Hello everyone!
I'm from Versus X Studio, and here i want to present to you our main game we're working on: Punished Mai. A hentai kind of mix between action-rpg and survival horror (mechanics).
(7-21-2017)To read about the GOLD edition and the raffle, go here
Before going into any further. Maybe you don't want to read wall-texts and such so first thing first: There's a DEMO you can try right now. To download it just go ahead to the Patreon link (it's FREE of course) where you can find also some more wall-texts xD

Now it's time for some info:
- Genre: Action-RPG / “Survival Horror” / Hentai
- Engine: RPG Maker VX ACE
- Release Platform: PC Windows
- Size: TBA
- Status: Complete.
- Languages: English & Spanish
- Players: 1
- Development: September 2014 - January 2017
- Release date: 1-20-2017
- Lattest update: 2.4.0
- Classification: Adult-Hentai

Mai is a 28 years old young woman with a sad and dark past from which she remember almost nothing but a deep pain.
Without knowing how, or why, Mai wake up one day in a motel room, wondering, she comes out only to find that she’s in a place that she never saw on her life and which has nothing to do with her usual reality.
The girl, who initially thought she was alone in this city, ends up discovering that there is more life than she thought: monsters, demons, strange people and, last but not least, a kind of sect of people in cassocks who seem to be the ‘lords of the place ’. Under such conditions, Mai, plucks up courage and starts to seek for a way to get out of there, but unfortunately for her, after several months of searching she finds nothing.
However, someone has been watching Mai most of this time, a mysterious man who appears infront of her. He calls himself the ’Driver’ and hides his face behind a mask.
Despite the initial distrust, Mai has no choice but to accept the help of the ’Driver’, which, promises he will help her get out of the town.
Time passes and Mai begins to lose patience, strange dreams beset her, surviving in the town is becoming more dangerous, the doubts of what the town is and why is she there and above all that, a deep sense of sadness, are making the she starts to doubt on his sanity and to top places of her previous life started to appear in the town, including the house where she lived before appearing here.
All seems lost, but one day the ’Driver’ appears and tells her it’s time to leave the town, but first she shall pass a test…
And this is where our journey begins with Mai in the pursuit of a way out of this cursed town.
Character's Profile:
I really hope you like it. I'll keep everyone updated through this topic. In the meantime if you want to take a look at more info on the game aswell as other games/ero-stuff we make please pay a visit to:
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And please remember, your support and feedback is needed and deeply appreciated
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