CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Active Member
Dec 2, 2019
I agree with you mrttao there ether allow the ability to cultivate xp by using soulforce (also make it only available in xianxia mode because something like this would be pretty op in normal mode) or an option to practice for a certain amount of time (for those going a more physique playstyle and not a magical playstyle)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
v0.8n4a issues:
* Staff channeling doesn't actually work. I just whack them with a staff instead of firing a magic bolt. (dealing 10 dmg with a staff attack vs 65,000 damage when i manually select magic bolt. I got 1 strength and 575 int, and 815 wisdom)

I agree with you mrttao there ether allow the ability to cultivate xp by using soulforce (also make it only available in xianxia mode because something like this would be pretty op in normal mode) or an option to practice for a certain amount of time (for those going a more physique playstyle and not a magical playstyle)
Maybe make it give only very small amounts? So its far less efficient than combat?
Or introduce some weaker training dummies in the arena suitable for level 1-5 xianxia difficulty?
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Active Member
Dec 2, 2019
v0.8n4a issues:
* Staff channeling doesn't actually work. I just whack them with a staff instead of firing a magic bolt. (dealing 10 dmg with a staff attack vs 65,000 damage when i manually select magic bolt. I got 1 strength and 575 int, and 815 wisdom)


Maybe make it give only very small amounts? So its far less efficient than combat?
Or introduce some weaker training dummies in the arena suitable for level 1-5 xianxia difficulty?

those might work even in normal mode considering that your extremely weak when you start (they can even implement a funny scene where if you lust yourself out you hump the dummy) but the issue is if they implement this they might make it so that every time you used the dummy you gain fatigue which would be a problem if you get the gang of imps event that happens if you sleep and like you said imps are bastards at the beginning especially people who are trying to do a pure run and keep on running into imp and are unable to escape.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2019
I've got some questions that have been bugging me for a while now the first 4 of my questions are around the game while the last two are just about everyone player characters and your builds
  1. what do you get when you beat the chimera at the bottom of the ebon labyrinth?
  2. is there any other superbosses besides marae and the kraken?
  3. what the best armor and weapons in the game (not just for mages and warriors but also rouges, archers, crossbowmen, seducers and brawlers)?
  4. do multi arms affect anything?
  5. what's your idea of a op build (warrior, mage, rouge, etc.)?
  6. (an addition to 3) what your favorite transformation combo (or just a basic transformation like pure blooded cat, wolf, minotaur, etc.)?
my build that I played as is a dragon brawler soul cultivator (ice punch + multi strike perks + brutal blows perk = near or over 100k damage on non ng+ run) for those about to ask about my build.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
v0.8n4a issues:
* The only place in which you receive any in game communication on chimera HP loss is in the perk selection. Which is a problem if you become a chimera after you stop leveling up. (I became a chimera at level 60). When I sleep or wait there is +HP, yet I see that I am losing HP instead of gaining it. I would recommend the sleep and wait have a notice about HP loss from chimera form and a hint towards how to fix it (perks)

* The descriptions for (Ever)Lasting Buffs, (Eternaly) Lasting Buffs, Long(er) Lasting Buffs are different before and after selecting them. Before it gives you a misleading and frankly useless statement using purple prose about how the buffs are longer... after selecting them you find what they actually do. Namely, the first two options add +5 turns duration but 2x the cost to cast (multiplicative, so together they give 4x cost), while the latter is a chain of options that gives +1 turn duration at no cost. Incidentally, I wish there was a way to turn off the first two because it made my buffs too expensive to use

Actually this is an issue with all perks, there is a usually useless pre-selection description that usually fails to tail you anything. And once selected you get the full description... usually, sometimes its teh same or sometimes it is backwards with the post selection description being the less useful one.

* Apprentice Robe is incorrectly labeled as clothing, it is actually armor

those might work even in normal mode considering that your extremely weak when you start (they can even implement a funny scene where if you lust yourself out you hump the dummy) but the issue is if they implement this they might make it so that every time you used the dummy you gain fatigue which would be a problem if you get the gang of imps event that happens if you sleep and like you said imps are bastards at the beginning especially people who are trying to do a pure run and keep on running into imp and are unable to escape.
Well, it isn't perfect, but it is still an improvement compared to current state.
I've got some questions that have been bugging me for a while now the first 4 of my questions are around the game while the last two are just about everyone player characters and your builds
  1. what do you get when you beat the chimera at the bottom of the ebon labyrinth?
  2. is there any other superbosses besides marae and the kraken?
  3. what the best armor and weapons in the game (not just for mages and warriors but also rouges, archers, crossbowmen, seducers and brawlers)?
  4. do multi arms affect anything?
  5. what's your idea of a op build (warrior, mage, rouge, etc.)?
  6. (an addition to 3) what your favorite transformation combo (or just a basic transformation like pure blooded cat, wolf, minotaur, etc.)?
my build that I played as is a dragon brawler soul cultivator (ice punch + multi strike perks + brutal blows perk = near or over 100k damage on non ng+ run) for those about to ask about my build.
1. where is the ebon labyrinth?

2. how do you fight those two?

3 & 5. For higher levels mage and cultivator are the only valid builds due to the way they provide multipliers to damage. Although I think mage actually wins out due to havin the superior multipliers. If staff channeling was fixed to not be broken anymore it would be even nicer because it would give you a proper option for the basic attack (which means fewer clicks to victory)

Compare the initial perks for each tree:
Body cultivator = a pathetic +2 to unarmed attacks (which is not enough to even make it better than armed attack)
Mage = x1.1 multiplier to magic
Daoist cultivator = x1.1 multiplier to soulforce attacks.

This disparity only gets worse later on, where mages get many 2x multipliers all stacking multiplicatively, cultivators 1.4x multipliers (and fewer of them)... archers I don't think they even get anything at all. And all other builds peak out at an utterly pathetic and utterly useless +8 flat bonus to unarmed attack from flesh body: elder stage

I take all those flesh body upgrades for the HP boosts even as a wizard/cultivator anyways (and also most cultivator perks even as a wizard too...), but it takes a long for the unarmed bonuses to overtake a weapon. Incidentally it is rather annoying that if you do insist on melee, unarmed is literally the only option because there are no damage boosters for weapons.

