Fat moving TF


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
So today I had the idea of a tf-item that lets you move bodyfat. While checking the wiki (and code) for max numbers (for thickness, butt and boobs), I realized that there currently is no way to permanently increase the belly value. Is permanently increasing the base value for the belly an option or is it not possible and for what reason (code- or lorewise)?

What exactly I plan to write is an item that lets you choose where to decrease a value by 1 to 3 points and where to increase a value by 1 to 3 points (both randomly). Available would be thickness, butt and boobs. This would of course only work until the minimun or maximum is reached, and it would not work for goos cause they can adjust these parameters anyway and in my headcanon they store fat differently than other races. If any creator would like to point out that his or her race also stores fat differently, I'd also appreciate that. The item would come in the form of a medipen with two adjustable dials (to set the giver and receiver), filled with nanobots or microsurgeons (ARE microsurgeons nanobots?). Possible producer would be Xenogen, since yeah they do the gold myr stuff and I have this unreturned? love for Dr Haswell (don't judge me based on just this please).

EDIT: I also don't have a fitting name, yet. "Fat  Mover" has a nice ring to it, but it is not very creative or even clever. Also tell me if you like or don't like this idea, every comment is appreciated.

Also plan to write an overdose effect, that makes you lose tone and intelligence. Simply because there currently is no way (outside of the myrellion bath) to reduce tone without any other tf (or it requires a lot of save-scumming).

New EDIT (24 of August): I did a sketch of the medipen a while ago and thought I should share it here.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Currently, the combination of generaly high Thickness stat and low Tone is what gets you a chubby character. AFAIK the belly size modifier is reserved exclusively for pregnancies and its high value won't give you something like a beer belly description, for example.

Aside from that, a TF that'll allow players to convert thickness to butt/hip/breast size and back sounds like a lovely idea.

If you don't mind it being unavailable early on, you can put in on/pozt Myrellion and make it based on Honeypot gene. Another suggestion I have is to make the transformation gradual: PC will calibrate and take the pill or w/e and get a status effect running for a while, that will prick every X amount of time, shifting the fat.

Sadly, my mind also draws blanks when it comes to possible item name ideas.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
If you don't mind it being unavailable early on, you can put in on/pozt Myrellion and make it based on Honeypot gene.

I am not too fond of the gold myr and myrellion in general. Also I do not get what you mean by honeypot gene. I thought honeypot was the mhen'ga transformative that turns girlcum into honey.

EDIT: Gradual transformation sounds great. Thanks for your feedback.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I am not too fond of the gold myr and myrellion in general. Also I do not get what you mean by honeypot gene. I thought honeypot was the mhen'ga transformative that turns girlcum into honey.

EDIT: Gradual transformation sounds great. Thanks for your feedback.

Xenogen aren't amazingly creative in their marketing, it seems.  :smugdog:

I was talking about the perk you can get from Gold Myr TF item.


It seems like it the most logical, cheap and easy way to be set as a background for an organic mass shifting transformative. However, if you really don't want to get Goldies involved, you can always say that it's just the next logical step from any of the targeted growth mods.

And no problem.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
It seems like it the most logical, cheap and easy way to be set as a background for an organic mass shifting transformative.

That makes perfect sense. Never paid any attention to that perk for reasons already mentioned.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Wifey kicked me out today. Says she can't take it anymore, something I can understand and accept, so that's rough but somewhat fine, I guess. Gotta sort my life now, find a place to live and so on, so I don't know when I can work on this.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Wifey kicked me out today. Says she can't take it anymore, something I can understand and accept, so that's rough but somewhat fine, I guess. Gotta sort my life now, find a place to live and so on, so I don't know when I can work on this.

Best of luck to you, dude. Every time a person that isn't a certified attention whore brings up RL problems on a forum, you know it's pretty bad. Hopefully, sorting this out won't take forever.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Thanks, that was pretty much comfort actually. I won't go into detail but I had a talk with my wife and we reached some sort of compromise, that buys me some more time to look for some place to live. Cause that ain't easy where I live and even harder where I work.

EDIT: Considering attention whoredom, I guess we're all not as bad as Teddy Roosevelt. I mean his daughter once remarked: "When Theodore attends a wedding, he wants to be the bride, and when he attends a funeral, he wants to be the corpse." Although being a zombie in a wedding dress is appealing...
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