Bring in the Bimbo


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
This is a discussion thread that I'm starting to ask and get answers to one basic question: What is the appeal of the Bimbo fetish?

Now keep in mind I am not trying to kinkshame or bash or flame, I simply do not get what the appeal is and since it's a consistent theme I've encountered repeatedly both in the Fen games and other mediums, I'm putting it out here to get some information from the fans and to hopefully see if there's anything I can relate to particularly the mental state and personality type of the Bimbo beyond being eager for sex, the latter being too ubiquitous to several fetishes to really count or stand out as unique. Failing that, this thread can serve to be a gathering point for fans to gush about the fetish and where it has been done well. Just because I do not get it doesn't mean there's no appeal or that people shouldn't enjoy talking about it with other fans.

So all posters are requested to keep things civil, relatively on topic (asking to stay purely on topic is a blatant impossibility I know.) and all around positive or constructive towards the thread and each other.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Before this gets out of hand i'll put up the simplest and easiest appeal. A girl that always wants sex. You dont need to like it, but if you cant understand how that would be something people want you're being ignorant.

There are plenty of other fetishes that provide that, but I see the point, couched in condescension though it may be. 

Also exaggerated features, for exactly the same reason.

That's one that didn't occur to me that should have I'll admit, whether natural or artificial "bigger is better" would definitely be a factor. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Not condescension, annoyance. Whether other fetishes provide that is irrelevant. This one does too. klaptrap also had a good one. Its totally ok to not like bimbos, but not understanding them is a little wierd. Its one of the easier fetishes dude wise

And in your annoyance you are talking down, thus condescension. I'm allowed to not understand the appeal of the overall bimbo fetish even if some aspects of it seem self-explanatory. As I've said before, women wanting sex and large attributes are common staples of many fetishes, using them as "This is obvious bro durr." really doesn't negate my query or the fact that people can still use this thread to speak positively about the fetish itself.  

My main source of dissonance as I said in the original post is the mental state of the bimbo and why this combined with the other stereotypes is so appealing to people. I've posted other topics like this without such...snappish responses and gotten some decent and in depth discussions as a result so I don't see why this is any less valid or your irritation any more valid

So point blank, kindly keep it civil or move on, thank you.
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Aug 26, 2015
I may be speaking harshly but i don't think anything I've said is uncivil. I'm not talking down at you, but I'm sorry you see it that way. I dont think its wrong in any way that you dont understand the fetish. When i say Wierd i dont mean wrong. in all seriousness and without snap, other fetishes having a certain aspect doesnt seem like a good set of reasons. Lots of fetishes share qualities, and thats how people can develop new fetishes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I may be speaking harshly but i don't think anything I've said is uncivil. I'm not talking down at you, but I'm sorry you see it that way. I dont think its wrong in any way that you dont understand the fetish. When i say Wierd i dont mean wrong. in all seriousness and without snap, other fetishes having a certain aspect doesnt seem like a good set of reasons. Lots of fetishes share qualities, and thats how people can develop new fetishes.

Your language now certainly doesn't match what you posted before, but I'm willing to acknowledge your apology and move on. 

My whole reason for posting this was to see what stood out in the fetish for fans of it as well as what people felt drawn the most to as opposed to what they consider might be overdone as much as it was to go "Not sure I get this.". I was trying to give people a chance to revel in their shared kink as well as maybe see if I could relate to it overall or if it really is just something that I'll just not be interested in. 

An example of the latter is the foot fetish. That one I understand completely...I just don't have it/enjoy it. To me feet are just feet, but I can fully comprehend intellectually why people might feel they are erotic. With the Bimbo, I do not get how the eagerness for sex and large natural or false attributes balance out with the mental state and speech to equal something that has as much a following as I've seen. Not knocking it, just going "What do they see?". That's all.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The particular variant of Bimbo fetish that is present in TiTS has three other aspects that haven't been mentioned yet: the unwavering cheerful disposition and friendliness of bimbo characters; the wonderful simplicity of their outlook on life; their focus on not only derriving as much pleasure as possible pleasure from having lots of sex, but also (or even primarily) from providing pleasure to others.

