The trials of Toni Steele. (For MissBlackThorne)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The hull of the Casstech Z14 rattled as it was jettisoned from the warp tunnel. The rattling faded to a dull hum as the sublight engines came on and the ship began cruising towards it's destination, Tavros Station. At the helm was a young human woman of average height and athletic build, the heir of the late Victor Steele. After having acquired the second of her fathers hidden data probes, she found herself with a tidy sum of twenty thousand credits, and a head start on her asinine cosine. Hoping to put both to good use, a trip back to Tavros seemed in order, where she could restock, relax, and recover from her ordeals on the planet Tarkus. Little did she know that her true trials were still ahead of her.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Toni Steele smiled as she flicked through her codex. The little datapad had been ever so handy since she started this journey. She relaxed to the hum of the ship,  twirling a strand of her black hair around a finger absentmindedly.  As the ship came up to the docking bay she turned her attention to the console, ensuring she'd dock correctly and not miss any notifications of importance. The ship rumbled to a halt and the onboard pressure shifted, signaling she could leave her seat.  Stretching as she stood, Toni picked up her gear, confidently slinging her leithian compound bow onto her back and sheathing her shock blade at her waist.  

Toni's journey to the doors was simple enough, a quick wave to her companion, Reaha as she passed. A smile graced her soft feminine face as she saw her resident milk slut, her strawberry blonde hair easily tickling those milky nubs that were her nipples. She was glad she had purchased the cowgirl, she could be good conversation and  was wonderful to cuddle up to and suckle from. Plus, she couldn't just leave the poor girl at Beth's. Whoring was fine, she did it herself there, but indentured servitude, hopped up on aphrodisiac....all milky and sexy...gosh it was hot....No, that didn't matter, it wasn't right. 

Toni stepped out of the ship and onto the docking bay deck of Tavros, the stations natural hustle and bustle filling her senses.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Toni walked, an odd sensation ran up her body from her toes to her neck, as if her clothing were rippling. She recognized it as the tell-tale sign that her other traveling companion was excited. A moment later, a piece of the dull grey body suite she was wearing split from her shoulder and slithered up the side of her head to form an earpiece, through which she heard the familiar voice of Nova.

"Wow! This is Tavros Station? It so big. So many people. Where are we going? Who's that?

As the active grey goo rattled off an endless string of questions, Toni could feel her suit tighten around her body As Nova became more and more excited. She also noticed a few odd looks coming from the nearby mechanics as her clothing seemed to be changing sizes.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Toni squirmed in response to the over excited goo, blushing as she felt her clothing tighten around her frame. 

''Whoa...easy Nova, i'm in here remember?'' she said as she smiled a little at the gray goo's antics. ''We can explore and meet people later I promise.'' Toni looked about herself and tried to plan in case Nova's excitement created a full wardrobe mishap. Her eyes landed on Vahn and she smirked a little. Perfect, if something goes wrong I can ask him for his jumpsuit or something.....maybe something fun that's hiding in there too. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Nova managed to calm herself, returning to snug but relaxed fit. As Toni readjusted her suite, another familiar voice called out.

"Captain Steele, welcome back." Vahn made his way over with his ever-present smile on full display. "What brings you by today?" he asked. 


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Toni smiled as she got the over active goo to relax a bit. 

''Heh, thanks. Well, could use a good servicing after that trip.'' she said, knowing full well of her double entendre. '' Tarkus sure was rough.'' She carefully thought of how her time had been there, a smile gracing her lips as she recalled making that dzann alpha lick her til the poor thing was blowing her load in the zero gravity atmosphere while her face was shining with girl cum. Damn riding that one's face was good. 

''Anything new since i last touched base?''


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Eh, same old, same old, as far as Tavros is concerned. Although, you might be interested in this," said Vahn, pulling out a data pad and sending a file to Toni's codex. "Apparently, one of Steeletech's cargo ships went missing a little while ago."

Pulling up the file, Toni found it to be a company wide message that had been sent to all employees. "Attention, all Steeletech members and staff, at oh eight hundred yesterday the Steeletech cargo hauler, Atlas, fell out of communication. Her last known coordinates two seven two nine three five in sector three of the new space quadrant. Authorities have been notified, however as per regulations a full forty eight terran standard hours must pass before an official investigation can be launched. If anyone has information regarding this incident, please contact your local Steeletech office immediately. Thank you, and have a nice day."

"Kinda spooky, huh, a ship just falling off the grid like that?" Vahn commented. "And not far off from that new planet Myrellion to." 


