Ship Stuff that needs a conversation.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
The ability to acquire capital ships was a stretch goal during the Offbeatr that was met.  Fen is semi-obligated to implement them at an appropriate point.

Well capital ship is a loose term since in some Sci-Fi stuff the title can be given to any ship not just a Dreadnaught. For example the Normandy SR2 from the Mass Effect series could be considered a capital ship since it got amazing equipment and the likes but it isn't a Dreadnaught, a Carrier, or a Battleship. But I do think a ship around the size of say the Millennium Falcon shouldn't be classed as one.

Though I do feel them being end game content would work if done just right.
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Aug 26, 2015
But I do think a ship around the size of say the Millennium Falcon should be classed as one.

I'm sorry, what?  How big do you think the Millennium Falcon is?  It's thirty-five meters long, making it about the length of three X-Wings laid end to end.  It's smaller than the average house, possibly even smaller than Kiro and Kaede's ships.  It's such a small ship, in fact, that its own interior sets do not fit inside it.

For a capital ship you're looking at 100 meters of length minimum, with 1000m a safer estimate.  The whole point is that they are not tiny ships.


Well capital ship is a loose term since in some Sci-Fi stuff the title can be given to any ship not just a Dreadnaught. For example the Normandy SR2 from the Mass Effect series could be considered a capital ship since it got amazing equipment and the likes but it isn't a Dreadnaught, a Carrier, or a Battleship. But I do think a ship around the size of say the Millennium Falcon should be classed as one.

Though I do feel them being end game content would work if done just right.

The Normandy SR1 was a frigate (due to being able to land on planets) and the Normandy SR2 was a cruiser (due to being able to only land on certain planets which is why it required a shuttle in the first place). The mass effect universe didn't have a Capital Ship designation but the phrase capital ship can be use differently through different sci-fi media.

With TiTs though a capital ship is generally a ship thats bigger than a dreadnought. In our own navy the capital ship is the leading/primary ship (but is usually bigger and has more armor and weapons because of this although this isnt always the case)


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
I'm sorry, what?  How big do you think the Millennium Falcon is?  It's thirty-five meters long, making it about the length of three X-Wings laid end to end.  It's smaller than the average house, possibly even smaller than Kiro and Kaede's ships.  It's such a small ship, in fact, that its own interior sets do not fit inside it.

For a capital ship you're looking at 100 meters of length minimum, with 1000m a safer estimate.  The whole point is that they are not tiny ships.

I meant to type shouldn't sorry ^^;

fixing now

hate when my brain out runs my typing.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
"Capital Ship" isn't really a designation, so much as a broad term for several kinds of ships: Battleships, Dreadnoughts, Carriers. That sort of thing. Ships like the Bismark and the Enterprise in the real world; the Executor or the Galactica in sci-fi. Ships that lead whole formations of other ships, or are expected to go toe-to-toe with fleets of enemy vessels (alongside their escorts). In TiTS terminology, "Capital Ship" would refer to those same types of ships, the kind that require billions of dollars/credits and 1,000+ member crews to man. The only capital ship actually seen thus far (that I know of) is a few brief glimpses of the Odyssey, the Terran flagship (an ultra-heavy super carrier). It's more or less the Battlestar Galactica

Ships like Kara, Shade, Saendra, and Kaede's are all what sci-fi has labelled "stock freighters" or personal ships. The naval equivalent of a small cargo ship (size ~like a fishing boat) or a pleasure yacht. The Black Rose from Silence is a heavy cruiser; the Nova Securities ships it fights are Corvettes. Those are larger ships, basically escorts and small warships that would protect a capital ship (in something like a carrier group). Probably crewed by a couple hundred guys apiece at most.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
"Capital Ship" isn't really a designation, so much as a broad term for several kinds of ships: Battleships, Dreadnoughts, Carriers. That sort of thing. Ships like the Bismark and the Enterprise in the real world; the Executor or the Galactica in sci-fi. Ships that lead whole formations of other ships, or are expected to go toe-to-toe with fleets of enemy vessels (alongside their escorts). In TiTS terminology, "Capital Ship" would refer to those same types of ships, the kind that require billions of dollars/credits and 1,000+ member crews to man. The only capital ship actually seen thus far (that I know of) is a few brief glimpses of the Odyssey, the Terran flagship (an ultra-heavy super carrier). It's more or less the Battlestar Galactica

Ships like Kara, Shade, Saendra, and Kaede's are all what sci-fi has labelled "stock freighters" or personal ships. The naval equivalent of a small cargo ship (size ~like a fishing boat) or a pleasure yacht. The Black Rose from Silence is a heavy cruiser; the Nova Securities ships it fights are Corvettes. Those are larger ships, basically escorts and small warships that would protect a capital ship (in something like a carrier group). Probably crewed by a couple hundred guys apiece at most.

Ah okay then. Didn't know that's how TiTS was going to class them.


Ah okay then. Didn't know that's how TiTS was going to class them.


It is similar to the real life Naval classification for the term though. But with context clues from the threads I always assumed the Capital ships would be a size designation beyond Dreadnought/Carrier (Battleship as a term I wouldn't use because a casual observer would see the term and think "ship with weapons"). Like for those moon/planet sized vessels.