Since What is the point of even having weapons then? Or sword related classes? none of them matter because the body perk chain only boosts your unarmed combat and none of the weapon combats. This is just silly. The body cultivator perk chain should replace the unarmed flat bonus with a multiplier to all melee damage, and archers should either get their own thing or cease being a thing.

I guess the monk tree for multi strike for basic attacks would make him slightly more viable... except it gives diminishing returns instead of accelerating returns. Adding 1 extra strike is 2x improvement for first time, but going from 6 to 7 strikes is only a 16% improvement. While cultivator and mages just get higher and higher increases per perk tier.

Also for some reason you have 5 different sets of number of attacks boosters. A soul skill tree (too many clicks), a wrath skill tree (too many clicks), and 3 trees that change base attack...but only if you have the right weapon type (unarmed, large, or small). Just.. why? Multi attacks should really be combined together to not care about what weapon/unarmed you use and be part of the basic attack

So... anyways, since mage is just so much better, I go for a wizard staff in main hand, a tome in offhand, a mana bracer. The armor slot is a bit more open to interpretation. I did a lot with arcane bangles due to improving both magic and seduction. But I also like valerie's ability to heal you
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Question about ascension on android, are rare perks and perm perks suppose to be wiped every new game+? Does that have something to do with realistic mode?

It cycles as so.
Game 1, ascending with said perks chosen to be made permanent and/or rare ascension perk
Game 2, said perks work as probably intended
Game 3, perks wiped, regular ascension perks and history perks are the only ones unaffected

Also Chi-Chi kept reappearing in the arena despite being supposedly dead. Unwritten lust defeat?
This is not an android specific bug, I have the same issue on windows.

Also a lot of perm perks are being wiped too. For them it is an even harder wipe in that they are not even brought into the new game and can be re-taken next ascension.
Perms that work:
Corrupted Kitsune
Corrupted Ninetails
Enlightened Kitsune
Enlightened Nintails

Perms that I confirmed just waste your ascension points without even giving you that relevant perk on the next ascension, and can be repurchased:

Of the above, I permed all but FerasB.S. on my first ascension...
I thought maybe they are just invisible? but no, when I went to ascend after finishing the second run it asked me to reperm them all
And also lost all my rare perks too. (although those at least worked in the previous ascension, but they only lasted one before being lost)

History perk conversion into past life at least works correctly.
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Active Member
Dec 2, 2019
v0.8n4a issues:
* The only place in which you receive any in game communication on chimera HP loss is in the perk selection. Which is a problem if you become a chimera after you stop leveling up. (I became a chimera at level 60). When I sleep or wait there is +HP, yet I see that I am losing HP instead of gaining it. I would recommend the sleep and wait have a notice about HP loss from chimera form and a hint towards how to fix it (perks)

* The descriptions for (Ever)Lasting Buffs, (Eternaly) Lasting Buffs, Long(er) Lasting Buffs are different before and after selecting them. Before it gives you a misleading and frankly useless statement using purple prose about how the buffs are longer... after selecting them you find what they actually do. Namely, the first two options add +5 turns duration but 2x the cost to cast (multiplicative, so together they give 4x cost), while the latter is a chain of options that gives +1 turn duration at no cost. Incidentally, I wish there was a way to turn off the first two because it made my buffs too expensive to use

Actually this is an issue with all perks, there is a usually useless pre-selection description that usually fails to tail you anything. And once selected you get the full description... usually, sometimes its teh same or sometimes it is backwards with the post selection description being the less useful one.

* Apprentice Robe is incorrectly labeled as clothing, it is actually armor

Well, it isn't perfect, but it is still an improvement compared to current state.

1. where is the ebon labyrinth?

2. how do you fight those two?

3 & 5. For higher levels mage and cultivator are the only valid builds due to the way they provide multipliers to damage. Although I think mage actually wins out due to havin the superior multipliers. If staff channeling was fixed to not be broken anymore it would be even nicer because it would give you a proper option for the basic attack (which means fewer clicks to victory)

Compare the initial perks for each tree:
Body cultivator = a pathetic +2 to unarmed attacks (which is not enough to even make it better than armed attack)
Mage = x1.1 multiplier to magic
Daoist cultivator = x1.1 multiplier to soulforce attacks.

This disparity only gets worse later on, where mages get many 2x multipliers all stacking multiplicatively, cultivators 1.4x multipliers (and fewer of them)... archers I don't think they even get anything at all. And all other builds peak out at an utterly pathetic and utterly useless +8 flat bonus to unarmed attack from flesh body: elder stage

I take all those flesh body upgrades for the HP boosts even as a wizard/cultivator anyways (and also most cultivator perks even as a wizard too...), but it takes a long for the unarmed bonuses to overtake a weapon. Incidentally it is rather annoying that if you do insist on melee, unarmed is literally the only option because there are no damage boosters for weapons.

Since What is the point of even having weapons then? Or sword related classes? none of them matter because the body perk chain only boosts your unarmed combat and none of the weapon combats. This is just silly. The body cultivator perk chain should replace the unarmed flat bonus with a multiplier to all melee damage, and archers should either get their own thing or cease being a thing.

I guess the monk tree for multi strike for basic attacks would make him slightly more viable... except it gives diminishing returns instead of accelerating returns. Adding 1 extra strike is 2x improvement for first time, but going from 6 to 7 strikes is only a 16% improvement. While cultivator and mages just get higher and higher increases per perk tier.

Also for some reason you have 5 different sets of number of attacks boosters. A soul skill tree (too many clicks), a wrath skill tree (too many clicks), and 3 trees that change base attack...but only if you have the right weapon type (unarmed, large, or small). Just.. why? Multi attacks should really be combined together to not care about what weapon/unarmed you use and be part of the basic attack

So... anyways, since mage is just so much better, I go for a wizard staff in main hand, a tome in offhand, a mana bracer. The armor slot is a bit more open to interpretation. I did a lot with arcane bangles due to improving both magic and seduction. But I also like valerie's ability to heal you

1 while exploring around lv 45-50 you can find a new location to explore called "cave" if you explore the caves enough time you'll come across the ebon labyrinth which is a 350 (possibly more) floor lv 80 Dungeon where you can fight enemies like succubus, incubus, dark slime queen, fire slug, hydra, and many more ending with the chimera at the bottom (floor 350 I believe) and you can not leave in the middle of the dungeon or you will have to go through it again from floor 1 I made it to floor 300 before I ran out of magic recovery items I never got to the chimera (which is from my research is the only non player character chimera in the game) so I was wondering what do you get when you beat the chimera

2 the kraken was a superboss you can find in the ocean but was moved to the high level explore (it on the second page of the explore tab) along with the Kitsune Sage and Scylla. marae is the goddess that you visit via the boat in and the one that give you the location of the demon factory and Zetaz's Cave as well as the one that give you the pure pearl if pure or two out of four sexual perks if corrupt once you beat Lethice in the vanilla game and uep you can go back to marae to fight her for the divine bark (pure version) which can be crafted by Rathazul for the best heavy armor in the game or the tentacle bark armor (if corrupt) which is weaker armor wise but increases lust damage. I'm just wondering if there is any more out there that I don't know of.

