Okay for those who are interested, sometime in the near future I plan to launch a RP in a D&D setting (this means that those playing have some working knowledge of how D&D works). I will NOT be bogging it down with a bunch of D&D rules, this means most contested rolls will be made in a player's d20 VS NPC's d20 fashion with bonuses and negatives added to these rolls as I, the DM, see fit. If a player does not have a d20 to roll I will be more then happy to make said rolls for them.
In addition to the above, I do have a few ground rules that I feel will help this game run smoothly:
1.) This game will only have (so much for the original 3 lolol) five players and one NPC in the party at any given time. I just dont have time to juggle a bunch of players whom will all want to do they're own thing at some point. Sorry, no exceptions. (Edited: Im GMing a party of four with an NPC in a vanilla D&D game with a rule Nazi as is. So I figure with me gutting most of the rules, four players be pretty simple.)
2.) No fetish shaming, I feel this should go without saying, but just to make sure, dont be mean to someone for wanting a werewolf to bend them over, and breed them like a bitch, when you wanna be shoved up Ms. Dragon's vagina or ass.
3.) Try to keep the In game thread "In Character/Game" this isn't more of a serious rule so much as I'd like to keep distractions to a minimum.
4.) I know people have real lives, therefore if you know real life is going to get in the way of you playing for an extended period of time, then feel free to drop me a PM or post here (though the former will probably get my attention alot quicker), we can work out a way for your character to leave the game in any number of creative ways. And at some point, if you can make it back to the game, I will try to reincorporate your character back into the game.
5.) Try and give everyone a chance to post actions and hold they're conversations in the Game Thread. If your doing something seperate from the party thats one thing, but I'd like to keep everyone on the same page as much as possible.
That being said, I don't mind to try and work the things that the players of this game might enjoy happening to they're character into the game, and I will personally try my best to be a fair, good, and memorable DM. Now, any person Interested in playing should first post here and then PM me they're character fallowing the template below, along with a list of things they would and would not like to see happen to/with they're character.
(Things in the template marked with a * are optional)
Sexual Orientation:
Apparent Age/Real Age (if applicable):
Weight (in pounds):
Skin Color:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Strong Ability (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA): this will give you a +3 to any roll in an area where it would be helpful. (Choose 1)
Weak Ability: (same as Strong Ability... but, you know. bad... -3 to the Ability score chosen, also only choose 1)
Other Ability Scores: These are to be placed at a base 10 untill you get to level 3 where you will gain 1 point to spend at your discretion on any of your skills. (That means this first group each has one point to spend.)
Class/Level: this is for determining HP, AC, BAB, and level. (It should be noted that I will adjust the encounters to fit the party as Im not trying to kill them straight from the word go.)
*Spells : (those whom choose to play a class that has spells should refer to the attached screen shot. In a nutshell your spells per day stack when you gain a level.)
HP: (it should be noted that you will start with max HP.)
General Appearance:
*Backstory: the more you give me, the more I have to work with, and can possibly include in the game at some point. Its entirely your call.
In addition, those players who would like to -coughs- "play" with other player's characters should probably also know each other's turn ons, and turn offs.
As a fair warning, those who do not post after a week without getting in contact with me or the current party run the risk of they're character meeting a "Bad End". I wont do this unless were in the middle of an adventure and unable to find a convenient way to remove said character from the situation, but if your character getting carted off to be used a breeding sack for a group of Kobolds is the best way to resolve the issue of you being gone and leaving us with the impression that you quit the game, then I will do that for the sake of the story. As long as this game has a single player I will continue the game for they're sake.
Ok assuming you read my long ass rant and my overly high expectations for this game the last thing anyone reading this for the first time needs to know is this: I will Edit this first post any time the number of players changes and when I feel I need to clarify something I may have forgot.
Welcome to "A.N.A.L RPG"!!! :3
Current number of players: 5
Current free slots: 0 (first come, first serve)
Users Participating/Character Name
1.) deleted
2.) Kei - Kay
3.)Woider - Anja
4.) Malice - Jinni
Next Session: To Be Announced

The above is an example and the red text above the chart should explane how spells work in my game. You dont need spell components, however if a spell specifically mentions an a particular component, like the spell Burning Hands requires semantics(best example that came to mind) then you will need that particular component. However I dont expect you to carry around diamond dust or wormwood as this just takes up too much time.
Edit (June 19)
As of this moment were making these characters a bit more in depth by adding a few things.
1.) Eveyone now has 18 extra points to distribute on they're character's Ability Scores as they see fit up to a maximum score on one ability of 20,not counting racial modifiers (meaning if your race gets a +3 to a stat it doesn't count towards your maximum of 20 in that one stat and you can reach a 23). (Remember to adjust your modifers accordingly subtract score by 10 for even number and 11 for odd numbers and divide by 2 to find the modifier for that ability score.)
2.) We're adding Features (AKA Feats) and Skills to your character sheets which can be found on page 61 (for skills) and page 89 (for feats) in the D&D 3.5 Player's Handbook. For skills I'm not worried about if its a class skill or a cross-class skill, just buy the ranks in the skill that you like. (I highly recommend Spot, Search, & Listen as they will always come in handy no matter which class or race you play.) For Feats you gain one upon character creation, and 1 for every 3rd level unless your a fighter and/or a human (bear in mind that some Feats have requirements to buy them.)
3.) If you have ANY questions or need help with any of this, ask me and dont hesitate. I apologize for not dealing with this sooner but once we get this out of the way, the game should have quite a bit more depth.
