Anybody play that Final Fantasy MMO here?

Wife Material

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
I have a couple questions about it, mainly is it even worth getting into it this late into it's lifespan? There are rarely any MMO style games that stay around for as long as WoW does and gets frequent content updates.

Secondly,  I have no care for the Final Fantasy universe at all. Will I just be bored/uncaring the whole way because the game is full of things only hardcore FF players will understand or can you just pretty much just pick up and play it like it's own independent game?

Please leave your comments below, pretty much I just saw catgirls and lolis and figured I'd try it out but I want a little more information on it before I take the dive. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I haven't played it since before the Expansion pack came out, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. Though I ended up quitting due to increasing tension inside the Free Company, with people just not wanting anything to do with each other after a while.

As an aside, I absolutely despise the Final Fantasy RPGs, and didn't particularly give a shit about the story or setting of the game, but it offered something that was somewhat reminiscent of WoW and ToR, whilst still being a fairly fresh experience. (You'll see things from the main series aswell as cameos, but it was fairly easy to follow along, as it is it's own self-contained story.) That said, there are some questionable design-decisions in the game. For one, the job-class system for characters becomes a mess when you realize you'll have to mindlessly grind the other character classes, as you have no more quests to complete at appropriate levels.

In general, I'd say it's a pretty solid MMO, with some high-quality raiding content. Though, as I said, I haven't played for 2 years, so my information on that is a little outdated. If you're looking for a more mechanically challenging MMO than WoW, it's a good game to try.

Wife Material

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
I haven't played it since before the Expansion pack came out, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. Though I ended up quitting due to increasing tension inside the Free Company, with people just not wanting anything to do with each other after a while.

As an aside, I absolutely despise the Final Fantasy RPGs, and didn't particularly give a shit about the story or setting of the game, but it offered something that was somewhat reminiscent of WoW and ToR, whilst still being a fairly fresh experience. (You'll see things from the main series aswell as cameos, but it was fairly easy to follow along, as it is it's own self-contained story.) That said, there are some questionable design-decisions in the game. For one, the job-class system for characters becomes a mess when you realize you'll have to mindlessly grind the other character classes, as you have no more quests to complete at appropriate levels.

In general, I'd say it's a pretty solid MMO, with some high-quality raiding content. Though, as I said, I haven't played for 2 years, so my information on that is a little outdated. If you're looking for a more mechanically challenging MMO than WoW, it's a good game to try.

So, what I took from that is it's a good game for raiding. I ain't got time for 40 man fuckfests, perhaps I'll fine some other game to play dress up in then!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So, what I took from that is it's a good game for raiding. I ain't got time for 40 man fuckfests, perhaps I'll fine some other game to play dress up in then!

It's more like 8 and 24. And if you're looking for a game to play dress-up in, I can't help you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Well I got the dlc and I'd say that it's a pretty good game once you get into it. The dlc adds a lot to the game like new classes, new armor, new abilities, etc. You'll have to wait for the end game fir that bur it's still worth it. The stories also really good too.

I only played FF7 and that was a pretty enjoyable rpg, with the remake on the way for that.

All in all, I'd give FFXIV a 9.5/10, too much grinding.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well I got the dlc and I'd say that it's a pretty good game once you get into it. The dlc adds a lot to the game like new classes, new armor, new abilities, etc. You'll have to wait for the end game fir that bur it's still worth it. The stories also really good too.

I only played FF7 and that was a pretty enjoyable rpg, with the remake on the way for that.

All in all, I'd give FFXIV a 9.5/10, too much grinding.

What MMORPG doesn't have some form of grind?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm usually the type to HATE crafting in any MMO but in this... it was practically all I ever did. Long hours spent gathering and crafting to get the next set of high quality gear for each crafting and combat Job that I would level incrementally, I actually liked to craft in this game. I absolutely loved the freedom the Job system provided.


New Member
Jan 13, 2016
I've been playing it for a little over 2 years now, and i love the game. I am a FF fan though, so perhaps me saying it wouldnt be any help on that front. However as far as understanding the game goes, Every FF game is set in it's own world, so moving from say FF7 to FF8 is like playing a totally new game in a totally different world. FFXIV is no exception to this. My mother is a 62 year old woman who has never played a Final Fantasy game in her life, but loves playing FFXIV and enjoys the story behind it. It is a bit different from WoW as there is the occational voice acting and a main story line, with many cut scenes. To say the game's focus is on raiding isn't too far of a streach really, but since you have the option of makeing your own party or useing a dungeon finder it isnt too difficult to get into them. Raid's are not necessary to advance your character either, to be honest i think it's easier NOT to raid, but they are fun to do from time to time.Most your content is in 4 or 8 man dungeons anyway, in the current expansion there's only one 24 man raid at the moment and people have done it enough that you will probablly never run into a party wipe. Not to say that the dungeons are all easy, there are many that are very challenging no matter how many times you've run them.

As far as leveling goes, your first job is the easiest to level thanks to the main storyline quests. The quests provide enough experiance that you dont really have to do too much grinding, but those quests can only be done once so leveling other jobs will be done mostly by dungeon farming.