3 I know unarmed isn't extremely viable later on but I did the build as a one and done run (beat the game on non ng+0 and not ascend) as well as to challenge myself to see if I can beat the game with a build I never tried before (I usually play mage) and I did unarmed was disappointing in vanilla and uep it was not recommended just due to how ineffective it was so when I seen that xianxia added unarmed perks I wanted to see how good is unarmed now. after playing mage back in vanilla and uep and how fucking overpowered mages are I wanted to try something new to see if there are any other build that can rival mages or even surpass it and from your answer that's a resounding no that mages are even more broken in xianxia then they were in vanilla and uep that mages are your go to build for ng+ runs and the ones to rack up the damage.

here's my build if your wondering (I know that some of the perks and equipment isn't the best but it's how I end the game with)
Aerial Combat - You trained basics of fighting while flying (allow melee attacks with any weapon at cost of 30% accuracy penalty).
Backlash - Raises parry chance with your fist by an extra 5% when wearing no shield. When you manage to block an attack with your fist do a single attack in response.
Basic Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 30.
Basic Self-Control - Increases maximum lust by 15.
Basic Spirituality - Increases maximum mana by 45.
Basic Tranquilness - Increases maximum wrath by 15.
Body Cultivator - Allow you to train your soul cultivator body to make it as tough as artifacts. (+1 to armor, +2 to unarmed attack, +25 max HP, +0.5% HP regen)
Bones of Steel - Your body has adapted to constant fighting, making your bones as hard as steel, increasing the damage dealt with melee attacks. (+10% melee phys dmg)
Brawn - You have increased your striking power. (+10% to phantom Str bonus, +5% to unarmed atk)
Brutal Blows - Reduces enemy armor with each hit.
Brute - You have increased your striking strength. (add 20 pts of phantom Str (scalable))
Catch the blade - Increases deflect chance by up to 15% while using only fists/fist weapons. (Speed-based).
Chimerical Body: Initial Stage - Constant mutations resulted in your body developing the most basic resistance to increased stress on your metabolism due to that (negate up to 2 racial perk points negative effects).
Claw training - Gain 1 extra natural attack with your claws.
Clawing flurry - When attacking with your claws, add an additional attack striking up to 5 times.
Combo - Gain an extra attack with fist (weapon).
Combo Master - Gain another extra attack with fist (weapon).
Dancer’s Vitality I - +1.5 extra fatigue per point of speed.
Dantain - Increase max soulforce by 10% + 10% to 25% (per each attained cultivation stage) of base value.
Double Attack - Allows you to perform two melee attacks with non-large weapons per round.
Draconic Lungs - Draconic Lungs giving you slight increased speed and allows to use breath attack more often.
Draconic Lungs (Evolved) - Draconic Lungs (Evolved) giving you slight increased speed/toughness and increased threefold power of the dragon breath attacks.
Draconic Lungs (Final Form) - Draconic Lungs (Final Form) giving you slight increased str/tou/spe, a bit increase dragon breath attacks power and allows to use breath attack from combining all 4 basic breath types more often.
Dragon darkness breath - Allows access to a dragon darkness breath attack.
Dragon fire breath - Allows access to a dragon fire breath attack.
Dragon ice breath - Allows access to a dragon ice breath attack.
Dragon lightning breath - Allows access to a dragon lightning breath attack.
Enable Criticals - You now score crits on all naturaly immune to them enemies like constructs, goo or plants.
Epic Brawn - You have improved your striking power to epic level. (+25% to phantom Str bonus, +20% to unarmed atk)
Epic Brute - You have improved your striking strength to epic level. (add 80 pts of phantom Str (scalable))
Epic Intelligence - Increases maximum intelligence by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Libido - Increases maximum libido by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Sensitivity - Increases maximum sensitivity by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Speed - Increases maximum speed by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Strength - Increases maximum strength by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Toughness - Increases maximum toughness by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Wisdom - Increases maximum wisdom by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Evade - Increases chances of evading enemy attacks. (+5% to evasion)
Extra claw attack - When attacking with your claws, add an additional attack striking up to 3 times.
Feral Armor - Gain extra armor based on your toughness so long as you’re naked and have any form of natural armor.
Flesh Body: Apprentice Stage - Your reached first stage of body cultivating. (+4 to unarmed attack, +2 to armor, +1 to magic resistance, +50 max HP at S.Apprentice, S.Personage, S.Warrior stages)
Flesh Body: Elder Stage - Your reached third stage of body cultivating. (+8 to unarmed attack, +4 to armor, +3 to magic resistance, +100 max HP at S.Exalt, S.Overlord, S.Tyrant stages)
Flesh Body: Warrior Stage - Your reached second stage of body cultivating. (+6 to unarmed attack, +3 to armor, +2 to magic resistance, +75 max HP at S.Sprite, S.Scholar, S.Elder stages)
Flurry of Blows - Gain two additional attack when fighting with fist or fist weapon. All physical soulforce ability now also strike twice!
Genetic Memory - Your body can remember almost any transformation it undergone.
Grand Tactician - Increases physical critical hit chance by up to 30% (Intelligence-based).
Greater Brawn - You have greatly improved your striking power. (+20% to phantom Str bonus, +15% to unarmed atk)
Greater Brute - You have greatly improved your striking strength. (add 60 pts of phantom Str (scalable))
Greater Crinos Shape - Crinos Shape increase to physical might rise to 80% of str/tou/spe.
Heroism - Allows you to deal double damage toward boss or gigant sized enemies.
Hexa Attack - Allows you to perform six melee attacks with non-large weapons per round.
