Savin's CYOA: Voting Mechanics Vote

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So basically, we've come to an interesting conclusion re: voting in the CYOA so far. When given the chance to vote on pre-fab options, the votes have gone dramatically in one direction, but all the comments in the post have gone another (or very nearly so). Effectively, the people who are putting in the extra time to discuss and deliver suggestions are getting negated by everyone else. 

Now, this isn't strictly a BAD thing, but it's not what I'd call ideal. I'm not going to stop putting up pre-made options on polls -- that's the difference between 30-50 people participating in each chapter and 10 -- but I'd also like the discussions in each post to be a little more impactful in regards to the course of events. Not so much as to overrule a landslide vote or anything, but maybe weight the discussion's upvotes into the poll vote? 

What I'm asking is this: is it fair, in your opinion, to use the upvote total on discussion comments (probably just the top response) as "bonus votes" on whichever course of action that post supports in the poll? 

On the one hand, that makes discussion more important and increases its weight in the direction of the game. On the other, this would possibly introduce a larger element of bias into the equation, or potentially allow for individuals to start having a much stronger control of the game than the current even distribution of power.


Jun 9, 2016
CANT WAIT TO SEE HOW THAT GOES WRONG!...but no promoting some discussion is probably going to be a good thing.BESIDES! not all opinions have the same values mine are clearly worth more!

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Votes should be weighted with higher post counts = more votes.

lol sorry


Jun 24, 2016
RPers would dominate then.

Yeah, those filthy RP sluts and their shit writing. Could you imagine them giving valuable input? Those filthy forum vets and creators, too. All of them are filthy plebs.


But yeah, how it's presented makes sense. Upvoted comments shouldn't outweight a landslide poll, obviously, but I remember there's been 2 or 3 polls that were close that went different based on a vote or two, despite the voiced comments and upvoted ones indicating the other as the more liked option with reason an invested people. Staunch believer that if there's 30 votes for something but only 2 guys actually comment (even if it's like "lel, bro get fuk'd"), then something ain't sitting right. This shit is some hot shit that deserves a comment if you wanna vote on these awesome (and sometimes important) polls.


Active Member
Jul 11, 2016
It sounds like a good idea Savin with some checks and balances in place. If a group or person starts dominating the votes and pushing out other paths from coming about maybe have it so they lose voting power or something. Or always keep your power of author veto. Only reason i can see for someone to need to steap in is to let all groups have a chance if someone makes a monopoly which i can think of a few ways to do possibly, not gona post if it is possible but always up for sending pm. (I did this with Gedan when highlighting some of the patroen intergration bugs i found that would of hurt staff if spread about)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Votes should be weighted with higher post counts = more votes.

lol sorry

En why you putting me in the worst possible spot?
But given your speed you may soon get there too :p

On discussion abut votes: Well I think in case when already many votes was iven people from lazyness could jsut check results and then put vote where there is most of them. I not sure if it possible to hide option "see results" so until each person vote won;t know which option lead. And I do thoguht that best answer from disscusion already meaned something. Oh well I was wrong so all those people that have best answer posts not added anything to story *sad face*

So my thoughts would be to agree with Savin on more value put on disscusion and it outcome (thou I sometimes see here also posting jsut to make talk between people but somehow it's still restrained compared to other threads...maybe Savin more than usual guarding gaze ake the behave more xD ) plus somehow till person vote to not see how come went so far voting. If it possible at all on this forum to lock seeing results before voting by user...

