I've just started the game and I can't figure out how to get credits. I can only see shops you can spend them in. You don't get credits from getting kills and the stuff enemies drop all sells for 0 credits.
As soon as the game starts you find you can whore yourself out on Tavros in Beth's just by exploring before running straight to Mhen'ga
On topic:
Aside from the Zill-rations and honey (which are worth 50 - 100Credits to Burt) you can also finish the Dr. Allister side-quest (2x 1000credits) find a deposit of minerals (5000credits, lower part)
win money against Anno (needs either luck or very good aim) and if you can get the probe and sell it you get (I think) 20k credits.
That is Anno sister actualy going by name Syriand her reward is 100 credits per win. There was also recently due to Tarkus and Myrellion possible selling of probes added option to sell probe at Mhen'ga (but that would be some a lil far away option but still giving most income till PC moves to candy land of Tarkus :shibe: )
I'm actually bad with names, so i confused poor Syri with her sister - even though I prefer her over Anno x_x
Thanks for correcting me ^_^
I've just started the game and I can't figure out how to get credits. I can only see shops you can spend them in. You don't get credits from getting kills and the stuff enemies drop all sells for 0 credits.
If you're a gambler, you can buy the mysterious scrap from the male raskvel encounters and hope you come out ahead.
PC not need to be gambler if player looked at wiki. There is clear table of what drops would cost for each tarkus shoopkeepers making it easy to figure out which way to go. Especialy since checking each merchant makes it impossible to sell it after talking about those junk items second time. SO it's more like first time deal or no deal ever.
The gamble is 'will I be able to sell this item for more than I bought it for'. Sometimes the item costs more than you can resell it for.
The gamble is 'will I be able to sell this item for more than I bought it for'. Sometimes the item costs more than you can resell it for.
And Ormael is saying after the first failed sell you can't try with that buyer again. I've not tested it but even then there's only 3 people to try, once you know who to sell what to (there's a theme) then there's no loss.
As I meantioned there is set table what item found at tarkus wastelands each mearchant by for so it will be always like for item A 200 credtis at shekka or 400 at Colenso. You just need to look at wiki fi you want to know where to go right away getting one of those items.
The raskvel sell various scrap items for 100-1000 Credits. How much they sell it for has nothing to do with its value, which is a random number between 5 and 2000 Credits, assigned upon purchase, that can additionally be modified by who Steele takes it to.
Both of you are confused, I think.
If you buy the thing for 1000 credits and the game assigns the item a value of 5 credits, it won't matter who you sell it to, you'll still have paid much more for the item than you get back. Hence, it's a gamble.
No, see, if you sell it to the right person you always make bank. You don't just hawk it off to any random retailer, you give it to Shekka, Anno, or Colenso. Depending on the type of item they'll buy for a good or poor price. Shekka buys androids, she'll take any robo-parts and spaceship for Auroroa for 1.75x the price you paid the raskvel, Colenso the chest for 1.5x, and Anno only the data core for 1.75x. It doesn't matter what the "price" of the item is when it's in your inventory.
How much they sell it for has nothing to do with its value, which is a random number between 5 and 2000 Credits, assigned upon purchase, that can additionally be modified by who Steele takes it to. These items will show up in the inventory under Key Items.
pc.credits += Math.round(getRaskLootPrice()*1.75)
There, do you believe me now? I knew this before even going to look for the code, no matter what I always made bank.
That's still approximately 3,500 credits on average, no?