Suggestions for female genitalia.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In the wake of this thread, this topic is meant to be a step further on customization and writer annoyance. Due to several reasons, female genitalia seems to have been neglected so far in terms of looks and descriptions. Whilst TiTS' demography seems not to care about this issue and I'm no social justice warrior, it's undeniable that both inner and outer female parts rarely get a handful of words for their description when male genitalia always gets a verbose description, no matter if we're talking about bestial shafts or puny wangs.

Would you kindly suggest any features you'd like to see?

Here's a list of what has been suggested so far (including my previous suggestions. If you want yours to be credited, please say so!). Extra credits go to Lashcharge (thanks a lot!):

  • Type: Mouthgina.

  • Labia: Thin, engorged, long, short. Tentacle, prehensile.

  • Mound: Bulgy, non-existant.

  • Clit Type: Big, small, fat, thin, knot, ribs.

  • Feel or Insides: Bumpy, with cillia, muscled, aphrodisiac stingers.

  • Musk: Zil-scent, manly musk.

  • Child type/pregnancy timers: Different vaginas give birth to eggs or live birth, reducing or increasing the amount of time a children needs to be "born".

  • Other: female ejaculate amount as a variable/flag.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The types that you listed at the end of that thread are all interesting and you might want to repost them here so that they don't get lost in the argument that might continue to rage on over there. 

I'm a dude but I get where you're coming from in terms vag options being lacking. I feel like the OP from that thread might have undermined her efforts to convince more people with the antagonistic tone she took though. 

As for suggestions due to my afformentioned dude status I can't really suggest much more. You pretty much alreasy listed most of the variables that draw my attention to whether I'd like to fuck a given pussy...

Perhaps some sort of racial or cosmetic gene mod TF that can give a vaginal toungue/mouthlike vagina? (I have no idea if that would be terrible from a female perspective though...) 

Aphrodisiac stingers like what CoC anemones had going on would be nice for both vaginas and penises as well as the musk you mentioned but heh adding more stuff to dicks probably defeats the purpose of helping vaginas catch up. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well the biggest problem is that there are very little variable that can work, but here's what I would suggest:

  • Different type of Labia, like instead of being flaps of skin you could have cushiony bumps or labia made of cilia. Or turn them into lips like mentioned above?
  • Clit modifiers. There isn't much I can suggest here since circumcision on females is a controversial topic. But maybe add knots and ribs?
  • The insides, which I wrote Bumpy road, although it applies to both the inside and outside.
  • Type of musk for those that like their cuntboys?
  • Child type/pregnancy timers? Different vaginas give birth to eggs or live birth, reducing or increasing the ammount of time a children needs to be "born".
  • Like
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ooh that last one sounds particularly neat. The girlcum fluid amount systems could possibly also do with an overhaul. Dudes can already produce masive amounts of cum so it would be cool if females could get just as wet and messy with the production of their vaginal fluids. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The types that you listed at the end of that thread are all interesting and you might want to repost them here so that they don't get lost in the argument that might continue to rage on over there. 

I'm a dude but I get where you're coming from in terms vag options being lacking. I feel like the OP from that thread might have undermined her efforts to convince more people with the antagonistic tone she took though. 

As for suggestions due to my afformentioned dude status I can't really suggest much more. You pretty much alreasy listed most of the variables that draw my attention to whether I'd like to fuck a given pussy...

Perhaps some sort of racial or cosmetic gene mod TF that can give a vaginal toungue/mouthlike vagina? (I have no idea if that would be terrible from a female perspective though...) 

Aphrodisiac stingers like what CoC anemones had going on would be nice for both vaginas and penises as well as the musk you mentioned but heh adding more stuff to dicks probably defeats the purpose of helping vaginas catch up. 

Will do right now. Actually... I think I'll try to add every idea posted here if I can. I suspect that thread could be closed down or outright deleted anytime soon, partially due to OP's tone.