That last part has the most appeal for me personally, and that's why the upcoming Bothrioc eggsluttery will do even more for my boner than Treatment does.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
The particular variant of Bimbo fetish that is present in TiTS has three other aspects that haven't been mentioned yet: the unwavering cheerful disposition and friendliness of bimbo characters; the wonderful simplicity of their outlook on life; their focus on not only derriving as much pleasure as possible pleasure from having lots of sex, but also (or even primarily) from providing pleasure to others.

That last part has the most appeal for me personally, and that's why the upcoming Bothrioc eggsluttery will do even more for my boner than Treatment does.

thank you this is the sort of thing I'm looking for.

For me, there's a difference between the Bothrioc eggsluttery and say...Dr. Badger's ray being turned on her, but that might just be semantics.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
What @Nik_van_Rijn said does most of the magic for me as well. Also most bimbo drugs in TiTS have some sort of forced feel to them, and extreme loss of control is something that gets me going. Last part is primarily talking about the PC getting bimboed of course, at least for me.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Hyper femininity surrounded by porn logic.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Hyper femininity surrounded by porn logic.

I'd say that bimbos do not have to be feminine at all... Might be just my stupid opinion, but outward femininity is not the main or even a defining point.

Hypersexuality [...]

is way more important. Again that is merely my own opinion and maybe my taste is tricking my cognitive abilities again.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
In my perception, the defining and most intriguing features of the bimbo fetish, and the reasons it greatly appeals to me, include: the massive libido enhancement, the cheerful, friendly disposition, the hyper-sexualized body (big breasts, big lips, big butt, etc.), and the style (blond hair, skimpy clothing, heavy makeup). I'm neutral towards the submission/subservience aspect (sometimes it may be charming in moderate amounts and in the right circumstances, sometimes it gets annoying if it's excessive or inappropriate), and I actually quite dislike the IQ loss and the ditzy speech. I greatly value intelligence as one of the most important, valuable, and defining features of the human being, and I cannot help but regard dumb people as boring, tiresome, and less 'real', and hence rather unappealing in an erotic (or romantic) sense.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm having trouble visualizing a masculine bimbo there, buddy.

I can understand that. Like I said, taste might be tricking my cognitive abilities. But I would call a sex-crazed, cock-hungry and maaaybe somewhat dressed up male a bimbo. Again this might be just me, so feel free to ignore it xD


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015

Offtopic, but GODDAMN I love me some Blue Mountain State.

Pretty sure the bulk have been stated, but there's one more aspect that I don't think is touched on: Confidence. A lot of bimbos may be dumb or portrayed as dumb, but confidence - particularly in relation to sex - is a huge turn-on for a lot of people. Having a girl who is rather singleminded about sex and absolutely a pro at it is definitely a fetish of mine - I think CoC's corruption touches on it.

I've seen a lot of talk that it's a misogynistic fetish. It probably does appeal to some woman-haters out there, consciously or subconsciously, but some women on the other side of the aisle enjoy it as well. Effortless beauty, or at least an instinctive knowledge of how look your best at all times is something a lot of girls can get behind. While being a ditz and a slut could be seen as negatives, they can be appealing to those who constantly find themselves overthinking social situations or suffer from social anxiety (or similar). And some girls just want to be pampered and taken care of, which the bimbo fetish plays to.

Personally, I have more of a bimbofication fetish than a bimbo fetish. That is to say that I much enjoy the process of someone becoming a hyper-sexed version of themselves more than the result. It digs deep into my fetishes. Meanwhile, I'm sure there are other folks out there who just like smiling blondes with big tits. There's a bit of something for almost anyone.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Fen, Nonesuch: OIL CHANGE

@Fen: bro write more bimbofication then


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I don't understand why I'm liking this dude. He's somehow endearing despite pretty much everything he does in that vid is rather dickish.

