Reaha Dom Scene??? Were did that come from???


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2015
Is anybody else a little disturbed by it? I mean, it's not really a poorly written scene, and I'm always for more content, but damn does it come out of the blue! 

I know for me, it's really jarring because after spending days and days working with her on her addiction, getting it down to 1%, hearing her talk about how she barely needs them anymore, suddenly bam, she's covered in patches and so high she's literally forcing herself on anyone she comes across. I know the first time it happened my reflex was to see if the game had glitched out and reset her addiction. 

Also the fact that once the scene pops up, if you don't want to do it, you... smack her and cuss her out? 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Is anybody else a little disturbed by it? I mean, it's not really a poorly written scene, and I'm always for more content, but damn does it come out of the blue! 

I know for me, it's really jarring because after spending days and days working with her on her addiction, getting it down to 1%, hearing her talk about how she barely needs them anymore, suddenly bam, she's covered in patches and so high she's literally forcing herself on anyone she comes across. I know the first time it happened my reflex was to see if the game had glitched out and reset her addiction. 

Also the fact that once the scene pops up, if you don't want to do it, you... smack her and cuss her out? 

I'm almost positive it's a bug related to the unfinished nature of her "storyline".


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I agree, that scene can be quite jarring, sometimes even in situations where it doesn't break logic or continuity. I much prefer the way her other dominant scene works. The idea of building up Reaha's confidence while throwing in some content for submissively-inclined people at the same time is great IMO; Reaha being high as a kite and jumping you - not so much.

The former can also possibly be a good alternative way of giving Reaha some peace of mind not by making her fully accept her new situation, identity and status, but by bringing at least some aspects of her old self back, striking a middle ground.

  I hope this part will be fixed/expanded when Savin will come back to working on her.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think the scene may be if you don't sex her often (long spans of time).


Aug 26, 2015
The scene does mention she might be regressing when it is discovered she is packing more patches than normal--but just to make her habit seem more contextual, I added a variance to the chances in the pull request (#470).

The edit will additionally alter the chances of the scene triggering based on her current addiction level, with high addiction levels being more likely, low addiction levels being less likely (the maximum chance of 33% is left untouched).