Orifice Capacities?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Who here has issues with the recent capacity nerf? Is there anyone who had issues with the previous capacity? What are the pros and cons to NPCs having less or more? Personally I feel like NPCs should trend on the side of having more since a hole that's too small can completely lock out a group of players from experiencing content,  whereas a perhaps oversized hole is still accesible to people on the smaller end of the endowment range. I'd like to hear some other opinions on this matter. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What the point of having hyper attributes, if anyonce can take them without problems? It makes them average.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What's the point of having hyper attributes if you can't even use them at all? Then you might as well be neuter.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It makes your stats more that just a number in a character appearance description.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Only if there's actual alternate content dedicated to you being too big. Otherwise it just ends up locking you out of even being able to engage in pornographic activities in what is supposed to be a porn game. The male treatment for example instantly pushes players into a hyper range and the whole point of being treated is to then go and fuck all the things. But with an orifice baseline that's too small, it becomes impossible to use an organ that was ostensibly meant for pumping every surrounding womb full of seed. Even short of taking the treatment/ reaching those sizes currently, just nearing the sizes of some of the other NPCs in the game locks you out of a fair bit of penetrative content. Oversized futas can force their way into/ stretch out a PC that's too small, an oversized PC should be able to do something similar if they're still smaller than said futas.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Only if there's actual alternate content dedicated to you being too big.

That's other question. I feel lack of content for some (many, actually) of my kinks too.

Even now sticking in actually feels too easy. CoC was even harder on this, even now. While porting CoC content into TiTS format I've found, that "too large" scene branches are rarely chosen with same stats now.


Aug 26, 2015
You really need to have a clear definition of where you stray into hyper if you're going to muck with capacities, though, and there isn't one among the community.

I personally consider eight inches to be "porno average".  It's two inches more than the actual average and gives us a volume of slightly under 11 dick units.

Twelve is the upper limit of what I find to fit comfortably on a character, generally a tall one, and with a horsecock that hasn't had any thickness adjustment that gets you slightly under 39 dick units.  I'd be pissed if this was considered hyper and locked me out of most of the content: it should be getting "oof, you're big" responses if any, not be impossible to fit.  Thus I consider roughly 50 dick units to be the point at which you're straying towards hyper.

There are people, of course, who prefer to go bigger, and volume rises very, very quickly with length.  You get 92 dick units out of the Synthsheath and its sixteen-inch horse cock, for instance.  Above 100 dick units, you're definitely into hyper territory for me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The synth sheath could serve as a workable cut off point for the average limits of just barely being able to squeeze in the tip.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You really need to have a clear definition of where you stray into hyper if you're going to muck with capacities, though, and there isn't one among the community.

I personally consider eight inches to be "porno average".  It's two inches more than the actual average and gives us a volume of slightly under 11 dick units.

Twelve is the upper limit of what I find to fit comfortably on a character, generally a tall one, and with a horsecock that hasn't had any thickness adjustment that gets you slightly under 39 dick units.  I'd be pissed if this was considered hyper and locked me out of most of the content: it should be getting "oof, you're big" responses if any, not be impossible to fit.  Thus I consider roughly 50 dick units to be the point at which you're straying towards hyper.

I think things can be stretched a little from absolute realism considering this is a porn game.

40 is exactly capacity of default vagina with 1 looseness and 1 wetness, so it looks fine. And it considered tight. At looseness 3, which is loose but not yest gaped, it is already 100+. So, it is already streched, like, 2 times above realism.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think things can be stretched a little from absolute realism considering this is a porn game. I agree with your "8 inch average." Anything beyond 12 inches I would personally consider hyper, but if you were to stretch that baseline to 16 for the sake of gamey-ness and, again, the porn aspect, I think that would be fair. 16 is what the synth sheathe gives you, right? If we're being real, horse dicks are hyper. There's pretty much no way around that if you're using human capacity averages.

I think there's a serious misconception about how deep vaginas are, or how deep they can even physically be. There's organs up in there, you know!

