Player workshop

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
As a basic concept, an adition to the players ship that alows them to do simple upgrades to weapons, armour and TFs.

Nothing complicated like adding scopes, just something along the lines of "weapon +1" for weapons and armour, and the ability to make stronger or weaker versions of some TFs, just like how in CoC you could enhance or purify some items.

I will likely develop this idea some more, but for the time being I wanted to see what people think of such a featurw before putting too much effort into it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Provided the devs aren't going to tear their hair out over how hard this would be to implement, I'm all for it. Mostly because there are some weapons that I realy like thematically but they're kind of starting to lag behind.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
It's an interesting idea. Being able to upgrade som TFs certainly sounds interesting. F.ex. making the rainbotox only give one random effect at a time, or always give several. 

But I'm not sure what the devs will think about it though. Might be a bitch to code it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It depends. Lumi-style TF enchancements is basically making another TF item. Upgrading weapons to level... Sort of possible, actually. Just would require some formula to calculate upgrade value. Engine already support variable item stats (used for goo suit for example - it is same item with altered stats).

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
It depends. Lumi-style TF enchancements is basically making another TF item. Upgrading weapons to level... Sort of possible, actually. Just would require some formula to calculate upgrade value. Engine already support variable item stats (used for goo suit for example - it is same item with altered stats).

How about this, +1 to base damage for every 6 inteligence, up to +5 at 30 intel, techs get a perk that buffs it to per 5 inteligence and can go up to +6 at 30 intel.

Boosts of accuracy and crit chance can be unlocked by upgradeing the workshop

Armour recives a similar boost for defence and resistances, shields for capacity and resistances.

TFs are a whole diferent mess so I wont talk about them now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you want to connect upgrades with the stat system, I recommend you take a look at KOTOR2. The skills required for crafting weren't some universal "craft" skill but instead the normal skills that you used during gameplay.

What I mean with this is: if you want to upgrade your melee weapon, you need a certain amount of Physique, depending on weapon and upgrade. If you want to upgrade your gun, you need to have a matching Aim stat and so on. Nobody will feel forced to invest in a stat they will otherwise have no need for.
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Aug 26, 2015
If you allow universal weapon upgrading of the +5 bonesaw of playtime variety, you're not helping older weapons keep par, you're just making numbers bigger for the sake of making them bigger.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
If you allow universal weapon upgrading of the +5 bonesaw of playtime variety, you're not helping older weapons keep par, you're just making numbers bigger for the sake of making them bigger.


You *might* could get away with the +# shenanigans if there was some kind of hard cap on equipment power (ie, the dumb level requirements) -- meaning you could bump the Eagle pistol up to par with the most powerful weapon you can already use. But meeehh.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
¬¬ Space Marine much?

Full Metal Panic. well technically I'm lunarian, but I lived in japan for like a "long time" now.


Dude! I'm Japanese.

Ps the Heat Tonfas would be pretty cool to.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm still looking forward to the Heat Hawk.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Something I would find interesting is getting yourself a mechanical arm then either turn it to a close combat weapon with blades, etc. (e.g. Edwards from FMA) or into a gun or rocket launcher (e.g. Barrett's from FFVII).

You can upgrade your arm however you want.

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
Something I would find interesting is getting yourself a mechanical arm then either turn it to a close combat weapon with blades, etc. (e.g. Edwards from FMA) or into a gun or rocket launcher (e.g. Barrett's from FFVII).

You can upgrade your arm however you want.

Oh boy thats a whole diferent topic, that really falls under "TFs giveing advantages" and thats something many people are strongly against.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015

Say how did you even get internet connection in Gensokyo? And what think the inhabitants about the rule 34 stuff about them?

Rare Pleasure

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
I think I see what is wanted much clearer then before.

Start without the workshop, to obtain the first workbench the player must finish the quest that rewards you with the zk rifle (or a diferent quest when the alt starting world is added). Upon fishing the quest it unlocks the option to buy a ship upgrade for 500 creds. (Now that my tools are back I could fix your ship up with a space for fixing up ye own gear).

The first workbench alows the player to mod armour (more about mods later). Haveing this unlicks the ability to obtain upgrades to your workbench. Spesifically an expansion for shields, another for ranged weapons, one for melee weapons, and one for TFs.

To obtain workbench expansions the player must do normal gameplay stuff. Finishing quests, serching around combat zones, tradeing with vendors, ect.

As for the mods, they provide minor boosts and tradeoffs of stats, displayed with a prefix. For example an armour could be given 'thick' which boosts defence by 1 but lowers sexiness by 2. Or a gun could have laser sighted, boosting accuracy by 1.  Or a shirld with 'high capacity' boosting health by 5 but lowering kinetic resistance by 10%.

TFs work a little diferently, they still follow the concept of prefixes but obviously dont have stat boosts. Instead some TFs can be made into 'diluted' that sognificantly reduce side effects but only slightly reduce primary effects (so diluted throb wouls atill give you a hige dick but will not have as much of an effect on your libido). Concentraited (the oposite of diluted). And custom, which can be applied to spesifically tweek some TFs (such as the treatment. Makeing it allways use male or female tratment path inspite of gender).

Not all items can be moded. Especially in terms of TFs.


Aug 26, 2015
No intelligence requirements? Nice. My merc will certainly make use of it.

I wouldn't hold your breath.

TF modding is an absolutely not.  First off, it's a coding nightmare just thinking about it if you know anything at all about how the engine works.  You're looking at making three or four entirely new items for every item.  Even Sylvanol isn't that absurd.  Second, these are the adventures of Captain Steele, not Lieutenant Paris, so omnicompetence should not be assumed.  Genetic engineering is not something you should be able to do by yourself.  There are NPCs in this game, use them.

Weapons and armor present the obvious minmaxing issues.  Effectively you're paying an extra fee to have the equipment be as good as it "should" be, or else you're still just ratcheting up the power of all equipment just for the sake of doing it.

Tech specialists, the only class for which modifying their gear personally makes sense, already do modify it.  That's what Shield Tweaks / Gun Tweaks represent.  If you want a crafting station where the PC can build new gear, then that's fine, but it should be for specific gear, not a whole generic subsystem.