Savin's CYOA: 022

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
"Well, Tyroa told me about a problem you ladies have been having," you start, putting on your best smile. "I helped her fend off some kind of huge, egg-laying creature in the woods. Looked kinda link an overgrown mantis?"

The harpies all hiss and squawk at the mention of the creature. Loose feathers come raining down again, but this time you just wave a hand in front of yourself to bat them aside. "How about I solve your mantis-woman problem for you? If I can get her to leave you all alone, maybe you could help me out in return?"

<<Charisma Check: Failure (19 vs. 12)!>>

They seem to consider that for a long moment, whispering among themselves. Finally, one of their number speaks up:

"No promises! Get rid of that nasty egg-fucking hag, and we'll take you to see the queen!"

"Ugh. Look, I just wanted to..."

The head harpy makes a shrill squawk at you. "No buts! The queen decides who can come and go, so if you wanna see our sister, you gotta get her permission!"

Dammit. "Can't you just send my friend down? I-"

"Them's the rules!" another harpy says indignantly. "Though maybe we could bend 'em a little if you had something more fun to offer us..."

Oh, okay. Going and fighting a big, scary monster gets you barely enough respect for a meeting with some self-styled harpy queen, but whip your dick out and look what that does. You sigh and stamp your staff on the ground in annoyance. Still, a meeting with the queen might not be that bad, if you want to do as the Blackscale suggested, and take this place over. Having some allies around would certainly be a boon.

"Alright. You go tell your queen she'll have company soon," you call up, turning back towards the door. "I'll be back when the mantis bitch is dealt with."

The harpies cheer. "Bring back proof!" one shouts after you as you duck back out of the old tower.

Right. You'll worry about proof once you've figured out how to actually deal with the mantis-woman. Hopefully she's still sleeping off that flaming burst you slammed her with last night, because something tells you a straight fight between you might be a little more than you can handle right now...

((Note that this section's poll is multiple choice! Vote for as many as you like, but be warned! The more actions Remi undertakes, the more likely it is that she'll run into trouble -- the local color is going to start waking up as time goes by. I'll decide a threshold based on the final number of voters: all options that pass that threshold will be attempted.))

Name: Remielle Syrililth
Race: Salamander
Sex: Hermaphrodite
Figure: Amazonian
Class: Mage
Stats: STR (10) CON (16) DEX (14) INT (15) WIS (8) CHA (12)
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Jun 9, 2016
i have been against dealing with the harpies from day 1...but hey  if you wanna  stick with this good fucking luck, the mantis is probably going to bring friends along this time and this is going to suck for everyone involved


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
"Though maybe we could bend 'em a little if you had something more fun to offer us..."

Well, now I'm also leaning towards those harpies knowing or at least heavily suspecting that Remi has a dick.

Out of all the options, number three seems to be one with the most dubious effect. I vote for all three others, since number two is supposed to be quick and the rest seem essential.

Edit: Can't select multiple choices, May have something to do with browsing on a mobile device. Savin, can you please check the poll settings?
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Jun 24, 2016
Multiple choice isn't working. T~T

Voted for getting our indebted warrior-bae, but also vote we set up traps. Summoning a geist could be cool, but I think two options is more than enough since Remi and Slutvia got more than enough tricks up their sleeves if they employ just traps. Not to mention the summoning going afoul is far worse since it means it not only fills more time but we get screwed. The int-check is always worth for traps and at least our singing gal-pal won't cut our throats or rape us on a failed roll.

Don't really care for the enchanting. I'm already thinking ahead. If we beat the mantis-bae, we could always mend her wounds and keep her as a mount.

... Right?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Multiple choice should be fixed now. If you already voted, uh... dunno if you can redo or not! Wait for fix next time if not :p


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Don't really care for the enchanting. I'm already thinking ahead. If we beat the mantis-bae, we could always mend her wounds and keep her as a mount.

... Right?

...yes...she'll be used for mounting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I too think we should go back and try to convince Sylvia. She might even be able to help out setting up the traps. That way we might also have time for the enchanting ritual. And if we don't/the ritual fails, we've still got a strong ally to help us out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I voted for recruiting our warrior-friend and for setting traps. I'm sure that Sylvia will be interested in some payback, and the traps could provide an advantage in the fight. Probably shouldn't risk doing more than that, so we don't get overwhelmed, but if that wasn't a danger I'd also suggest enchanting the staff. A free damage boost is always nice.


Jun 24, 2016
Multiple choice should be fixed now. If you already voted, uh... dunno if you can redo or not! Wait for fix next time if not :p

We can't. But it's okay. We'll just meme in the chat :^)

(On the plus side, comments can help us voice out what else we voted for.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
i have been against dealing with the harpies from day 1...but hey  if you wanna  stick with this good fucking luck, the mantis is probably going to bring friends along this time and this is going to suck for everyone involved

Actually in reality Mantis are solitary creatures, only when it's time to breed do they find a mate...and that involves a head getting eaten huh.., point is the chances of her having friends is low.


