw the gathering. Apparently the Hillfolk keep late hours and will be continuing their celebration even with the absence of their guests of honor. It's quite a relief to leave the heat of cook fires and return to the quiet, cool gloom of the city tunnels.

You pass Alestra's quarters and travel down some shallow steps. Shuttered lamps cast a reddish glow over a steaming pool of water. The water is cloudy, smelling of the fresh scent of pine. Small basins near the water's edge contain rough slabs of soap. Strewn with benches, cards, and board games, the place seems to function as a lounge as well as bathhouse.

"The further back you go, the warmer the water gets. Careful of the far wall- the heating pipes run up right next to it." Alestra instructs. "It'll be some time before anyone returns from the festival, so take your time. Your quarters are three doors down, on the left."

She gives you a mischievous wink and scurries back up the stairs. There are no curtains or other mechanism to provide privacy in these public baths. It didn't even look like the place allowed for the segregation of gender!

Your search for some sort of architectural division or private enclosure is interrupted by a relieved sigh. You whirl around, just catching sight of Telai's dusky posterior slip under the scented water. She rolls her shoulders and leans against the lip of the pool, pert breasts in plain view. You can't help but notice her areoles are lighter that the rest of her complexion and pierced with silver studs that shine dully in the muted light.

"Are you just going to stand there gaping all day? The water's really nice."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel nodded at Alestra's words and tried not to give the sorceress a reproachful look as she winked and pointedly left he and Telai alone. Looking back at the baths, The young Avalonian man had to give credit where it was due. The sorceress's behavior at times reminded him of some of the more free-spirited schoolgirls he knew and the Hillfolk had once been every bit the race of brutish savages they might have appeared at first glance, but together they had created a chamber that almost wouldn't have been out of place in his homeland's capital. Well...except for the complete lack of curtains or clearly marked boundaries for men and women. Oh gods, was this Alestra's idea of jo-?!

His train of thought was thoroughly derailed by the sound of something entering the water and a soft, feminine sigh wafting through the air. Nathaniel reflexively turned towards the noise only for every part of his body to stiffen at the sight. Telai. Naked. In front of him. On purpose.

Nathaniel's cheeks grew red despite his best efforts to conceal his surprise. His bright blue eyes were almost magnetically drawn to the Amazon's shamelessly bared breasts and the bright silver piercings tantalizingly decorating her nipples.
 It took no small amount of willpower to force them back up to Telai's face an instant later, and and even greater amount to stop his over-active mind from imagining what the rest of her looked like beneath the watery veil.

"I'll get in when I am ready," Nathaniel's tone was stern and curt. His practiced voice probably would have projected enough authority to cow most if not for the fact that his face was as red as a cherry and his eyes were never quite able to meet her's for more than a few moments. Finally, he took a breath and began to disrobe before her in a manner that more closely resembled a virgin nervously preparing to consummate a marriage than what one would expect from the golden child of a powerful merchant clan. Milly and the Siren had...helped him on that front, and his training to ensure he would not be helpless on this or any other expedition have gifted Nathaniel's body with a respectable amount of muscle even if it was all lean rather than bulging, but under Telai's gaze he felt...soft. Vulnerable. His flesh was not hardened by years of battle or hard labor, nor did it bear any distinguishing scars hinting at great battles waged.

When Nathaniel climbed into the bath, he sank into the water until only his head and neck remained visibly above it. His eyes seemed determined to look everywhere except the naked amazon resting just across from him. Telai loved her profession and the thrill of battle. Surely she didn't expect him to be half the soldier she was, but having that fact so plainly, and literally, laid bare before her...

"It is. Nice, I mean. We will have to thank Alestra for...everything." Nathaniel paused awkwardly and spared a glance in his lieutenant's direction. "Thank you for...humoring me back there. Alestra said it was part of their customs and that it would be best if I at least tried to challenge you, so..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Telai quirks an eyebrow at your forced nonchalance over the situation. Maybe the lighting would cover your flushed complexion and preserve your facade of control and restraint.... Maybe.

Despite your hurried movements, you can't really hide yourself from Telai while undressing and certainly not while lowering yourself into the steaming water of the bath. Mercifully it's deep enough for you to reach chin-deep before your feet meet the warm limestone floor.

