2017 XXX-Mas contest Submission compil and ADVICES.


Mar 26, 2017


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
OK Everyone! It's time to start posting your subs in the official thread of the contest if you haven't given up on them and if you haven't done so already!
I'll have the first compil late tonight or by tomorrow. Be aware that only the submissions posted in the official contest thread will make it into the compilation.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
I just made my doc editable. Noob mistake for submissions made by a noob. Anyways, if there are any other errors in my submission tell me. (The gap of time between my submission and my return is about the same as the new Star Wars Movie) Here is editable version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h2-iHQluClkJHctrAU6fTbTBN1fMBh57PTqiWHqrtbc/edit

This new link is problematic too, (kinda worse even): this one requires us to require you the permission to then be viewable, basically there are 2 methods to share a Gdoc document, the method you used was the bad one.
what you want to do is:
1- click on the blue share button on the up right corner area of the screen (this opens a pop menu)
2- click on obtain the sharing link
3- select commentarie possible in the scrolling menu
4- make available the link obtained in the link generation bar of the pop menu
5- if it's the good kind of link, edit your comment in the official thread of the contest to put the link obtained instead so that Savin and Fen don't open that old version.


Nov 25, 2017
This new link is problematic too, (kinda worse even): this one requires us to require you the permission to then be viewable, basically there are 2 methods to share a Gdoc document, the method you used was the bad one.
what you want to do is:
1- click on the blue share button on the up right corner area of the screen (this opens a pop menu)
2- click on obtain the sharing link
3- select commentarie possible in the scrolling menu
4- make available the link obtained in the link generation bar of the pop menu
5- if it's the good kind of link, edit your comment in the official thread of the contest to put the link obtained instead so that Savin and Fen don't open that old version.

Thanks for the reply. Just followed that and updated the link. Hopefully it all works now. I guess knowing how to use google docs would help too huh.


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2017
Contests are good practice for that. It just means the next idea you have will be easier to put together.
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Nov 25, 2017
Contests are good practice for that. It just means the next idea you have will be easier to put together.

Exactly, I would not have done this had the contest not prompted me to. I thought about submitting something to the Halloween contest and having Steph Irson's sister dress up as her so she could slut it up without any consciences but I never did. I need to read more people's submissions so I can see how to play with the parsers now.
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Oct 21, 2017
Holy shit, I actually managed to finish writing the whole thing. I'm kind of proud of myself, even if Savin rates my entry a 0 again. There's only one scene I didn't get to include but it was just one of the sex scenes and at least I got the other three done in the nick of time. Reposting the share link so people don't have to go searching for it but if anyone sees any grammatical or spelling mistakes, let me know. AND ALSO, thank you to everyone who has helped me edit so far. It's been a huge help and I would have looked like an even bigger asshole without the help.



Active Member
Nov 10, 2017


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2016
Added a last minute variant for one of my scenes. Page count for mine is 27 now, up from 25!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2016
I don't quite understand your measurement of quality, like why did you give Night Trap and HugsAlright different flavour ice-cream. Both of their docs have good formatting, they have parsers, both of them have it clearly defined for where text is meant for a vagina or a knotted penis etc. They are not too long or too short and Night Trap has bookmarking in his doc.


New Member
Dec 13, 2017
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
@Night Trap: It really is just format: as someone who tries to go through every submision at some point, I want to see what's the selling point, can they give even a small summary or overview before the text begins so that I get interested or know to look at the thing with the hindsight of knowing from the start that it may not be my type of story but that I will have to look past that and be neutral whilst reading. I decided I wouldn't take a look at grading content because it would depend on my personnal appreciation of the story for the main part. So yes, it was my main focus; the advices displayed in the first comment, mainly the two first with red warnings and capital letters were determinent in this grading.

@HugsAlright : Don't get too cocky, you don't have any summary or overview so you would've been in yellow, you're in blue because your usage of parser was great, that's all.

@Zat : hugs was bonified a little more because of his parser usage, althought his scene changes could be a little more obvious and he lacks a good summary/overview. Night trap would merely need a good summary/overview of 5 lines to be in green(it honestly was hard to pick between yellow and blue, it just ended up the way it did). hugs would need one too and add a table of content to upgrade to green (or just a longer summary/overview without a table of content). Also be it taken in consideration I looked at that at 10pm last night after a shitty 12 hours work shift outside in the snow, so I might not have done the best job at pinpointing what made it better or worse. Anyway, see it this way Hugs is in the bottom half of the blue and Night Trap in the Top half of the yellow: on another page, Night Trap would need less work to get from yellow to green than hugs would to get from blue to green; it's just because of the lack of summary/overview which was a medium flaw for Night trap which by filling it he'd get directly to no flaw.

@Gardeford : It's just sad and cause it's 1 page long you don't have any time to actually set into the feelings. (Because it was so short I had to try to base myself on something.... but there really wasn't enough anything to base myself onto)

I used a system starting from the best and removing grades with minor flaws, medium flaws and major flaws. If you have a major flaw or 2 medium flaws, you start in orange and if you have a medium flaw, you start in yellow. (up to 3 small flaws will be between green and blue) Note any submission might have been up one category if they originally used something that made it better:great parser/doc that is very very clear/an overview that would make pretty much anyone look at it and one awarded to the best title which I believe is currently: Illicit Reindeer Smuggling(which sounds hilarious if you try to picture it), followed closely by Be on your Mistle Toes(Which is a good pun) and finally, a pertinent usage of colors.

Small problems/unlikable things: -If I don't recognize the police of character and it looks other than very basic/police of character is size less than 11 or bigger than 12/ usage of parenthesis for parser AND into the common text/no title or a title like Merry Christmas or Xmas submission which is zero effort/ 2 links to see the doc(the separation is well justified)/etc.

Medium flaws/unlikable things: -Only a line or so that introduces the doc/ no summary or presentation page of any kind/ scene changes are very unclear or not noted at all/ 2 links to see the full doc/etc.

Major flaws/unlikable things: -Not a google doc/google doc that you have to download in order to see/ not enough paragraphs(like 20 lines for a paragraph that express more than one idea)/ No overview nor any context at all/ More than 2 links to see the full doc/etc.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2017
Also you guys be looking at the comment next to the grading meaning before commenting right? As for when you want an explanation, I'll do my best to explain why it resulted that way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2016
I disagree with some of your calls on structure quality.
But then again I also feel the color ranking is an unnecessary addition.
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Night Trap

Oct 31, 2016
Also you guys be looking at the comment next to the grading meaning before commenting right? As for when you want an explanation, I'll do my best to explain why it resulted that way.
It's cool that you have organized the submissions for people to easily access, but you really should refrain from judging them. If you must pass judgement, you need to at least be VERY clear before you give even the first score what your standard for grading is. There are submissions you've given your highest score to that don't have even a single correct parser call in them. One has an entire page with no line breaks or indentations.

When you give something like HugsAlright's submission a rating of "lacked that special something" while giving a rating of "I'm proud of you" to a submission that had three sentences comma spliced together with the incorrect "their", "its", and "you're" in the same triple comma splice, it makes it look like you're randomly scoring everything, or at best, like you didn't read beyond the first sentence of anything you judged.

Most of all, you definitely don't want to say to a popular and very talented writer "Don't get too cocky." when they don't live up to your hidden rubric. It makes you look incredibly cocky yourself.

As I said at the start of this post, you're doing a fairly nice thing for the community here by collecting all the submissions and letting them know their length, title, etc. Don't blow your good will by sharing your hot opinions without explaining them beforehand.