Bess vs Gianna?


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
A good thread derail is a sign of a great forum. Reminds of of that time the bay12 forums had a thread about killing wagons evolved into the creation of a mod that allowed the ability to turn living things into wagons then got derailed again into a multi-page long argument on the etymology of the word "wagonmancer"  vs "wagonurgy".

I'm pretty sure everyone here gets their rocks off on that sweet, succulent taste of a balanced and logical economic system.

On-topic: I prefer bess because of customiation and because  of we get to be a central part of her character development compared to gianna were it feels like she is already a finished character and anything the pc can do is just bonus content.

Yeah, I'm pretty new to the forum (but I've been an avid player of CoC and TiTS for years now), and I'm loving it already. The creators and staff are so much more interactive with the members, and the community isn't very phobic or anything. Some forums are composed of tight knit individuals, and it feels awkward-ish because of the unapproachable vibe. This forum is so much more open, and welcome.

Waaah. Ahahaha. Well, technically -mancer anything would be more along the lines of divination, even though it's more commonly associated with stuff like pyromancy and necromancy, (which are all etymologically incorrect tbh, when used as wielding fire and raising the dead). Yeah, 'wagonurgy' would be more etymologically correct in any case xD  As to why I know this relatively useless snippet of info, it was since I was writing a story and was researching what to call these necromancer-like characters. Ended up calling them Thanaturgists. Thanatos - Greek god of death. Yeah. -urgy would be more accurate.

...I'm not helping this thread derailment situation am I? xD I think the derailment just crossed forums ahahaha.

Looks fine to me ¬¬  Thank you, dear sentient.

Lol ahahaha. No problem ;)  
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Don't worry, you'll learn to hate us eventually!  B|

Also Thanaturgist is baller as fuck. Might steal that for my D&D games~

Sempai noticed me! :3

Ahahaha. Let's hope that day never comes - and for the record, I find it pretty unlikely. If anything, it'd prolly be the other way around. Hope you guys don't get annoyed with me xD

As for the Thanaturgist thing, yeah, lol that's fine with me. I found it from some other source too, so yeah. Got no copyright over it xD  But I do have a list of some other pretty cool terms if you want em. For example:

Psionics: Pretty obvious. Psychic stuff.

Therianthropy: Like lycanthropes. Lykan - wolf, but Therian - animal so deals with any type of animal to human transformation in a more general sense. (After all, Zoanthropy is a psychological disorder, so not really usable)

Chrononautics: Time travel. Just sounds more scientific and fancy. Chrono- as in time. -nautics as in travel.

Zoolingualism: Ability to speak to animals

Yeah. That's all my old latin and ancient greek classes were useful for. Oh, yeah. that, and knowing Harry Potter spells are mixed up and so wrong that anybody with a rudimentary grasp on Latin would cringe and have nightmares. "Wingardium Leviosa. Obliviate." *shudders*
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sempai noticed me! :3

Ahahaha. Let's hope that day never comes - and for the record, I find it pretty unlikely. If anything, it'd prolly be the other way around. Hope you guys don't get annoyed with me xD

As for the Thanaturgist thing, yeah, lol that's fine with me. I found it from some other source too, so yeah. Got no copyright over it xD  But I do have a list of some other pretty cool terms if you want em. For example:

Psionics: Pretty obvious. Psychic stuff.

Therianthropy: Like lycanthropes. Lykan - wolf, but Therian - animal so deals with any type of animal to human transformation in a more general sense. (After all, Zoanthropy is a psychological disorder, so not really usable)

Chrononautics: Time travel. Just sounds more scientific and fancy. Chrono- as in time. -nautics as in travel.

Zoolingualism: Ability to speak to animals

Yeah. That's all my old latin and ancient greek classes were useful for. Oh, yeah. that, and knowing Harry Potter spells are mixed up and so wrong that anybody with a rudimentary grasp on Latin would cringe and have nightmares. "Wingardium Leviosa. Obliviate." *shudders*

I will argue that bit on therian. Therian is any mammal. Go outside that bit and I will staunchly deny you. If Zoan- is a no go for you, just do Zoo-
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I will argue that bit on therian. Therian is any mammal. Go outside that bit and I will staunchly deny you. If Zoan- is a no go for you, just do Zoo-

Zoo IS Zoan. Merely in this case the prefix gets changed. Like Lykos + -antropy ---> Lycanthropy. Similarly Zoo + anthropy ---> Zoanthropy.

