Run chance


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It been some time since run chance was changed and start depend on more stuff. Till recent I not much used it but now after I wanted use of this function to avoid fight enemies that will give me too much exp (yeah wanted aim for exact set of enemies giving exactly amount of exp) I run into weird thing. My team that was all 15 lvl couldn't run away from lvl 1 enemies or lvl 1/2 enemies for long time. I get when enemies are near lvl to my team it's ok but more than 5 failed run away tries when my team is like 12+ lvl above's I just not get it. Was run away nerfed too much? I even got one fight when enemies was lvl 3/2/1 mix when I spend...think around 20 tries to run away from them.

So alder can you say is it normal to be so hard to run away from enemies that are way under my party lvl's? Or deos it have to do something with some chara stat been too low (but as I tried look into code not seen any attribute meantion there that could affect this)?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Run formula:

player.level / (player.level + firstFoe.level) < Math.random()

This actually makes low level encounters more difficult to avoid than high level.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hum that something different than what I found:

var runlevel = encounter.RunLevel();

var goal = caster.level / (caster.level + runlevel);

if(caster.HasPerk(Perks.Fleetfoot)) goal *= 1.5;

if(goal < Math.random() || DEBUG) {


Well anyway it's weird that low lvl encounters are harder to escape from than high lvl ones. Even more given that if it would be low lvl team against high lvl enemy(ies) it won't be weird their can't escape so easily but other way around....still hard to run away. I confused how it...well logical for the game :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hum that something different than what I found:

var runlevel = encounter.RunLevel();

var goal = caster.level / (caster.level + runlevel);

if(caster.HasPerk(Perks.Fleetfoot)) goal *= 1.5;

if(goal < Math.random() || DEBUG) {


Well anyway it's weird that low lvl encounters are harder to escape from than high lvl ones. Even more given that if it would be low lvl team against high lvl enemy(ies) it won't be weird their can't escape so easily but other way around....still hard to run away. I confused how it...well logical for the game :p

I've just cut it to be one line.


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
Run formula itself works the way as intended, but the "roll vs goal" inequality was flipped. Fixed in next release.