extra beauty salon and options for horns

Avarus Lux

Feb 26, 2016

while playing the game i ran multiple chars with horns, i found it difficult however to increase or decrease hornsizes or just add more horns.

the current methods of getting horns are either bovine (bovinium, minocharge and the treatment (can also give goat)), demon related (lucifer or holiday), or hornitol that always gives 1 horn of either rhino or narwhal/unicorn.

i usually run with demon horns but have never found a way to make them larger... just more of them and while bovine horns are great they usually come at a hefty price.

goat horns cant really be toyed around with and i havent touched the hornitol variants as i dont like em.

id love to be able to run around with hellboy like horns (the version  whent heyre not cutoff), but the best you can currently do without messing everything up is about 2'-4' with likely 4 horns in total...

now draconic horns are in the making i noticed, but haven't been implemented thus i don't know how they will work and what items they bring. but i would like to suggest/request 2 pills/items that allow existing horns to increase in size or decrease in size, and depending on the horn type of the user have some extra random effects like growing more horns in the case of rhino and demonic, or simple added fluff text like theyre straight/curved/ wavy etc... if there are no horns present, make these items grow the horn type of dragons, bovine or whoever's horn using race sells them to you.

another suggestion i have is a later game beauty/styling salon like cerias on tavros that has more and special options, colors and styles you cannot get at ceria's, and maybe some specialized other/more body alterations (at a hefty price ofcoarse). currently a lot of the colors i use at most characters are by using rainbotox bought from sera and save reloading until i get the colors i want, which is a pain in the ass way to do...

ps, currently using the latest 6.35 build from patreon, if i missed something that can aid me... tell me :).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I don't really care about horns, but am fully on-board with the idea of additional options for the salon. However, it might be a better idea to just gate this upgrade behind finding Ceria's boss and convincing that lazy sloot wonderful business-lady to return to work.

Avarus Lux

Feb 26, 2016
I don't really care about horns, but am fully on-board with the idea of additional options for the salon. However, it might be a better idea to just gate this upgrade behind finding Ceria's boss and convincing that lazy sloot wonderful business-lady to return to work.

im a horn fan, what can i say :p

as for the salon...  as long as it gets the extra stuff in.... im in, as for Ceria's boss... considering ceria and her attitude, the person might be a lazier sloot with a dick incredibly generous person that really cares for ceria.


Aug 26, 2015
im a horn fan, what can i say :p

as for the salon...  as long as it gets the extra stuff in.... im in, as for Ceria's boss... considering ceria and her attitude, the person might be a lazier sloot with a dick incredibly generous person that really cares for ceria.

Female dark fairy.  I'm saving her for when I have actual additional content I want to add to the salon as an excuse for unlocking it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
One thing I'd love is more hairstyles, I mean as it is now I get a few and Bess gets a dozen, the heck?

At the very minimum, it would be nice if the "Hime Cut" would be added in, as it stands the only two options I like are the Braid and leaving my hair straight.

Avarus Lux

Feb 26, 2016
One thing I'd love is more hairstyles, I mean as it is now I get a few and Bess gets a dozen, the heck?

At the very minimum, it would be nice if the "Hime Cut" would be added in, as it stands the only two options I like are the Braid and leaving my hair straight.

i wondered about lack of hairstyles to, for example at tarkus you can buy a leather jacket from that batlady that says it would be awesome to anyone rocking a pompadour... yet no pompadour choice ingame.... theres so many options for hair and beards you could implement it's silly, but each of which would add a lot of flavour :) as people can customize more.


Aug 26, 2015
It's precisely because there's so many possibilities that I won't jump on every suggestion.  No matter how many hairstyles I include it will never be a sufficiently exhaustive list for everyone, so I'm not going down that rabbit hole.


Aug 26, 2015
It's precisely because there's so many possibilities that I won't jump on every suggestion.  No matter how many hairstyles I include it will never be a sufficiently exhaustive list for everyone, so I'm not going down that rabbit hole.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
It's precisely because there's so many possibilities that I won't jump on every suggestion.  No matter how many hairstyles I include it will never be a sufficiently exhaustive list for everyone, so I'm not going down that rabbit hole.

Could you at least cover all the hairstyles Bess can have? I'd rather not have less choices than an NPC when it comes to hairstyles.

That would more than mollify most people's desires for new hairstyles, plus its the least work since you'd just need to copy already written code for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah getting some copies of Bess's options would go a long way towards satisfying players even if only for the fact that then they at least won't have an NPC outshining them in terms of customization options.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I also agree with having at least "some" copies of Bess's/Ben's hairstyles available, cause some of the ones in there were pretty good. Like the Front Wave, or the Simple Part, or the Hime Cut (as mentioned earlier).