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Toni's eyes lit up as she went over the announcement. '' Hmm,  seem's my time here is gonna be shorter than i expected.'' Toni said as she typed the co-ordinates into the codex for later use. '' A smaller ship and i wouldn't have been curious, but  a cargo hauler like that? Seems awful convenient and awful like a lot of money down the drain for the company.'' Toni pulled Vahn into a tight hug and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

''Thanks hun, seems like you found me an adventure. '' Toni took a moment to try and recall what she wanted to do while on the station, but the excitement of a mystery to solve, and her own style of tough justice to be applied to, it was just so enticing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
A quick refueling and diagnostics check later, and the old Casstech Z14 was enroute to the last know coordinates of the missing cargo hauler. Even at light speed it took longer than Toni had expected to reach the place. 'Not far off' could still be quite a distance by galactic standards. Still, before long, the light drive slowly came down and the ship dropped back into normal space.

The area Toni found herself in could charitably be described as spacious, and uncharitably as the middle of nowhere; an empty pocket of space between any major celestial bodies. However, while scanners showed no signs of a battle, they did detect a faint ion trail leading from the sight to a nearby solar system. Form the look of things, the Atlas had dropped out of light speed and them kept going at sublight.

AS Toni examined the scene, a groggy yawn caught her attention. Standing behind her, in not but a cow print bikini, was her sole crewmember, Reaha. "What's going on, boss, I thought we were heading for Tavros. I was looking forward to doing a little shopping."


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
As Toni sat at the helm, she wondered what could have happened. Were they simply boarded and hostage? Did someone defect in some way to one of the pirate groups in the galaxies? The fact it was the middle of no where and there was little to go on felt suspicious. She jumped a little as Reaha joined her.

''Oh, morning. We had a slight change of plans. A cargo hauler's gone missing and I wanna check it out. Though now I look, it seems more and more strange. '' she said trailing off as she furrowed her brow in a cute pout. She then pulled her bovine companion onto her lap by her hips, reveling in the plushness of her frame. '' I can make it up to you though. After all, the ship can be set to follow the trail, and I am rather thirsty....'' she smirked as she rested her head on one of the redheads massive mammaries.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, what a coincidence, I was just about to ask if you were interested in helping me with my morning milking." Reaha rached up and unclasped her top, the small garment flying across the cockpit as her breasts burst free with a giggle. As Toni watched, small beads of milk were already forming on Reaha's nipples, the cow-girl giving her chest a quick shake to set her bountiful udders swaying in front of her face. "Well? They're not going to suck themselves," said Reaha, playfully.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Toni giggled at the horny cow-girl, one hand slipping under the weight of a breast and squeezing the soft flesh. She then leaned forward, capturing the rosy pink nipple of the other breast in her mouth. Her tongue rolled over the nub, lapping the beads of milk up as she began to lightly suck. Her black hair framed her face as she looked up at the gorgeous red head, a cute but hungry look in her eyes. 

The breast in her hand was warm and heavy, every squeeze and grope showing the pressure within those milky globes.  As Toni hungrily suckled, she occasionally nipped and pulled at the nipple trapped in her mouth, pinching the other. Her free hand came to rest on Reaha's full rump, her thumb rubbing in small circles near her tail.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, that's nice," cooed Reaha. Nobody at Beth's had ever been as tender with her as Toni was, and the gentle ministrations were quickly heating her up. "Mmm, wish I'd brought my strap-on with me. I could use a good ride right about now."

"I can help with that." Toni and Reaha both jumped at the sudden voice, as Nova reminded them that they weren't actually alone. "Just hold still a second." For a moment, nothing seemed to happen. Then Toni felt something pressing against the folds of her pussy. Gasping at the sudden intrusion, she lost her grip on Reaha's nipple as a large grey phallus slowly slipped inside her. "Alright, now that we're properly anchored, it's time for Reaha's," Nova chirped. Toni could feel the body-suit getting thinner, turning into more of a body-stocking, as masses of grey goo flowed off her limbs and down to her crotch. As the goo piled up on itself, it quickly took the unmistakable shape of a human penis, six inches long, complete with a tiny set of balls.

Reaha leaped out of Toni's lap with a startled cry when she felt something poking between her legs. Upon seeing what had grown between her employer/owner/lover's legs, her trepidation was replaced with curiosity. Bending down to get a closer look at the synthetic member, and give Toni a perfect view of her swaying tits, Reaha slowly reached out and poked the tip with her finger. "Wow, Toni, I keep forgetting how versatile your new outfit is."

"Do you like it?" asked Nova.

Reaha smiled as the grey member bobbed excitedly. It's adorable, hun, but is there any chance we can make it a little bit bigger?"

"Sure," replied Nova, as the grey dick began to swell, stopping at seven inches.

