How do you think TiTs will end?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
i know its probably a year and a half too early to ask this question, but with CoC coming to a close soon(ish?),i can't help but wonder how far into captain Steele's life will TiTs play into. In CoC you only had one job, take down the demon queen (and hopefully stop the corruption along with it { in my head i imagine Lethis is the source of all the magic corrupting mareth i.e trapping the rain in the mountains,the constantly shifting geography, the jacked up gestation rates etc.}. Once that's done you can (hypothetically) live the rest of your happy life with your waifus and children. In TiTs, the apparent main goal is to complete your trial (no pun intended) and gain control of you dad's company.....then what. I don't see how the CEO of a mega corp could continue on adventuring when he's probably gonna have a theoretically steady job. I mean yeah sure if fen and gang made a way for you the basically do all your work via computer and send it to the company and skype your business meetings press conferences. After CoC ends i can just chill and continue my life and watch the corruption slowly subside without any added responsibilities. I can do normal shit, move my waifus into tel'andre since they seem to have a lot of extra space, put my kids in school, have them find real jobs and let them live normal lives. Maybe go Witcher and travel the world a bit taking out stray demons that try to avenge their fallen queen. But meh i'm just rambling, what do you guys think?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
with a whimper.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Everyone lives happily ever after and dies. That is how everything ends for me. :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Burn competing corporations, make the Scarlet Federation my standing army, marry and impregnate Khorgan, Nehzara and the Naleen Huntress, build my very own Exterminatus Fleet, become Space Batman, invent sex bots that can impregnate organics and can legally keep organics as slaves, and become supreme ruler of the galaxy... ah, muh dream ending.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Probably with the PC near-death on the ruins of some scorched planet.

Scratch that, Steele's gonna get his or her own private goddamn fleet, lay down on a lawnchair on the observation deck, crack open a can of beer, then watch as that fleet nukes NT from orbit. THEN she's going for all the filthy non-human races to beat them into submission, finally installing him- or herself as the iron-fisted, human-supremacist, Fascist ruler of the Galaxy.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
You possibly become just like your dad, You grow old and past on from mutations then restart the game as your next kid xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Technically the dad never had the Nano-machines to help them. And not everyone uses TF's.

In reality, some idiot will summon Nyarlahotep and the universe will be destroyed.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I know it's clitch but it will ends with huge word E.N.D. Would you like to contine? Insert a coin...

Ohh and dad company would be run by moneys...err Simii cuz we can and will do it muahahaha ^^


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
My personal headcanon that will probably not happen, but hey, one can dream  :

Somewhere along the way, you discover another rival (probably another out--of-wedlock child of Victor's) who is way more competent and dangerous than Jack/Jill. This new rival almost succeeds in taking over Victor's company, but you manage to stop him. Unfortunately, that means Steele's company falls appart and is taken over by several smaller companies You then have a choice : 1) thanks to the allies and friends you made during your journey, you can start your own company, that becomes even bigger than Victor's over time, 2) you decide you prefer to stay an adventurer and explore the galaxy with your space waifus/husbandos, or 3) you were an asshole to everyone you met and become dirt poor ;  in the end, you have no choice but to join the Black Void for money, and eventually climb to the top of the organisation by murder, blackmail and sexual favors.
More realistically, I suppose we will have either a good or a bad ending depending on how nice or asshole captain Steele was to NPCs. (not taking personality into account)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
After another really dangerous fight, cat-girl Steel decides "Screw this I'm going to do my own thing". She gives up on her father's inheritance, starting a career in pop music as an intergalactic idol. She joins with a goo girl and a space fairy in a Idol group called "Dirty Love". She becomes the top of the charts idol, famous for flashy costumes, flashy stages, and after concert orgies. 