I'm also well aware of the depressingly warped mindset towards dick size a lot of people have, and that bigger almost universally equals better (unless you're going to the other extreme with traps), but I personally would like male PC's or futas to be able to walk around with a 5.5 - 6.5 inch penis and not be considered "mini." Certainly don't consider them hung, either, but just like... everyone in the TiTSverse has foot-long dicks! I get the in-game explanations and rules allow for it really easily but it still bothers me. That shit's scary! I'm not using Pringles cans as dildos for a reason, why would I want something of similar size anywhere near one of my holes? Real sex has a size sweetspot, anything below is less stimulating but anything above is just downright painful! :(  

But I'm a human, and my arguments really only apply to humans. With all the alien potential in TiTS there is totally room to allow for ridiculous endowments. They just need proper consideration regarding who they can and cannot fit into.

I fully agree with you here, part by part. Just because it's a porn game doesn't mean everything has to be hyper-"hyper" is just a sex kink, just like what you said about traps and small sizes. Plus I remember having read people were trying not to turn TiTS into an arms race. Having said that, alien bodies mean alien structures, so one can always handwave that x race allows for organ rearrangement during intercourse or whatever.

Sadly, I have an enough biased outlook  to talk further, since I dislike hyper and I like the "balls deep" treatment. Realism plays a relatively big role for me and my Steele doesn't have a micro black hole between her legs and across her insides. If you want to know what I mean, check Emmy's bust.

I think I'm now going to spend some time browsing the wiki and get every penis measure for research purposes.
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Aug 26, 2015
I agree that you shouldn't be getting mini dialogue when you're anything over about four inches.  As for the arms race: I tend to keep all of my dick-wielding characters in the 8-12 band, as does Savin and most other writers.  But Fen's thing is huge cocks, so you see things like Emmy where she's literally titfucking herself under her suit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Now here comes the advantage of having multiple dicks. 

You can have one giant member to satisfy your leithan lover.

One average sized to fit the general public.

Or a tiny one which can be teased by others if that´s your fetish.

And many other shapes and sizes, to fit any alien needs and biology possible :)  

Of course there´s probably not everyone who enjoys having multiple dicks. But we have condensol too for situations like this.

(I feel like I can be pretty adaptable to changes like this)

What I´m curious about is how the nerf is affecting knotting. Seeing as it´s possible getting a knot double the size of your width. And logically speaking, if a girl only can take 3 inches, how would she be able to stand 6?

And I like how even though we´re discussing the logical biology of a humans capacity, nobody has even mentioned the unrealistic amount of cum/eggs one can stuff up somebody with.

(Possible theory: Everyone ate the rubber rubber fruit xD )


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Or a tiny one which can be teased by others if that´s your fetish.

That's actually my problem with small ones - it is considered by default that you are ashamed. Never an option to reply "yes, but i'm 4ft tall and it's proportional for me" or "you really expected a 2ft horse-cock from 4ft femboy" or "yes, you've got your ass kicked by 4ft tall femboy, and who shoud be ashamed now?".

And I like how even though we´re discussing the logical biology of a humans capacity, nobody has even mentioned the unrealistic amount of cum/eggs one can stuff up somebody with.

(Possible theory: Everyone ate the rubber rubber fruit xD )

Don't know about others, for my character it is a kitsune's racial trait :) It's magic, don't ask.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I got sick of it and just cheated. Set cuntThatFits and cockThatFits to default 0 (first).


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
That's one reason I've never really understood the appeal of knotting. I'm sure in-universe races that have natural knots like ausar can have some logical explanation for how they fit into their females, but humans don't. Humans shouldn't be able to be knotted comfortably unless they have very experienced, well-trained vaginas/anuses (and even then it's a stretch... puns).

The thing about eggs and cum is that the potential exists for overflow. I don't like hyperinflation, and if there's ever an example of it in the game (QotD comes to mind a little bit) I just personally handwave it and say "anything beyond my PC's maximum was pushed back out." But you have a point in bringing that up.

Well, if we´re going by T.i.T.S. logic, humans have been interacting with the ausars for so long that the human biology has changed to adapt to their knotted genitals :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
My real issue is that a lot of scenes default to the smallest dick, rather than the biggest that fits. One of the main benefits to have a lot of dicks, in my eyes, was having a wide variety of sizes so you could always get the descriptions about stuffing people as full as they can take.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
My real issue is that a lot of scenes default to the smallest dick, rather than the biggest that fits. One of the main benefits to have a lot of dicks, in my eyes, was having a wide variety of sizes so you could always get the descriptions about stuffing people as full as they can take.