Well I can't go into any more detail without more technical aspects of latin Greek, but that's the gist of it. And yeah, admittedly I forgot the therian bit xD .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zoo IS Zoan. Merely in this case the prefix gets changed. Like Lykos + -antropy ---> Lycanthropy. Similarly Zoo + anthropy ---> Zoanthropy.

Well I can't go into any more detail without more technical aspects of latin, but that's the gist of it. And yeah, admittedly I forgot the therian bit xD .

Zoo- is Greek, a proper prefix (if-not only because of mixing Greek and Latin) if the Latin one is stopping you from using the word which, mind you, is essentially people thinking they are were-creatures. Using the Latin root isn't degrading or making fun of those people.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm loving it already. The creators and staff are so much more interactive with the members, and the community isn't very phobic or anything. Some forums are composed of tight knit individuals, and it feels awkward-ish because of the unapproachable vibe. This forum is so much more open, and welcome.

According to the majority if you go to the chat it's worse :#.

Back to the topic(s) at hand, I like Gianna because I didn't make her into an actual person like we did to Bess. Bess on her own is just a sex bot, but through her relationship she grows and becomes a waifu.

Gianna on the other hand, since she's a G-class can already go that far, and already expresses more emotions at first than Bess ever did at the start, near the end (For Bess stuff) that point can be argued.

Side note: Gianna has a bust D :
As for money, I blame the economy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Zoo- is Greek, a proper prefix (if-not only because of mixing Greek and Latin) if the Latin one is stopping you from using the word which, mind you, is essentially people thinking they are were-creatures. Using the Latin root isn't degrading or making fun of those people.

Ahahahaha. Sorry bout that. I meant to say Greek. A typo, which I have corrected. Not Latin. Zoan- is greek. Zoan- is just how Zoo- is written as a prefix when attached to -anthropy. And yeah, it's not that I feel I'm degrading/making fun of them. I just don't want the nature of the word to be misunderstood due to attached connotations. I'm very against the notion of trying to be 'politically correct' and lightly treading just because I may offend some people with some imagined unintended slight xD  

The thing was, as it was a story, I just didn't want whoever heard of the actual technical term, to accidentally relate that with the story and assume there's a lion furry (that's believing himself to be a lion) running around, and not a human actually transformed into a lion. Eh, I know. I could just explain it in the story xD

According to the majority if you go to the chat it's worse :#.

Yeah, I've heard of the chat, and not in a very favorable light. Everyone says it's full of whiners and people that demand more content and stuff, with a very tight regulars community. Idk from first hand experience though. The two times I went to fenchat this week, everybody else was idle. It seems really inactive?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, I've heard of the chat, and not in a very favorable light. Everyone says it's full of whiners and people that demand more content and stuff, with a very tight regulars community. Idk from first hand experience though. The two times I went to fenchat this week, everybody else was idle. It seems really inactive?

It has it's moments, but I haven't seen anyone like they've described yet


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
 The only complaint I have is regarding Gianna: why the hell do some random schmuck's (Steele Jr's)  reactions and opinions have so much power over her? I know that the ease with which PC can undermine her confidence is a gameplay/fetish(?) related thing, but still, it doesn't sit well with me.

I think this is explained in her dialogue by Steele being one of few people who wants to actually hold a conversation with her. She's surrounded by bimbos and meatheads, i.e. the population of New Texas.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think this is explained in her dialogue by Steele being one of few people who wants to actually hold a conversation with her. She's surrounded by bimbos and meatheads, i.e. the population of New Texas.

Basically this. Because of the whole NT thing and her abandonment issues, the PC treating her like a normal person (or not) is a pivotal thing for her to grow beyond what she once was. Besides Big T who is often busy she's not much in the way of conversation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Basically this. Because of the whole NT thing and her abandonment issues, the PC treating her like a normal person (or not) is a pivotal thing for her to grow beyond what she once was. Besides Big T who is often busy she's not much in the way of conversation.

