

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If 0.6c is out? Nope it won;t be out for at least few days. I just finished Phoenix TF for it and started making Scylla TF so after those would test if they aren't super buggy. Plan for 0.6c is be it 3 or even 4 new TF items to release so I'm not close to this quote yet.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
I would like to know something it's about  Rubi is there a way to completely change her tail to something else? Because it gets annoying after awhile.

Digital Terror

Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2016
To Ormael: Just how do you turn into a Phoenix anyway?

If 0.6c is out? Nope it won;t be out for at least few days. I just finished Phoenix TF for it and started making Scylla TF so after those would test if they aren't super buggy. Plan for 0.6c is be it 3 or even 4 new TF items to release so I'm not close to this quote yet.

You can't yet, he's writing the TF for it though.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Isn't corrupt Amily technically a Bimbo who hasn't lost her sense of intelligence?

Although I guess if you have a thing for dumb chicks, just ignore this comment... :|  


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
To Ormael: Just how do you turn into a Phoenix anyway?

Use Nocello Liqueur for that ;) Well when I release next build of my mod it will be dropping from phoenix type of enemies or Eve would make it for PC as long she gonna get 10 gems+Salamander Firewater+Golden Seed.

You can't yet, he's writing the TF for it though.

Actualy Whole TF is already writen along even with phoenix fire breath attack xD I just currently busy squishing all issues with Scylla TF. Maybe will get Siren and 1-2 more TF items for next build...would see (not wanna keep people in vaccum for merely 1-2 more TF like....oppps I can't spoil the secret what TF item I want do)
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
So where can I find Eve when the mod of yours is out, and when should we expect it?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Eve with quite basic interactions is already in my mod. That Evangeline npc that for first time will meet PC quite soon during him exploring realm (need to use explore option not any specific area like lake or desert). Then PC can inv her or not (latter option will make her meet PC during use of explore option from time to time).


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
Oh okay thanks for letting me know that. So when should we expect your next mod? If you like, and that's if you like I can give some new ideas you could add to your mod. I'm very creative when it comes down to it.  :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For giving ideas for my mod feel free to use mod thread to which link I left in my previous post.....or go to mod trello board (link to it is in mod thread first post). I feel like Black Ink is quite coplete only adjusting numbers could be my mind started wander to one mysterious for now hybryd race I came with and unicorn TF items ^^

I...not sure when I would release next version of mod...want to put all TF items I got idea in lat weeks and them move to next part like changes to ascencion or archery X-pack or...too many diff subprojects to pick them. So if I keep my resolution to make this 3-4 more TF it would take many days...otherwise I could release something in next days to week (but then it would have jsut 2-3 new TF items instead of like 4-7).


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2016
Now that sounds interesting the Unicorn TF item that is. So how, and were do I go to give you some ideas plus where will find the Unicorn TF? I'm still new so I don't much about the site at the moment.  o_O