Minor TF Item: Unaltered Grey Goo

Arcane Howitzer

Active Member
Jan 8, 2016
Currently, Tech Specialists can harvest vials of Gray Microbots whenever they defeat a Gray Goo Girl (G3). It restores 40 HP. That's it. And only the Tech Specialist has access to this item (unless I'm mistaken and other classes can bring Anno her samples; I don't know, I've only ever played T.S.).

With that in mind, my idea is to implement a variant of the G3's current item that would occasionally drop off of them if you can't (or simply choose not to) perform the factory reset on victory. You can call it Raw Grey Goo (Raw Goo), Vial of Unstable Microbots (U.M.Bots, since they're still in their corrupted state), or whatever else you want, but it would have two main features:

  1. It would be functionally interchangeable with the standard Gray Microbots for the purpose of:

    Goozooka ammo: If you have both types of microbots in your inventory, the 'Zooka would most likely prioritize shooting the less valuable, more "glitchy" goo over the rebooted or bought stuff, but because it reprograms each "shot" as it fires, they would both have identical effects.
  2. The samples Anno needs to do whatever it is she them to do (she can reset them her own damn self!)

[*]In addition to Restores a small amount of HP (less than the current Gray Goo item, since some of the 'bots are off doing their own thing instead of healing you), it would have the following effects when imbibed:

  1. Chance to increase Sensitivity and/or Libido (It's still the same horny goo-bimbo, after all)
  2. Chance to increase Elasticity (Steph Irson supposedly got quite stretchy after her encounter with a G3. Speaking of whom...)
  3. Chance to change Lips (and possibly other fleshy bits like nipples and vagina) to Shiny Goo, and change their color to Grey (vanilla Grey Goo), Black (Latex), Chrome (extra-shiny), or other such colors (they'll still change with all of the normal triggers, but will remain shiny until you do something to purge the errant microbots from your system. Maybe Anno or someone from Joy Co. could help, though you might need to pay up, or possibly even provide a baseline for them to work with).
  4. If Skin Type is Fur, Scales, Chitin, or anything else that is not Smooth or Goo, chance to change Skin Type to Smooth.
  5. If Lips (etc) are Shiny Goo and Skin Type is either Smooth or Goo, chance to change Skin Type to Shiny (descriptors like "slick" or "rubbery" would work well for this) and change Skin Color to match Lip (etc) Color (again, it can change color, but you'll have to do something about the 'bots if you want to change anything else). Even if your body is normally see-through due to taking GaloMax or some similar item, this will make your skin opaque, though it won't change how solid your skin is or how "squishy" your body is underneath it.
  6. If Skin Type is Shiny, chance to gain a goo-flinging attack similar to the Goozooka (basically meaning that the bots have effectively integrated with your skin and built up to the point that you wouldn't miss a chunk if you threw it at someone; You can probably still go back from this, but it wouldn't be easy or cheap)
  7. If Skin Type is Shiny and has Goo Fling ability, gain a "Goo Membrane." This would essentially act like a pseudo-GaloMax dose, letting you customize the consistency of your skin (which is by this point more microbot than organic flesh), ranging from dripping fluid to a water-tight rubber coating (possibly with amusing squeaky sounds in Silly Mode). Fortunately (or unfortunately) your own nanites would prevent the Goo from making any deeper changes, like dissolving your skeletal structure to make room for more goo, but there are always other ways...

There are a few other possible interactions that could come with a Gray Goo TF, like melding with other G3s or your own Gray Goo Armor for sexy fun times, but there are already enough ways to feminize, masculate, bimbofy, and otherwise transform your character that the effects of the Gray Goo should probably only be skin-deep. This would mainly be for people who want a less organic look, or who just want to go full Goo but don't like the whole transparency aspect.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
If you're not techie, you need 20+ Int to reprogram the goo, "Sensitivity" isn't a thing in TiTS, and the combat use is probably a no-go.

Edit: Oh wait, this is the Ideas section. For a moment there I thought you'd be interested in writing this stuff. My bad.
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