Telai for her part doesn't seem the least bit fazed at your mutual nudity, remaining in her relaxed position propped up against the bath's lip. She must have seen most if not all of you, but is as mellow as ever. Apparently being naked in front of a man and breaking with propiety weren't on the same page for the imposing southerner.

She shifts, causing a pattern of ripples to break against your chest. "Gotta hand it to the busty mind-bender, she certainly knows how to run a place. These caves are a far cry from the Skittering Crab. I haven't had a decent bath in ages."

She lets out a light laugh at your mention of your sparring match. "Can't say I didn't enjoy it. I've seen you in action before, but getting a true measure of an opponent means going toe to toe. You did better than I expected- not that I would have thought less of you even if you had failed miserably... Are you making a catologue of all the stalagtites in this place or is looking at your conversation partner something you only do outside of a bathhouse?"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel frowned slightly at the utterly casual way Telai was handling all of this. Had...something in their relationship changed to make her act his way, or had the rough and tumble soldier's years of experience completely jaded her to nudity between comrades, even superior officers? In theory, male and female soldiers were to be kept apart in most situations involving nudity. In practice...well, the impracticality of doing that in a campaign were even more pronounced on unsettled lands like this Dark Continent.

"They are. Hopefully our efforts will see Newport and the surrounding area transformed into something more civilized and comfortable. Assuming the Lentani don't interfere..." Nathaniel's frown deepened. That was one of the problems of waging economic war against the Lentani: sometimes a backwater shantytown was as useful to their criminal enterprise as any shining metropolis with a dark underbelly waiting to be cultivated. And Cynthia still held much greater sway over the population of Newport than he and his expedition. Even if they didn't wind up working at cross-purposes in the short term, that was a knife at his back and a veritable sea of potential moles any long-term operation here could not afford.

Telai's laugh and compliment drew Nathaniel's gaze back to her for a brief instant and even wiped away his frown. "Well, thank you, I appreciate that..." He gave her a slight, awkward smile while trying to keep his gaze from wondering lower than the husky woman's collarbone. It was a losing battle. Once again his head began to tilt upward only to freeze when she called him on it. "Ah...well, the Hill Folk's stonework is rather impressive. I was wondering if we may be able to make some sort of trade agreement with them as well,"

There was just enough of a sincere note in Nathaniel's tone to partially assuage Telai, maybe, but a few moments later he was forced to lower his head and actually look at her once more. Her ample breasts and the silver studs adorning her areoles pulled at his eyes like magnets. "I am being rude, though. I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I...just...never socialized at a bathhouse."

Though his body was submerged by the water, the young man's squirming sent forth ripples that would brush and break against his Southerner companion's body in turn. "I could bathe at any of my family's holdings and this sort of...exposure seemed...improper. It made me uncomfortable..."

More squirming. Nathaniel had a vague idea of the sorts of rumors and stereotypes regarding Avalonian stuffiness Telai might have heard, but she had probably lived among his people and taken enough of their coin long enough to correctly guess that they were not nearly so sexually repressed as their detractors claimed and that this was indeed just Nathaniel being...Nathaniel.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Telai quirks an eyebrow at your stuttered explanation. "Well I suppose I should be grateful you didn't bolt the moment Alestra left you alone with me. I sometimes forget that not everyone is as... Utilitarian as myself. A few years traveling taught me take what little pleasures I can. The life of a soldier doesn't leave much room for modesty- even a female one. It was hard at first, but I got over it. Exposure amongst my colegues also made me a little more confident with... Well, all of this." She makes a sweeping gesture over her impressive form.

"I am a little surprised at your shyness though. I mean, you didn't waste much time getting with that corsair woman." She flushes at your expression. "F-forgive me if I'm being improper, but you weren't exactly stealthy during our stay amongst Brokenstream's clan. Such behavior seems a little at odds with the meek person you just described."

Telai bites her lip with obvious aprehension. She abruptly turns and hauls herself from the bath. The low light of the chamber is more than flattering to Telai's figure, every finely tuned muscle is accentuated with the sheen of moisture and shadow. Though she moves quickly without any effort at sensuality, you can't help but notice the slight sway of her hips as she pads over to a shelf holding sponges and soap.