It's interesting how you mention what entails being a guy discussing about gals' anatomy here: I'm fairly sure we all have had "those" school classes about human bodies, but it feel that not even females could get into a deeper (no pun intended) description and identify which parts could be modified, yet no such problem arises (again, no pun intennded) when it comes to male genitalia.

Myself, I'd be all for aphrodisiac stingers. My approach to smut is that of pleasure, after all. I know that tonginas are a thing, but the question is... where would the tongue come from? The inner folds, perhaps?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Ya this whole system could use an overhaul and, with the communities love of customization I see there being a lot of support for a project like this. The main problem I see however is finding someone to write all the additional new content and finding someone to actually take the time to code it considering there are a lot more pertinent projects the games main coders are working on.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm all for this, myself. While I typically play as a D-Girl, I personally enjoy the female form way more than the male form, and I'm a sucker for details, so this is a win win in my book. Whenever I do play as a female character though, I typically either get myself either a mare cunt or a vanae cunt, for the added description and fleshing out of my PC's lady bits.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2016
I really like these ideas. Particularly the labia, mound and musk. There already exists a "aphrodisiac laced" flag that can be applied to vaginas, but as far as i know it doesn't do anything, sadly (likely a CoC import relic). The birth thing is a cool concept too.

I think most of these could be implemented with flags, but after posting in the other thread I went looking through github if there's any concievable way I could attempt it, and was quickly discouraged. For penises there's a specific part of code for flag descriptions, vaginas however don't seem to have this. Or rather I have nowhere near enough knowledge of how this is coded to see it. Meanwhile the parts for types and sizes are very similar. It's possible quite a chunk of code would have to be rewritten/added for these things to be possible. Here's hoping someone who has the know-how takes an interest in this thread '^^,


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Musk and the aphrodisiac can be done as flags (man now i really want musk as a possible dick flag...) but yeah said flags need content written for them and in general for anything to happen with this vagina content, it's gonna require either an author taking personal interest or someone paying for a commission of this stuff. 

The chances of Fen or Savin writting this seems slim to none (low priority compared to their planned content goals and personal fetish inclinations).  So far Lashcharge seems like the only author that cares about it a bit. If it tickles his fancy to write it that would be cool. But likely commissioning will probably end up being the only way this ever happens. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Musk and the aphrodisiac can be done as flags (man now i really want musk as a possible dick flag...) but yeah said flags need content written for them and in general for anything to happen with this vagina content, it's gonna require either an author taking personal interest or someone paying for a commission of this stuff. 

The chances of Fen or Savin writting this seems slim to none (low priority compared to their planned content goals and personal fetish inclinations).  So far Lashcharge seems like the only author that cares about it a bit. If it tickles his fancy to write it that would be cool. But likely commissioning will probably end up being the only way this ever happens. 

This is not something one creator would be able to solve alone.

The current changeable parts for vaginas and clits are: for Vaginas there is Type, Fertility, Minimum Looseness, Looseness, Capacity, Bonus Capacity, Elasticity, Number, Color, Hymen status effects and Nubby flag; for clit there is number and length. Vaginas have the same flag system as penises, since Bumpy road works on them and then there's these:


vaginas[slot].vaginaColor = RandomInCollection(["blue", "aquamarine"]);





vaginas[slot].clits = 1;

vaginas[slot].vaginaColor = RandomInCollection(["pink", "pink", "aquamarine", "purple"]);

vaginas[slot].minLooseness = 1;



vaginas[slot].clits = 1;

vaginas[slot].vaginaColor = "pink";

vaginas[slot].wetnessRaw = 2;


The current range of flags that could technically be applied to both penises and vaginas are:

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_KNOTTED)) collection.push("knotted");