History: Fighter - A Past full of conflict increases physical melee damage dealt by 10% and acc by 10%.
Improved Brawn - You have improved your striking power. (+15% to phantom Str bonus, +10% to unarmed atk)
Improved Brute - You have improved your striking strength. (add 40 pts of phantom Str (scalable))
Improved Crinos Shape - Crinos Shape increase to physical might rise to 40% of str/tou/spe.
Improving Nature’s Blueprints (Apex Predator) - Changing negative bonuses to max Int and Wis from Job: Beast Warrior is the same value positive bonuses. While using Crinos shape increasing natural regeneration by 2% of max HP per turn. (+10 to max int/wis - scalable)
Improving Nature’s Blueprints (Natural Armor) - Charge Armor can be casted even if PC is not wearing any armor as long it have any form of natural armor (any skin type providing bonus to armor) and slight boost armor while under Crinos Shape effects.
Improving Nature’s Blueprints (Natural Weapons) - Charge Weapon can be cast whenever PC hold any weapon or merely using bare fists. And slight boost unarmed attacks while under Crinos Shape effects.
Iron Fists I - Hardens your fists to increase attack rating by 10.
Job: Beast Warrior - You’ve trained in use of your own body to it limits in fights. (+5 to max str/tou/spe, -5 to max int/wis - scalable)
Job: Brawler - You’ve trained in unarmed combat. (+10 to max str - scalable)
Job: Dervish - You’ve trained in multi meele attacks combat and using of medium sized dual weapons. (+10 to max spe - scalable)
Job: Monk - You’ve trained in unarmed combat. (+15 to max wis - scalable)
Job: Soul Cultivator - You’ve cultivated powers of your soul. (+5 to max wis - scalable)
Job: Warrior - You’ve trained in melee combat. (+5 to max str - scalable)
Legendary Brawn - You have improved your striking power to epic level. (+30% to phantom Str bonus, +25% to unarmed atk)
Legendary Brute - You have improved your striking strength to epic level. (add 100 pts of phantom Str (scalable))
Metamorph - Mold your own body using genetic memory and soulforce. (+250 soulforce)
Mighty Fist - Regular fist attacks now have a chance to cause stun and fist damage is increased by 5 (x NG tier).
Multi Claw Attack - When attacking with your claws, add an additional attack striking up to 4 times.
Mythical Brawn - You have improved your striking power to epic level. (+35% to phantom Str bonus, +30% to unarmed atk)
Mythical Brute - You have improved your striking strength to epic level. (add 120 pts of phantom Str (scalable))
Penta Attack - Allows you to perform five melee attacks with non-large weapons per round.
Perfect strike - When you strike (with puch/kick/soulblast) a stunned or frozen solid opponent you deal extra damage (50%).
Precision - Reduces enemy armor by 10. (Req’s 25+ Intelligence)
Prestige Job: Soul Art Master - You’ve trained in prestige art of combine soulforce with physical attacks to various deadly effect. (+40 to max str/wis - scalable)
Quadruple Attack - Allows you to perform four melee attacks with non-large weapons per round.
Rapier Training - After finishing of your training, increase attack power of any rapier you’re using.
Regeneration I - Regenerates 1% of max HP/hour and 0,5% of max HP/round.
Resolute - Grants immunity to stuns and some statuses.
Runner - Increases chances of escaping combat.
Second Ring - Your basic understanding of magic pools allows you to equip second ring.
Soul Apprentice - Allow reaching 1st stage of soul cultivation. (+20 max Hunger, +30 max SF at lvl 6, 8, 10; +10% to max SF at lvl 6)
Soul Elder - Allow reaching 6th stage of soul cultivation. (+25 max Hunger, +80 max SF at lvl 36, 38, 40; +15% to max SF at lvl 36)
Soul Personage - Allow reaching 2nd stage of soul cultivation. (+20 max Hunger, +40 max SF at lvl 12, 14, 16; +10% to max SF at lvl 12)
Soul Scholar - Allow reaching 5th stage of soul cultivation. (+25 max Hunger, +70 max SF at lvl 30, 32, 34; +15% to max SF at lvl 30)
Soul Sense - Your strong affinity toward soullforce helped to denvelop another sense called 'Soul Sense' by a fellow soul cultivators.
Soul Sprite - Allow reaching 4th stage of soul cultivation. (+25 max Hunger, +60 max SF at lvl 24, 26, 28; +15% to max SF at lvl 24)
Soul Warrior - Allow reaching 3rd stage of soul cultivation. (+20 max Hunger, +50 max SF at lvl 18, 20, 22; +10% to max SF at lvl 18)
Spellcasting Affinity - Reduces spell costs by 20%.
Strong - Gains strength 25% faster.
Tactician - Increases physical critical hit chance by up to 10% (Intelligence-based).
Third Ring - Your advanced understanding of magic pools allows you to equip third ring.
Tough Hide - Increase your armor by 2 and magic resistance by 1 so long as you have scale chitin fur or other natural armor. (boost scalable with ng tiers)
Triple Attack - Allows you to perform three melee attacks with non-large weapons per round.
Unhindered - Increases chances of evading enemy attacks when you are naked. (Undergarments won’t disable this perk.)
Unlock: Ardor (1st Stage) - Unlocking ardor grants additional 1 Lust on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Body (1st Stage) - Unlocking body potential grants additional 15 HP on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Body (2nd Stage) - Unlocking body potential grants additional 15 HP on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Endurance (1st Stage) - Unlocking innate endurance grants additional 5 Fatigue on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Endurance (2nd Stage) - Unlocking innate endurance grants additional 5 Fatigue on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Force (1st Stage) - Unlocking magic potential grants additional 10 Mana on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Id (1st Stage) - Unlocking id grants additional 1 Wrath on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Id (2nd Stage) - Unlocking id grants additional 1 Wrath on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Spirit (1st Stage) - Unlocking spirit potential grants additional 5 Soulforce on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Spirit (2nd Stage) - Unlocking spirit potential grants additional 5 Soulforce Spirit each lvl-up (retroactive effect).