A slight splash echoes about the chamber as Telai rejoins you. She tosses you a sponge and begins lathering herself. An awkward silence prevails.

"...Would you mind doing my back? I-I'd do it myself but my shoulder is a little sore after the bridge, not to mention our little sparring match... Please?"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(Sorry for the slight delay on this post. This week has been a rough one for me. ^_^; )

Nathaniel nodded at Telai. In hindsight, her attitude was logical from what he had grained from his own time among soldiers, freelance or otherwise. The ones who threw themselves into danger like this often didn't exactly have extensive retirement plans or long-term investment portfolios.

"A-ah...!" The young man's face turned cherry red and he very nearly submerged himself completely just to avoid Telai's gaze. He caught himself with his chin just above the water line, mentally cursing Milly for her advances that night. The only way this could have been worse was if he dozed to sleep in that net rather than frantically bumping her off him before the whole village could see them naked and splayed out! "That was...she made advances, and..."

Nathaniel trailed off and bit his lip. It sounded ridiculous when he put it like that, and yet it was...different from admiring any of the young women he'd utterly failed to approach back in his homeland. When Milly first...approach him he felt...well, embarrassment and lust mostly, but after that...Nathaniel knew that his credentials as a partner were far from lacking, but to be so desired by someone as beautiful and confident in such matters as the swashbuckling captain was enough to flutter even his heart. The dashing pirate sweeping her sheltered upper-class lover off his feet. It was all like something from the more trashy romantic stories, although in those Milly probably would have been the hero...

"I suppose...she approached me. She broke down the ice between us that I wouldn't have either out of pride or fear of the consequences, and it lead places I didn't expect but don't regret," His words flowed freely now and it seemed they were meant as much for himself as Telai. Nathaniel's eyes suddenly focused on her again and he couldn't help but frown. She and Milly didn't exactly seem to get along. Perhaps Telai's sense of duty and professionalism had prevented her from making her displeasure known before, but now everything seemed to be in the open between them. Literally, as the stunning amazon rose and her bared body stole his breath away once more. Every curve and powerful sinew was visibly in the low light of the cavern. The young man tried to keep his gaze from wondering too much, but failed utterly.

The vast reserves of willpower that had allowed him to study to become the grand prodigy of the Brightland family failed him in the presence of her strong yet feminine form. As it had with Milly and her advances. This sort of thing was starting to become a true hole in his defenses rather than isolated incidents...

Nathaniel sighed in relief when Telai rejoined him in the bath. He'd feared that she intended to leave it and him. But her inhaled sharply and stiffened at her request. "Y-yes! I mean, I will. Gladly, Lieutenant. Thank you,"

He mentally kicked himself for the verbal stumbling even as he grasped the sponge and moved behind Telai with as much grace as he could manage. "I thought you were angry with me for a moment. Or...well, are you? Please speak freely, I'll understand,"

Nathaniel spoke as he pressed the sponge against the finely defined muscles of Telai's back. His movements were slow yet firm. It was equal parts a cleansing and relaxing massage.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's a little awkward at first, but Telai eventually eases into your ministrations. More than once her shifting nearly puts her back into your chest- not to mention other parts. The closeness causes memories of your recent sparring match to spring up. Each of the amazoness's muscles, so finely tuned for violence, now unwinds under your touch.

Scrubbing fills the cavern and your question hangs awkwardly in the air for several minutes. You almost give up hope of an answer when Telai gathers herself and slowly speaks.

"I... Your embarassment tripped a sore point with me. I don't- that is, I haven't had much experience with men. I've had a few, ummm... Intimate encounters- but most of those were with other women. I seem to attract the type... Anyway, most seem to think of me as a novelty or worse, a threat." She shrugs under your hands. "I know I'm no delicate beauty, but every woman craves attention now and again... Especially..."

Telai's voice becomes choked with embarassment. "Especially from those she admires." She gives you a furtive glance before biting her lip and staring straight ahead. "You're a brilliant man. Generous and brave too. Our relationship has been kept formal- I am a part of your command structure after all.

