Zil honey as a possible healing item for Zil?


Active Member
Nov 27, 2015
Hi all, does anyone know if Zil honey was ever mentioned anywhere as having healing properties for the Zil? I'm currently looking to use honey as a healing source in a scene I'm trying to write, but while the Zil honey definitely restores energy, it's never mentioned to have any other properties. Was hoping to find some evidence to show that it's relatively lore friendly for honey to help heal at least superficial wounds.

Honey does have some real life healing properties though, it is anti bacterial, so it prevents infection and helps long term healing, and it contains nutrients and stuff since it's fed to baby bees. Anyone know anything else to justify my plans? Help appreciated~

Incidentally, it would be pretty cool if PCs with heavy Zil TFs can use Zil honey as a healing item, in addition to the energy boost. Makes sense for alien biology to offer more advantages/disadvantages for stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zil Honey healing only Zil characters would set a precedent. Pretty sure Fenco wanted to move away from gating items and skills behind TFs.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
OP, I don't think that you need to have any gameplay evidence to lean on while justifying something like that in a scene. That is unless we are talking about full-on supernatural ultra-fast healing that will be on the same level as Grey Goo, V-Kos' healing sludge and whatever the hell goes into those Fungal Extract vials.

AFAIK, neither Zil nor their honey are said to be too too different, all things considered. So whatever justifications/information you have about the healing properties of the regular honey should be applicable.


Active Member
Nov 27, 2015
That is unless we are talking about full-on supernatural ultra-fast healing that will be on the same level as Grey Goo, V-Kos' healing sludge and whatever the hell goes into those Fungal Extract vials.

Uh... I guess that means I'll have to change my plans for that. Oh well~ Are there any other healing items present on Mhen'Ga that could be used as a fast healing source? Preferably found in the jungle, and not requiring the player to have it in the inventory.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Uh... I guess that means I'll have to change my plans for that. Oh well~ Are there any other healing items present on Mhen'Ga that could be used as a fast healing source? Preferably found in the jungle, and not requiring the player to have it in the inventory.

Sure, the bed in the Xenogen camp that was murderized by angry Vanae, with an angry Vanae that will ambush you when you sleep in it.