Dark Souls III Hype

Wife Material

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
Whose body is ready for this game, oh my lord this game though. 

You won't even be able to talk to me if you're not playing this game when it hits.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I'm looking forward to the archery changes. It hasn't really been viable since Demon's Souls, so I'm glad to see it getting some love in DaS 3.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Want to get it, but still need to get Bloodborne first.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Well, for a more in depth answer from me.

I'm excited for the game and what it has to bring to the table with Hidetaka Miyazaki being the Director for it. With Bloodborne and Dark Souls being great successes, i'm fairly certain this one will be as well. Also the PvP, that's one of the main things i'm pretty psyched for. Hopefully, they take "some" notes from Dark Souls 2 PvP. But not too much notes by making the PvP so broken and "unhonorable" that it'd just drive many people away from it (Including me).

Kind of beginning spoilers for Dark Souls 3 but...

I find the returning characters from the previous Souls games to be very interesting and I can't wait to see how interconnected the last two (maybe three/four) games are.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I cannot wait for it! I'm currently re-playing Scholar of first sin just because I can't contain the excitement.

In regards to what Corivas said about spoilers and interconnection between games... after the last trailer they showed up I have a theory. But since I can't find a way to post the spoiler thingy I cannot divulge it ;____;


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I cannot wait for it! I'm currently re-playing Scholar of first sin just because I can't contain the excitement.

In regards to what Corivas said about spoilers and interconnection between games... after the last trailer they showed up I have a theory. But since I can't find a way to post the spoiler thingy I cannot divulge it ;____;

Just hit the quote button that's two spaces away from the underline button fam.

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
I too cannot wait to sword and board my way through the new Dark Souls like a total pussy. ;)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
My body is so fucking ready. I just really hope my computer/net can handle streaming it.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
After my friend got me hooked on Bloodborne, I went out and bought both it and SotFS on PS4 and haven't looked back since. My only gripe with DS2 was that enemies stopped spawning after like 15 kills. I don't care about your souls, I want all the armor in the game. ;-;

I'd say I'm pretty hyped for DS3, but I've been intentionally staying away from the game due to spoilers and whatnot. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to get it early enough so as to go in blind.
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Feb 25, 2016
They just better make it keyboard and mouse friendly this time. With no stupid gamepad hints when trying to play with them. >_<


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Dark Souls is literally the only reason I broke down and bought a controller. That port was soooo fucking lame.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Dark Souls is literally the only reason I broke down and bought a controller. That port was soooo fucking lame.

I mean, on DKS2 the keyboard controls were significantly better.

But what "casual" plays with a mouse a keyboard nowadays for DKS?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Waaaaaaaaaah. They do say Dark Souls and elitism goes hand in hand. >=D

Prepare to Die edition is considered one of the worst PC ports ever done but playing any Dark Souls on a KB really has to be either a work of love or trying to Hard mode it. And the lady in black from Demon's Souls was the best level-up waifu for sure.

As for my theory, since the quote button is not really like the spoiler button because it doesn't really hide anything, I'll just be very generalist when describing it. If you consider DS3 Firelink Shrine to be the past (and I'm pretty sure it is because it is still kind of in it's prime unlike DS1 Firelink) you could assume your unkindled to be the one going around kindling the land and bringing around the age of fire... doesn't that make you a certain existence in DS lore? That you will interact with npcs known to be allied to that certain existence only makes it a little more credible.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Prepare to Die edition is considered one of the worst PC ports ever done but playing any Dark Souls on a KB really has to be either a work of love or trying to Hard mode it.

It was rather poor. To be fair, though, a game on the PC expecting you to play it with something other than the mouse and keyboard isn't exactly new. The Wing Commander games generally expected you to play with a flight stick, for example.

Not wanting to buy something so specialized and expensive as a flight stick is understandable, but I always thought of joypads/controllers as a very general and relatively affordable piece of gaming equipment. Well, as long as you're not buying an Xbox One controller, anyway.

Also: Plain Doll > Maiden in Black >>> Emerald Herald

Plain Doll and the Maiden in Black are pretty close, though. Tough choice for me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The plain doll is also pretty darn cute but... "Touch the demon inside me, so the world might be mended... so the world might be mended" I still hear the mending part every time I level up in a souls game. For me it became part of the experience. =p


Feb 25, 2016
I always thought of joypads/controllers as a very general and relatively affordable piece of gaming equipment.

It's called personal preference. And we're all going to think differently on that. Either way I don't think it's asking for too much for a game like this to at least be keyboard friendly and have controls easily changed on a PC. And not have gamepad hints shoved in my face when using them (looking at you DS2). Or, you know, for the mouse cursor to show up in the game unless it's meant to be there when it clearly isn't (fortunately with games like these I stick to keyboard more often then not). Hell, if DMC (mouse cursor not withstanding), Fable, Castlevaina 2, Chaos Legion and countless other games like it manage to do that then I can't see why DS can't. So I'm honestly baffled why they haven't got a handle on this by now when it's become standard at this point.

As for gameplay, going by what I seen it looks pretty neat so far. I've always liked a bit of a slower and more realistic movement and DS3 seems to have kept that while improving on it as well. Swordplay actually looks fun. Never liked 2 handers myself and was worried it might be focused too much on that but it seems that's not the case here. Kinda came in late with DS so when I eventually got around to it it felt a little lacking. Spoilt on other games I guess. But going from the little gameplay I've seen so far in this one it looks like it will be a blast.

All that said I should note I'm more of a hardcore, determined gamer and not a casual one. Once a game has been started I'm heading to the finish line as long as I can play it. Replayability gets multiple playthroughs. Should be fun to play as different classes in Dark Souls. So... Knight first or the Assassin? Damn, I need to flip a coin or something. Then play as the other thing and then a spell caster. Right, that settles it. I am now glued to the comp.