"Then you brought back Milly and... While it was unfair of me, some small part of me resented your intimacy. I couldn't help but wonder what if I was as confident or... Beautiful as she is. Maybe I would be able to earn myself a worthy partner.

"Your reaction earlier... It reminded me of my pettiness and also what I will never be. I'm not some alluring beauty, and I won't fit the preferences of most men. I've come to to terms with it but... Well sometimes my emotions become more burdensome than I would like."

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathanial swallowed as he traced the sponge across every curve and tough sinew of the Amazon's back. His blush refused to die down and as her body came perilously close to brushing against his, the young man held a breath and thanked the gods Telai hadn't elected to glance over her shoulder to see his expression. A subtle shift of his hips ensured the Southerner wouldn't accidentally bump into the product of his arousal, but it would take more than that to preserve his dignity if things kept proceeding like this!

"What?" The young Brightland couldn't contain his disbelief and even risked a peek over Telai's shoulder to make sure she wasn't jesting with him. How could the men in her life not find her attractive? She was exotic, the pinnacle of human fitness, and...wait, perhaps that had a hand in it. Her dusky skin and exquisitely honed form may have held an exotic appeal to a sheltered, would-be merchant lord, but to her fellow soldiers perhaps Telai's charms were an all too familiar thing? Or perhaps those men simply didn't want to get entangled with someone who could be gone the next day...?

"I..." Nathaniel wanted to accept her praise and respond in kind, but his mouth suddenly ran dry and his tongue refused to move. Everything except his burning face felt numb for a long moment.

Silence reigned for a time and the young man's strokes across Telai's back halted. Just as she might have begun to fear that she had said too much, Nathaniel finally found the courage and words to speak. "I think you are very alluring. You're nothing like the ideal that many upper-class women I've known aspire to, but I think that the difference is...good..."

Nathaniel bowed his head as he spoke, yet a single finger of his trailed down the whole length of the Amazon's back. It started from the nape of her neck and mapped every curve and muscle on the way down, halting only when it reached the surface of the water. "You're one of the strongest and most disciplined people I know, exotic,'s all very...desirable to me. I just didn't want to say anything myself because of our chain of command. If it went poorly, it might have put enough strain between us to jeopardize this entire expedition, so I just...waited. And wound up hurting you regardless..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Telai shivers as you trail a finger down her spine. Your confession seems to have left her speechless. She keeps biting her bottom lip and idly tracing a scar on her forearm with her fingertip. Such an obviously vulnerable state is utterly attypical for your normally stoic companion. Telai is usually so confident, but now she is the purest manifestation of emotional shyness.

"You... You didn't hurt me. I can hardly expect you to understand when I don't really know what to make of my own feelings."

There is a rush of water as Telai turns to face you. Water droplets trickle down her collar bone, slipping between her breasts.

"Did you mean what you said? You find me attractive?... Desirable?"

Such words would be the norm for a coy young Avalonian woman manuveuring for a suitable husband. Which makes it even stranger to hear them delivered in Telai's earnest tone. Her face is a sea of emotion, fluctuating between fear, embarassment, and... Excitement?

A light touch to your shoulder pulls you from your mental musings.


Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"Ah..." Nathaniel's voice was caught in his throat as Telai turned around. Their naked bodies were mere inches apart, yet for once it was almost easy for him to keep his eyes from wondering below her neckline. He wasn't entirely sure what he had been expecting her to say in the first place, but these words coming from the amazon's mouth would not have been out of place in a trashy romance novel or the stutterings of a flustered Avalonian maiden. It all seemed so at odds with the powerful, willful woman who had set out to be a soldier against the advice of her elders...then again, was he any different? All that study, training, and drive to be the epitome of what the Brightlands sought to represent seemed to evaporate almost instantly whenever something like...this happened.