"Uh, just a bit bigger?" Reaha asked.

"Okay..." Nova swelled her phallus up to eight inches.


Nine inches.


Ten inches.

'What am I, a virgin? Give me a real cock!" blurted Reaha.

"Sheesh, has this girl got a cargo hold between her legs, or what?" Nova whispered to Toni by way of her earpiece. Before Toni could answer, she felt her suit getting even lighter as more goo began making it's way toward her nethers, until what was left was almost transparent. Meanwhile, the grey phallus surged larger as more and more goo was forced into it, putting serious pressure on it's smaller counterpart still tucked inside her, until it finally stopped at a towering fifteen inches in length.

"Now that's more like it," declared Reaha, liking her lips. Standing up, she turned and leaned over the control console, planting her hands on it and spreading her legs to reveal her dripping pussy. Glancing back at Toni, she offered a wink. "Come on, boss, fly me to the moon."  


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Toni was exceptionally glad she had picked up her new favorite outfit. Damn this bubbly ditz of a goo was a genius when it came to sex. The feeling of the smaller end of the Nova strap-on in her cunt was great, the goo solid enough to feel like she was really fucking but malleable to be able to rub against every part of her inner cunt.  Toni would have laughed at Nova's comment but by this point she was trying her best not to orgasm. The feeling of all that surging goo as well as watching the phallus swell was delicious.

Toni smirked as she enjoyed the remnants of the suit enveloping her with a gentle pressure. It felt like she was being held in the snuggest of ways but also rubbed her nipples with every movement, the crushing tightness on her breasts deliciously perverse, like wearing an old school swimsuit. She planted her hands on the wide hips of her cow slut and squeezed gently. 

''Babe, the moon's no where near as high as i'm gonna take you.''  Toni said as she roughly thrust into the girls dripping pussy. She could feel the heat coming from Reaha's slick cunt, both ends in the girls deep.  Toni groped Reaha's ass, letting the jiggly ass flesh envelope her fingertips as she slowly pulled out. As she snapped her hips forward she let her hand fly through the air in a loud smack to the cow girls ass. The resounding crack and jiggle was brilliant.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Reaha was squealing in no time under Toni's assault, each slap of her giggling ass causing her pussy to clench tight as the massive grey cock was thrust into her. "Harder, HARDER!" she screamed.

Toni was all too eager to oblige, pistoning forward as fast as she could, and bringing her hands down on both of Reaha's hind cheeks so hard they were starting to turn red. "God, Reaha, you're so needy."

As Toni brutalized her lovers rear, Nova whispered into her ear. "You know, she's going to cum way faster than you at this rate. Let me help with that." Before Toni could ask what she meant, the entire double dildo began to vibrate furiously. Both girls screamed anew as the pleasing tremors ran up their spines.

"Too much, TOO MUCH!" Reaha screamed as her orgasm rolled through her, the walls of her pussy clamped down tight as she came, which only encouraged Nova to buzz even harder, pushing the feeling to it's absolute maximum and eliciting one final sheik from Reaha. Meanwhile, lightning ran up and down Toni as her orgasm hit. Digging her nails into Reaha's ass, she held on for dear life as the pleasure blasted through her, enhanced by the buzzing goo inside her. 

As their orgasms finally subsided, Toni fell back into the pilot's seat; the long grey phallus sliding out of Reaha with a wet slurp. She sat there for a moment admiring her work. Reaha was still leaning against the controle console, her legs were trembling, her ass was red as a cherry, and what few juices Nova hadn't absorbed were running down her inner thighs. All told, it looked like a job well done, and she smiled at her handy work.

"Boss," Reaha gasped. "Don't ever get rid of that thing." Reaha fell backwards into Toni's lap, and wrapped her arms around her.

The two sat in pleasing afterglow for a moment before Nova piped up. "So, who's up for round two?"

The two women let out exasperated groans, as the giant phallus began to gently buzz between them again. Before she could answer, a flashing light on the console caught Toni's attention. The scanners indicated that they were approaching a stationary ship running on minimal power. "Sorry, Nova, I'm afraid round two will have to wait. I do believe We've found our missing cargo ship," declared Toni.