//if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_SHEATHED)) collection.push("sheathed");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_FLARED)) collection.push("flared");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_BLUNT)) collection.push("blunt");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_PREHENSILE)) collection.push("prehensile");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_TAPERED)) collection.push("tapered");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_STINGER_BASED)) collection.push("stinger-based");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_STINGER_TIPPED)) collection.push("stinger-tipped");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_NUBBY)) collection.push("nubby");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_AMORPHOUS)) collection.push("amorphous");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_SMOOTH)) collection.push("smooth");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_RIBBED)) collection.push("ribbed");

//if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_LUBRICATED)) collection.push("lubricated");

//if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_STICKY)) collection.push("sticky");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_FORESKINNED)) collection.push("foreskinned", "foreskin-covered");

//if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_APHRODISIAC_LACED)) collection.push("aphrodisiac-laced");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_DOUBLE_HEADED)) collection.push("double-headed");

if (cock.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_GOOEY)) collection.push("gooey");

They could probably use a few more parsers like labia and insides, like there is one for sheaths and cockheads. Right now there parser for color, clit and the vagina as a whole.

In my opinion two things would have to be done to solve this issue:

  • Make a Snatch or Cunt designer, allowing for more access to different vagina types easier.
  • Request race creators to be much more original with their races vaginas. This is the one that will matter in the long term if you want more types of vaginas.

On this thread specifically what could work is figuring out more vagina types and vagina flags.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think the randomness of the adjectives is always going to be the weakest part of the sex scenes. I already get pulled out of a scene when somebody describes my voluminous, serpentine dong, I don't need the same to happen when they mention my average-sized smooth terran cunt.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2016
Actually.. I think I know how this can be done. It might not be the most elegant way, but if on line 10167 of /classes/ (before all the other descriptions) you add something like:

if (vag.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_MEATY_LIPPED) && rand(5) == 0)
desc += RandomInCollection(["meaty-lipped ", "fat-lipped ", "plump "]);

and then add the flag into it should work.

Edit: accidentally posted before I had everything written down, so the rest follows:

So the more simple stuff could be added that way. The character appearance page would also need a sentence for each obviously. And someone would need to write a transformative or as Lashcharge said a vag designer. But at least this part's possible.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think the randomness of the adjectives is always going to be the weakest part of the sex scenes. I already get pulled out of a scene when somebody describes my voluminous, serpentine dong, I don't need the same to happen when they mention my average-sized smooth terran cunt.

In that case you can just remain with your average-sized smooth terran cunt.

Actually.. I think I know how this can be done. It might not be the most elegant way, but if on line 10167 of /classes/ (before all the other descriptions) you add something like:

if (vag.hasFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_MEATY_LIPPED) && rand(5) == 0)
desc += RandomInCollection(["meaty-lipped ", "fat-lipped ", "plump "]);

and then add the flag into it should work.

Edit: accidentally posted before I had everything written down, so the rest follows:

So the more simple stuff could be added that way. The character appearance page would also need a sentence for each obviously. And someone would need to write a transformative or as Lashcharge said a vag designer. But at least this part's possible.

Which is kinda what I said above. The problem is that there aren't races with different vaginas to make adding new vagina types/flags believable.

Anway Kesil I'm gonna send you a possibly improved list to put on the first post.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The next few starter races added should perhaps have males with terran like cocks while the females have exotic setups in contrast with the Kathrit and Aursar. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You know I imagine that Zil's don't give birth to babies, but rather larva that come out from the vagina in the form of hexagonal cylinders of wax that eventually hatches. Kinda like real bees.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So you're proposing wax comb pseudo eggs as a pregnancy type? Sounds neat. Hmm yeah pregnancy type could be determined by vagina flags unless otherwise over ridden by a scene/ circumstances where the nature of the thing impregnating you would overide your biology or overpower your genetics. 