He gulped a bit as her touch shook him free of his thoughts. "Yes? I mean...yes...Telai, I do," An awkward silence hung in the air for a moment, but Nathaniel wasn't willing to look away. His face was cherry-red, and the warm water had nothing to do with it. "Telai...if we...we were both concerned about impacting our professional relationship. you think we can manage to work with each other just as well as before...?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Telai leans forward, her brown eyes shining in the lamp light. "I don't think it's possible to... Take this sort of step without the dynamic between us changing. We can hardly ignore each other if it doesn't work out. Not to mention, you already have someone close to you waiting back at camp. I won't be a consolation for when you are apart from Milly, Nathanial."

She sighs and crosses her arms. "I'm not asking you to leave Milly or your other obligations. And I'm determined to fulfill my obligations to you, regardless of what our personal relationship developes into. But if given the choice... I'd rather we grow closer than farther apart.

She hesitantly slips her arms around behind your neck. "We've got a lot on our shoulders, and yes, this whole thing might go horribly wrong... But some pleasures are worth the risk." Telai's voice is nothing but a husky whisper at this point, her plump lips inches from your own. "I'm willing to take this risk, Nathanial. Are you?"

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
"N-no! I didn't mean-I would never do something like that!" Nathaniel's face remained cherry red, but for a moment he was able to shake off the flustered numbness to look Taela dead in the eye. "I'm not that loose! I mean...I know you've heard, and I have, but...I'm not trying to just use you or Milly as...playthings..."

The shock and indignation faded almost as quickly as they came. Slowly, the young man's head sank until he was staring at the water pooling around them and all but mumbling his defensive words.Nathaniel bit his lip and nodded in agreement with the husky southerner. Even if they chose not to act on their...feelings here and now, things had already irreversibly changed between them now that they both knew. Consummating them could lead to disaster as a not inconsiderable portion of him feared...but so could denying their feelings and going on trying to pretend there was nothing between them.

"Y-yes..." Nathaniel relaxed as her strong arms slipped around his neck and gently pressed himself against her. Telai's breasts lightly smushed against his fair skin and his tone was all but breathless. He had to fight to suppress a shiver from running down his spine as he felt her breath brush against his lips. A moment passed and he commited. The young Brightland leaned forward and the scant inches vanished. He moaned softly into the kiss as his arms wrapped around Telai's waist, pulling their bodies still closer while he sank fully into her embrace.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Your pale form tangles with Telai's taut, dusky frame. Splashing echoes about the cavern as you sway to and fro with the beautiful amazoness. Telai closes her eyes with a faint smile tugging at the corner of her lip, sinking deeper into your kiss. Her lips imperceptively part, allowing access to your eager tongue. Meanwhile your hands are treated to the wonderous exploration of Telai's sleek physique. Your fingers trace a map of ridges and curves and when they lower to grip her backside, Telai moans into your mouth and grips you tighter.

Lovemaking with Telai is a different than your experiences with Milly. You find yourself taking a leading roll, coaxing a responses from her. Far from unresponsive, you find yourself constantly surprised by your normally reserved partner's eagerness. Every suggestion that your lips and questing hands make, Telai eagerly submits and adds. Your overwhelmed by the tender wanting of this woman. To be touched, explored, worshipped. As you pay homage to her, she reciprocates drawing a hand across your cheek and then sliding a palm down your midriff... And down still further.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel's head struggled to process all that was happening. It wasn't just the mounting pleasure and adrenaline as he and Telai lost themselves to each other's body. Everything about this was different from his last two...encounters with women. Milly had been mischievously domineering, always guiding and teasing while he flushed and did his best to please her. The Siren had eagerly wrung every drop of seed and every scrap of energy she could from his body. Telai, despite living a hard life as a soldier and possessing more muscle than the two of them put together, was soft and gentle. It was his body that pushed her's to and fro, his hands that sent shuddering ripples of pleasure coursing through the amazon's form, and his lips that drew freely offered moans from deep within her.

It was all very different. And like most new things in his life, Nathaniel very much wanted to explore and study it. This time somewhat more vigorously than his usual scholarly pursuits...

