Let's start with my reasons, why I implemented, that hummus removes the Dragonfire perk in my mod:
After thinking it over and over again, if I should file a PR, that fixes this, although @Kitteh6660 said, that he doesn't intend to implement this, I came to the following conclusion:
Dragons are weak compared to other races!
Why, you ask?
Well, lets take that perk away from dragons (and all others, too). What are dragons now? Right: Lizards with wings and thats it.
Note, that I'm aware that there are the dragon stat-bonuses and that others, especially lizans can gain them, too. But I have absolutely no problem with that. So lets go back to the Dragonfire perk:
You can eat the Drakes flower or drink Ember's blood until you get that perk (and thats an easy task, like I said above) and never visit Ember or the volcanic crag again. The result is: Every damn race out there gets it.
So I think, that dragons need a few buffs. I don't want them to be overpowered, but some tiny tweaks would be nice.
Most of the balancing, I'm planning would come from the claw based combat.
Another thing would be buffing the Dragonfire perk itself and:
[*]If its made permanent: Instead of removing it, reset the level (e. g. if (dragonScore() < 7) { /* flag.DRAGON_BREATH_LEVEL = 0; */ }).
Again: I want to buff dragons without making other races too weak aka buffing other races, too. And I think, that claw based combat is a good start.
Don't forget, that I'm fully aware, that this requires some balancing.
Ok, nuff talking. Let's start with a list of Breath attacks:
Breath attacks already ingame:
[*]Some races should lose it though transformation. IMHO it should be somewhat unique to dragons and dragon-hybrids including potential dragon hybrids.
[*]Fire Lord
About Hummus removing the Dragonfire perk:
- First off I stand corrected: I was in error, when I believed, that its being kept upon ascension, but anyway:
- I've added this, because I want to reduce my dragonScore to zero from time to time, to start that TF from scratch. Even if its just to go through the Dragonfire TF part again and again
Actually I want to be able to start most if not all TFs from scratch.
- Sometimes I want to get it from Ember her-/himself, but the flower was faster :/
- Similiar example: Hummus already removes Incorporeality and its the only transformation, that removes that perk, so why not Dragonfire, too
- I think that hummus should remove all TFs, that add point to a certain race score.
- Regaining that perk is fairly easy. If you have reached a dragonScore() >= 4, you'll almost immediately obtain it from Ember or the Drake's Heart.
Just take a look at the requirement code: if (player.dragonScore() >= 4 && changes < changeLimit && player.findPerk(PerkLib.Dragonfire) < 0) {
- On the other hand: I could add a new recipe for Rathazul to brew something to remove that perk as an alternative to use Hummus. What about that @Kitteh6660?
After thinking it over and over again, if I should file a PR, that fixes this, although @Kitteh6660 said, that he doesn't intend to implement this, I came to the following conclusion:
Dragons are weak compared to other races!
Why, you ask?
Well, lets take that perk away from dragons (and all others, too). What are dragons now? Right: Lizards with wings and thats it.
Note, that I'm aware that there are the dragon stat-bonuses and that others, especially lizans can gain them, too. But I have absolutely no problem with that. So lets go back to the Dragonfire perk:
You can eat the Drakes flower or drink Ember's blood until you get that perk (and thats an easy task, like I said above) and never visit Ember or the volcanic crag again. The result is: Every damn race out there gets it.
So I think, that dragons need a few buffs. I don't want them to be overpowered, but some tiny tweaks would be nice.
Most of the balancing, I'm planning would come from the claw based combat.
Another thing would be buffing the Dragonfire perk itself and:
- Add new breath attacks for other races, like the 'normal' Fire Breath
- Implement, that some races lose that perk and the Fire Breath, while other races replace that perk with the Fire breath.
- Allow it to be trained. e. g. multiple uses per day, slighly becoming stronger (e.g. 5-10%). Or at some point: Replace x uses per day with a cooldown.
Untrained (Level 0?) The damage could even be lower, than it is atm.
[*]If its made permanent: Instead of removing it, reset the level (e. g. if (dragonScore() < 7) { /* flag.DRAGON_BREATH_LEVEL = 0; */ }).
Obviously Dragonfire training would be enabled depending on the requirement to have a higher level being met.
Again: I want to buff dragons without making other races too weak aka buffing other races, too. And I think, that claw based combat is a good start.
- Add more Breath attacks
- Let some races remove the perk and other races replace that perk with their very own breath attack.
- Dragon hybrids, like lizans with dragon features (wings and/or Dragonfire) would keep that perk. Maybe with a max level limit, maybe not ^^
- Buff dragons generally (Claw based attack is a good start. Granting dragon scales a slightly higher def-bonus would be another idea).
- Don't make them overpowered and don't forget the balancing, not all players intend to play a dragon in endgame
Don't forget, that I'm fully aware, that this requires some balancing.
Ok, nuff talking. Let's start with a list of Breath attacks:
Breath attacks already ingame:
- Dragonfire
Gained by: Ember or Drake's Heart
- Permable? Yes
- Removed by: Not making it permanent upon ascension.
Suggestions and Notes
Its weak compared to other Breaths, like Fire Lord form Akhbal.
- Allow it to be trained. Probably by Ember.
- Make it removable by Hummanus or a new transformative solely for removing that perk only (I guess, I'd go for the latter rather than Hummanus randomly removing it).
- Some races should keep it. Maybe at a limited level.
Wyverns, if added.
- Hellhounds (dog-morphs, that already have with the Hellfire perk)
- Oh and not to forget the Manticore.
- Lizard races (Lizan, Dragonewt, Basilisk, Dracolisk).
- Jörmungandr if added (They could even keep dragon wings)
- Lions if added (Lionne?)
- Cat (Dragonne)
[*]Some races should lose it though transformation. IMHO it should be somewhat unique to dragons and dragon-hybrids including potential dragon hybrids.
- Bats, if added
- Dog-morphs cept Hellhounds (See above. If you have gained Hellfire you won't lose it anymore, when you TF to a dog-morph)
- Driders
- Spider morphs
- Bee morphs
Gained by: Hellhound master encounter
- Permable? Yes
- Removed by: Not making it permanent upon ascension.
Suggestions and Notes:
Its relatively hard to gain and when you lose it you have to ascend to gain it again, so only a special transformative should remove it solely for those who don't want to wait until they ascend to get rid of it.
[*]Fire Lord
Gained by: Akhbal
- Permable? Yes
- Removed by: Not making it permanent upon ascension.
Suggestions and Notes:
Like I said about Hellfire: Hard to get, although you can get it again from Akhbal, so removable by a special transformative only.
- Its named Fire Breath in the combat menu, but it is planned to add Fire Breath, thats different from Fire Lord, so it should be renamed. mmh ... what about
Demon FireTerra Fire?
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