Im currently making going Gargoyle a thing.
Now I'm a bit confused: Did you mix up wyvernScore() with the actual transformation?
I was actually talking about the TF and changes += 3 would only make sense to me, if 3 body parts TF at once.
But even in vanilla CoC (I hope I not making huge mistake now lol) there was two sizes of wings for many species and to this I reffered with this += 3. Well then to not make it too confusing jsut count as much point to give for how many body parts will be needed to changed at once to get wyvern wings.
New Area: Dark University
A center of demon culture, serving as residence to individuals that place focus on intellectual pursuits over lustful distractions.
The PC can enter peacefully and violently
Peacefully: PC needs to beat a gatekeeper at a magic duel (Attack and tease disabled,) absurd amounts of hp even on low difficulties, lust win or endurence
Violently. PC defeats the gatekeeper to enter the school by force.
IF entered peacefully, university serves as another town. shop sells infused lethite piercings (peirced: infused lethite:cuts might/heal backfire to 5%), wizard robes, wizard's pole (40% wizard's focus, seduction tease (PC plants pole and dances around it a bit)), black books. Can also interact with other students, maybe add another corrupt follower. I'm sure people can come up with ideas
IF entered violently: university becomes an area with just hostile encounters. Magic wielding semi demonic class cannons, possibly good for xp/gem grind but not much else.
Also, just one small, unrelated suggestion, make a empowered whisker fruit that grants a second tail. I play mages mostly in CoC, flexability is the only racial bonus worth having for magic users. It would be awesome if i could be a proper Nekomata.
But barring that, I'd say mermaids, fishpeople, or scylla.
@Stadler Yeah I get this in your post. Also I been thinking. You linked TF card at Revamp Trello and since this thread supposed to be generaly about races to be added in either mod what you think about linking my mod trello card for new TF items too? Here is link for it in case you want to add it: New TF potions
if (type == 1 && player.isTaur() && player.legCount < 6 && rand(3) == 0) {
player.legCount = 6;
Yep, some of these are quite useful. e. g. Unicornum and Centaurinum. (Its a sheer pita, when you're trying to become a herm alicorn-taur even with debugging turned on) With these 2 this would make your life easier. TF to harpy wings. Back to horse. Use Unicornum (=> Alicorn). Use Centaurinum (=>Alicorn-taur)
Pfft, I'm still, after THREE YEARS of playing this game, hoping against hope that somebody - ANYBODY - can make fucking Labova a reality, not just npcs, not just marble as a "model" of her race, but as a fully interactive and encounterable race of monsters to battle, fuck, and breed with like the minotaur (especially these bastards), goblins, and any other monster in the game.
But barring that, I'd say mermaids, fishpeople, or scylla.
I'd be so down to write scenes for Bovine encounters. They are my favorite but the niche isn't really filled by German gimmick and femdom miltank.
I'll get writing on the encounter and either present it to @Stadler or @Kitteh6660
Just thought of another TF while exploring the desert, why not having a TF for Sphinxes (still trying to think of an area for it/how to obtain it)
I think I didn't aside some minor changes merged anything from Revamp since...since Wuxia mod started few months ago. I know I should at least merge bugfixes but there is always more important things to do. Well I would eventualy get to merge all fixes I think maybe even before end of this year probably.
Even if I know you kinda not want to hear about chitin type skin for any race so far ^^
Never said thatAFAIR I only wanted scorps with human skin and face with the arms, feet, and tail being that of a scorpion and with a carapace.
Ants for example should have an insectile skin aka carapace, an ant face and ant antennae.
PS: I'm busy with my mod atm, so no updates to the main post soon.
PPS: Everyone with ideas could do me a real favor to point me to your posts about your idea. I'll start pointing to these posts in the future rather than bloating up the main post more and more.
For example: @Ormael: Why don't you copy&paste, what I've written about Mantises into a post solely for them for starters?![]()
@Stadler Sure I can do post for mntises but you in exchange add that link for my mod TF items trello card.![]()
Ok so after I eat some grilled chiken would make this post
Any other post you think I should make aside of Mantises? Maybe one about scorpions and about jurrasic forest?
I'd be so down to write scenes for Bovine encounters. They are my favorite but the niche isn't really filled by German gimmick and femdom miltank.
I'll get writing on the encounter and either present it to @Stadler or @Kitteh6660
What what about me lol :smugdog: Am I not good enough to eventualy present it to me?
Not like I planned some Glacial version of Lacta Bovina npc to been found in GR lol ^^
But that after I ressurect some of Richarde I think almost or already completed project.
But I also agree on point that we're in terrible shortage of female counterpart for minos to fight.