So a human, aursaur, Kathrit, or new texan bull, fucking a Zil morph PC might cause her to lay wax comb eggs. But a Venus pitcher's seed or the queen of the deep and Renvas eggs wouldn't really care. Cockvines would probably also overpower a vagina's pregnancy flag. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So you're proposing wax comb pseudo eggs as a pregnancy type? Sounds neat. Hmm yeah pregnancy type could be determined by vagina flags unless otherwise over ridden by a scene/ circumstances where the nature of the thing impregnating you would overide your biology or overpower your genetics. 

So a human, aursaur, Kathrit, or new texan bull, fucking a Zil morph PC might cause her to lay wax comb eggs. But a Venus pitcher's seed or the queen of the deep and Renvas eggs wouldn't really care. Cockvines would probably also overpower a vagina's pregnancy flag. 

Well those aren't really pregnancy types. They are more a form of parasitism.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The game treats them like a form of prenancy/gedan used the venus pitcher seeds as a test for the current pregnancy system. 

But yeah parasites and ovipositors would be cases where natural pregnancy types should be overwritten.
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You know I imagine that Zil's don't give birth to babies, but rather larva that come out from the vagina in the form of hexagonal cylinders of wax that eventually hatches. Kinda like real bees.

Except that bee eggs don't come out in a wax honeycomb.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Zill aren't supposed to be earth bees so having them diverge in odd/ fantastical ways helps impart a bit of the alien feel the game should have rather than having them just be a space furry. 

If you want legit bee biology that should be coming from a human/ member of another species taking a cosmetic terran bee mod. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
bulgy mound, i love swollen, plump mounds that she just can't hide. Kiro's pussy pump stuff is one of my favorite scenes

the mouthgina and clit mods also catch my vote
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Mar 8, 2016
Well, props for basically extracting the worthwhile discussion from my original post xP

I'm generally way too grumpy to express the issue in a "nice enough" manner. So thanks for that~

Would suggest to also include a mention to add actually useful/Superficial traits as well. As those are currently 0 for female PC's.

Would also need a female ejaculate amount as a variable/flag. 

Oh, and for vag and labia types: A tentacle-ish vag could be neat. And prehensile labia would be rather awesome. Could wrap around or clutch shafts or whatnot :p

@Milkman: In terms of new starter species: Would personally prefer if they just fixed the current ones. OR: gave us the option to pick terran or canine/feline when playing the two "neko" races. Regardless of gender. Finally un-breaking those two species.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'll add that now. Which useful/superficial traits are you typing about?


Oh, and for vag and labia types: A tentacle-ish vag could be neat. And prehensile labia would be rather awesome. Could wrap around or clutch shafts or whatnot :p

Vanae Vagina, while the Raskvel I think have prehensile clits.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Vanae Vagina, while the Raskvel I think have prehensile clits.

Nope, the raskvel vagina has two clits: one at the front and one at the back for maximum enjoyment in any position. :p   Neither being prehensile.

The only time I've heard the mention of prehensile clits on this forum was when someone suggested adding sergals as a species to TiTS's roster.


Nope, the raskvel vagina has two clits: one at the front and one at the back for maximum enjoyment in any position. :p   Neither being prehensile.

The only time I've heard the mention of prehensile clits on this forum was when someone suggested adding sergals as a species to TiTS's roster.

Huh guess I mixed them together. Ah well.


Mar 8, 2016
I'll add that now. Which useful/superficial traits are you typing about?

Literally all of them xD

The current PC starter traits that "does anything" superficially, are all male exclusive. (bigger cumshot, different genital sizes and etc) So not only do they have exclusive access to different genitals to start with, along with customization. They have all the traits as well. (not counting the pregnancy one, as while the only female one. It has 0 impact on your character visually)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So then how are the vag crafting endeavors coming along? Does anyone have more ideas/ are any authors interested in actually picking up this project? 


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
@Nonesuch is writing a TF with a new pussy type which changes the external appearance of the vulva. 

I asked them if they could write it in such a way/have it coded in such a way that it could be used with other vagina TFs that only change the internal part (like the Vanae pussy TF). They said they'd ask about it.

Fingers crossed I guess?