Probably will never happen. I can only dream. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
After another really dangerous fight, cat-girl Steel decides "Screw this I'm going to do my own thing". She gives up on her father's inheritance, starting a career in pop music as an intergalactic idol. She joins with a goo girl and a space fairy in a Idol group called "Dirty Love". She becomes the top of the charts idol, famous for flashy costumes, flashy stages, and after concert orgies. 

Probably will never happen. I can only dream. 

Maybe that could be one possible ending in silly mode ?

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Please post better.

The game will end with the PC walking up to the last probe after valiantly fighting through challenge after challenge and they press the button and it's their dad's recording and it just says "Well done." and then a mirror shows up and shows how far you've come and then the game crashes your browser because it's fucking done.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Probably there will be a half-assed ending in like ten years after shit happens and it loses its steam.

Excepting that, clearly surpassing your dad would be cool. You already have made some pretty sweet business deals for Steeletech. Maybe after you get your cousin in line you can let her actually run the business and you can keep doing what you are doing as interstellar adventurer/talent scout/surveyor, scrounging up opportunities. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It would be abandoned like CoC was and never get an actual ending.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Probably end with killing or sparing your uncle and securing yourself as heir to your dads fortune. Then forever play on with your horde of waifu's


New Member
Oct 4, 2015
Victor actually being alive all this time and at the end of the game he comes up to you and says "I am your father"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The PC take an arrow in the knee, go to whiterun and start a new life or it ends in an orgy.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Victor actually being alive all this time and at the end of the game he comes up to you and says "I am your father"

I really hope this happens. At least a silly scene. Clad in armor and all.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Personally, I'd imagine/like the game to end in one of the following ways:

A) Steele carves a name for him/her/hirself out of the planet rush, claims all the probes and takes their rightful place as CEO of Steele Tech. Depending on personality, your rule is either a benevolent one, built on mutual respect and compromise (Kind), a sly reign, ruled by trickery and the corporate equivalent of con games milking money from the opposition (Mischievous) or a dictatorship, respected and feared in equal measure, with a promise that any and all demands from rival businesses will be handled by Mr/Ms Steele. PERSONALLY. *shotgun cocks in background* (Hard)

B) Steele decides that they love their current nomadic existence too much to settle down, and remain a traveller after the Rush's end, despite getting all the probes. Control of Steele Tech is handed down to the board of directors, who promptly elect a suitable replacement. Meanwhile, Steele and his crew continue to brave new frontiers in the name of wanderlust, the former eventually writing a highly successful book about his journey. 

C) Steele is beaten to the punch by their rival, who promptly usurps control of Steele Tech. Steele is promptly declared persona non grata in ST-controlled space (by Jack/Jill, either on their own accord or on Maximilian's orders, depending on how courteous you were to the former throughout the game). Your rival is content with their victory and leaves things at that, but Max starts sending bounty hunters after you on the off-chance you find some way to attempt a reclamation. You spend the rest of your life on the run, either with your crew or without (you may choose to cut all ties to ensure their safety).

Sorry for rambling.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Or Steele gets arrested for some strange reason and you spend the rest of your days in prison.

In reality, It shall eventually be discovered that Victor Steele is not dead and truly Chuck Norris, and you are the child of Chuck Norris.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Victor actually being alive all this time and at the end of the game he comes up to you and says "I am your father"

No I think it would be at final credits it meantion about some errorr, then Assasin Creed 1 scene play with glitch and...Victor will wake up from another holodream revealing PC is actual his grandfather/mother not son/daughter ^^
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You can solve any problem in TiTS through sexual acts, including a lack of money.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Please post better.

The game will end with the PC walking up to the last probe after valiantly fighting through challenge after challenge and they press the button and it's their dad's recording and it just says "Well done." and then a mirror shows up and shows how far you've come and then the game crashes your browser because it's fucking done.

wow really "post better". Who pissed in your cereal and fucked up your day what's wrong with my posting. I honestly find it hilarious I got a strike for posting my thoughts on a forum but apparently there are "post police" going around bothering people. Thanks, I'll take my 15 points in stride :p
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