QB's FoE Oneshots

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
I don't know how to explain this... since my first ever hesitant FoE fanfic, the oneshot (now multi-shot serial) "Queen Roa", was so well received, I've been hesitantly contemplating my own ideas and considering the possibility of writing them up into oneshot fanfics. If nobody minds me doing so, of course?

But first, some explanations feel necessary...

#1: These fanfics are non-canon. I don't know how necessary it is to say that, but since I'm a Creator, I figured it was better to warn people, lest they take something like "Roa becomes a live-in sex buddy in the gemstead in act 2!" or whatever as canon. Still, I'll be trying to avoid both spoilers (there's a lot of characters/settings LD and I have discussed, but I can't write about, since they're not set in stone yet) and the more blatantly out-of-character ideas I might have. For example, much as I might like to write a oneshot in which Asche "rewards" the PC-stand-in for his many efforts at quests by impregnating him with the aid of a magic-strapon, I won't. Because that's completely out of character for her. Hell, I'm leery to do a oneshot of Cveta doing a little doting over her pregnant boyfriend, because I'm so uncertain if she'd actually do something like that.

#2: These oneshots will be in effectively the same "continuity" as Queen Roa, so the same PC-stand in - Zeke, a nice guy femmeboi human mage with a thing for chicks with dicks, breeding and cumflation - will be used in all of them.

#3: Requests will be considered. I won't guarantee I'll do them, but I like hearing opinions, and enjoy the opportunity to contemplate new things. Plus, I'll be honest, it's easier for me to guide my thoughts with a little outside nudging. There's a reason for the next part below... So, yeah, if you want to suggest oneshot ideas, I'm interested in seeing them.

Alright, so, with that out of the way, on to the fun stuff. Below I'm listing a basic synopsis of all the oneshot ideas I've had so far. Since it's hard for me to choose, I'm open to preferences/requests here. Nominate whichever one(s) you'd like to see done first, and I'll see about getting it done.

Body Modding: Several members of the team, whilst relaxing in Sissy's gemstead bar, get to talking about altering one's body and the pros/cons of it. Raunchy talk, but no actual sex.

Say That You Love Me: Eden doesn't have a Valentine's Day, but Zeke's determined not to let that stop him from showing his assorted girlfriends how much he cares for them. Mostly (attempted) WAFF, some sexy times.

Sun Bathing: There's nothing Sissy likes so much as a good soak in some warm sand under a hot sun. Especially when she's laden with eggs and she has an attentive boyfriend to tend to her. DGPreg, belly rubbing, full-body massage, blowjob, handjob, hyper-cum body lotion.

Chimera Conversions: Several of the team discuss Layla's...unique... sexual attributes, and contemplate whether they'd go for anything as out-there as the chimera. Raunchy talk, but no actual sex.

Love Is Blind: Momo was so fired up when she ascended, but now that she's actually got her new, more draconic body, she's starting to have second thoughts. Zeke convinces her that there's nothing wrong with how she looks now. Monstergirl (Dragongirl), body worship, footplay, tailplay, tailjob, frigging, kissing.

Tails Held High: Zeke contemplates one of the many things he loves about his non-human girlfriends. All their cute and sexy tails. Tailstroking, tailplay, buttplay, tailjobs.

One Big Family: Learning to share the gemstead wasn't easy, but in the end, they were happy. Slice of life with raunchy bits.

Sex an' Hold'em: When you play Cavalcade with Miranda, Terry, Zina and Sissy, you shouldn't be surprised when they come up with something much better to wager than mere coins. Random kinky stuff.

Mama Boi: Zeke is pregnant for the first time. Only thing is, nobody's sure who's the "daddy" here. The various potential culprits consider their impending fatherhood, and how they feel about watching their boyfriend swelling up like this. Mpreg.

Interspecies Romance: Zeke's a melancholic drunk, it turns out. He loves his girls very much, but he has to wonder; why do they like him? Most importantly, does it bother them that he's not the same race?