As the Z-14 settled into orbit around the outermost planet of the solar system, a tell tale metallic glimmer could be seen in the distance. Hitting the thrusters to accelerate their spin, they quickly closed the distance with the other ship, and the Atlas came into clear view. The Atlas could be described in three words 'big and ugly'. The ship resembled nothing so much as a quarter-mile long sipping container with some thrusters tacked onto one end, and a cockpit tacked onto the other, with a few blasters on it's sides to deter pirates. The ship had apparently gone quiet.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
While the afterglow was still wreaking havoc on her mind and the feel of Nova reshaping was more than enough to trigger a mini climax on its own. As she caught her breath she looked over the ship appraisingly. Ugly, but functional, there didn't seem to be any signs of blaster fire she could see. As she picked up her gear and got ready to head out she admired Reaha's backside, the sight of the cherry red skin that gave off the coziest amount of heat making her flush with pride. She planted a quick kiss on the couw-girl's forehead as she sent out a radio frequency to try and contact the ship. 

''Anyone there? Are you alright?'' she said, preparing herself for the worst. If there was no answer she would head into the other ship, but she wanted to be certain there wouldn't be too many surprises for her, after all she didn't even know what their cargo was.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Cold, hard, static was the only response that Toni received from the Atlas.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
With a sigh Toni flicked off the radio transmitter and set the ship to dock with the cargo hauler. The Atlas dwarfed the Casstech, but she hoped to use this to her advantage.  After all, raiders and pirates can't attack what they cant see. She doubled checker her gear as she felt the shudder and clang of her ship docking with the atlas before heading on out, hoping the ships interior would be less ominously silent.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Toni stepped into the airlock of the Atlas, Reaha piped up, "I'll keep the engines warm, Toni, if things go tits up we'll at least be able to make a quick getaway."

Toni gave her friend a thumbs up as the outer door of the Atlas's airlock closed between them. As she waited for the inner door to open, military training began to kick in, and she took a low crouch by one of the walls, presenting as small a target profile as possible. When the doors opened, however, only deafening silence greeted her. Moving into the suiting chamber, she was thankful that the lights still seemed to be working. Taking a moment to activate a nearby wall terminal, and pulling up a floorplan of the ship, she found that she had quite a walk ahead of her. Despite docking at the foremost airlock, Toni still had to make her way up two decks, through maintenance and the crew quarters, to reach the bridge.

[Alright, here's where the actual mechanics of the game might come into play. If you want to make any die rolls, or OOC comments, just put them in brackets like this.] 


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
[sorry for my absence. RL health stuff took a turn]

With a slight grunt of annoyance, Toni began to follow the nearest hallway.  As she walked she held her shock blade, ready to 'hack' her way through any tech that held her back. As she carefully moved through the ship she was perplexed by the ships well kept interior still being fully functional.  If there had been any kind of attack, surely there'd be evidence of the struggle somewhere, right? 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Making her way up the levels of the ship, the increasing sense of unease kept Toni on edge. Eventually, she found herself in front of the door to the cockpit. Steeling herself for what might be on the other side, she pushed the entry button and the door slid to the side with a soft whoosh. The gunnery and communication stations to her right and left were empty. However, two limp humanoid figures dressed in Steeletech fight suits were slumped down in the pilot and co-pilot seats.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
While the empty stations were more than enough to make Toni nervous, grip tightening on her blade as she attempted to stay calm and move slowly, surveying the surroundings as best she could. She slowly reached out a hand to place it on the shoulder of one of the limp figures. ''H-hello?'' she called out, somewhat quietly. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The body slumped forward onto the control console. Toni leaped back, pointing her sword at the limp form, only to pause when she noticed the gleam of metal on the face. Reaching forward and pulling of the figure's hat, she found it to be a deactivated service droid. A glance at her side revealed the other body to be the same thing. As questions filled her head, a small flashing light on the holodisplay caught her attention; probably activated when the robot's head hit the controls. After a moment the display suddenly lit up, revealing an all too familiar person. Toni's stomach turned as a tiny holographic image of a smiling Jack Steele sprang into being.

"Ah, good day. Toni, if you're watching this then I can only assume you got the message that has been circulated through Steeletech, and have rushed off to help save some of the family assets, just like I thought you would. Well, rest assured nothing of any real value has been risked in this little game I've set up for you. I do hope you enjoy it, I had to pull quite a few strings to make it happen. And, unless I miss my guess, you're playmates should be showing up right... about... Now."

A sudden tremor tore through the Atlas, almost knocking Toni off her feet. As she steadied herself, Reaha's voice suddenly blared into her compeice. "Boss, something just dropped out of light speed right on top of us. Something big!"

Toni looked up just in time to be cast in shadow as another ship loomed into view. It was almost five times the size of the Atlas, and clearly a vessel made for war, the multiple gun batteries made that clear, probably ausarian in make, though she didn't recognize the model. She did, however, recognize the symbol plastered on the side of the ship... The Black Void.

Reaha's voice suddenly cried out, "Toni, they've got me in a tractor-beam!"

Another tremor ran through the Atlas as the Casstech was torn away from it.