Savin's CYOA: 012

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015

<<Dexterity Check: Success (10 vs. 15)!>>

But, it's worth a shot. Taking a breath to steady yourself, you start clambering over and through the ruins of the tower. Most of the rocks here have been untouched for an age, and thankfully, aren't easy to shake loose, and the piles themselves are surprisingly solid. The climb is quiet and easy, moreso than you'd expected, giving you the opportunity to listen in on the singing voice a little closer as you draw ever nearer.

The words are foreign, a language you don't know yourself, but they carry a melody that speaks of sorrow. Almost like a dirge.

You slow your pace to a veritable crawl as you crest the last mound of shattered stone, advancing just enough to peek your head up over the top. The castle courtyard is wide open and overgrown with grass peeking up between the cobblestones, and thick vines growing wild on the inner walls. Looks more like a garden than a fortress now; the only exception being the sturdy keep still standing, all the way across the yard from where you're sitting. What's left of a well marks the halfway point, and some distance along the north wall are a handful of small buildings, mostly collapsed save for one that looks like it might have been a stable once upon a time. The doors to both structures are closed, solid oak that have endured the years of abandonment.

But your attention is quickly recaptured by the minstrel sitting at the base of the tower. Except she's not like any bard you've ever heard of: she's a big woman, built hardier than even you are, dressed in fur-lined leathers and rough mail that's seen more than its share of savage blows. A braid of blood-red hair falls around one of her shoulders, and her face is painted over with a green stripe across her eyes, and claw-like marks of blue down her cheeks. 

Her back is to a standing bit of wall, legs folded underneath her. Her gallichon rests on her knees, and a oilcloth is rolled out in front of her, playing home to a poleaxe nearly as large as its owner is tall. The woman's song might be beautiful, but her arms and armor make her out to be anything but a soft-hearted troubadour, and you get the feeling she's waiting for something... every muscle seems tensed, ready to spring to action in the blink of an eye. 

It doesn't seem she's noticed you yet, and you're not sure what would happen if she did...

(( There's a lot of possibilities here, so I'm going to leave this passage open-ended. Post below & upvote as to what Remi should do! I'll be AFK most of today, so you've got plenty of time to discuss! ))

Name: Remielle Syrililth
Race: Salamander
Sex: Hermaphrodite
Figure: Amazonian
Class: Mage
Stats: STR (10) CON (16) DEX (14) INT (15) WIS (8) CHA (12)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A Valkyrie, barbarian, or druid?  I'd actually guessed it was a ghost or something mourning the dead of the castle.  At best she is an adventurer like Remi is, and a potential ally.  However, it does look like she is performing a ritual of some kind and interrupting such a thing should not be done lightly.

Given that we still know very little, I think we should leave her for now and continue with the original plan to sneak to the partially collapsed tower.


Jun 24, 2016
Let's study the bae. Maybe we find a way to ambush/approach her. Potential Companion/Party sloots are always worth the risk.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
A new potential party member perhaps? Given the nature of her tune she may be singing a song of passing or mourning. Let her finish her song before approaching her with hands away from her weaponry, letting her know that you are not hostile.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A new potential party member perhaps? Given the nature of her tune she may be singing a song of passing or mourning. Let her finish her song before approaching her with hands away from her weaponry, letting her know that you are not hostile.

This character does feel like one of those that is just stuck in the dungeon solely as a possible ally.  A front liner is something that we could use, but maybe I'm selfish in saying that I'd prefer to figure out our options first before actually recruiting anyone.  I kind of want to start with a harpy as a rogue/scout style character first, given the choice between these two.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Try and seduce her.  Whats the worst thing that can happen? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Honestly she sounds exactly the hellion from darkest dungeon


As for path of action? Sticking around a little longer probably wouldn't hurt might even learn more about her.
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Aug 26, 2015
be open, Introduce yourself to the singer, say that you mean no harm to her and that you're curious as to why she is here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
A Valkyrie, barbarian, or druid?  I'd actually guessed it was a ghost or something mourning the dead of the castle.  At best she is an adventurer like Remi is, and a potential ally.  However, it does look like she is performing a ritual of some kind and interrupting such a thing should not be done lightly.

Given that we still know very little, I think we should leave her for now and continue with the original plan to sneak to the partially collapsed tower.

I agree with that option with one small caveat: before scampering, I suggest trying to roll against our Knowledge skills and see if we can come up with anything regarding this woman's origin, or, more importantly, about the ritual we suspect she may be performing/any sort of spellsinging tradition.

Speaking of which:

Kill her and eat her lungs. Having absorbed her talent for music, defeat the Hobgoblin invasion with the power of rock.

Jonathan Thomas Meriweather is dissapoint, dood. That's not how you use the power of rock to defeat unrealistically massive Evil Empire of Doom.

Damn kids and their black metal.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Try and seduce her.  Whats the worst thing that can happen? 

Somehow that last part with question reminfs me another exampple in: 100 (or 1000 or any other numebr) ways to die in D&D xD

At least we not have here drow female as it would be most hilarious way of die with her presence :D

Anyway I would probably also as many others try to befriend her like. LesBe friends ;)
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