5th member


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ok title slight misleading but it was meantioned on old forum somewhere.

With current gui with some work on moving few parts of interface could be added 5th slot for both our and enemy parties.

So what is you all stance on this? Do we want 5 people in party and facing up to 5 enemies or 4 is enough?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
I wouldn't mind 5th, although that would likely mean rebalancing all of the boss fights without adds, and I am not sure how much work that would be, and if its lot of work, then probably not an overly high priority to change, until we get some more of the storyline to play with (and more followers to fill up those five slots to begin with of course).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ya that would probably cause slight balancing some of the fights. It would also depend how fast we can gather full 5 ppl party. Now we can't get full 4 ppl party till after Orchid. So if it would mean later we got so many party members that we can even techincaly recruit by still been lvl 1 MC due to simple tons of talk/interact with npc to convince them to join our mission then it would mean many rebalancing.

For now with 2-3 boss fights even our 4 ppl party is more than enough. And let say it: around time we get full party all normal non boss encounters are so low lvl compared to our party that 1 or 4/5 people we actualy not have much trouble beat them. Ok some people still have but majority already are at stage when gringing throu those mobs like nothing. And with boss fights...we also not have actualy time limits to fight them so we can slowly grind. I know for Lagon final fight it's week limit but it not start till we turn in 3rd set of ingrets so still we can wait with it till we can in 1-2 days ingame beat all bosses in this part of questline.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Really there is a time limit for Lagon? Never knew that, and I generally hand in the ingredients really early to get the gold from Lagon to go shopping for gear in Rigard.

Quiet Browser

Aug 27, 2015
Little vague on if you're saying "we decided to not give a time limit for Lagon" or "we decided to not let there be a fifth member to the party", Tobs.

With that out of the way... on a different interpretation of the opening question, what new follower(s) are people looking forward to adding to the party? It's no secret that Miranda and Cveta are planned recruits for act 2 of the game, and LD and I have no fewer than four act 1 followers planned; Jin the female nekomata ice mage, Zina the browaifu herm hyena-morph Tank, Mayflower the female otter monk, revamped Momo. Anyone looking forward to anyone in particular?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Little vague on if you're saying "we decided to not give a time limit for Lagon" or "we decided to not let there be a fifth member to the party", Tobs.

With that out of the way... on a different interpretation of the opening question, what new follower(s) are people looking forward to adding to the party? It's no secret that Miranda and Cveta are planned recruits for act 2 of the game, and LD and I have no fewer than four act 1 followers planned; Jin the female nekomata ice mage, Zina the browaifu herm hyena-morph Tank, Mayflower the female otter monk, revamped Momo. Anyone looking forward to anyone in particular?

What I am most looking forward to is Ophelia and Roa, I thought those are act 1 followers as well? And also looking forward to the Chimera job for Layla so she will have something unique! :)

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Looking forward to Jin and Mayflower. The cat and the ottor really appeal to me, especially given their vocation. Below that is more Momo content to explore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
revamped Momo. Anyone looking forward to anyone in particular?

Cut unneeded parts to contain in quote reply to question also from quote. Thou speaking of Momo if she still will have ascension quest will it make her changed in more than outer appearance and new job unlocked. I was pondering if giving one time stats boost or well maybe lil more points per each lvl up or in other way reflect she became something closer to well one of most powerful beeings in Eden. Sad thing that her pic would be replaced with different one and the one she have now I find most amazing one from all npc (even if it not yet to be seen ingame only on github ^^).

Other than Momo I would say I'm particulary looking toward Mayflower, Cveta and......Kadja :p We not have any cow-morph party member in works yet, right?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Extra excited for Jin, Cveta, Mayflower, and Momo, in that order. (Hurray for Jin being Ice-element!)

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I can wait for Dobberherm follower easily, but I just want lover Miranda with nasty mode interactions ;-;.

More on topic, will combat or attack priority stuff be changed with the inclusion of a full party team? It'd be kinda sucky to have a party with a tank and 2 glass cannons only for mobs to aggro against the glass cannons and never touch the tank until they're dead. Maybe add an ability for tanks/bruisers to draw aggro for x amount of turns?

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
I can wait for Dobberherm follower easily, but I just want lover Miranda with nasty mode interactions ;-;.

More on topic, will combat or attack priority stuff be changed with the inclusion of a full party team? It'd be kinda sucky to have a party with a tank and 2 glass cannons only for mobs to aggro against the glass cannons and never touch the tank until they're dead. Maybe add an ability for tanks/bruisers to draw aggro for x amount of turns?

There are already taunting options.

Threat management is already present in some capacity, and will only grow with the inclusion of a couple more seduction jobs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
More on topic, will combat or attack priority stuff be changed with the inclusion of a full party team? It'd be kinda sucky to have a party with a tank and 2 glass cannons only for mobs to aggro against the glass cannons and never touch the tank until they're dead. Maybe add an ability for tanks/bruisers to draw aggro for x amount of turns?

Curently counting ingame already enabled options to manage aggro etc. we got:

-Provoke skill from Fighter job (it's 4th skill so to pernamently got it chara will need fully master this job) - it's think basic single target skill to drawn enemy aggro to user (not much usefull still as many times I used it during fight mainly boss ones boss was still ignoring user but...as I said it's most basic so I can't complain yet it do work many other times too ^^)

-Allure mastery skill from Hypnotist job - this one would lower enemy aggro that was caster on toward caster

-Fade mastery skill from Rogue job - another one to lower caster aggro from enemy that was target of that skill

There is also yet unused in any job skill Taunt that as far I seen looks like upgraded version of Provoke so I suppose someday to come physical defense oreinted job will for sure have it somewhere.

And for current state of game that all optins we got to play with enemies aggro values.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Curently counting ingame already enabled options to manage aggro etc. we got:

-Provoke skill from Fighter job (it's 4th skill so to pernamently got it chara will need fully master this job) - it's think basic single target skill to drawn enemy aggro to user (not much usefull still as many times I used it during fight mainly boss ones boss was still ignoring user but...as I said it's most basic so I can't complain yet it do work many other times too ^^)

-Allure mastery skill from Hypnotist job - this one would lower enemy aggro that was caster on toward caster

-Fade mastery skill from Rogue job - another one to lower caster aggro from enemy that was target of that skill

There is also yet unused in any job skill Taunt that as far I seen looks like upgraded version of Provoke so I suppose someday to come physical defense oreinted job will for sure have it somewhere.

And for current state of game that all optins we got to play with enemies aggro values.

Fade actually affects all enemies, its not targeted. You also forgot the Courtesan ability Charm which works basically same as the hypnotist Allure.