Hungry For Your Love: Miranda has always had a very strong sexual appetite. She's rather proud of it, in fact. But when she and Zeke are seperated during a dungeon delve, and she discovers a cursed magical amulet, she finds a whole new interpretation of it - one that she's not so proud of. Non-lethal soft vore.

Take Your Medicine: Sequel to the above. The magic may be keeping Zeke alive inside Miranda's belly, but that doesn't change the fact that they want to get him out of her. Fortunately, it's simple; a suitably massive dose of cum will make Miranda... expel him. How fortunate that there's so many fellow dickgirls and herms ready, willing and eager to contribute to the worthy cause. Gangbang, anal, hyper cumflation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Body Modding Talk: Who ranks among the modded in the potential Gemstead crew? Sissy, Zina, and Terry spring to mind. Roa too, from his sister's temporary experiments as well as the Queen Roa events. And Layla is less modded and more like a sentient body mod. It would be interesting to hear them comparing their experiences, as well as getting the thoughts of characters who are and will remain unmodded, but might be interested in a touch of fantasizing nevertheless.

Sun Bathing; That just sounds cute as hell. Which isn't something I've often said about a paragraph with the phrase "Hyper-Cum Body Lotion" in it.

I'm sure any and all of these would be more than worth reading.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'll just come out and say it. Those all actually sound like interesting concepts to write and read about. I'm not even in to vore, and it sounds interesting.

But If I had to put an order to the top picks:

- Interspecies romance

- One Big Family

Chimera Conversions

- Say that you love me

- Body Modding

- Sun Bathing

- And the rest I can't decide on an order.

Suggestions? Well. Does merge/fusion count as vore? Mentioning that Miranda idea reminds me of the Halloween event. Good merge and fusion stories are hard to come by. Especially where all involved parties are willing participants, not to mention no snuff.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Thank you both for the compliments. I don't know if I shouldn't do Sun Bathing or Body Modding first, since that's two requests for both of them. I'd like to do Interspecies Romance, but I'm admittedly not that great at intropspective stuff, so I'm worried.

Then again, maybe I should leave that for a while yet. Ld and I have three other characters we want to officially start working on once Zina recruitment is a-go. One of them is Momo, but I'm pretty sure I can't mention the other two until work has been put down on them...

@Spikes: Depends on if a way to make it work can be suggested. It can't be a permanent thing, but it being due to a macguffin that allows it to be reused in later oneshots is fine. Hence the cursed necklace in the vore twoshot, which will allow for similar content to be written afterwards if people are willing to see it done.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Depends on if a way to make it work can be suggested. It can't be a permanent thing, but it being due to a macguffin that allows it to be reused in later oneshots is fine. Hence the cursed necklace in the vore twoshot, which will allow for similar content to be written afterwards if people are willing to see it done.

Well theres always the DBZ route. Ritual dances and magic jewelry. Hmmmm. Jeanne with a transformative that has a time limit?

On the interspecies romance topic ... Well if you just feel like bouncing ideas off someone/someone new, i'm always down for things like that.
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Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Big problem is that it's kind of hard to justify doing; all the recruits in FoE have their own personalities, and what that means is that there's certain clashes of attitude. Terry doesn't like Miranda much, which the doberherm responds to by teasing and verbally tormenting him/her more. Cveta generally holds herself aloof from everyone and kind of looks down on them all. Believable, yeah, but it makes it a little hard to figure out what characters would actually fuse. I suppose Miranda fusing with Roa works, given she's a butt-chasing hermdomme and he's a subby buttslutt bunnyboi. Terry attempting to get the drop on Miranda by fusing with her as a payback for her pushing her around might work... I'm willing to talk about this stuff, if you're interested in seeing it.

As for the Interspecies Romance thing... I think the big problem is that, currently, the version I have just plain doesn't work. It's a rather private question, and even these weirdoes aren't going to be comfortable airing such things in public. Maybe breaking it up into character studies of Zeke asking his various lovers the question "why do you like me, even though I'm not your kind?" would be better.

Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
Big problem is that it's kind of hard to justify doing; all the recruits in FoE have their own personalities, and what that means is that there's certain clashes of attitude. Terry doesn't like Miranda much, which the doberherm responds to by teasing and verbally tormenting him/her more. Cveta generally holds herself aloof from everyone and kind of looks down on them all. Believable, yeah, but it makes it a little hard to figure out what characters would actually fuse. I suppose Miranda fusing with Roa works, given she's a butt-chasing hermdomme and he's a subby buttslutt bunnyboi. Terry attempting to get the drop on Miranda by fusing with her as a payback for her pushing her around might work... I'm willing to talk about this stuff, if you're interested in seeing it.



Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Big problem is that it's kind of hard to justify doing; all the recruits in FoE have their own personalities, and what that means is that there's certain clashes of attitude. Terry doesn't like Miranda much, which the doberherm responds to by teasing and verbally tormenting him/her more. Cveta generally holds herself aloof from everyone and kind of looks down on them all. Believable, yeah, but it makes it a little hard to figure out what characters would actually fuse. I suppose Miranda fusing with Roa works, given she's a butt-chasing hermdomme and he's a subby buttslutt bunnyboi. Terry attempting to get the drop on Miranda by fusing with her as a payback for her pushing her around might work... I'm willing to talk about this stuff, if you're interested in seeing it.

As for the Interspecies Romance thing... I think the big problem is that, currently, the version I have just plain doesn't work. It's a rather private question, and even these weirdoes aren't going to be comfortable airing such things in public. Maybe breaking it up into character studies of Zeke asking his various lovers the question "why do you like me, even though I'm not your kind?" would be better.

Well there are ways to get two seemingly polar opposite personalities to work together. Give them a good enough reason. AKA getting back to normal. The fusion I am proposing would also not necessarily create a new persona. Closer to a split personality where each side is aware of the other, can talk to the other, but both have to be in agreement to do things, like move. Otherwise its awkward jerky motion, if any. Gives "arguing with yourself" a new meaning. It would allow for character growth scenarios, comedy (if you want a more light hearted story), It could even turn in to a shared dream plot. One of those "But it felt so REAL" things. Maybe the gemstead did it to help them get along better so they can aid the master/PC in a higher capacity (is it sentient or is that still in debate)? This way you can stay outside cannon without deviating TOO much since the situation would give just cause. And of course theres the "Steven Universe" style. Its done to create a stronger single fighter, but if agreement/concentration is lost between those who make it up then it ends.

I've read pretty much every character document that was made available since production started. While some of them don't particularly get along, they also do not seem to actually HATE any of the others. Although a fused Uru and Aria would be one WEIRD experience for all involved.... On that note I have a weird idea in my head for them. Remember Batman Forever? Two-face's room? Yeah I'm imagining Uru and Aria having to share a room and thats how it end ups looking more or less.

Going to each one would be a fine way of handling it. Although there are a few who would probably not mind discussing with another present (rivalry and/or jealousy motivation? "My reason is better!" type of thing). If done that way you could almost turn each character's reason in to its own 'slice of life' story.

The way they are written has always hit me this way: Terry hates (at first) being/looking/acting feminine, but still uses his looks to make his "jobs" easier. Over time that changes to "him" being comfortable in his own skin/fur. Miranda is very brash and rough, she likes to be the one in charge, once again "at first". Obviously her docs are on a bit of lockdown concerning her future content, but there have been discussions about it. Anyway, She wants to be able to let go and give up control to someone she trusts completely. In comes the PC. Over time the PC ends up polishing that rough stone and finds a beautiful gem underneath. ... The point is they both have the same character flaw. They are afraid to be their true selves. A fusion scenario that helps push them towards a resolution of those issues would be in character, lore friendly, and non cannon. They dont have to be "BFF"s after but understanding the other more could come in to play.

Well. That was long and needlessly rambling. But I hope I got across what was on my mind properly.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Okay, I'm sorry about the lack of any updates from me here, had a lot of other stuff on my mind. I want to get in here when I can, and I have plans to do the Valentine's Day oneshot, but the thing is... I'm not a hundred percent sure on what gifts to have the various "girls" receive. Anyone mind sharing their opinions on my current list of options, or suggestions of their own?

