Compiling Questions


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The issue is genital placement. Usually when taur stuff happens it swaps genitals from slot 0 (waist) to 2 (hind legs). If you don't have your editor account for this automatically you get weirdshit(tm)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Idk for coding the editor, but in .minverva there's an integer set called "genitalplacement" or such nestled into each character's tree.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Easiest way would be if you made new save of fresh PC that isn't half-leithan and then compare both saves. That fresh one should have value for genitalia location on waist. Otherwise I would say 0 or 1 would be best quess as location you looking is most basic one so should have been first with all other 'exotic' ones having higher numbers.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just so everyone in thread is aware, there is already a TiTSEd project underway here. I'm not the op for it.


First, yes, we are aware. Second, this thread was made before that one was. Third, this is essentially now just a personal thread for learning/making own code. Fourth, one project does not mean another one can't be done.

In short, read threads fully including dates of posting and you can avoid critique such as this.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
I will quickly change my thread title won't let me

also @Etis I have downloaded the animate as you said i should, but still doing the same. so i figured it probably doesn't know where it is. Neither do I, nor do I know where to go to point FlashDevelop in the right direction.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
also @Etis I have downloaded the animate as you said i should, but still doing the same. so i figured it probably doesn't know where it is. Neither do I, nor do I know where to go to point FlashDevelop in the right direction.

Project - Properties - Classpaths.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
Project - Properties - Classpaths.

and where should I point it to?

also where is the values for the cheat codes stored? I need to have some fun first nevermind, i found em

Easiest way would be if you made new save of fresh PC that isn't half-leithan and then compare both saves. That fresh one should have value for genitalia location on waist. Otherwise I would say 0 or 1 would be best quess as location you looking is most basic one so should have been first with all other 'exotic' ones having higher numbers.

Found out that apparently having more than one genital eg 3 cocks and a vag results in you being a taur?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Found out that apparently having more than one genital eg 3 cocks and a vag results in you being a taur?

No. Genital Spot Zero (0) is the code for locating the genitals at the "waist" (crotch of a biped), spot One (1) is mid-tail (idk), spot Two (2) is rear-mounted like you'd think a taur would have as opposed to the front legs, spot Three (3) is under the tail akin to bug-stuff like driders if I recall.

The number and arrangement have nothing to do with spot and taur-ism.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
Hey @Fenoxo and @Etis, you know that taur issue I spoke of? yeah it is TiTS doing that. I tried every thing. To replicate this this is what iv'e done:

Create PC

Ausar ->  Name of PC: Ember -> Female -> 84 inches tall -> Husky -> Black Hair -> Blue Eyes -> Pale Skin -> DD's -> Both Vagina Improvements -> Milky -> Intelligence -> Austere -> Kind -> TechSpecialtist

Then to prove that this creates a taur wrongly:

I skip the tuorial -> I take celise -> my rival is female -> enter ship -> fly -> Mhen'ga -> read message -> i respond to distress call -> board -> exit -> north x2 -> east -> take cutlass -> west x2 -> fix machine -> after scenes I leave ship at mhen'ga -> east -> rest three times -> choose flahne's sex options -> CAN NOT choose get stuffed as I am APPARENTLY A TAUR?!?

EDIT: I gathered more info on the bug, I tested this with every version up to 0.6.21, it still does it in that order. Will try other species now. It happens to every race, with every possible combination (this means everything from tits size to skin coloration, ALL OPTIONS), all of them dictates the pc as a taur. Any ideas on a fix?
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
Have you unlocked her ovipositor? Needs to be out for that scene.

Yes, I did. But nothing, might be a hidden file since chrome crashed the other day on me. It started happening there after. Might be a broken and hidden .sol file.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I just tested myself, made a throwaway male human, went there, sexed her, unlocked ovipos, got stuffed. Idk what you're issue is.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
Ok, I found that due to my chorme's crash, it kill my flash plugin so i redownloaded it and cleaned op my .sol directory. Issue has been resolved. also where do i point flash develop for the fl libraries? i have downloaded adobe animate. i have the libs, but where are they? I want to copy them so i still have them when my trial expires.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh you can't edit jsut first post to change title of thread? weird I had not trouble doing it with my mod thread title.

Also good it not been some game issue but simple bad luck and chrome messing up saves. It was truly weird with situation you got there. Maybe that crash casues somehow change to your save to make PC fulfill all needed for taur variables.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
Every time I build the project, i get this error:


Nevermind It fixed itself after trying 10 times.
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Active Member
Dec 16, 2015
A lot of t his thread should go int the BUG Reporting sub-forum, jsyk.

Not really since this isn't bugs, rather coding issues for me, and not bugs with their application.

Also you probably don't want to highlight fen for every question.  :shibe:

Yeah, I know, I just thought it was very important due to a possible bug that stretched over 35 versions, but was just my side issue. Was about to delete the highlight anyways.

Thanks for the feedback though! (I am a forum newbie)