new texas ideas good end/bad ends


May 24, 2016
Ok so im new on here i read that i may be mocked but it seemed the new texas story line was a bit short. So i figured id throw a few ideas out there and see if there is interest before i write something up. First one is a random bar event on any planet where a new texas bull roams around trying to get drunk males/females to sign contracts and forces them to take the treatment and become milker cows. Second idea is when you get milked by milky on new texas becoming addicted do to the treatment that she went through and because you are drinking her milk constantly you become treated as a side effect. Third idea is when you land on new texas, space slavers may hunt around randomly addicting people to the treatment and bovine to sell to the company as milk cows. So let me know if interested and ill do a rough draft for fenoxo.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Those are interesting ideas, but they could use a little refinement... or a lot.

Regarding the first idea, how would this event work? A random chance of (let's give him a placeholder name) Buck showing up everytime Steele takes a drink and is anymore drunk than "buzzed"? Would this be presented in dialogue like the contract signing at Beth's? What about this contract would result in a bad end?
Regarding the second idea; who is Milky? Do you mean Millie? I'm assuming you are referring to the interaction where she gives you "Faux Treatment." I don't see why you'd want to get Treated in this second-hand manner. I could understand if Treated milk had a side effect on those that consumed it, but not getting them addicted (well maybe to the milk itself) or having them get Treated just from drinking the milk... Namely, I'm confused why you want this second-hand Treatment when the real thing is practically free. Personally, I'd like to see this scene go wrong with a small chance for Millie to give you a different TF by mistake...

Finally, idea three. Hmm, slavers treating New Texas as their own wild-life reserve. Not a bad idea, but given that Big T is a rather powerful politician, these slavers would have to be idiots to hunt on his turf...

Regarding the slavers forcing Treatment on people, again, I don't see why that would come about since the real thing is cheap and readily available on New Texas. I mentioned this on a thread I started, but I would think any under-handed types going around forcing TFs on others would be likely to use something less reputable... like say, a black market knock-off of the Treatment being swapped around by space pirates, bounty hunters, and gangsters.


May 24, 2016
You havn't gotten the gush bad end yet in game have you. try it out on new texas its pretty good. For your second point thanks for the name fix, i was wrong on that one. I mean for this scene as someone who sometimes doesn't get treatment and as in Real Life breast milk helps with a babys immune system that if your not treated and you get the second option where millie and yourself are sucking each others breast, then you get the treatment. I was thinking with the third idea that maybe big T has a shortage of milk cows and is doing a little under the table buying. I also think that a plain human wouldn't want to be turned into a milk cow at all in game so it would be a bad end following that. Depends on your fetish pref i guess. Thanks for the input.

I was thinking something like your buzzed on alcohol and a big bull comes up to you and chats you up. (if your lust is higher then 75 your interested in a romp in the sheets so you follow him back to his ship. When you arrive you go into his cabin when the door shuts and gas starts spraying into the room. As you fade into unconsciousness you think to yourself this may have been a bad idea. When you wake up several hours later you feel funny. As you check yourself out you realize that you have been force fed bovine and you look like a cow. You are shackled to a wall in what you think is a barn pen. You hear mooing in the background and decide that you might just be on new texas as that has the highest bovine morphs on a planet. You wait several days as automated robots come and feed you and clean you up. Several days later your feeling strange and wanting someone to talk to. The bull walks into the pen and slowly unshackles you from your restraints. You think for a second that you can attack him when the collar around your neck that went unnoticed suddenly shocks you. The bull starts to laugh and says "don't worry little cow, you have entered into a legal contract to be a milker. I'm sure you will enjoy your new life here." As several days pass your slowly get used to your life as a milk cow and wonder who else will fall into the lovely trap that happens when you drink to much. You enjoy yourself so much that all thoughts of being a CEO are gone from your head. Bad End.

Altair Hayes

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't see the whole "being forced to be a milk cow on NT" happening, as New Texas doesn't force you into taking the Treatment, unless you're born on the planet, and even then I still think it's more of a societal pressure than anything else. Also, I don't think the Treatment can be passed through dairy, otherwise exports of New Texan milk to other planets would be... really damn illegal. The thing is, the whole breeder/bovine/milky/bimbo/brute/the-rest-of-the-Treatment is a very niche kink, and being forced into some of these events will just throw people off, hell the whole reason New Texas isn't part of the main story line is because a lot of people don't like the kinks present on the planet, hence it's out of the way, unless you actively go there.

So let me know if interested and ill do a rough draft for fenoxo.

Honey, you don't do a rough draft for Fen-fen, you do the whole damn document, revise, edit, revise, peer review, revise, edit, perfect it. Or, you can commission someone else to write it for you, if you so please, hell, some people will volunteer to write that stuff. Not to put you off of writing any of this stuff, go for it, even if it doesn't get accepted, or even finished for that matter, it's great writing practice.


May 24, 2016
Well not really forced. I do think that keeping the option open where you can decide not to go with the bull would be in there to plus the lust effect add on as well could stop it. And thanks for the advice on fen. lol guess hes a hard guy to impress. Also i find myself enjoying that kink more then i thought i would. That's what got me interested in adding a few things if there interested. In regards to the texan milk being sent all over, I'm wondering if they add something to it that would avoid the treatment effects if sent off planet or if maybe it can only cause those effects by drinking directly from the nipple as it is. Something to maybe add in on what i want to do with the idea and the rough draft previously written might be more effective if i flesh it out but i only wanted to see if anyone was interested. As i said before, i know that tex is a side quest but it interested me enough to see it fleshed out and maybe effect the game a bit more.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, I bet he's really difficult to trick.

He always struck me as the MENSA type, I bet it'd require years of careful planning. He totally wouldn't fall for plopping his wife on his dick and just walking past him.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Just sic Treated Reaha on him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
No, I haven't gotten it. I got Dr. Badger arrested and she's the only vendor for Gush.

Ohh Dr. Badger is curent only one seller of Gush....damn hopefully one of those submissions that would allow for another source of Gush would than make it into the game soon(ish).


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Ohh Dr. Badger is curent only one seller of Gush....damn hopefully one of those submissions that would allow for another source of Gush would than make it into the game soon(ish).

I started a new playthrough so I could make a few changes. I haven't gotten to the Gush end yet, but I have been taking Gush.


Jun 5, 2016
I'd love to see those space slavers try to get past Ogram at security.  

I'm fairly certain slavers would be able to find another less-than-legal place to land than at Customs.

The ideas are good, but as was stated earlier do need fleshing out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh lol not seen one of OP questions. Treated cows not giving out milk with same effect (it was brought back in past and I think then disscusion lead tot that it would make just few scenes on NT different as it would make Steele slowly becoming treated whatever we want or not). So this one idea is kinda not good to try expand.