So the Destiny Ascension in Mass Effect would be considered a Capital Ship despite being a dreadnought sized vessel right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Awwwww, I was hoping to be able to get my own flying planet unreasonably  early just because I can. But I guess like levels the price for better content in TiTS over CoC is it all being gated and regimented. 

Its worth it though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Customizable ships,,, (engine, interior, ship's colour, weaponize "with restriction", etc). But i think that will be a hassle to coded,,,


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
So the Destiny Ascension in Mass Effect would be considered a Capital Ship despite being a dreadnought sized vessel right?

The Destiny Ascension is definitely a capital ship. It is, indeed, pretty much the very definition of one. So in other words:

But with context clues from the threads I always assumed the Capital ships would be a size designation beyond Dreadnought/Carrier (Battleship as a term I wouldn't use because a casual observer would see the term and think "ship with weapons"). Like for those moon/planet sized vessels.

No. Moon/planetoid ships would probably be INCLUDED within the term capital ships if they were to exist (which they probably wouldn't), but Capships are definitely intended to communicate something like a Dreadnought or a Carrier.


Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
No. Moon/planetoid ships would probably be INCLUDED within the term capital ships if they were to exist (which they probably wouldn't), but Capships are definitely intended to communicate something like a Dreadnought or a Carrier.

Excuse me, but what the fuck is Tarkus if not a proto-planetship? :colbert:  
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I'm still convinced Tarkus is just Goblin!Tamani's incredibly swollen tits. The Stellar Tether is just a sexy nipple chain.

Now that you mention it, yeah I could see how that would be, though what the hell is blowing up the planet symbolism for then?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Paizuri gone horribly wrong


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Like calling a rabbit a smeerp. It might sound foreign and mysterious or whatever you're going for, but it's also really likely to confuse and annoy people who don't want to memorize the meanings of all the new arbitrary words.

This is a game made by humans for humans.  Providing a naval classification scheme that people are familiar with is a useful shorthand with no reason not to do it.

I'm not arguing for using some alien language or techno-babble, but simple, universal terms and most importantly for consistency. E.g. 'corvettes', 'frigates' and 'dreadnought' seem anachronistic.

There's also virtually no information about the scale of space combat in TiTS, tactics used or even typical engagement distances.


I'm not arguing for using some alien language or techno-babble, but simple, universal terms and most importantly for consistency. E.g. 'corvettes', 'frigates' and 'dreadnought' seem anachronistic.

There's also virtually no information about the scale of space combat in TiTS, tactics used or even typical engagement distances.

that's partially what this thread is for although, once again, none of this is sanctioned by the powers that be.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Because you're still calling a Rabbit a Smeep. If the ship is a Frigate its a Frigate, and if you call it a Pluto-Class Supply Ship people will just auto-translate in their head to "Frigate" so just skip the middle state. 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Because you're still calling a Rabbit a Smeep. If the ship is a Frigate its a Frigate, and if you call it a Pluto-Class Supply Ship people will just auto-translate in their head to "Frigate" so just skip the middle state. 


You'll also note that IRL ship designations haven't really changed in the English speaking world since... the early Age of Sail? Maybe the 15th Century, for things like the frigate. I don't really see them changing in the English-speaking future of TiTS, given that they're an effective and concise set of designations. Alien classifications would likely auto-translate like everything else, with individual ship types remaining the same (ie, "an Odyssey-class super carrier" versus, say, an ausar "Star Shepherd-class corvette"). That'd probably be the most effective way to describe ships.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Because you're still calling a Rabbit a Smeep. If the ship is a Frigate its a Frigate, and if you call it a Pluto-Class Supply Ship people will just auto-translate in their head to "Frigate" so just skip the middle state. 

Any ship (at least military one) will probably end up belonging to a name-bearing class if the devs decide to bother going into such details, but there will also most likely be something like this in place.

Edit: apparently frigates are indeed a thing.
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Sep 12, 2015
The ship combat seems sort of cool, but I'm eagerly awaiting the addition of rooms. I feel like I'm piloting a closet. It'd feel great to be able to visit the kitchen, holo-deck, armory, and see the followers hanging out in different spots and rooms. I just really want to upgrade my Spaceshit.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The ship combat seems sort of cool, but I'm eagerly awaiting the addition of rooms. I feel like I'm piloting a closet. It'd feel great to be able to visit the kitchen, holo-deck, armory, and see the followers hanging out in different spots and rooms. I just really want to upgrade my Spaceshit.

Currently no plans to make the PC's ship explorable.


Sep 12, 2015
Currently no plans to make the PC's ship explorable.

Awww shucks, I was hoping our ship would turn out more like the others we've been able to explore. So ship upgrades will basically increase max crew size and ship combat capabilities and that's all? I guess we'll have to get creative with the ship menu system then. Hrmmm..... That changes up the design potential for new ship luxuries. Well, good to know now, then.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That's rather unfortunate, seems to take a lot of the point out of having a really big ship if it's still just one room.

Maybe that will change, hopefully. I would be cool if you had one of the really big ships and you had to manage it so it doesn't start breaking, you know?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That's rather unfortunate, seems to take a lot of the point out of having a really big ship if it's still just one room.

I think it's because it would get very annoying really fast, when smaller ships would be much less so.