@Savin Pool here was about old or new one voting system? If about new one then I picked wrong answer since it was suppose to be vote to agree with your proposed changes -_-'
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
There's also the fact that we mostly conform to certain psychological ways of thinking, like the bandwagon effect. If someone is only mildly interested in the adventure they'll most likely click show results and go with whatever has the highest amount votes. Now I'm not saying their votes are worthless, it's just if there's a debate and one side makes a speech while the other just says a word before walking out the door. I think more stock should be put in the ones who show more effort and interest. Still if it doesn't workout Savin can always go back, I'd like to think we're all reasonable pervs here. :D


Jun 24, 2016
There's also the fact that we mostly conform to certain psychological ways of thinking, like the bandwagon effect. If someone is only mildly interested in the adventure they'll most likely click show results and go with whatever has the highest amount votes. Now I'm not saying their votes are worthless, it's just if there's a debate and one side makes a speech while the other just says a word before walking out the door. I think more stock should be put in the ones who show more effort and interest. Still if it doesn't workout Savin can always go back, I'd like to think we're all reasonable pervs here. :D

This is sorta what I was hinting at before as what's currently happening. I truly think some people just wanna vote to get us to smut so they can fap (not that that's bad), rather than make a smart or thought-out decision. I'd rather those votes be somewhat scrutinized compared to the large amount of people who are thinking and actually want the CYOA to be interesting, leading them to at least comment. Out of like 30-50 votes normally, we get like... 10 people who take the time to comment (even if it's shitposting sometime).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well voting for some option that have already many votes can be also called lemmings syndrome as when some see many people picking one option no matter what was it option they click it too just like lemmings will follow other lemmings even down the clif xD

About shitposting...well it happens in almsot each thread so not big deal here...thou I had impression that certain posters are more skilled in causing further shitposting in CYOA threads -_-'

Anyway seeing pool result I feel it would be good changes (even if I'm 110% sure some unpleasant things may still happen form time to time).

Voting "Fair" agrees with proposed new system.

Ok then in the end I mess up and picked wrong vote option :/ My vote was ofc for Fair option not with NotFair.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
I believe it is unfair in that it allows for one option to potentially double the number of votes it receives.

However, I believe it is fair in that the top voted option could also potentially receive that double bonus.

I do not think whether or not it is fair is really the question we should be asking. I believe we should ask whether or not we think it should be applied. As I'm only turned off by the things this site disallows and I guess also goo-people(And similar non-goo people who seem goo-like) I can't say that I would prefer it either way, so I would swing with the Majority when it has been decided.

I just really want to see a CYOA Section. Maybe one that's only for the CYOAs that get off the ground though. I don't want to see 100 of them that are only one post long.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I believe it is unfair in that it allows for one option to potentially double the number of votes it receives.

However, I believe it is fair in that the top voted option could also potentially receive that double bonus.

I do not think whether or not it is fair is really the question we should be asking. I believe we should ask whether or not we think it should be applied. As I'm only turned off by the things this site disallows and I guess also goo-people(And similar non-goo people who seem goo-like) I can't say that I would prefer it either way, so I would swing with the Majority when it has been decided.

I just really want to see a CYOA Section. Maybe one that's only for the CYOAs that get off the ground though. I don't want to see 100 of them that are only one post long.

Honestly I just want to avoid a bad end which I got the feeling a lot of people were trying to get, at the very least they wanted to see smut right then and there. It's the people who commented that are treating this like an actual game. Course I could be wrong I did vote for summoning the queen thinking "go big or go home" not looking for smut just weighed the risks and thought it was worth it.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
Honestly I just want to avoid a bad end which I got the feeling a lot of people were trying to get, at the very least they wanted to see smut right then and there. It's the people who commented that are treating this like an actual game. Course I could be wrong I did vote for summoning the queen thinking "go big or go home" not looking for smut just weighed the risks and thought it was worth it.

I am personally filled with Manderlust and want to see as much smut as possible. To that end I do my best to choose the choices that will lead to said smut; But only if they are potentially safe.

However, As a roleplayer myself, I must say that if you aren't stealing from the Dragon, or trying to pretend to be the king, or attempting to wield the sword that you know is cursed, or pushing the big red button...

Then you aren't doing it right.

You only get maximum pleasure when you're balls deep.