* Miranda: Enchanted panties that allow the wearer of one pair to portal-fuck the wearer of the second. She gets the "portal A" pair, for today at least - Zeke's already wearing "portal B".

* Zina: A bundle of homemade finest quality chocolate penises, each with a different flavor creamy "filling" inside.

* Terry: A jeweled heart-tag to go on his color, with an inscription of "sweet thing" on it.

* Cveta: A bouquet of flowers; referencing this site (http://www.victorianbazaar.com/meanings.html), it contains arum, balsam, bluebell, calla lily, white camellia, cattleya, and orchids.

* Kia: A book of romantic poems from Earth.

* Layla: Candy flowers. No, that's not a typo; flowers made of candy.

* Momo: A great big peach pie all to herself, and some books on new recipes from Earth.

* Sissy: A sexy new easy-access outfit to wear in the bar.

* Roa: A set of sexy maternity lingerie specifically catering to his propensities.

* Moira: A cup saying "Multiverse's Greatest Mom".
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Patrick R. Key

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2015
* Miranda: Enchanted panties that allow the wearer of one pair to portal-fuck the wearer of the second. She gets the "portal A" pair, for today at least - Zeke's already wearing "portal B".

* Terry: A jeweled heart-tag to go on his color, with an inscription of "sweet thing" on it.

* Kia: A book of romantic poems from Earth.

* Momo: A great big peach pie all to herself, and some books on new recipes from Earth.

Definitely looking forward to the Miranda thing. Personally, I'd prefer something along the lines of "sinful" for Terry's inscription. It's a bit of a nitpick, but just my opinion. The rest of the list sounds great imo.

One question though, did you really mean to say "Earth"?

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
"Sinful Thing" or somesuch doesn't sound a very romantic present, even given Terry's more... submissive/mischievous streak. At least, not to me. Anyone else have any comments on the matter?

And yeah, I meant to say "Earth".


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have to admit I don't have an alternate suggestion ready to go, but Zina's seems a bit on the nose doesn't it? There's nothing intrinsically wrong, of course, but this does seem like it could be an opportunity to display some other minor aspect of Zina's character/interests/tastes beyond the fact that she's the lady-king of blowjobs (long may she reign and all that).

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
To be honest, my first thought was that they seemed just right; in the Valentine's tradition (chocolate), but also a little goofy and lewd, fitting her carefree, sexually open nature. Yeah, they're silly, but Zina's not exactly the most serious lady, so I thought they made sense as the kind of thing she'd appreciate on Valentine's Day.

My second thought was a brand new shield emblazoned with the legend "Through Virtue, Strength" (or "Right Makes Might", or some such justice-y saying), but that didn't feel right. Too serious and grim, I thought.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Of the two i definitely like the chocolates better. And you're probably right that they're the right degree of silly lewdness.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Please remember that this is a fanfic; my Creator status doesn't mean that anything here is canonical or spoilerish. Indeed, despite LD's assertion it's okay to name names for some of his future characters, I have deliberately left them out, because I feel it's a spoiler to do so.

I choose to envision my PC (and thus the protagonist) as hailing from Earth (or Near-Earth, anyway), but that in no way, shape or form makes that the canonical origin for PCs. It's all up to a player to decide where the character hails from, okay?

Heck, even the idea he can use the gemstone to draw things from Earth to Eden is extremely uncanonical. This is just me taking fanfic writer's license, and I'm sorry if I misled anyone that I was doing otherwise.

I mean, I'd like the portal panties for buttslutty PCs and the chocolate penises as a gift for Zina to be in-game things, but they're almost assuredly not, since I don't think there's any way that they could be made viable for the game.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Got to agree with QB on Terry's present. S/he can mock the concept of traditional sappy romance all s/he wants, but it's obvious that s/he enjoys it immensely, possibly even more than both submission and dominance.

In Kia's case, I'd would have peppered in some sensual and borderline smutty variations of romantic poetry among the tame ones.

Layla is the toughest case, since a lot of her character's nuances haven't been revealed yet.