What build do you run in TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Literally the title.

Can be a viable or creative build (doesn't always have to be viable, variety is cool too).

My build is running Khan's Lab Coat with his Arc Caster too. Vamp Blade on the side with the Reaper Armaments Mark I Shield Generator because best shield. Frilly Bikini Top and Bottom to finish it off.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I run a flurry build using the SecureMP and Aegis LMG, alternating the two as necessary depending on how much firepower I need. Combining the Black void TST armor, lightning duster and salamander shield gives me 70% resistance or more to every damage type that matters, and then add Emmy's Vamp blade to ensure I've always got my shield up against bosses like the juggernaught or amara. xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
On Merc: MP Flurry w/ whatever equipment I fancy at the moment
On Techie: Flurry w/ a sprinkle of whatever I need to do to not die


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As I mosty play Techs would only entertain you all with my Tech build. Best shields, best energy weapon, vamp melee blade, goo-armor, tons of energy recovery items in backpack, maxed all stats and....well I think that my usual build.

Brutaly Simple? Sooo Derpy? Too OP?

Maybe all of that at once but that when I just want run over some new content that was added without need to worry I fail cuz of X or Y or even Z thing I forgot to grind/get/pick etc.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
I almost always go with Melee builds. Go hard or go home is my style.  So I tend to favor crit weapons, high evade/will/strength, only raising int for event check purposes and focus on abusing the enemy as much as possible with multistrikes and AoE cleaving, Usually carrying both a Kinetic Melee and a energy based one so I can swap for enemy resistances and running anti/laser/burning gear usually because energy weapons are everywhere and the enemies NOT using energy weapons tend to be one shotted.  I typically run Merc or Tech specialist depending on whether I'm going for maximum damage/special move abuse or full "Nothing can hold me back" Tankiness. 

Pastel Skulls

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2016
I'm going with a int/aim tech build using the arc caster/slut ray, grey goo suit, stocking panties, and a honeypot bra. I'm using the Arctic Warfare shielding to prepare for Uveto  and I got the jetpack equipped.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I run a flurry build using the SecureMP and Aegis LMG, alternating the two as necessary depending on how much firepower I need. Combining the Black void TST armor, lightning duster and salamander shield gives me 70% resistance or more to every damage type that matters, and then add Emmy's Vamp blade to ensure I've always got my shield up against bosses like the juggernaught or amara. xD

Literally my build on every character though I replace the secureMP with khans arc caster on my tech specialist because of energy weapon bonuses. 


Active Member
Apr 26, 2016
I run a flurry build using the SecureMP and Aegis LMG, alternating the two as necessary depending on how much firepower I need. Combining the Black void TST armor, lightning duster and salamander shield gives me 70% resistance or more to every damage type that matters, and then add Emmy's Vamp blade to ensure I've always got my shield up against bosses like the juggernaught or amara. xD



I run a melee merc with max stats, but if I had to choose two it's easily physique and reflex. I use lava sabre, since not every enemy has shields. Plus I'm not entirely sure if vamp blade works on 'armor' type shielding some mobs have since well, I don't have a vamp blade, but I can definitely see its good points. To be honest, I hardly notice the burn damage on lava sabre but it's more or less alright. Black void armor for resist + mirror flag, salamander longcoat+thermal undies for more resist (mainly for Lash). Then I like using aegis LMG for the defense bonus and otherwise goovolver.

Since I took cleave and second attack, I invested on single target abilities like detonation. Power strike loses any significance later, I figured, so I took rapid shot - which helps getting lust stacked up on Lash. I also took take cover for the same reason since I can go about tanking melee without that much issues. Most fights been a breeze, even accidentally beat through Amara when I was trying to do something while just holding 1.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015

I run a melee merc with max stats, but if I had to choose two it's easily physique and reflex. I use lava sabre, since not every enemy has shields. Plus I'm not entirely sure if vamp blade works on 'armor' type shielding some mobs have since well, I don't have a vamp blade, but I can definitely see its good points. To be honest, I hardly notice the burn damage on lava sabre but it's more or less alright. Black void armor for resist + mirror flag, salamander longcoat+thermal undies for more resist (mainly for Lash). Then I like using aegis LMG for the defense bonus and otherwise goovolver.