I assume, I do not actually know, it's just a phrase I've heard used in one such an occasion as this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There's also the fact that we mostly conform to certain psychological ways of thinking, like the bandwagon effect. If someone is only mildly interested in the adventure they'll most likely click show results and go with whatever has the highest amount votes. Now I'm not saying their votes are worthless, it's just if there's a debate and one side makes a speech while the other just says a word before walking out the door. I think more stock should be put in the ones who show more effort and interest. Still if it doesn't workout Savin can always go back, I'd like to think we're all reasonable pervs here. :D

I shared most of my thoughts on the CYOA post, but I think it's worth mentioning here that the poll vote and the comment vote are fundamentally different votes.  Since you can vote for all comments except your own, but you can only vote for a poll option once.  Also, the poll options can be voted for at any time, comments can only be voted for once they're posted.  So if you have a large chunk of people who only visit the CYOA pages once, there will always be a bunch of them that will be able to vote on a poll option, but not on a comment.  So one should always expect the poll to have more votes than comments, with comments posted especially late having far fewer votes than they otherwise might.

Also don't forget that bandwagoning also applies to the comment votes.  Once one comment has received a critical mass of votes, it will start getting a lot more.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
How about not allowing people with less than 10 posts to vote?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
How about not allowing people with less than 10 posts to vote?

Well I think 10 posts could be still far too easy. I not think it would be hard to jsut make someties whern I back after work after checking only adult game section I can easy reply to most of threads there and that like around 10-15 threads with new replies since my last visit. If you woudl want to make it some post count barrier then maybe 50. That way or some will risk and after making account try shitpost anywhere it can or can't to get those 50 posts risking someone will report this person and mod band him/her...or well spend few days to post normaly and then start voting.

@Savin Is it even possible to make voting unaccesable for peole with less than X posts count? You as one of the bosses here should see all possible to set up forum options thus knowing the answer for that ^^
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
@Savin Is it even possible to make voting unaccesable for peole with less than X posts count? You as one of the bosses here should see all possible to set up forum options thus knowing the answer for that ^^

I don't *think* so, no. I can keep you from POSTING below a certain postcount, but there doesn't appear to be an option for vote restrictions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I don't *think* so, no. I can keep you from POSTING below a certain postcount, but there doesn't appear to be an option for vote restrictions.

Oh ok I see so votes restriction is out of question as noobsaleh was proposing it. And about this post restrictions... well maybe it could be eventualy usead as an option to make sure noone would try make new account(s) to just add new vote(s). I trust that noone trying so far such an unfair things for your CYOA threads ^^


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh ok I see so votes restriction is out of question as noobsaleh was proposing it. And about this post restrictions... well maybe it could be eventualy usead as an option to make sure noone would try make new account(s) to just add new vote(s). I trust that noone trying so far such an unfair things for your CYOA threads ^^

Even if they did, I can see who voted for what -- it's largely the same group of 30-40ish people per post. That's one of the reasons I want to keep the poll as the primary means of path-determination: it is ultimately the same core group of players, even if most of them don't say anything.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nonsense; it's easy. Under AdminCP go to this subforum and set read-only permissions for anyone with less than 10 posts.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Even if they did, I can see who voted for what -- it's largely the same group of 30-40ish people per post. That's one of the reasons I want to keep the poll as the primary means of path-determination: it is ultimately the same core group of players, even if most of them don't say anything.

Well damn I was spotted than as part of this 30-40ish people group (not like I with 99% acurracy could name at least half of them). Well but isn't it a fact that most if not all of post in each thread is made by the people from this group? :D


Jun 24, 2016
Read-only should hinder their ability to vote, yeah. Probably =3=


Oct 26, 2015
Are voting restrictions seriously being considered? What's the point in having a poll at all if you're just going to try and lock out people that disagree with the outspoken ones?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think at this point the result is rather obvious.  Savin, are you going to resume the CYOA now?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I think at this point the result is rather obvious.  Savin, are you going to resume the CYOA now?

I didn't ever really put it on hold per se, I'm just extremely sick right now. Having something to occupy chat was super convenient, though :V

But yeah, soon as I can.
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