Even if such writer of "proper alien" show up it would still need to pass Fen judgement and if Fen say no to this it wil never make it off the ground. So you should expand that question ...and will Fen allow it been coded into the game
There's that bit, too.
Thanks for your replies, even if sleep deprivation made me ramble a little. Whilst I enjoy checking those old Renezuo race designs, I know they might or might not be outdated and I have yet to get some ingame gryvain interaction.
Also, you were not blunt at all. I've been around for long enough to submit stuff and hone my skills. Too bad that many things refrain me from doing it, just like Nik noticed. On the one hand, writing about what one likes could make things flow better and I'd personally like to give players (and myself!) a public service of sorts. On the other hand, I am aware that certain things I like are not suited for TiTS. Or maybe they are: believe it or not, I have yet to do an in-depth run, so it'd be hard for me to write tiny patches for this and that (a single scene, a specific item... I would NOT start creating an NPC unless I had a clear idea about what I want to pitch) without knowing what's currently around. And then there's that thing of not bothering the crowd. As a dicknipples fan who's not into goo characters or hyper endowments, do you think I am interested in triggering a scene with Liriel to get a chance to unlock her stall and try my luck with the transformative she sells? At least Sera has different ways to sell Clippex if being a sub is not your thing!
Anyone who says the reason they're not submitting their stuff is because they don't know if it'll get in is absolutely full of shit. I literally just did it with my hyper herm taur. Will it get in? I don't know. Does that really affect me? No, because that character isn't my 'waifu', and it won't break my heart if it's not deemed suitable for mass consumption. That's actually what bothers me about this whole conversation; it seems to be a lot of "well, _I'd_ like to see more of x" without a) doing it yourself and b) without even TRYING. Even Etis, the whiniest most vocal furry on the forum, codes/wrote a bit of his own furriness TF stuff. Will that get in? Dunno, not up to me. Did he do the work? Yes, and that's worth respect.
If your kinks are too out there for the game like scat/beast/watersports/whatever else is explicitly banned, they shouldn't even be a point of discussion because it'll never happen period and you're barking up the wrong tree.
Gee, thank you

One thing's for sure: I do not want to work in vain. But I'm not going to shove it down anyone's throat. Etis' case was exactly the prime example of what I do not want to do. "Oooooooh, I like foxes, let's submit fox stuff to TiTS without rhyme or reason!". Swap "foxes" with "giantesses", "hypnotism", "purple-skinned orcs" or whichever one's kink is, I don't care. Well, I do: "I want to create my own special OC for TiTS and/or have the means to do it" is not enough of a valid reason for me to even try.
As for my kinks, well... they're not banned ones (even if I personally dip my toes on them from time to time), but I have been around on these forums to notice "ewww, gross" reactions to them, even if I wasn't directly involved on the conversations. I especially remember that one time someone posted on the CoC mod thread an image of a satyr giving birth to little satyrs and the thread page in which it was posted filled with complaints.
If only there was a way to gauge interests outside of the forums... I hope Fen launches a survey similar to the one we had for CoC.