Ok so we already have crew members implemented. Before it gets to the point the devs will have to edit a giant host of followers to fit into certain types of scenes that the community will likely have written (if they're not already)
Job Tags - Simple, what is the person's role on the ship beyond being a special sex scene dispenser. Jobs like guard, mechanic, merchant, slave, prostitute and/or pilot. An NPC would be able to have multiple job designations like Anno is a merchant with combat training so if she gets some guard scenes written she'd be good for that (or she can go the CoC route and you just don't have incidents when she's the guard)
Lead Job designation - Lets say there is an event where the player has to call a character with the job title mechanic... but you have 3 characters who are mechanics. we could have each event demand that you list the buttons for all available characters with the job type mechanic or we could have way to designate a lead mechanic or a lead guard. That way when there are scenes where you are on ship and need a merchant or a guard but you have several the game will automatically select the one you've designated as your lead. This, however, should be a slot like designation where a person can only fill one slot at a time. This is because scenes where you have need of two jobs (lets say during a scene you get caught in the bast radius of a dying star due to the black void deploying a dooms day device and you have need of a pilot and a mechanic) If Samuel is both your lead pilot and your lead mechanic he'd appear to be in two places at once in the scene. For players who don't have crew there would be alternate versions of the scene that neither penalizes nor rewards them for playing solo.
Crew.Parser: A good way to handle events. For instance a parser call like [crew.theGuy] (poor example I know) would return "the guys" "the girls" "the guy" "the girl" "the crew" depending on the recognized gender and number of your followers. This would be useful for non-companion specific ship events like, lets say, an assailaint getting onto your ship and putting it in lockdown.
I'll leave you guys with these questions
*** None of this is endorsed by team Fen nor is it guarenteed to get into the game merely because the community wants it. To an extent threads like this are helpful in communicating to the devs what we want but if they choose to go another direction remember: They do kinda/sorta/sometimes know what they are doing
Job Tags - Simple, what is the person's role on the ship beyond being a special sex scene dispenser. Jobs like guard, mechanic, merchant, slave, prostitute and/or pilot. An NPC would be able to have multiple job designations like Anno is a merchant with combat training so if she gets some guard scenes written she'd be good for that (or she can go the CoC route and you just don't have incidents when she's the guard)
Lead Job designation - Lets say there is an event where the player has to call a character with the job title mechanic... but you have 3 characters who are mechanics. we could have each event demand that you list the buttons for all available characters with the job type mechanic or we could have way to designate a lead mechanic or a lead guard. That way when there are scenes where you are on ship and need a merchant or a guard but you have several the game will automatically select the one you've designated as your lead. This, however, should be a slot like designation where a person can only fill one slot at a time. This is because scenes where you have need of two jobs (lets say during a scene you get caught in the bast radius of a dying star due to the black void deploying a dooms day device and you have need of a pilot and a mechanic) If Samuel is both your lead pilot and your lead mechanic he'd appear to be in two places at once in the scene. For players who don't have crew there would be alternate versions of the scene that neither penalizes nor rewards them for playing solo.
Crew.Parser: A good way to handle events. For instance a parser call like [crew.theGuy] (poor example I know) would return "the guys" "the girls" "the guy" "the girl" "the crew" depending on the recognized gender and number of your followers. This would be useful for non-companion specific ship events like, lets say, an assailaint getting onto your ship and putting it in lockdown.
I'll leave you guys with these questions
- What kind of crew scenes would you guys/gals like to see?
- how heavily involved do you want your crew in day to day operations of the ship?
- what kind of crew jobs would you guys/gals like to see?
- How best to handle events that would obviously effect your crew because my brain came up with this but that doesn't make it the best way.
- Also what kind sci-fi crew stuff have you seen in popular media that you'd like to see mirrored and adapted for TiTs?
*** None of this is endorsed by team Fen nor is it guarenteed to get into the game merely because the community wants it. To an extent threads like this are helpful in communicating to the devs what we want but if they choose to go another direction remember: They do kinda/sorta/sometimes know what they are doing