Weapon (Melee): big fucking gauntlets (Attack: 140)
Weapon (Range): nothing (Attack: 0)
Shield: nothing (Block Rating: 0)
Armour: nothing (Physical / Magical Defense: 57 / 14)
Upper underwear: dragonscale bra
Lower underwear: dragonscale loincloth
Head Accessory/Helm: Crown of Strength
Necklace: Crinos Shape necklace
Ring (1st): Infernal Mouse ring
Ring (2nd): Ring of Strength
Ring (3rd): Ring of Strength
Vehicle: nothing

also here's my warrior that I just finished

Advanced Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 200.
Advanced Spirituality - Increases maximum mana by 300.
Advanced Tranquilness - Increases maximum wrath by 100.
Anger - For every 1% of missing HP you gain 1% bonus damage.
Armor Master - Boosts armor points by a portion of your speed on heavy armors.
Basic Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 30.
Basic Self-Control - Increases maximum lust by 15.
Basic Spirituality - Increases maximum mana by 45.
Basic Tranquilness - Increases maximum wrath by 15.
Berserker - Grants 'Berserk' ability.
Blademaster - Gain +5% to critical strike chance when wielding weapon with blade (sword, dueling sword, axe) and not using a shield.
Body Cultivator - Allow you to train your soul cultivator body to make it as tough as artifacts. (+1 to armor, +2 to unarmed attack, +25 max HP, +0.5% HP regen)
Body of Steel - Your physical body has become a honed weapon, capable of striking most enemies down. With your body made of steel, your melee damage has increased again. (+10% melee phys dmg)
Bones of Steel - Your body has adapted to constant fighting, making your bones as hard as steel, increasing the damage dealt with melee attacks. (+10% melee phys dmg)
Brutal Blows - Reduces enemy armor with each hit.
Cheetah I - +1 extra HP per point of speed.
Chimerical Body: Initial Stage - Constant mutations resulted in your body developing the most basic resistance to increased stress on your metabolism due to that (negate up to 2 racial perk points negative effects).
Diehard - You can’t loose by HP until reaching droping into negative health larger than 2% of max HP + 200(scalable). When below 0 HP would lose 1% of max HP per turn.
Double Attack (Large) - Allows you to perform two melee attacks with large weapons per round.
Draconic Lungs - Draconic Lungs giving you slight increased speed and allows to use breath attack more often.
Draconic Lungs (Evolved) - Draconic Lungs (Evolved) giving you slight increased speed/toughness and increased threefold power of the dragon breath attacks.
Draconic Lungs (Final Form) - Draconic Lungs (Final Form) giving you slight increased str/tou/spe, a bit increase dragon breath attacks power and allows to use breath attack from combining all 4 basic breath types more often.
Dragon darkness breath - Allows access to a dragon darkness breath attack.
Dragon fire breath - Allows access to a dragon fire breath attack.
Dragon ice breath - Allows access to a dragon ice breath attack.
Dragon lightning breath - Allows access to a dragon lightning breath attack.
Dual Wield - Allows you to wield two normal sized melee weapons (excluding staffs).
Dual Wield (Large) - Allows you to wield two large sized melee weapons.
Enable Criticals - You now score crits on all naturaly immune to them enemies like constructs, goo or plants.
Epic Diehard - You can’t loose by HP until reaching droping into negative health larger than 8% of max HP + 800(scalable). HP limit cumulative with other Diehard perks and when below 0 HP will not longer loose 1% of max HP per turn.
Epic Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 4500.
Epic Intelligence - Increases maximum intelligence by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Libido - Increases maximum libido by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Lifeline - Increases self healing by 240 out of combat and by 120 in combat (using defend option will double it).
Epic Sensitivity - Increases maximum sensitivity by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Speed - Increases maximum speed by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Strength - Increases maximum strength by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Toughness - Increases maximum toughness by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Epic Wisdom - Increases maximum wisdom by 35 + 5 * NG tier.
Evade - Increases chances of evading enemy attacks. (+5% to evasion)
Feral Whirlwind - Feral Whirlwind special deal increased damage based on current strength and unarmed bonus.
Fourth Ring - Your expert understanding of magic pools allows you to equip fourth ring.
Fuel for the Fire - Increase two times wrath gains from getting hit.
Genetic Memory - Your body can remember almost any transformation it undergone.
Goliath I - +2 extra HP per point of strength.
Grand Blademaster - Gain +15% to critical strike chance when wielding weapon with blade (sword, dueling sword, axe) and not using a shield.
Grand Tactician - Increases physical critical hit chance by up to 30% (Intelligence-based).
Greater Diehard - You can’t loose by HP until reaching droping into negative health larger than 6% of max HP + 600(scalable). HP limit cumulative with other Diehard perks.
Greater Evade - Increases chances of evading enemy attacks. (+15% to evasion)
Greater Lifeline - Increases self healing by 180 out of combat and by 90 in combat (using defend option will double it).
Half-step-to Advanced Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 120.
Half-step-to Advanced Spirituality - Increases maximum mana by 180.
Half-step-to Advanced Tranquilness - Increases maximum wrath by 60.
Half-step-to Epic Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 3000.
Half-step-to Improved Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 50.
Half-step-to Improved Self-Control - Increases maximum lust by 25.
Half-step-to Improved Spirituality - Increases maximum mana by 75.
Half-step-to Improved Tranquilness - Increases maximum wrath by 25.
Half-step-to Inhuman Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 1500.
Half-step-to Peerless Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 700.
Half-step-to Peerless Spirituality - Increases maximum mana by 1050.
Half-step-to Peerless Tranquilness - Increases maximum wrath by 350.
Half-step-to Superior Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 320.
Half-step-to Superior Spirituality - Increases maximum mana by 480.
Half-step-to Superior Tranquilness - Increases maximum wrath by 160.
Heart of Steel - Even your heart has grown used to fighting, after all, the saying goes 'Steel your heart', further increasing your melee strength. (+10% melee phys dmg)
Heavy Armor Proficiency - Wearing Heavy Armor’s grants 10% damage reduction.
Heroism - Allows you to deal double damage toward boss or gigant sized enemies.
Hidden Dual Momentum - You’ve trained in using your speed to enhance power of your dual large weapons swings.
Hidden Momentum - You’ve trained in using your speed to enhance power of your single large weapons swings.
History: Fighter - A Past full of conflict increases physical melee damage dealt by 10% and acc by 10%.
Immovable Object - Grants 10% physical damage reduction.
Improved Diehard - You can’t loose by HP until reaching droping into negative health larger than 4% of max HP + 400(scalable). HP limit cumulative with other Diehard perks.
Improved Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 80.
Improved Evade - Increases chances of evading enemy attacks. (+10% to evasion)
Improved Lifeline - Increases self healing by 120 out of combat and by 60 in combat (using defend option will double it).
Improved Spirituality - Increases maximum mana by 80.
Improved Tranquilness - Increases maximum wrath by 40.
Inhuman Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 2000.
Insightful Resources I - +5 extra soulforce per point of wisdom.
Iron Man - Reduces the fatigue cost of physical specials by 50%.
Job: Beast Warrior - You’ve trained in use of your own body to it limits in fights. (+5 to max str/tou/spe, -5 to max int/wis - scalable)
Job: Defender - You’ve trained in withstanding even the heaviest attacks head on. (+15 to max tou - scalable)