Since I took cleave and second attack, I invested on single target abilities like detonation. Power strike loses any significance later, I figured, so I took rapid shot - which helps getting lust stacked up on Lash. I also took take cover for the same reason since I can go about tanking melee without that much issues. Most fights been a breeze, even accidentally beat through Amara when I was trying to do something while just holding 1.

Perks that let you hit more than once with your ranged weapon. I run a melee merc too with an affinity in physique. (only way to get custom melee weapon from Emmy) but most of my damage comes out of my gun. Vamp blade doesn't do much against armored mobs but mostly just there to keep my defenses up against the really tough shielded foes, everything else I can mow down with the LMG. It hits really fucking hard when boosted by the Concentrate fire perk, a whopping 50 in kinetic damage.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2016
I actually like the hybrid build so I'm somewhat flurry-built, and I went intelligence affinity cause I felt getting dumbfucked would be a common thing. Damage never been an issue and I often switch around melee and range to attack since, why not. It also depends on enemy resistance I suppose, ideally I'd like my range and melee to be two different damage types - which it is. So that dictates which weapon I'd use. Thankfully we can train aim and physique. 


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
My exact perk build is bolded below, most should be obvious why, but for the second perk I chose Power Strike so I could really rip into the meatier shields and get more drain out of it, since Rapid Fire is an activated ability while Second Shot does more or less the same as a passive.

Bloodthirsty - Armor Piercing

Power Strike - Rapid Fire

Riposte - Take cover

Carpet Grenades - Detonation Charge

Low Tech Solutions - Heavy Weapons

Cleave - Concentrate Fire

Second Attack - Second Shot


Active Member
Apr 26, 2016
My exact perk build is bolded below, most should be obvious why, but for the second perk I chose Power Strike so I could really rip into the meatier shields and get more drain out of it, since Rapid Fire is an activated ability while Second Shot does more or less the same as a passive.

Bloodthirsty - Armor Piercing

Power Strike - Rapid Fire

Riposte - Take cover

Carpet Grenades - Detonation Charge

Low Tech Solutions - Heavy Weapons

Cleave - Concentrate Fire

Second Attack - Second Shot

Due to different preference in weapon, my perks are basically reversed aside from taking take cover as well. Heh. Powerstrike becomes lackluster with second attack so that's another reason why I took rapid fire instead.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
My main is a Kaithrit herm Tech Specialist, Level 8.

Paralyzing Shock
Attack Drone
Power Surge
Thermal Disruptor
Gun Tweaks
Shield Hack
Second Shot
Bounty Bra
Cow-Print Panties & Garter
Grey Goo Armor +1
Reaper Mk. 1 Shield Gen
Survival Axe
Salamander Pistol
REF 13
AIM 40
INT 40
LIB 42

Pretty handily steamrolls everything except Amara (>_>;). Also is delightfully milky.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Merc, Secure MP/flurry with carpet grenades. 

Max stats, gym tiem, Syri bookclub etc.
I imagine the group battles looking somewhat like the last shootout in A Better Tomorrow II...except in spaaaaaaaace.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Emmy's tweaked rifle, lava sword, Armstrong revealing jumpsuit, c-string, underbust corset.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
What I use is nothing special, just whatever I think works for my Tech. (Note using last public build, might change it if new builds got something better)

Melee Weapon: Survival Axe
Ranged Weapon: Emmy’s Best Salamander Rifle
Armor: A Suit of Armor Constructed From An Active Gray Goo
Shield: A Reaper Armaments Mark I Shield Generator
Accessory: A Salamander Longcoat
Underwear Bottom: A Pair of Boyshorts
Underwear Top: A Small Frilly Pink Bikini Top

Combine this with maxed out stats and I never really have trouble with anything except bosses really. Though I'm really starting to regret getting the drone that techs get, since it only hits for about 5 to 11 or so hp, which isn't all that much really. Especially since the only upgrade, Tamwolf, does more or less the same amount of damage.

Don't really use melee for much, except with enemies that like to negate ranged attacks, I find range just hits more often for me.

Due to the fact that the Grey Goo armor will be getting upgrades for at least several worlds to keep it relevant, I'm probably going to stick with it till the end unless something really cool comes along.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Tech for life, always. Shield booster (oftenly save editing to get attack drone too, even it is actually vanity for me), Volley (overcharge is good, but energy only and requires shields off, which doesn't work good with lust weapons), Deflector Regeneration, Gravidic Disruptor (meh choise, both pretty useless, but this at least is irresistable), Weapon Tweaks, Shield Hack (both useless, but Weapon Hack is even more - can't remember any foe where it could be of any use), Second Attack.

