More Bad Ends?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
The insidious ways you could stumble into bad ends were my favorite part about CoC. While a very solid erotic game, TiTS is lacking in the Bad End department. I wanted to ask what the plans for those are.


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
TiTS is a less insidious game than CoC on most levels. I don't have plans to slip in tons of them everywhere, but I'm sure more will make their appearance as time goes on.

Oh, I do still want to add one for Venus Pitchers at some point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
TiTS is a less insidious game than CoC on most levels. I don't have plans to slip in tons of them everywhere, but I'm sure more will make their appearance as time goes on.

Oh, I do still want to add one for Venus Pitchers at some point.

Nooooo don't ruin my Venus Pitcher fun… 


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
TiTS is a less insidious game than CoC on most levels. I don't have plans to slip in tons of them everywhere, but I'm sure more will make their appearance as time goes on.

Oh, I do still want to add one for Venus Pitchers at some point.

So sayeth the big boss himself. Thanks for the response.

Another question.

This is not at all a request, it is only a question. Do you have bad ends planned for Sera, Beth's Broads, or a re-write for the Kaska defeat scene?
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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Huh. Didn't realize that another one had been added for her. Thanks for the heads up!

She's had two ever since the Stellar Tether was first released (at least in public builds). You get a different one depending on her lust when she beats you.

For that matter, Beth's Broads is involved in one of the bad ends when losing to the Void on Tavros, and I reckon the odds are pretty high there'll be more once the devs start on the faction system, if not before.

Sera probably won't get a bad end, if Nonesuch's expansion goes live.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
She's had two ever since the Stellar Tether was first released (at least in public builds). You get a different one depending on her lust when she beats you.

For that matter, Beth's Broads is involved in one of the bad ends when losing to the Void on Tavros, and I reckon the odds are pretty high there'll be more once the devs start on the faction system, if not before.

Sera probably won't get a bad end, if Nonesuch's expansion goes live.

Thanks for the info.

I figured the Kaska one must be new. I've only ever gotten the "blam, you're dead" scene. Guess that's half the fun of the game, finding new things.

I was thinking more on the contract side for Beth's Broads. PC in over her head and all that. Where can I learn about this possible expansion? Can't say I'm in the know about general goings on, but chances are that's very obvious.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
More hypno!