Job: Guardian - You’ve trained in defensive combat. (+5 to max tou - scalable)
Job: Knight - You’ve trained in combat using shields and heaviest armors. (+10 to max tou - scalable)
Job: Ranger - You’ve trained in ranged combat. (+5 to max spe - scalable)
Job: Soul Cultivator - You’ve cultivated powers of your soul. (+5 to max wis - scalable)
Job: Swordsman - You’ve trained in using large weapons in fights. (+10 to max str - scalable)
Job: Warrior - You’ve trained in melee combat. (+5 to max str - scalable)
Juggernaut - When wearing heavy armor, you have extra 10% damage resistance and are immune to damage from being constricted/squeezed (req. 100+ tou).
Legendary Intelligence - Increases maximum intelligence by 50 + 10 * NG tier.
Legendary Libido - Increases maximum libido by 50 + 10 * NG tier.
Legendary Speed - Increases maximum speed by 50 + 10 * NG tier.
Legendary Strength - Increases maximum strength by 50 + 10 * NG tier.
Legendary Toughness - Increases maximum toughness by 50 + 10 * NG tier.
Legendary Wisdom - Increases maximum wisdom by 50 + 10 * NG tier.
Lifeline - Increases self healing by 90 out of combat and by 45 in combat (using defend option will double it).
Limit Breaker: Body (1st stage) - Breaking your limits for 'body' for the first time grants you +5% max HP and Wrath.
Limit Breaker: Body (2nd stage) - Breaking your limits for 'body' for the second time grants you +10% max HP and Wrath.
Limit Breaker: Flesh (1st stage) - Breaking your limits for 'flesh' for the first time grants you +10 to max Str, Tou, Spe (scalable).
Limit Breaker: Flesh (2nd stage) - Breaking your limits for 'flesh' for the second time grants you +20 to max Str, Tou, Spe (scalable).
Limit Breaker: Heart (1st stage) - Breaking your limits for 'heart' for the first time grants you +5% max Lust and Fatigue.
Limit Breaker: Heart (2nd stage) - Breaking your limits for 'heart' for the second time grants you +10% max Lust and Fatigue.
Limit Breaker: Psyche (1st stage) - Breaking your limits for 'psyche' for the first time grants you +10 to max Int, Wis, Lib, Sens (scalable).
Limit Breaker: Psyche (2nd stage) - Breaking your limits for 'psyche' for the second time grants you +20 to max Int, Wis, Lib, Sens (scalable).
Limit Breaker: Soul (1st stage) - Breaking your limits for 'soul' for the first time grants you +5% max Mana and Soulforce.
Limit Breaker: Soul (2nd stage) - Breaking your limits for 'soul' for the second time grants you +10% max Mana and Soulforce.
Lunging Attacks - Grants 50% armor penetration for standard attacks.
Medicine - Grants 15% chance per round of cleansing poisons/drugs from your body. Increases HP restoration on rest.
Metamorph - Mold your own body using genetic memory and soulforce. (+650 soulforce)
Mind of Steel - Careful now, you’re becoming too much like a weapon. You’re mindset has become that of a weapon, allowing you to connect with your melee weapon to deal even more damage. (+10% melee phys dmg)
Muscles of Steel - Your body has further adapted to fighting, strengthening your muscles so that they too possess the power of steel to further your melee power. (+10% melee phys dmg)
Mythical Intelligence - Increases maximum intelligence by 65 + 15 * NG tier.
Mythical Libido - Increases maximum libido by 65 + 15 * NG tier.
Mythical Speed - Increases maximum speed by 65 + 15 * NG tier.
Mythical Strength - Increases maximum strength by 65 + 15 * NG tier.
Mythical Toughness - Increases maximum toughness by 65 + 15 * NG tier.
Mythical Wisdom - Increases maximum wisdom by 65 + 15 * NG tier.
Parry - Increases deflect chance by up to 10% while wielding a weapon. (Speed-based).
Peerless Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 1000.
Peerless Tranquilness - Increases maximum wrath by 500.
Precision - Reduces enemy armor by 10. (Req’s 25+ Intelligence)
Prestige Job: Berserker - You’ve trained in prestige art of perfect mastery over all forms of berserking. (+60 to max str, +20 to max tou - scalable)
Primal Fury I - Raises max Wrath by 10, generates 2 point of Wrath out of combat and double this amount during fight.
Rage - Increasing crit chance by up to 50% in berserk state that would reset after succesful crit attack.
Recuperation Sleep - Gain +100% boost to health and fatigue recovery during sleep.
Refined Body I - Raises max HP by 50.
Regeneration I - Regenerates 1% of max HP/hour and 0,5% of max HP/round.
Rejuvenation Sleep - Gain +200% boost to health and fatigue recovery during sleep.
Resistance I - Reduces lust gain by 5%.
Resolute - Grants immunity to stuns and some statuses.
Second Ring - Your basic understanding of magic pools allows you to equip second ring.
Speedy Recovery - Regain fatigue +50% out of combat / +100% in combat faster.
Speedy Recuperation - Regain fatigue +100% out of combat / +200% in combat faster.
Strong - Gains strength 25% faster.
Superior Endurance - Increases maximum fatigue by 500.
Superior Spirituality - Increases maximum mana by 750.
Superior Tranquilness - Increases maximum wrath by 250.
Tactician - Increases physical critical hit chance by up to 10% (Intelligence-based).
Tank I - +3 extra HP per point of toughness.
Third Ring - Your advanced understanding of magic pools allows you to equip third ring.
Thunderous Strikes - +20% 'Attack' damage while strength is at or above 80.
Titan Grip - Gain an ability to wield large weapons in one hand.
Triple Attack (Large) - Allows you to perform three melee attacks with large weapons per round.
Unlock: Ardor (1st Stage) - Unlocking ardor grants additional 1 Lust on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Body (1st Stage) - Unlocking body potential grants additional 15 HP on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Body (2nd Stage) - Unlocking body potential grants additional 15 HP on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Body (3rd Stage) - Unlocking body potential grants additional 15 HP on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Body (4th Stage) - Unlocking body potential grants additional 15 HP on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Endurance (1st Stage) - Unlocking innate endurance grants additional 5 Fatigue on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Endurance (2nd Stage) - Unlocking innate endurance grants additional 5 Fatigue on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Endurance (3rd Stage) - Unlocking innate endurance grants additional 5 Fatigue on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Force (1st Stage) - Unlocking magic potential grants additional 10 Mana on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Force (2nd Stage) - Unlocking magic potential grants additional 10 Mana on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Force (3rd Stage) - Unlocking magic potential grants additional 10 Mana on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Id (1st Stage) - Unlocking id grants additional 1 Wrath on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Id (2nd Stage) - Unlocking id grants additional 1 Wrath on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Id (3rd Stage) - Unlocking id grants additional 1 Wrath on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Id (4th Stage) - Unlocking id grants additional 1 Wrath on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Spirit (1st Stage) - Unlocking spirit potential grants additional 5 Soulforce on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Spirit (2nd Stage) - Unlocking spirit potential grants additional 5 Soulforce Spirit each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Unlock: Spirit (3rd Stage) - Unlocking spirit potential grants additional 5 Soulforce on each lvl-up (retroactive effect).
Weapon Grandmastery - Double damage bonus of weapons classified as 'Large' and 'Dual Large'. Additionaly 10% higher chance to crit with dual large weapons.
Weapon Mastery - One and half damage bonus of weapons classified as 'Large'. Additionaly 10% higher chance to crit with those weapons.
Well Adjusted - You gain half as much lust as time passes in Mareth.
Whirlwind - Whirlwind special deal increased damage based on current strength.

