Savin's CYOA (Pre-Game 2: World and Scenario)

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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
We did it, Fennit!  :jizz:

After over a hundred people voted (holy shit lol), the winning character combination is: Futa Salamander Sorceress named Remielle Syrililth -- Remi for short. Spellblade was very close seconds in terms of class, so I'll probably be incorporating some of that into the character, too. Mayhaps a Staff of Parlathan-type spear-staff or a CoC runic spellblade is in our future.

So now that we know our heroine, let's talk a little about her role in the world. In Eona, salamanders are a rare breed indeed, made wanderers and vagabonds by the Hobgoblin Empire. The same empire has long since conquered most of the world, enslaving and destroying as they go. Your tribe, like many others, refused to bend the knee to the empire, and was all but wiped out in return. You escaped the slaughter in the confusion, thanks in large part to your fledgling mastery of the arcane, but to the extent of your knowledge, you were the only salamander to make it out both alive and unchained.

Our story takes place on the borderlands, nestled between the southern reaches of the empire and the last handful of provinces and city-states that have resisted its advances. An area dominated by craggy mountains and low footills, dotted with the ruins of countless kingdoms that have risen and fallen here over the centuries. You're a loner(, Dottie. A rebel), surviving in the wilderlands as best you can.

I think some kinda treasure-hunter backdrop would make a lot of sense here. Our heroine is in search of some forgotten magic tome, maybe, or forgotten artifact -- or just a heap of gold to set herself up for life in the city. They might not like scruffy transients, but transients with coin, well... 

So let's talk story. Pitch me your ideas for cool magical bullshit the MC is looking for (not *overtly* lewd to start with!), and maybe some backgrounds for a ruinous locale to visit. Stretch them brains, and upvote the ones you like. :3

Forced MEME

Jul 17, 2016
Maybe searching for the lost crowns of the old regime (formed of the old city-states, united Greece style but with more of a central monarchy during war) to sell to the rebellion for lots of cash. The rebels could form a more legit claim around the crowns and attempt to bring the city-states together to fight the empire. Maybe a Dark Souls style abandoned castle exploration that would expand into the (sex) dungeons?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A g-string of power. One to gather them all, one to rule all and such stuff ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So, battlemage with "mage" as primary? A genuine style of might and magic is long lost, so she is searching for the techniques of ancient battlemages, to settle as an instructor.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Our protagonist is cursed with a magical nipple piercing that makes her progressively more and more horny as the story goes on (along with random effects changing her physically), her quest is a search for a way to remove it, but in the end, will she even want to?

If we're going down the corruption route, I'd like to see that as something that happens along the way rather than starting out with it.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Our protagonist is cursed with a magical nipple piercing that makes her progressively more and more horny as the story goes on (along with random effects changing her physically), her quest is a search for a way to remove it, but in the end, will she even want to?

Given that salamanders don't generally come in the herm variety, maybe change that to a magic piercing or some such that grew into a cock (and is now a cockring or something)? That'd certainly be a more interesting explanation for the D! 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Given that salamanders don't generally come in the herm variety, maybe change that to a magic piercing or some such that grew into a cock (and is now a cockring or something)? That'd certainly be a more interesting explanation for the D! 

Better make her a male who got a vagina and trying to get rid of it (or deal with it). FtH is much more common story than MtH, after all. Maybe a trap who tried to trick a wrong person.


Jul 10, 2016
I'm all for Trap turning into a Herm myself. I can see a lot of *creative* uses for the local mage hand equivalent.


New Member
Jul 17, 2016
We're looking for the ruins of a fantastically wealthy and powerful kingdom that at one time was the envy of all it's peers. It was a golden land where advanced magecraft and increadible wealth combined to form some of the most impressive (and valuable) artifacts the world has ever seen. Seveal thousand years ago, the kingdom underwent some sort of cataclysm that drained the life from it's verdant fields, leaving it a dry and barren wasteland interspersed with deserts. Many adventurers have journied to scavenge the lost land of Khadran in the past, but precious few have returned. Those that have, returned with great riches, but somber and haunted faces. Till the day they died, none spoke of what they found in the desert, not even with their closest confidants.

Edit (way to forget the context, me!): I figure this gives us enough draw to have a pretty decent motivation for exploring. Desert climate agrees with our salamander physiology and crazy good magic + big old fat sacks (of gold) is always a recipe for a good time. Left some of the stuff vague so you can work and adapt it as you see fit, and to not have the story already pre-spoiled.

As for character building? We're a salamander sorceress with blademage tendencies, fire magic is a no brainer. Maybe similar to a dark souls style pyromancer? Abilities that allow us to survive close range combat, and enough skill with some sort of martial weapon to qualify as "not shit" while having our main focus being on large swaths of firey, room-clearing death.
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Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Given that salamanders don't generally come in the herm variety, maybe change that to a magic piercing or some such that grew into a cock (and is now a cockring or something)? That'd certainly be a more interesting explanation for the D! 

Clit piercing that turns into a cockring while applying other sexy effects? Hell yeah


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I like the idea of lost treasure and civilizations, though I'm not so much of a fan of being cursed into a herm and possibly seeking a cure. Perhaps our tribe always taught melee to the boys and magic to the girls (or vice versa) and our birth as a natural herm not only granted us the right to train in both styles, but also was taken by our elders as a sign that our tribe is soon to reclaim some former glory it once had. Which means seeking out the ruins of the civilization that we descended from and figuring out just what caused the downfall of our ancestors whilst we struggle with our impressive herm labido.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If we're going down the corruption route, I'd like to see that as something that happens along the way rather than starting out with it.

That is, unless she actually has some cursed slave gear she uses on the enemies she captures.  Maybe she's got someone following her around that she controls with this.

(Now that this won't be merged with my previous post so that people can vote it up.  Consider this block to be a vote for her using slave gear, the other for none.)
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I'm hoping for a trap that gets mutated into futa early on.  Maybe the result of a doomed attempt to become masculine.  A confused gender identity would make for an interesting plot focus.  Possibly combined with a soon to be found addiction to being bred. 

For mage/spellsword, might i suggest something along the lines of a Rift Leafblade or Dragon Age Inquisition Knight Enchanter   
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Maybe searching for the lost crowns of the old regime (formed of the old city-states, united Greece style but with more of a central monarchy during war) to sell to the rebellion for lots of cash. The rebels could form a more legit claim around the crowns and attempt to bring the city-states together to fight the empire. Maybe a Dark Souls style abandoned castle exploration that would expand into the (sex) dungeons?

Anything is better with dark souls! Oh sorry I meant painfully depressing for the player while being gleefully watched by those who enjoy the pain of others....

But seriously it does sound interesting.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I think some kinda treasure-hunter backdrop would make a lot of sense here. Our heroine is in search of some forgotten magic tome, maybe, or forgotten artifact -- or just a heap of gold to set herself up for life in the city. They might not like scruffy transients, but transients with coin, well... 

Artifacts and spellbooks would undoubtedly prove much more useful (not to mention transportable) than a fuckton of wealth. Because if there is one sort of people that common folk tend to like less than penyless outsiders who are taking all their jobs, it's outsiders with a lot of easy money.

Aside from that, I'm also a part of team MtH, just because it's something I've never RPed, in Fengames or otherwise.


Jun 24, 2016
Trap with a ring for making a cunt? Seems legit and totally a viable strategy for a trappy mander getting lusted after by an army of herms and big-dicked monsters.
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