Blackened Angel

Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
Playing any Souls game with keyboard on PC is like trying to play with the PSmove on the PS3. Sure, it kind of gets you where you need to go, but you would be better off playing with an actual controller instead of some gimmicky shit. The only type of games I feel comfortable using a keyboard and mouse are first-person games(Fallout, Elder Scrolls, etc) or Resident Evil from 4(with the unofficial mouse plugin) and up. Anything that requires me to dodge and keep me on my toes doing flippy anime shit(Devil May Cry, GunZ, Dark Souls) I go for controller.

As for covenants, I'll probably join the closest we get to Servants of Chaos or the Covenant of Champions. At least most of them know how how to be honorable, unlike those pussy dragon remnants who go and run into the enemy infested areas to heal. Fuck those guys.
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Feb 25, 2016
Playing any Souls game with keyboard on PC is like trying to play with the PSmove on the PS3. Sure, it kind of gets you where you need to go, but you would be better off playing with an actual controller instead of some gimmicky shit.

False. You're attempting to shove your personal preference on me. I've always played with keyboard and mouse and have always played better on them then a controller. YOU might play better with a controller but I do not.

Also I been playing a heck of a lot of Dragons Dogma lately. A HELL of a lot. And the game seems to have quite a bit in common with Dark Souls. It maintains the realistic combat movement, allows you to grab and climb on enemies and uses stamina similarly yet differently. For example, normal attacks use no stamina but any abilities and sprinting (as well as grabbing) do. Also it's an open world and lets you change class in game. If you like Dark Souls then you'll probably like Dragons Dogma. I never even heard of the game before, which is a shame. It's actually quite fun.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
False. You're attempting to shove your personal preference on me. I've always played with keyboard and mouse and have always played better on them then a controller. YOU might play better with a controller but I do not.

We might have to dissect you for science. You're the first person I ever saw defend keyboard and mouse on a DS game and I've been part of the DS community for a long long time. Then again, different people, different strokes... right?


Oct 21, 2015
Whose body is ready for this game, oh my lord this game though. 

You won't even be able to talk to me if you're not playing this game when it hits.

Yeah, I'm excited. Also, a question for everyone else here.

Do you really think Dark Souls is a difficult game? Now, I don't mean that this game's easy, far from it, but I feel that it gets overly-exaggerated as a super-hard game. I've never really thrown my controller in frustration (though I never really had that tendency to begin with) and I can count the number of times I've actually walked away from the game to cool off a bit on one hand (all incidents being bosses (ORNSTEIN AND MOTHERFUCKING SMOUGH)). Perhaps I've gotten used to the game and I instinctively know how it works, I dunno, but I'd like everyone else's opinions as to whether they truly find Dark Souls "extremely difficult", and as to why they do or do not.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Do you really think Dark Souls is a difficult game? Now, I don't mean that this game's easy, far from it, but I feel that it gets overly-exaggerated as a super-hard game. 

One of the things FromSoftware is incredibly good at is creating an atmosphere and feeling around their game worlds. Nowhere is this more obvious in their enemy design. Dark Souls isn't really that hard once you overcome one simple, critical weakness that the majority of new players succumb to:


Dark Souls is a master of the intimidation factor. Bosses, especially, but even regular enemies are gruesome and relentless and the potential loss of souls makes them all the more frightening. The reason Souls veterans are so much better able to assault new content is because they've realized that they can't fear the enemy. They've realized that their 100% block shield actually blocks damage even from huge scary shit, even when it seemingly shouldn't. They realize that Dark Souls is so much easier if you just walk past all the enemies rather than fighting them over and over. And, most importantly, they've realized that dying really isn't a big deal in DS. Once you conquer your ignorance and fear, DS isn't that much harder than your average ARPG.


I have one question having played all of the souls games and bloodborne... Why does everybody claim these games are hard!?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I have one question having played all of the souls games and bloodborne... Why does everybody claim these games are hard!?

Because their casuals Probably cause it's their first time playing a Souls game. Once you get to your second one, you stop thinking it's hard.


Because their casuals Probably cause it's their first time playing a Souls game. Once you get to your second one, you stop thinking it's hard.

I never thought it was hard though fucking casuals *scowls*

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I take it that people think Dark Souls is hard because they go to tough areas in the beginning, proceed to get their butts kicked, and then complain that the game is unfair because they were too stubborn to explore another area and come back to the one that's kicking their ass later. The only part I ever thought was hard was fighting the belfry gargoyles that I ascetic'd on ng (I may have died 30+ times to them, but that CGSR +2 was worth it! (fuck that boss though))


Feb 25, 2016
Once you know how the enemy reacts the game gets quite a bit easier. The Pursuer is a bit of a pain, if only because he can close in on you from the other side of the map. The biggest enemy in this game isn't the enemies themselves but the stamina. So once you got the hang of conserving it the game gets a lot less difficult. That practice is probably why I got through Dragons Dogma quickly. That and being on the game the whole day every day through easter. I kinda need to finish what I start ASAP.  :D
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I hate to be a two-time vidya blasphemer, but I'm content with playing Demon's Souls until my PS3 dies.

Demon's Souls is still probably the best out of all of them, in my opinion. They're both pretty excellent games, but I'm sentimental so DaS just can't replace DeS for me. DaS was merely an extension of the things that DeS did to make me love it. That's not to say it didn't have its fair share of unique content and ideas, though. The Painted World is one of my favorite areas in either Dark Souls or Demon's Souls.