Well PC isn't only one non-Treated person that visited NT so saying it was first person that talked to her that way is huuuuge generalization but well it's a game where no matter what happened before PC is the shiny knight/knightess for so many if not all npc's ^^

@JimT: Actualy if one think Gianna shouldn't have bust either (she got few varoous bust sizes and li sizes so she no better than Bess with this but well...I also hope Bess/Ben never get bust due to reason of variety).


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I think this is explained in her dialogue by Steele being one of few people who wants to actually hold a conversation with her. She's surrounded by bimbos and meatheads, i.e. the population of New Texas.

This expansion kind of falls apart if the PC has taken the Treatment or dumbfuck though.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2015
Well Bess (I ended up naming her Nemi) can be taken on the ship and kept there, while I for Gianna I have to go to NT, talk to the customs counter, get disarmed, walk the whole way over there and THEN talk to her. 

So just by merit of me being a lazy piece o' shit Bess already wins. Plus I like the romantic/learning interacts as well. Being able to make her a Kitsune, silver skinned, bob-cutted school girl with a katana doesn't hurt either. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well Bess (I ended up naming her Nemi) can be taken on the ship and kept there, while I for Gianna I have to go to NT, talk to the customs counter, get disarmed, walk the whole way over there and THEN talk to her.

Gianna will get someday exp that will let us take her onboard ship (just kindly points out ^^).

Ummm Kitsune Són...err Bess. I think I like way you customize your Bess even more now ^^

@Fisto: You must be one hella rich person to try commision all posible variation for Bess and Ben (dunno each of them can have like over 1k variations to account for).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I actually really like both of them.  If Gianna's Follower content ever makes it in, it would be interesting to see how the two interact with each other if at all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I actually really like both of them.  If Gianna's Follower content ever makes it in, it would be interesting to see how the two interact with each other if at all.

They probably won't. Most writers don't want to touch Bess with a 10 foot pole 'cuz of how variable she is.


Aug 27, 2015
They probably won't. Most writers don't want to touch Bess with a 10 foot pole 'cuz of how variable she is.

This. I'd personally love to write about So invading her head and doing all sorts of sadistic, sexy things to her. But I ain't gonna. Even accounting for the fact she might be a he makes it too much of a headache.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This. I'd personally love to write about So invading her head and doing all sorts of sadistic, sexy things to her. But I ain't gonna. Even accounting for the fact she might be a he makes it too much of a headache.

Now you made me get this weird idea of somebody somehow fusing Bess/Ben, So and Gianna into one hybrid character. Scary.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh I wonder what will JimT do then to anyone that dare to actualy WRITE scene that will involve interacting with Bess/Ben that will mostly account for almost all possible variations? ANd how much Geddy/Fen will grind teeth seeing that moster to code then ^^


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015

Hey, don't feel down :p  I for one love what you've done with BESS-13/BEN-14. The fact that he/she has so much variation is her/his unique selling point! At least, in my opinion. In fact, Bess is one of my most favorite characters in the game :D

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Nonesuch: Since it'll be a primarily mental thing, it might be more fun to reference things like their sex role instead of their physical attributes. Also, talking about So and Sera makes me sad.

SoxSera and PCxSoxSera scenes when?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
@Nonesuch: Since it'll be a primarily mental thing, it might be more fun to reference things like their sex role instead of their physical attributes. Also, talking about So and Sera makes me sad.

Hidden Content

Yeah, it's a real shame that So's kind of in limbo, and Sera's not getting put in in a timely fashion just because Fenoxo apparently regrets giving you permission to do stuff for her.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So would be in limbo till anything move on sim ship part. Sera thou not sure what happened to her been left in dust now. Hmm so Sera was Fen creation that None wrote some exp stuff or was she all way along his thing?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So would be in limbo till anything move on sim ship part. Sera thou not sure what happened to her been left in dust now. Hmm so Sera was Fen creation that None wrote some exp stuff or was she all way along his thing?

Re: Sera, the former