The show must go on (I hope)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
*crawls out from under a rock and surveys the smoking carnage*

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if thousands of innocent RP threads suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced... But seriously, the sky kinda fell on all of us this past week. Hopefully this doesn't deter the numerous talented role players from continuing with their projects. This new age rises with hardship, but we must overcome!

A message to my players:

I am still here! Regrettably I did not back up the content of our threads in any way, so we're in a pretty awkward place. I've been perusing the cached pages of the old site, but these copies are only pale shades  of the originals' glory (there are pages missing XP). If there is a way to recover them entirely, it is beyond my technical skill set. That said, I am still completely willing and eager to resume role play shenanigans. We can try to pick up where we left off, or start new projects. If you survived the recent calamity, send me a pm!
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Active Member
Aug 26, 2015
hey man, never really saw your roleplay but from what you're saying about your documents it sounds like it must've had a lot of development, you've got my sympathies bud, i know what it's like to lose such a well made roleplay and not be able to get it back...

admitedly not the one on here but i've lost a lot of good roleplays in my time so again you have my sympathies, if you ever manage to salvage and rebuild it i'd like to take a look at it.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
*Spots Xatarias among the rubble*

Xatarias?! You're alive YOU'RE ALIVE!!!

But seriously, good to see most of our RP community reappearing from the ashes of the old world. :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
-Was just kind of hiding in her own bunker before the site went down anyway- 

Hey Xatarias, it's CryoLiz, uh, dunno if you remember me but we should totally RP sometime soon, Pm Meh~