The fallowing link should lead to a site that has every PDF you could ever need and then some for this game.
http://awakenvideo.org/pdf/DnD 3.5e... Dragons Dungeon Master 3.5 Essentials/books/
And the link below this is a player's handbook pdf if you need it. :3
http://awakenvideo.org/pdf/DnD 3.5e....5 Essentials/books/Players Handbook v3.5.pdf
In addition to the above, I do have a few ground rules that I feel will help this game run smoothly:
1.) This game will only have (so much for the original 3 lolol) five players and one NPC in the party at any given time. I just dont have time to juggle a bunch of players whom will all want to do they're own thing at some point. Sorry, no exceptions. (Edited: Im GMing a party of four with an NPC in a vanilla D&D game with a rule Nazi as is. So I figure with me gutting most of the rules, four players be pretty simple.)
2.) No fetish shaming, I feel this should go without saying, but just to make sure, dont be mean to someone for wanting a werewolf to bend them over, and breed them like a bitch, when you wanna be shoved up Ms. Dragon's vagina or ass.
3.) Try to keep the In game thread "In Character/Game" this isn't more of a serious rule so much as I'd like to keep distractions to a minimum.
4.) I know people have real lives, therefore if you know real life is going to get in the way of you playing for an extended period of time, then feel free to drop me a PM or post here (though the former will probably get my attention alot quicker), we can work out a way for your character to leave the game in any number of creative ways. And at some point, if you can make it back to the game, I will try to reincorporate your character back into the game.
5.) Try and give everyone a chance to post actions and hold they're conversations in the Game Thread. If your doing something seperate from the party thats one thing, but I'd like to keep everyone on the same page as much as possible.
That being said, I don't mind to try and work the things that the players of this game might enjoy happening to they're character into the game, and I will personally try my best to be a fair, good, and memorable DM. Now, any person Interested in playing should first post here and then PM me they're character fallowing the template below, along with a list of things they would and would not like to see happen to/with they're character.
(Things in the template marked with a * are optional)
Sexual Orientation:
Apparent Age/Real Age (if applicable):
Weight (in pounds):
Skin Color:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Strong Ability (STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA): this will give you a +3 to any roll in an area where it would be helpful. (Choose 1)
Weak Ability: (same as Strong Ability... but, you know. bad... -3 to the Ability score chosen, also only choose 1)
Other Ability Scores: These are to be placed at a base 10 untill you get to level 3 where you will gain 1 point to spend at your discretion on any of your skills. (That means this first group each has one point to spend.)
Class/Level: this is for determining HP, AC, BAB, and level. (It should be noted that I will adjust the encounters to fit the party as Im not trying to kill them straight from the word go.)
*Spells : (those whom choose to play a class that has spells should refer to the attached screen shot. In a nutshell your spells per day stack when you gain a level.)
HP: (it should be noted that you will start with max HP.)
General Appearance:
*Backstory: the more you give me, the more I have to work with, and can possibly include in the game at some point. Its entirely your call.
In addition, those players who would like to -coughs- "play" with other player's characters should probably also know each other's turn ons, and turn offs.
As a fair warning, those who do not post after a week without getting in contact with me or the current party run the risk of they're character meeting a "Bad End". I wont do this unless were in the middle of an adventure and unable to find a convenient way to remove said character from the situation, but if your character getting carted off to be used a breeding sack for a group of Kobolds is the best way to resolve the issue of you being gone and leaving us with the impression that you quit the game, then I will do that for the sake of the story. As long as this game has a single player I will continue the game for they're sake.
Ok assuming you read my long ass rant and my overly high expectations for this game the last thing anyone reading this for the first time needs to know is this: I will Edit this first post any time the number of players changes and when I feel I need to clarify something I may have forgot.
Welcome to "A.N.A.L RPG"!!! :3
Current number of players: 5
Current free slots: 0 (first come, first serve)
Users Participating/Character Name
1.) deleted
2.) Kei - Kay
3.)Woider - Anja
4.) Malice - Jinni
Next Session: To Be Announced

The above is an example and the red text above the chart should explane how spells work in my game. You dont need spell components, however if a spell specifically mentions an a particular component, like the spell Burning Hands requires semantics(best example that came to mind) then you will need that particular component. However I dont expect you to carry around diamond dust or wormwood as this just takes up too much time.
Edit (June 19)
As of this moment were making these characters a bit more in depth by adding a few things.
1.) Eveyone now has 18 extra points to distribute on they're character's Ability Scores as they see fit up to a maximum score on one ability of 20,not counting racial modifiers (meaning if your race gets a +3 to a stat it doesn't count towards your maximum of 20 in that one stat and you can reach a 23). (Remember to adjust your modifers accordingly subtract score by 10 for even number and 11 for odd numbers and divide by 2 to find the modifier for that ability score.)
2.) We're adding Features (AKA Feats) and Skills to your character sheets which can be found on page 61 (for skills) and page 89 (for feats) in the D&D 3.5 Player's Handbook. For skills I'm not worried about if its a class skill or a cross-class skill, just buy the ranks in the skill that you like. (I highly recommend Spot, Search, & Listen as they will always come in handy no matter which class or race you play.) For Feats you gain one upon character creation, and 1 for every 3rd level unless your a fighter and/or a human (bear in mind that some Feats have requirements to buy them.)
3.) If you have ANY questions or need help with any of this, ask me and dont hesitate. I apologize for not dealing with this sooner but once we get this out of the way, the game should have quite a bit more depth.
The fallowing link should lead to a site that has every PDF you could ever need and then some for this game.
http://awakenvideo.org/pdf/DnD 3.5e... Dragons Dungeon Master 3.5 Essentials/books/
And the link below this is a player's handbook pdf if you need it. :3
http://awakenvideo.org/pdf/DnD 3.5e....5 Essentials/books/Players Handbook v3.5.pdf
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