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
Actually in reality Mantis are solitary creatures, only when it's time to breed do they find a mate...and that involves a head getting eaten huh.., point is the chances of her having friends is low.

A female mantis rarely eats the head of her mate if they're in nature. It mostly happens in laboratory settings for some reason. I believe I remember reading something about it having to do with them being watched. Like it startles them and causes the head eating reaction or something.


Jun 24, 2016
i have been against dealing with the harpies from day 1...but hey  if you wanna  stick with this good fucking luck, the mantis is probably going to bring friends along this time and this is going to suck for everyone involved

This makes zero sense. This statement was dumb. Why would the mantis bring help? These aren't hive creatures. Come on. Harpies can be trusted once you have a Mantis under your control, the dick they all want, and the ownership of the land. Those bird bitches will be practically waiting on wing and foot to suck, fuck, and get bred by Remi. They're also perfect for empire building since they're scouts and can be used to airlift resources. Using/getting them to ally with Remi is like... nothing but beneficial so long as our submissive mander can make the queen fall into lovey-dovey love and be even more submissive (which I think is possible. I mean, why not? We summoned a crazy black-scale mander queen, right?)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Multiple choice isn't working. T~T

Voted for getting our indebted warrior-bae, but also vote we set up traps. Summoning a geist could be cool, but I think two options is more than enough since Remi and Slutvia got more than enough tricks up their sleeves if they employ just traps. Not to mention the summoning going afoul is far worse since it means it not only fills more time but we get screwed. The int-check is always worth for traps and at least our singing gal-pal won't cut our throats or rape us on a failed roll.

Don't really care for the enchanting. I'm already thinking ahead. If we beat the mantis-bae, we could always mend her wounds and keep her as a mount.

... Right?

Going for two things is probably correct, and I agree that a summoning is the highest risk choice for the lowest reward.  The lowest risk choices are obviously the traps and the ritual, as one has the highest chance of completing the check and the other has no check at all.  I'm actually against trying to convince Sylvia to try and help us, as she doesn't seem to like the harpies.  I would definitely let her know what we're planning on doing and ask if she wants to practice fighting with us when we go to fight the creature, but I'd otherwise not push the point.  There is a fair chance we would fail the check and right now we don't want to be hurting our rep with her since we can avoid rolls completely to convince her to do things.


Jun 24, 2016
Going for two things is probably correct, and I agree that a summoning is the highest risk choice for the lowest reward.  The lowest risk choices are obviously the traps and the ritual, as one has the highest chance of completing the check and the other has no check at all.  I'm actually against trying to convince Sylvia to try and help us, as she doesn't seem to like the harpies.  I would definitely let her know what we're planning on doing and ask if she wants to practice fighting with us when we go to fight the creature, but I'd otherwise not push the point.  There is a fair chance we would fail the check and right now we don't want to be hurting our rep with her since we can avoid rolls completely to convince her to do things.

Personally, I think we don't even need to mention the harpies as a reason for taking the mantis on. Remi could easily say "she has a grudge against me" to explain it off. I doubt we could really offend Sylvia as well. If we can tame/capture the mantis, that also nets someone who could help get us to her sister. I imagine that leverage alone could make her come help even if we sucked at Charisma. I do agree on the rest, however, and the only reason I opted against the ritual is that Remi isn't a spellblade. Her forte is with someone between her and the target, which means using Sylvia (if possible) will be more beneficial than simply enchanting our weapon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Personally, I think we don't even need to mention the harpies as a reason for taking the mantis on. Remi could easily say "she has a grudge against me" to explain it off. I doubt we could really offend Sylvia as well. If we can tame/capture the mantis, that also nets someone who could help get us to her sister. I imagine that leverage alone could make her come help even if we sucked at Charisma. I do agree on the rest, however, and the only reason I opted against the ritual is that Remi isn't a spellblade. Her forte is with someone between her and the target, which means using Sylvia (if possible) will be more beneficial than simply enchanting our weapon.

I suppose if we do end up going for the ritual and Sylvia that we should enchant Sylvia's weapon with power instead of Remi's.


Nov 13, 2015
My pick is letting Sylvia (the meatslab with an axe) come along or at least persuading her to come because it seems Remi is physically weak to count for stronk magic. Then be a proper hoonta and put traps around the Mantis's lair and smoke em out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hah so many want our party member help...well that quite normal since... she friggin party member after all right? I hope Remi will manage to vow...err convince amazon to help her on ganking poor mantis ^^
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