Melee Weapon: Emmy’s Vamp Blade (sidearm, despite having melee build, for mod characters - A Flaming Whip Once Belonged To Lethice)
Ranged Weapon: Slut Ray (main weapon, actually - perks are just useless for it)
Armor: A Suit of Armor Constructed From An Active Gray Goo (for mod characters - An Illusory Attire)
Shield: A Reaper Armaments Mark I Shield Generator
Accessory: A Fenris-class Assault Drone, Version 2.0 (vanity mostly, but since coat accessories don't work with shields there are nothing worthy to wear in a slot... may switch to new Flash Goggles)
Underwear Bottom: Nothing
Underwear Top: Nothing

Stats maxed. Not into excessive violence (at least when it is just "who is on top today" fight), so usually using slut ray or tease. Not wearing heavy armors, since Tech is anyways screwed when shields are down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
Max stats and lust damage with salamander coat on both characters. 

Also, for those who've used the tam-wolf 2.0, what's the damage output on it like?


Aug 26, 2015
I ran shield techs initially, but I'm hoping they get some much-needed fixes before I run one again.  Currently I alternate between melee and ranged mercs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Max stats and lust damage with salamander coat on both characters. 

Also, for those who've used the tam-wolf 2.0, what's the damage output on it like?

Extra 25% damage as electrical on top of basic drone damage as penetrating. BTW, looks like non-damaged TamWolf does 100% electric damage and is fully vanity accessory.


Active Member
Mar 5, 2016
Bimbo Smuggler

Perks: Low Blow, Sneak Attack, Stealth Field, Grenade, Leap up, Smuggled stimulant, Second attack

Melee: Lava Sabre, Single tailed Bio-wip (+myr venom)

Ranged:Salamander Pistol,Khans Arc Caster

Armor: upgraded Goo armor/ Armstrong suit Premium

Shield : Reaper mk1

Acc: Pink Varmint leash (change to light jetpack once Uveto hits public build)

Under bottom: stockings and panties

Under op: Honeypot myr bra

Stats: Physique/Reflexes/Aim Maxed, Intelligence/Willpower 0, Libido 100, max Lust 170

Weapons are mostly for fights that cannot be won with Tease.


New Member
Oct 8, 2015
because i dont know what to do with smuggler or tech i run hail of bullets merc with maxed aim then get all stats to ten then dump into phys the aim eyepiece and the rifle you get for doing the robot quest on mhenga = welcome to pain town only issue i have is when the sex bots on tarkus use the disarm ability at a bad time the second wind is god tier for the tarkus bomb mission ... especially because i didnt know healing items existed until just a few minutes ago derp wish i knew how to play the other two if only to see what changes content wise if anything


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
because i dont know what to do with smuggler or tech i run hail of bullets merc with maxed aim then get all stats to ten then dump into phys the aim eyepiece and the rifle you get for doing the robot quest on mhenga = welcome to pain town only issue i have is when the sex bots on tarkus use the disarm ability at a bad time the second wind is god tier for the tarkus bomb mission ... especially because i didnt know healing items existed until just a few minutes ago derp wish i knew how to play the other two if only to see what changes content wise if anything

Smuggler revolves more or less around sneakattack/aimedshot, which causes regular meele/ranged attacks to deal additional, unresistable damage against stunned/blinded/incapacitated folks.  Tech has less of a clear offensive plan, but has massive defense and has a massive aim boost compared to other classes, which makes it well suited for lust combat. 

Tech Specalist

Weapon: Khan's AC/Slut Ray

Armor: Goo Armor+!

Shield: Reaper Mk1

Accessory: Light Jetpack

Undertop: Undershirt

Underbottom: Boxers

Perks: Shield Booster, Volley, Def. Regen, G. Disruptor, Gun Tweaks, Weapon Hack, Second Shot


Weapon: Khan's AC/Goovolver

Armor: Goo Armor+1

Shield: Reaper Mk1

Accessory: L. Duster

Undertop: None

Underbottom: Thong

Perks: Shoot First, Aimed Shot, Disarming Shot, Grenade, Leap Up, Burst of Energy, Second Shot