Exhibitionist Clothing?


Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
Not so much an idea; as a question. Are there, are there going to be, or are there plans for clothing that help and/or boost exhibitionism? Things like revealing undergarments, specialized armor, see through clothing, tight fit latex, etc? Realistically, there are types of clothing that would in no way hinder and exhibitionist, and thus would make great clothing for them. Though I was thinking more along the lines of clothing that allows exhibition to raise faster, such as something that doesn't cover what counts, but looks extra slutty anyway, boosting the speed it raises. OR something that DOES cover, but is still so revealing that the stats still goes up. (Perhaps slower than normal, but still does at the very least.) The later of which would be useful for visiting areas that prohibit nudity. 

So, does anyone know of anything like this?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What I'm hoping for is a "functionally nude" tag that can be applied to garments making it so that they aren't removed for sex scenes/ the wearer is treated as already being naked. The tag could be used for stuff like underbust corsets, assless chaps and other exhibitionist clothing in general that leaves genitals and erogenous zones fully exposed. For now I've been having my Steel make do with only wearing his Lightning Duster. But I'd love it if I could have him get away with only wearing some assless chaps, a cockring/ cocksock, and a bandolier . Especially if such "functionally nude " attire still counted as technically enough clothes to go walking around Tavros station in.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
What I'm hoping for is a "functionally nude" tag that can be applied to garments making it so that they aren't removed for sex scenes/ the wearer is treated as already being naked. The tag could be used for stuff like underbust corsets, assless chaps and other exhibitionist clothing in general that leaves genitals and erogenous zones fully exposed. For now I've been having my Steel make do with only wearing his Lightning Duster. But I'd love it if I could have him get away with only wearing some assless chaps, a cockring/ cocksock, and a bandolier . Especially if such "functionally nude " attire still counted as technically enough clothes to go walking around Tavros station in.

My points exactly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think there already is. Xanthes clothing store on myrellion sells stuff that is pretty revealing
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
i think there already is. Xanthes clothing store on myrellion sells stuff that is pretty revealing

But does it factor in exhibition, I can't test this accurately since I'm not a backer, but last I checked, no matter how revealing, you still lose exhibition for wearing ANY clothes. Counter intuitive. If you ask me.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
No, but adding a revealing stat to equips could maybe be done. But then you have to go back and edit all the current equips and factor in different combinations. I guess "functionally nude" could be considered if your revealing stat is high enough, based on the max of all the equips you have on? Maybe, idk.
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Aug 26, 2015
I did plot out a system for revealing clothes, but I it was lost in the old forum (and probably inconvenient/impractical to use anyway). Your character only loses exhibitionism points when fully clothed--lacking at least one under garment or outfit/armor should keep the exhibitionism from dropping. So your character can be clothed, just don't take up all the slots and you should be fine.

Maybe one day a skimpy/revealing clothing tag/variable could be added for future items. Currently no wearable items get special treatment with respect to exhibitionism.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd way prefer a 'Flippable' flag for skirt hiking and fucking content way before a 'functionally nude' flag. With the latter, you can at least just take your clothes off and walk around.

Doing {if (IsOneOf(pc.armor, MaidOutfit, SchoolgirlOutfit, LibrarianOutfit, NurseOutfit, FemaleDoctorOutfit, CheerleaderUniform, WaitressUniform, LittleBlackDress)) every time is not super futureproof.
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
I still think that the option to be considered nude, even with all slots filled should be possible. But if it's difficult to code forget it, coding is tough enough as is. And this game was designed to take fan made content!


Aug 26, 2015
I'd way prefer a 'Flippable' flag for skirt hiking and fucking content way before a 'functionally nude' flag. With the latter, you can at least just take your clothes off and walk around.

Doing {if (IsOneOf(pc.armor, MaidOutfit, SchoolgirlOutfit, LibrarianOutfit, NurseOutfit, FemaleDoctorOutfit, CheerleaderUniform, WaitressUniform, LittleBlackDress)) every time is not super futureproof.

Yea, definitely--it can be extra flags added onto the item like how bow weapons are marked with the GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_BOW_WEAPON flag. There is already a GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_AIRTIGHT for a couple armors already implemented, which can be checked like if(armor.hasFlag(GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_AIRTIGHT)).

Adding onto the flag idea, we can have something like:

  • ITEM_FLAG_AIRTIGHT - For airtight armor/outfits--already implemented, these prevent getting dosed with ooze and drowning in water
  • ITEM_FLAG_CHASTITY - For sex restraining armor/outfits/garments--might have an impact on lust/libido or even genital detection (heavy tweaking needed, if so)
  • ITEM_FLAG_FLIPPABLE - For things like ties, skirts, aprons (ara! ara!), trench coats/dusters--these will probably be used for scene-specific things, like for JimThermic's waifus
  • ITEM_FLAG_COVERED - For covering everything, like sweaters, uniforms, etc.--similar to airtight, but without the perks of blocking liquids/gas
  • ITEM_FLAG_REVEALING - For those skimpy armor/outfits/garments like thongs, sling bikinis, low-cut dresses, etc.
  • ITEM_FLAG_NUDITY - For armor/outfits/garments that show off bits of sex organs, including transparent zipsuits, underbust corsets, assless chaps, and all that stuff
Like the sexiness score, the outfit/armor flag may contribute to a "nudity" score to go along with the exhibition checking. So something like: Covered is -2, Revealing is -1, and Nudity is +1; where nudityScore() is 3 by default when nude and each piece of clothes added will affect the score. So if:

  • pc.nudityScore() is at 3 or more, exhibitionism may have a bonus multiplier that magnifies gains
  • pc.nudityScore() is between 0 and 3, exhibitionism gain/loss may remain the same (default)
  • pc.nudityScore() is at 0 or less, exhibitionism may have a negative multiplier that magnifies losses
Then there can be supplemental functions to utilize these flags, like pc.armor.isFlippable(), or just use the pc.armor.hasflag() function. Whatever the case, it can be added on top up of without having to build a library of "these are all the flippable items" and parse through each. All the previous items will need to be retrofitted with these flags though, but that should be simple enough.

The thing about having a system like this though, is that while it may be great conceptually, it needs to be implemented with content. If no one is willing to make content that works off these variables, then the system is useless, no matter how intricate and flexible it can be. Without the content to justify it, it will forever be a dream concept and nothing more!

Also, I noticed that this seems way excessive for exhibitionism balancing--again, if it's not all going to be used, it'll inevitably go to waste. So if the individual flags are never asked for in scenes, then it may be better off just adding only one numerical variable to each item accounting for its "nudity rating" and base the calculations from there. Keeping it simple to cause less headaches and stuff.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
Yea, definitely--it can be extra flags added onto the item like how bow weapons are marked with the GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_BOW_WEAPON flag. There is already a GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_AIRTIGHT for a couple armors already implemented, which can be checked like if(armor.hasFlag(GLOBAL.ITEM_FLAG_AIRTIGHT)).

I see, very helpful, and a little sad that it'll all go to waste, but it was very enlightening. Thanks a million. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Flags promise the world.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015