Weapon (Melee): dual big fucking swords (Attack: 250)
Weapon (Range): nothing (Attack: 0)
Shield: nothing (Block Rating: 3)
Armour: full platemail (Physical / Magical Defense: 54 / 4)
Upper underwear: dragonscale vest
Lower underwear: dragonscale thong
Head Accessory/Helm: Crown of Strength
Necklace: Necklace of Strength
Ring (1st): Infernal Mouse ring
Ring (2nd): Ring of Strength
Ring (3rd): Ring of Strength
Ring (4th): Ring of Strength
Vehicle: nothing

PS you can get dragonscales from the wyrms in the cave


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
1 while exploring around lv 45-50 you can find a new location to explore called "cave" if you explore the caves enough time you'll come across the ebon labyrinth which is a 350 (possibly more) floor lv 80 Dungeon where you can fight enemies like succubus, incubus, dark slime queen, fire slug, hydra, and many more ending with the chimera at the bottom (floor 350 I believe) and you can not leave in the middle of the dungeon or you will have to go through it again from floor 1 I made it to floor 300 before I ran out of magic recovery items I never got to the chimera (which is from my research is the only non player character chimera in the game) so I was wondering what do you get when you beat the chimera

2 the kraken was a superboss you can find in the ocean but was moved to the high level explore (it on the second page of the explore tab) along with the Kitsune Sage and Scylla. marae is the goddess that you visit via the boat in and the one that give you the location of the demon factory and Zetaz's Cave as well as the one that give you the pure pearl if pure or two out of four sexual perks if corrupt once you beat Lethice in the vanilla game and uep you can go back to marae to fight her for the divine bark (pure version) which can be crafted by Rathazul for the best heavy armor in the game or the tentacle bark armor (if corrupt) which is weaker armor wise but increases lust damage. I'm just wondering if there is any more out there that I don't know of.
thanks for the info. I was not aware that you can go back after defeating lethice to fight marae for some bark.
PS you can get dragonscales from the wyrms in the cave
I have gotten them from kiha and ember sparring.
also here's my warrior that I just finished
How much damage did you get per combat turn?

Also, anyone knows how to level up from level 80 to 150? xianxia mod seems to auto level so you can't just farm XP in a lower level and then spend it all at once.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@mrttao Auto-leveling can be turned off in game options. As for Xianxia MC diff seting as long PC get to lake it's possible to just use it till lvl 3 and make most of the farm before turning to other areas enemies.

Merry Christmas everyon (or any other winter celebration you may have now). I know it's smol but pretty nice present i leaving here now for you all.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
thanks for the info. I was not aware that you can go back after defeating lethice to fight marae for some bark.

I have gotten them from kiha and ember sparring.

How much damage did you get per combat turn?

Also, anyone knows how to level up from level 80 to 150? xianxia mod seems to auto level so you can't just farm XP in a lower level and then spend it all at once.

For levelling I just hit about level 25 and get as many perks as I can increasing my spell damage, getting stuff like Fortress of Intellect, Might autocast, spell damage buffs from using staves and a tome, etc. Then I use my strongest spell to find the highest level of golem in He'Xin'Dao that I can one shot, and just farm and save up to about 1.5 million exp. Getting TF's like Dragon/Elder Dragon or the Kitsune TF's and star sphere help as both increase your INT cap, allowing for even more damage and mana capacity. It takes a little bit, but then you can just steamroll everything else, and I usually turn on the daily stat point gain to help keep my stats increasing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2017
@ Ormael. Apprechiate the "small" yet exclusive gift.
But I am unsure about the goblin preg. Basically it means that any chimera that took the 3 goblin perks is doomed to the same pregnancy over and over.
Is it possible to change it to like a 33% chance of goblin-preg and 67% of whatever just fucked you? That would work well and still fit in the lore to spawn as many goblinsluts as possible.