His hands lazily trailed across Telai's sculpted physique, his nails and fingertips gently scraping erotic patterns into her dusky flesh. Both hands took possession of her more than ample breasts and began to knead them with the same firm tenderness he had given her so far. Nathaniel's eyes almost seemed transfixed upon the shining silver studs as his fingers squeezed the soft mounds and slowly repositioned to to the same to those pierced, sensitive nubs. A shiver ran down his back as he felt Telai's hand slide down his body in turn. Her wondering hand went lower and lower...if Telai wasn't careful about when she took hold of her prize, the shock of it might just have cause Nathaniel to pinch her rapidly hardening flesh just a little too hard!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A delicious sensation shoots up your spine as Telai gently cradles your rigid member in the palm of her hand. She seems content to explore your length for a moment, trailing across your engorged flesh with a feather-like touch. She glances at your face and, gaining a bit of confidence, grips you more firmly.

Her stroking causes you to lose a bit of finesse and Telai's voice catches in her throat as you reflexly tweak her ornamented nipples.

"C-careful. I got these put in 'cause I thought they looked nice. The stylist didn't mention the increased sensitivity." Before you can retreat, Telai's unoccupied hand presses your palm back firmly over her breast. "I didn't say stop... Just take your time."

Telai resumes her submerged handjob and moves to your side. She tilts her head again for another deep kiss. The amazoness seems fully engaged now, actively attempting to pleae you. You can feel her soft folds on your upper thigh as she grinds against you.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Nathaniel struggled to keep his breathing steady. He wasn't trying to stand cold and distant like an icy pillar in the hot bath and Telai's even hotter...embrace, but he didn't want to just melt into a quivering, mewling pile of flesh and muscle. At least...not before his own tender ministrations had reduced the husky amazon to a similar state.

"Ah...!" He gasped softly as Telai's grip on his throbbing manhood tightened, causing his fingers to follow suit. He winced and frowned, the young man's intent clear, but Telai kept him from withdrawing and urged him onward. Nathaniel's bright green eyes honed in on her ample bosom and the silver studs that decorated her nipples. His hands groped the dusky mounds while his fingers gently yet firmly squeezed the pierced and thoroughly aroused nubs. Telai wasn't the only one trying very hard to please her partner. While Nathaniel could still count the number of sexual experiences he'd had so far on one hand despite being wildly successful at building something of a harem, he was indeed a very quick study as he'd boasted to Milly! His efforts to send ripples of pleasure through the southerner's sensitive breast were more skillful and calculated than before. His squeezes were both methodical and rhythmic and his pinches carefully calculated to send just enough sensation through her pierced nipples to make her gasp and jump without being unpleasant.

"Mmph..." Nathaniel's efforts faltered as Telai kissed him. His toned body shook and shivered against her's while a load moan was muffled between her lips. All of his dutiful calculations and erotic stratagems went right out the window in an instant. Nathaniel crushed his body against the amazon's gloriously muscular frame,trying to wrap his arms tightly around her while his lips returned the kiss and his hips eagerly thrust his engorged shaft into her grip.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Telai sinks into your embrace with a ready eagerness that matches your own reckless state. She abandons he grip on your manhood, allowing it to press against her taut belly. A quick movement is all it takes for your shaft to slip between your tawny lover's legs, grinding tantalizing against her sex. The amazon moans appreciatively and move against you with increased purpose, fiercely taking your earlobe in her teeth. Her hands slip down to cup your lean buttocks, urging your erratic movements onward.

Weiss Ritter

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
(Sorry for the Delay! Christmas related things! Speaking of which: Belated Merry Christmas!)

Nathaniel gasped as he entered her and groaned softly as his hips rhythmically thrust practically of their of volition. His hot breath brushed against her dusky flesh as she urged him onward and be complied so very eagerly. His body was pressed firmly against her's and his hands alternatively roamed and pleasured her body while each of them bucked against the other. The young man's lips pressed to her neck, cheek, and lips in turn as their climaxes steadily built. Finally, the torrent of sensation was too much to bear. With a cry that echoed throughout the stone chamber, Nathaniel came. His manhood felt like it was being squeezed in the amazon's wet, silky folds as his back arched and his nails dug into her flesh.

He went limp for a moment and collapsed against her, supported by Telai's own efforts as much his own while his breath only came in semi-ragged gasps. Nathaniel pulled himself up to look his lieutenant in the face with a faint smile before leaning in to plant one was kiss, soft and lingering, upon her lips.
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