Found My old CumWitch Idea on the Way Back Machine


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I trained with Jojo in my latest playthrough, and thought it was kind of weird there aren't any trainable black magic spells. So I figure the best person to fill that role would be the Chief Cum Witch.After convincing the Sand Mother to recruit more cum witches, the PC would be able to ask the CCW to teach them her magic. This would be followed by 2/3 repeatable sex scenes that increase certain stats til the CCW deems the PC "capable" of learning each spell. 

  1. Anal catch scene that increases cum production enough for "Cum Shot" attack. (-10 lust, +15/20 fatigue)
  2. Handjob scene that increases sensitivity enough for "Magic Touch" tease. (Does normalish lust damage, increases Lust vulnerability by .5)
  3. 69 scene that increases libido enough for rainbow "Lust Shield" spell. (Blocks any magic attack, 1 turn spell or maybe Stamina draining toggle)
  4. Maybe a Orgasm denial scene to increase minimum lust til it caps at 50 or an actual magic lesson scene that grants the "Vibe Rock" spell that Sand witches often use.
Each scene is once per day. If PC meets requirements without training, CCW compliments PC before granting spell.Finishing training unlocks an initiation gangbang scene with CCW calling dibs on PC's ass/pussy. After initiation get "Cum Witch Robes" (Tease/Magic Buff) and possibly redo all previous scenes. Also considering Robes having minimum lust effect if no Orgasm denial scene. *Spoil-Ception!*

My new idea is simply more of a Cum Witch expansion than magical training.

After clearing the Desert Cave on friendly terms and convincing the Sand Mother to recruit more Cum Witches, 2 new buttons will be unlocked for the Cum Witch labeled Magic and Sex. (The second one technically isn't new, but whatever) The Sex button is exactly what you'd expect but the Magic button triggers a scene with the Champion asking the Cum Witch if she could teach them her magic.

The Cum Witch has 3 1/2 responses based on the PC's magic knowledge and Intelligence.

  • If the Champion knows no magic and their intelligence is under 100, the Cum Witch will give teach them a black or white spell book once a day until the Champion knows at least 1 spell from both.
  • If the Champion is familiar with both kinds of magic, but their intelligence is under 50, the Cum Witch berates them for their dullness before giving them a basic magic lesson. (White magic vs. Black magic, Fatigue usage, Intelligence bonuses, etc.)
  • If the Champion has neither Brains or Experience, both occur.
  • If the Champion knows all basic magic, has an intelligence score of 100, or knows Charge & Arouse and Intelligence score of 50+; she tells the champion to undress before leading them to a backroom.

The Inner Sanctum is a sand colored room filled with soft pink lust sand and the Champion becomes aroused (50 lust) after entering. The Cum Witch proceeds to teach the Champ about her magic and how for a cum witch such spells are almost second nature with enough intelligence, like stacking blocks or sorting colors. The Champion is then instructed to harness both their White and Black magical energies in anyway they can.

The task is seemingly impossible during the first lesson, causing several unwanted orgasms for the Champ and leaving the Cum Witch too aroused to adequately focus on teaching. 

The first lesson ends with the Cum Witch offering to help the Champ "blow off some steam." Which can end with the Cum Witch fucking them, the Champ fucking her, or the Champ simply leaving with +20 lust.

Following lessons shows the Champion becoming more familiar with Cum Witch magic.

  • The Second Lesson: The Champ becomes able form a rainbow aura in their hands as they harness Black and White magic simlutaneously.
  • The Third Lesson: The Champion realizes they are now able to speak backwards Sand Witch language and with further practice is able to comprehend it as actual english.
  • The Fourth Lesson: the sand turns rainbow colored and swirls around the Champ as they learn to chant in their minds.
  • Fifth/Final Lesson: The Champion puts all their teaching together and finally learns the magic shield spell. The Cum Witch comments that the spell doesn't work quite like it was intended since it's not compatible with a non Cum Witch. But she notes that the spell does grant the Champ a damage reduction in exchange for more short lived than the original version. (one turn)

If the Champ refuses sex during the first lesson, the Cum Witch will not suggest it again unless they have sex with her outside the sanctum or come back for further lessons. 
The only gain will be a slight intelligence boost, but the Cum Witch becomes more familiar with the Champ after lesson 6 and tells them her name as well some bits about her Cum Witch training.  

 There isn't a submissions section anymore, so there's pretty much no chance this is getting in. But I like having it on record.

Also part of me wants to change it around a bit. Maybe Kitteh would pick it up for Revamp when he's finished the pile of other things. lol
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2015
Hidden Content

 There isn't a submissions section anymore, so there's pretty much no chance this is getting in. But I like having it on record.

Also part of me wants to change it around a bit. Maybe Kitteh would pick it up for Revamp when he's finished the pile of other things. lol
I certainly hope Kitteh picks this up, sounds like a rather neat thing!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I think cum witches are already in the game, part of / past the sand witch dungeon.

Edit: My Bad didn't read the whole conent here.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
It's a good potential. Added to Trello.

If someone could write that, it would be greatly appreciated.

Wow I didn't really think it'd be picked up. 

But I may alter it a bit. Lately I've been thinking that maybe the sand witches don't so much blend white and black as much as they expand them.

For instance, I assumed the CumWitch lust spell, the one that amplifies breeding desires, was a black spell. But what if it is just a more sexualized variant of the Charge Spell? Especially considering it gives a temporary boost to sexual stats. And the VibeSand spell could actually be the product of infusing lust into an inanimate object.

Going from there I pretty much formed a head canon that all SandCoven spells are a product of this mindset, which would explain why their trance language is warped/flipped english and not a separate language.

An Update will probably be a combination of my previous 2 ideas with The Cum Witch (Who I kinda want to call Seres at this point since cumwitches are a group now) teaching 2 new spells, 1 magical special, and 1 sexual special when she deems the champion worthy. I figured it's balanced that way, and part of me doesn't like the idea of gaining an overly sexual ability (ie Super Bukakke skills) without having sex.

There could be a post training romance line, but really I'm already going 90 mph and haven't typed the first section out yet...And now I'm imaging CumWitch singing A Whole New World. The Aladdin parts. lol