Maybe because in his dick-moves he ends up dicking over himself more than the person he tries to dick over?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015

I´ve never seen this show. But this guy makes it look pretty hilarious xD  (1st clip: Congratulations you played yourself)

Personally, I have more of a bimbofication fetish than a bimbo fetish. That is to say that I much enjoy the process of someone becoming a hyper-sexed version of themselves more than the result. It digs deep into my fetishes.

That´s my fetish. I too often find the process the most enjoyable. 

Not that I mind the result. I can totally dig the concept of someone with oversexed attributes who always want to fuck (Like Emmy, love that gal). (Though that last part is already the majority of the TiTS cast xD )

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Hrm... I wonder... is there such a thing as a bimbo with small tits or is petite? I mean okay bimbo's in their own way are awesome but there are some of us who got their fetishes of small sex fiendish women xD
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balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
There are a few different themes at play but the core of it is the cartoonish exaggeration of "the sexual ideal". What that entails exactly is defined by the particular culture (and yes, there are himbos).

The Americanized one, the one that's almost always being referenced by the word, plays on the idea of the Barbie doll as the sexual ideal. So: blonde hair, big tits (sometimes them literally being plastic/fake is part of it), lots of pink to reinforce just how symbolically ~girly~ it all is. With this particular version of the archetype there's a strong correlation with sexual submission and a good bit of infantilization. This is where the ditzy/low-IQ stuff comes in; part of the exaggerated ideal is that the person is quite literally a sex doll who can barely take care of themselves but is very good at taking care of others in the one way that they're knowledgeable. For some people that's the biggest appeal and it crosses over into the quasi-incestual Electra complex "Daddy and Baby" stuff. Looking at this as a feminine sexual ideal it's entirely fair to say it's misogynistic - after all, a lot of it focuses around a woman losing all aspects of her personality that don't revolve around looking not even "nice" but like a warped fertility idol and then taking all her pleasure from worshipping someone else (and let's be real: it's usually a totem of exaggerated masculinity).

Big but, though: there are lots of branches on this tree and different parts of this particular ideal appeal to different people for different reasons and they may not like the other aspects; e.g. someone may like the extreme sexualization because they find the idea of being lusted after/seen as a sexual ideal hot but not the extreme submission aspects. It also touches on the "slut catharsis"; the idea of releasing pent-up social stress through loosening your sexual inhibitions for a while. And of course the archetype can be flipped around: you can get a handsome boy obsessed with sex but dumb as a rock (think Johnny Bravo) or a predatory bimbo whose libido is far in excess of anything any man can keep up with, subverting the original intention of the submissive aspect.

With fetishes people often clamp down on one particular aspect rather than try to swallow the whole thing.

Hrm... I wonder... is there such a thing as a bimbo with small tits or is petite? I mean okay bimbo's in their own way are awesome but there are some of us who got their fetishes of small sex fiendish women xD

Vanilla nymphomania would hit a lot closer to that home than bimbo stuff would.
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Jun 10, 2016
Personally, I have more of a bimbofication fetish than a bimbo fetish. That is to say that I much enjoy the process of someone becoming a hyper-sexed version of themselves more than the result.

That's the same reason why I like the male version (not sure what to call it, but when a guy becomes sexually exaggerated, muscular, etc., though not necessarily with a complete personality change, especially not in the "bro" sense, but rather just a giving into hormones/sexiness/whatever). While the end result isn't necessarily exciting, the long, descriptive process of it is it extremely enjoyable to me.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Hrm... I wonder... is there such a thing as a bimbo with small tits or is petite? I mean okay bimbo's in their own way are awesome but there are some of us who got their fetishes of small sex fiendish women xD

Probably, i would think that bimbo would be more of a mindset then a body shape.