Happy holidays!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
It seems like a number of the perks mentioned in the changelog aren't actually in the game. They're not listed in the database and if I have what I believe are the requirements for them I don't have the ability to pick them from the perk menu. Also, talking with Izma while Mitzi has daughters and is in camp leads to an endless loop.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
* perm/rare/special perks still broken on ascension. Also when it is fixed, some debug means to give yourself the lost ascension points would be nice.

* if choosing to unwrap elf on xmas then she only checks first penis for size. Saying its too big for her even if there are smaller ones available too.

* In settings, there is an "other setting" button to show more settings such as Eternal holiday. None of those buttons work though. So the list of settings that are not functional are: eternal holiday, damage overhaul, no blood toggle, spells cooldown, wis scaling, int scaling, str scaling, spe scaling.
**Edit: ok, those settings do work, but are a bit wonky. When you click on them nothing appears to happen. But when you leave that submenu it will update those clicks you made.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
As for Xianxia MC diff seting as long PC get to lake it's possible to just use it till lvl 3 and make most of the farm before turning to other areas enemies.
Thank you for the answer. I checked it and surprisingly, enemies don't exist in the lake at level 0.
So not only is it a safe way to get food. But also your path forwards.

You can get +int and speed in the lake. Farming those until max on a fresh character doesn't help. Even if you started with a magic bolt you just can't deal enough damage to stand a chance of winning any battles ever and will be stuck at level 0.

However... if you go full bore on eating equinum and whisker fruit found in the lake. Then you can get high enough physical stats to kill the weakest imp, thus starting to earn XP.
So I was wrong after all, it is possible.

Also wow, I did not notice the new method for getting stat points. This is so much more convenient than grinding slowly the items that give them like vitality tea and wisdom incense and so on.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
@ Ormael. Apprechiate the "small" yet exclusive gift.
But I am unsure about the goblin preg. Basically it means that any chimera that took the 3 goblin perks is doomed to the same pregnancy over and over.
Is it possible to change it to like a 33% chance of goblin-preg and 67% of whatever just fucked you? That would work well and still fit in the lore to spawn as many goblinsluts as possible.
My suggestion is adding a chimera check rather than changing goblin preg.
If you are not a chimera, work as current
If you are a chimera then have a chance to trigger based on the number of chimerized races
For levelling I just hit about level 25 and get as many perks as I can increasing my spell damage, getting stuff like Fortress of Intellect, Might autocast, spell damage buffs from using staves and a tome, etc. Then I use my strongest spell to find the highest level of golem in He'Xin'Dao that I can one shot, and just farm and save up to about 1.5 million exp. Getting TF's like Dragon/Elder Dragon or the Kitsune TF's and star sphere help as both increase your INT cap, allowing for even more damage and mana capacity. It takes a little bit, but then you can just steamroll everything else, and I usually turn on the daily stat point gain to help keep my stats increasing.
Thank you.
The issue I had was that auto leveling was on and I was not aware that it was possible to turn it off.
Now that I turned it off this is not a problem anymore.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2019
thanks for the info. I was not aware that you can go back after defeating lethice to fight marae for some bark.

I have gotten them from kiha and ember sparring.

How much damage did you get per combat turn?

Also, anyone knows how to level up from level 80 to 150? xianxia mod seems to auto level so you can't just farm XP in a lower level and then spend it all at once.
around 900000 damage base without crits nothing to scoff at but no were near the damage of mages

the ebon labyrinth gives around 700- 4000 xp every 10th floor and more if you fight the bosses but I suggest you go to the volcanic crags at lv 15-20 by the Cheshire cat in the forest and have ice punch and fight the true fire golems they give 9000 to 10000 xp every time and you don't have to worry about getting a bad ending by losing to them because the don't have one if they are to much for you then fight the hellcats there they don't give much in the way of xp but they are far weaker then the true fire golems


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
around 900000 damage base without crits nothing to scoff at but no were near the damage of mages

the ebon labyrinth gives around 700- 4000 xp every 10th floor and more if you fight the bosses but I suggest you go to the volcanic crags at lv 15-20 by the Cheshire cat in the forest and have ice punch and fight the true fire golems they give 9000 to 10000 xp every time and you don't have to worry about getting a bad ending by losing to them because the don't have one if they are to much for you then fight the hellcats there they don't give much in the way of xp but they are far weaker then the true fire golems

Alternatively, if you can get your lust attack up, the beach demons are not immune to CC and go down fairly easily


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
out of curiosity how do we interact with the "suspicious human bimbo with animal tail" in He'Xin'Dao'd Journey to the East?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Sorry for been not much on last few days - planned even with bothersome working way that makes posting such a pain to me. But had also irl issue - I will try be more active next month here too.

After 1-2 days i noticed when n5 was out that it had lvl cap still not as i meantioned in changelog making those few perks unaccesable. Also certain small bae had left 100% pregnancy Chance not like almost any other female npc.

Happy New Year everyone. And those that have troubles to work with DL from Github won't be left. (KgmFmFOZXwQfv_IYlKtCv6CIm1KyBX8ueH8zSBRsDNM - key) For apk verison i will reach to the great person that always do them to let him know about new ver and need to update apk version too.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2017
The "Mitzi gives birth"-loup sadly is still in, but at least the perks seem to work so far yes.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
Kinda important bug report - Raiju 'Lightning Claw' perk doesn't get removed when losing other raiju perks, and duplicates when becoming raiju again for multiple instances of the perk ...also it feels VERY underpowered as it is. That's running a feral multihit build though. Makes using editor the only way to remove it.

Also, happy new year.


Feb 25, 2016
Ugh I just had to restart my save. I wasn't aware that becoming a Raiju is a disease rather than something acquired from an item, and got stuck being too horny to leave camp.

Please remove the "if you ever touch a Raiju you're fucked" thing. Even spawning hummus in your inventory with the code won't remove it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2017
and got stuck being too horny to leave camp

You can visit the stream in camp to lower your lust enough to explore. Also, if you've recruited Razuthel after buying three items from him, visiting him in camp will also trigger a slight drop in lust.
Having high lust is important for Raiju because it greatly amplifies your electric and tease damage.

Alternatively, you can have sex with a camp member, eat a mara fruit, or wait for the debuff to expire and masturbate normally. (you can find the duration of the debuff in your stats tab neat the bottom)