What type of content is blacklisted?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Physical maturity and mental maturity play a part in it. If the body has not physically matured at all up to when they're 18 - 1000 years old, that's not good.

May be not good, but mature character has right to do not good things in concensual manner.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Cause yeah people are going around looking for a list, skiming through the rules thread without seeing any bullet points and then assuming that there isn't  a blacklist there. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
No, no, no wait. Hold on. Reel it back. We can't start this up again. Let's all just... this thread should probably be locked. :|  

Discussions don't get locked until they go waaaay out of hand. I think we're bordering that area but i'm not too bright.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
Discussions don't get locked until they go waaaay out of hand. I think we're bordering that area but i'm not too bright.

I'm not that bright either but it is pretty clear to me that this has derailed waaaaaaaaaay off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
[pokes topic with a sharp stick]

Eeeh, it's dead... Pass by, people, nothing to see here... Why I'm not a corrupt nine-tails to use dark powers to rise it as hideous undead abomination?


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
[pokes topic with a sharp stick]

Eeeh, it's dead... Pass by, people, nothing to see here... Why I'm not a corrupt nine-tails to use dark powers to rise it as hideous undead abomination?


[Pokes with a bigger stick]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I am absolutely not in any way shape or form a forum authority.

 I'm just trying to right my previous wrongs that lead to this discussion in the first place.  :eek:hdear:

Why so serious, really? After all, it's not like this discussion has any chances to have any actual consequences. Hiding controversional questions under carpet doesn't do any good, anyways. Because they still would be there, rotting and gaining ugly forms, even if they wan't initially.


Aug 26, 2015
Oh boy, now this thread is going places.

Here, let me lay out a very simple rule before Ted inevitably locks this thread: if you can't tell at a glance if something is banned or not, don't do it.  The world will survive without your really-1000-years-old loli or not-technically-dead vampire.  Don't do it.  There is more than enough content you're allowed to do, you don't have to push the boundaries just because you can.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The other is that the rules of the forum are very clear

Except they don't. Basically, question of the thread is "what underage is". Because it clearly has nothing to actual age, since there are enough content with characters who are quite young, especially in CoC. As well as question what is bestiality, since there are content with clearly mindless animals. And we also have whole NT.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Further more, don't talk about the following submission-banned content; Vore, Under-aged content, Scat unrelated to dem sweet tunes, and gore." -- Ted

It's just a general gag order. A clear and defined line in the sand that essentially says "don't bring it up at all." Not the morals of it, not the technicalities, not the loopholes. Just... let it be. That's why I feel this thread is out of control.

So, having it ingame is good, but bringing it up in discussion is bad? Okay. Since I'm definitely not going to quote Bender here, I'll just leave it be. Sort of funny, actually, how american people forgotten a most famous quote from a $100 banknote guy.
Oct 7, 2015
First of all I want to thank everyone who came in here to help me out. I also want to apologize for not reading the Rules n Junk thread more throughly. They are listed there, just not as a list.

To my original question, I'm not looking to do something that's on the banned list, nor try to push the grey area. What I am doing is filling out an outline that started to look like it would push from the traditional fiction/erotica non-consent/reluctance side where no one involved really minds to the rape/abuse area where one party is very much an unwilling participant and also a path with forced bimbofication to make them a willing participant. Since there are no clear rules that I've seen regarding this I figured I'd ask before investing any time into it.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
I am annoyed. Apparently this is to be expected and I am supposed to get in hilarious hysterics on the subject. Maybe I'll entertain you.

I am annoyed for a few reasons. Ignoring the rules thread being ignored, I am annoyed of the level of baiting in this thread, of pushing creepy agendas. "What's pedophilia in a fictional game?" I am annoyed that the thread then degraded into white noise posting just to post garbage, which is something that should be curtailed in general. (Please post content.) Most of all, however, above all of that, is that there isn't a single report. For all this "HM THIS SHOULD BE CLOSED" or "THIS CHAT HERE? BAD." hyperbolic circlejerk no one felt the need to report the thread, something that would have gotten a pretty swift response over. The moderator team consists of two people, baring Gedan feeling particularly vengeful, who are not omnipotent and have other daily duties to attend to. Please use the report button.

Now. If a particular submission is very clearly pushing under aged themes, be it mental faculties and especially their physical nature, it's bad. That's pretty simple. It of course isn't that easy, but none the less that ought to answer your "BUT MUH THOUSAND YEAR OLD WAIFU" shenanigans. Nah that's creepy, still.

If you have a particular question about whether or not a particular bit of content might be suitable for the game, I recommend that you email Fenoxo. You can find his email on the blog. While Savin is particularly capable of fielding the question, everyone else can merely give advice - including myself. So that's a lot of noise and misdirection.
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