Warp Gate Shenanigans


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So I'm reading about the lore and history of the TiTSverse and I got to wondering: how easy would it be to have sent a warp gate out many years back that the U.G.C. doesn't know about? It seems like something the Black Void might do. Think about it, they could profit off an area that no one else really has access to. They've been around for hundreds of years so they could have believably sent one out a while back to basically have a pocket galaxy. Well, not really a pocket per se, but more like an area that only they have access to and a place only they know about. They could get up to some pretty illegal stuff there and no law enforcement would be the wiser. Of course Steele would find out how to access that place probably through Amara.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think it wouldn't be possible to keep it in secret and someone would sooner or later spill the beans about 'oh so secret star system we got access throu warp gate' plus there is not only void as bad guys in game world so rivality between those groups could also lead to finding out all those possible hidden warp gates. Even case in KaraQuest2 shows how supposely hidden from U.G.C. base on antville was found by Void 'rival' that then send Kara to do job for him there. But till such places won't be discovered it would be eldorado for Void. Maybe devs will give us something like that some down the road.

Other is that probably as each gate use the same tech it may been somehow linked so that secret warpgate will connect to some other gate that belong to U.G.C. Thou here I could belive Void breinacs would somehow hack those gates to been able create seperate gates system.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
yeah, I suppose we should give some of the other organizations some love...ooh IDEA! Shade contacts you after KaraQuest2 and wants you to help strike back at the group that Kara did the job for. This time, you can fight with Shade against Kara.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ehh it wouldn't be bad idea. After all blood run deep still so picking helf-sister over someone we not share bloodline at all won't be so weird. But sicne Kara boss is also knowing Kiro well it would probably ends with running into Kiro too :p

So then if we got high rel score with Kiro it would be almost like reversed karaQ2 case when Shade is like Kara and Kiro like Shade...
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So I'm reading about the lore and history of the TiTSverse and I got to wondering: how easy would it be to have sent a warp gate out many years back that the U.G.C. doesn't know about?



Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Corporative dystopia.

I guess that definition now also includes corporations sharing both  of the aforementioned traits with the regural governments, since Akkadi is the one holding intragalactic communication by the balls alongside UGC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I guess that definition now also includes corporations sharing both  of the aforementioned traits with the regural governments, since Akkadi is the one holding intragalactic communication by the balls alongside UGC.

UGC is not exactly a centralized government, AFAIK. Local authorities are highly independent, and as long as they possess no threat to other, they are left alone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Some of those future goverments we see in TiTS makes me wish we got such thing here too now already. Would be less stress and fighting over most silly things.

'Comedically absurd levels of apathy and incompetence displayed by the government' indeed.

Well technically they not need be incompetent just many years ago some spy 'borrowing' for a while or pernamently some plans for warp gates and then why Void need to steal someone gates if they could then make their own. I not belive they so poor to not been able manufacture one or two warp gates from time to time. Plus it will give them advantage that those gates could be slight different from those wide spread and used in th galaxy.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Now we just need a catastrophic event to occur on the other side of that warp gate that would cause the puppy-slut King of Kings to call for the entire Ausar fleet to fight whatever is on the other side of that warp gate


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Now we just need a catastrophic event to occur on the other side of that warp gate that would cause the puppy-slut King of Kings to call for the entire Ausar fleet to fight whatever is on the other side of that warp gate

Heh now I kinda remined myself that one of SG-1 series episode when one of snake people was bombarding earth SG with subatomic particles. So will some alien force sending tons of subatomic or on other way harmfull particles trhou whole warp gate system enough serious thing for them to go there?

I think Ausars actualy should HAVE some way to shut down particular warp gate if it somehow go west and is dangerous to keep it online and connected with a rest of network. But then agai such villan would surely find a way to eep his warp gate online and operational to fulfill his evil plans *insert maniacal and demonic laugh here.mp3*
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I think Ausars actualy should HAVE some way to shut down particular warp gate if it somehow go west and is dangerous to keep it online and connected with a rest of network. But then agai such villan would surely find a way to eep his warp gate online and operational to fulfill his evil plans *insert maniacal and demonic laugh here.mp3*

I read on the wiki that this is true for the normal gates; they have someone stationed at the new warp gates so they can shut down the gate if the inhabitants on the other side are too much like the Thraggen. That way, they would have to spend years to reach the U.G.C. And by that time, they would be ready.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I read on the wiki that this is true for the normal gates; they have someone stationed at the new warp gates so they can shut down the gate if the inhabitants on the other side are too much like the Thraggen. That way, they would have to spend years to reach the U.G.C. And by that time, they would be ready.

We tlaking about some big bad villain that would force Ausar supreme commander to throw all star fleet to this system. Taking over system would be first part of plan for villain. Tell me how many times you seen villain that is serious one fail at passing succesfully phase one of his/her supre hyper brilliant evil plan? So  I think it would be puny easy for him to deal with security near the warp gate that want prevent another situation like with Thraggen.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah, that would make sense for the normal gates. And the hidden gates would likely not have as much security.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hidden gates would have security but composed of whoever group control this gate. I not think Void or other crime syndicate of future would left warp gate unguarded. Unless it about shoing how villains are always stupid leaving some detail out that ruins later their reat evil plans.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I'm interested in seeing the Ausar God King. lol jk we all know she's a treated ausar goddess

savin pls