Credits Bank


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
A lot of characters in the game mention getting loans to pay for mods or ships and such. I also noticed that whenever you are given credits that it mentions getting transfered into an account, but based on the nature of credits it probably isn't a bank account, otherwise you would probably get some kind of interest at regular intervals. I thought that what if there was an in game bank location where your character could get a loan, that if you miss a few payments on or don't pay off in a certain period would result in a bad end, or open a savings account where the interest increases or decreases based on the amount deposited. I'm not a writer, but I thought this was an interesting idea and I wanted to put it out there.


Dec 26, 2015
I'm no writer myself but this could be an interesting idea (at least I think so) as far as the first point goes about loans. I could see plenty of people wanting to buy out your contract (bad ends) if you missed quite a few payments depending on whose factions you pissed off (Black Void pirates, Bettany Carver and other people) you might have gotten rilled up or just want to have their little submissive slave Steele (Jack/Jill) over the course of your adventure in space. Some of those factions would likely take priority over others. Thinking of Bettany mostly there since she's the one owning the brothels and contracts so I figure she'd have first dibs about it or those with plenty of funds/influence in the universe at large. Also one thing that could be added as part of the system could be bounty hunters on the various planets you visit (leveled mobs which would be tough encounters based on the planets they appears on).

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
It's a checking account so it doesn't accumulate interest*, which is why you can withdraw and deposit as much as you want and instantly.

*Depends on the bank, at least in America.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's a checking account so it doesn't accumulate interest*, which is why you can withdraw and deposit as much as you want and instantly.

*Depends on the bank, at least in America.

You got three types of banks that I know of over here in America

1. Banks that charge you a monthy fee for having money in the bank (yeah that's right, charging you money to have money in a bank, I'm talking about you Bank of America!)

2. Banks that don't charge you a monthy fee

3. Not so much a bank itself, and we call these credit unions, these type of "banks" are usually better than the other two.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2015
You got three types of banks that I know of over here in America

1. Banks that charge you a monthy fee for having money in the bank (yeah that's right, charging you money to have money in a bank, I'm talking about you Bank of America!)

2. Banks that don't charge you a monthy fee

3. Not so much a bank itself, and we call these credit unions, these type of "banks" are usually better than the other two.

I belong to a credit union myself.  Also, on the subject of loans, if a shark race is ever introduced I hope there is a literal Loan Shark for the irony, maybe even one you could help reform and/or make a follower (or work alongside if your character isn't a nice person), whose past will cause trouble down the line. None of the followers or planned followers I've seen so far are bad people and are misguided at worst (Hand So) I wish I enjoyed writing things, but I really, really don't so I'm an idea man at best and I just wanted to put this out (as with my original post).
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