Actually, it's exactly how it works - used by default cockThatFits funxtion returns biggest fitting one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I will say that I find it annoying that being at 16 inches, which is around the size of a lot of dick wielders in game, I can't fit anymore. Illogically even Emmy can't handle a dick this size, which is smaller than hers! But I do understand why it was done, and the main reason I stick to 15-16 inches is because back in CoC it was the sweet spot to be considered big by virtually all characters yet still fits in the majority of them. 

With these new changes, I feel comfortable shifting down to 12 inches, hopefully that should still work with all characters without locking me out of lots of characters. Might try to change just one of my two cocks down instead, but I kinda hate different sized shafts due to the lack of symmetry it leads to.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I think this is more a problem with NPC dicks being too big on average as opposed to capacities being too low. I can't say NPC's should have their sizes reduced, but... I wouldn't be opposed? >_>

Or at the very least the scenes for said NPC's should take note of how ludicrous their maleness is, and they should be classified as hyper. It might better illustrate how TiTS runs the risk of descending into a power creep of cock.

Has anyone actually checked what the average cock size across all NPC's is for TiTs? Then compared it to the same stat for CoC? I want to know which game had more over-sized cocks compared to normal size ones, and I'm starting to think TiTs has actually surpassed CoC in that regard.
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Aug 26, 2015
There's not so much power creep in this regard as TiTS has the kui-tan, who are basically Grotesquely Oversized Cocks: The Race.

Actually, no, sorry, after checking the other two have normal-sized cocks, just ridiculous balls.  It's just Kiro running around with the ludicrous dick.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
My definition of hyper is when it just looks too big on you or is very disproportionate on the character than it has any reason to be. Examples off my head, Kiro, Emmy, Penny when you turn her into a slut or give her the synth sheath, and Kelly when tell her to let it ALL hang out. I consider them to be hypers, because they are SOOOO MUCH bigger than they have any right to be.

I always try to for being proportionate on my PC's. I have 4 PC's but only 2 of them are 'hyper', one is a full blown goo girl with broodmother hips and M cup breasts, the other is a Treated Male-Herm Minotaur with two 20 inches in length 3.3 inches in width and 5 inch knots, but he's 9ft tall (I would make him 10ft so that he might be more proportionate) with max tone and 90% thickness. His genitals are gooey BTW.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There's not so much power creep in this regard as TiTS has the kui-tan, who are basically Grotesquely Oversized Cocks: The Race.

Actually, no, sorry, after checking the other two have normal-sized cocks, just ridiculous balls.  It's just Kiro running around with the ludicrous dick.

Leithans are responsible for hyper here :)

That's definitely not the function being used in a number of scenes.



Aug 26, 2015
Leithans are responsible for hyper here :)

It really shouldn't count with leithans because horse pussy.  Three feet is average for horses, so leithans are actually one of the most realistic races in the game in terms of dick size.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It really shouldn't count with leithans because horse pussy.  Three feet is average for horses, so leithans are actually one of the most realistic races in the game in terms of dick size.

Well, yes, their overall size, and especially tauric body length, makes them proportional. But relativlely to 99% of NPCs...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015

The quote system on this forum sucks.

The Nyrean queen sex scene clearly picks my smallest cock after saying my largest cock is too big to fit, despite the fact that my middle 2 cocks are small enough to fit but big enough to get different messages.

There's more on Myrellion, but that's the only one I can recall for sure without going and checking.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The quote system on this forum sucks.

The Nyrean queen sex scene clearly picks my smallest cock after saying my largest cock is too big to fit, despite the fact that my middle 2 cocks are small enough to fit but big enough to get different messages.

There's more on Myrellion, but that's the only one I can recall for sure without going and checking.

Which one? Glory Fuck or Breed Her? They both are using cockThatFits, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'd have to check, but whichever was the more normal sex scene in her bed chamber (not the one where you fuck her ovipositor or have sex in her throne room).

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
cockThatFits uses area to check and returns the first cock it finds that can fit. there's also a different cockThatFits function that returns the biggest cock; I forget the exact name though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
cockThatFits uses area to check and returns the first cock it finds that can fit. there's also a different cockThatFits function that returns the biggest cock; I forget the exact name though.
		 * Find the biggest cock that fits inside a given value.
		 * @param	fits maximal target capacity.
		 * @param	type "area" (effective volume, actually) or "length".
		 * @return index of largest fitting cock or -1 if no appropriate found.
		public function cockThatFits(fits: Number = 0, type: String = "area"): Number {