

Sep 30, 2015
The game already has tags that support them and you can get your lip pierced if you have a mimbrane on your face with trust level 4. Are there any plans on adding a shop that deals with these things?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
If someone writes it. I miss piercings. Tattoos would be cool too, although you can get Vanae markings already.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As do I want both those things very much


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Chastity piercings yea/nay? 

(As illustrated:)



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I find them oddly attractive due to some good Dazzlings x Sunny art I saw a bit back.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Chastity piercings yea/nay? 

(As illustrated:)

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Even after I've been schooled on fetish-fueling applications of chastity belts in Embry X-pack thread, I still can't imagine how this thing may be practical. Looks hot though, I guess it's because I'm a big sucker for piercing and tattoos in general.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I love chastity belts, but putting them on the PC and expecting them to practically work on a day-to-day basis is just outright impossible. Either ALL the loss sex scenes are going to be gated in a game-breaking way, or a simple "I remove your [pc.lowerUndergarment] and toss it away" is going to make its function partially redundant. Same with piercings.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
It could have been done if chastity belts were there since the beginning. Assuming they don't block the asshole, chastity belts would make the character seem genderless, in the context of sex scenes. But since sex scenes check for penis/vagina using the same functions that non-sex scenes use, things like the Appearance screen would get broken. Not to mention some genderless scenes explicitly state you have no naughty bits, and without describing the chastity belt at all, it would lose a lot of the appeal. Going back and gating every single sex scene so far would also be more trouble than its worth.

But it can totes be done on a scene by scene basis where the belt is added and removed within the confines of the scene. Not as good though, of course. Adding belts to NPCs can be done too, but it's just another fetish that may or may not get written at the discretion of the author, like Ditz Speech.

Regular non-chastity piercings are good too.
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Aug 26, 2015
It could have been done if chastity belts were there since the beginning. Assuming they don't block the asshole, chastity belts would make the character seem genderless, in the context of sex scenes. But since sex scenes check for penis/vagina using the same functions that non-sex scenes use, things like the Appearance screen would get broken. Not to mention some genderless scenes explicitly state you have no naughty bits, and without describing the chastity belt at all, it would lose a lot of the appeal. Going back and gating every single sex scene so far would also be more trouble than its worth.

It is possible to make wearable items (like underwear) that apply a status effect (similar to the Leitha Charm Necklace) which blocks detection of the penis and/or vagina on equip and removes the effect after the item is unequipped. This way, any penis/vagina checks for sex scenes can be passed as if the character lacks any of that anatomy. The asshole, however, should always be present at all times. Being that this is sci-fi, this item can totally be made of nano-fiber warp technology, or portal rings, or something similar. Minor tweaks for some of the functions might be necessary and extra blurbs for the appearance screen can help illustrate the condition, but "chastity" belts/peek-a-boo undies in theory should be a workable feature with the current engine's setup.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@Jacques: I feel like it could work but I'm not just sold yet. hasCock() is a boolean function so if returns false when the player is wearing a chastity item, wouldn't that break a lot of descriptions? Or if the check is done in each scene rather than through hasCock wouldn't that just be the same as going back and editing each scene gate anyway? Not to mention not all gates are the same; sometimes totalCocks is used instead.

Not to mention we'd need a lot of descriptions and blurbs regarding the chastity items written, in addition to the items themselves, of course.

Speaking of writing I'm surprised there's no self-suck/fuck masturbation scenes yet. Something something thinking with portals.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
the best way [in my mind at least] to do a PC chastity belt, and doing this would probably give me a pretty hard fetish for such a device, is if it caused loss scenes to default to the enemy using the PC's face/butt/boobs to get their release but Steele was utterly unable to cum causing a meter to build up until Steele is forced via an auto-prompt to beg the person who put the belt on them to let them cum no matter what they have to do to earn their orgasm.

Kind of like a "Bad End" that is neither bad nor an end [though honestly a "bad end" where Steele's pent up orgasm feels so good they imprint on the character that put the belt on them would be extremely sexy.]


Aug 26, 2015
Chastity belt content is best suited for within an extended scene rather than at all times.  The concept you propose is hypothetically doable, but still requires a scene be written for every enemy in the game always for the entire life of the game.  The very nature of the fetish is such that it has to be heavily supported to not be disappointing.

It's doable, but it's much easier to just write a novella-length sex scene or scene sequence directly involving chastity play with a dom.  You could write a scene in which said dom takes you out around the town / to the red light district with the chastity device on, for instance, with them taking the device off after, and have this slotted in fairly painlessly.
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Aug 26, 2015
@Jacques: I feel like it could work but I'm not just sold yet. hasCock() is a boolean function so if returns false when the player is wearing a chastity item, wouldn't that break a lot of descriptions? Or if the check is done in each scene rather than through hasCock wouldn't that just be the same as going back and editing each scene gate anyway? Not to mention not all gates are the same; sometimes totalCocks is used instead.

Not to mention we'd need a lot of descriptions and blurbs regarding the chastity items written, in addition to the items themselves, of course.

Speaking of writing I'm surprised there's no self-suck/fuck masturbation scenes yet. Something something thinking with portals.

It wouldn't necessarily break any of them, really--which is why I put "chastity" in quotes. Basically, what I mean is for an item to hide/show a penis/vagina. Think of it as kind of a reverse hardlight strapon system, but using status effects instead. If need be, the hasCock()/hasVagina() functions could have extra parameters to ignore these status effects when it is called, so appearance-heavy scenes will use this parameter to sort that out--of course, regular function calls and sex scenes will ignore these genitals as if they never existed. When the character is nude in the sex scene, the "chastity" apparel is assumed to always be on, no matter what.

For actual chastity play though, written content needs to be provided for that whether or not this idea is implemented (as Couch mentioned). Practicality-wise chastity probably isn't a big enough thing to justify implementing this idea. Similarly, I can make the case that not many, if any, scenes ever mention the use of the character's genital slit--the genitals are just there and ready at all times, no matter the situation and the slit serves no functional purpose besides a small appearance blurb (same for the uniball scrotum). I was just pointing out that functionally, hiding the genitals is a possibility with the current game's setup. Of course, if such a feature were to ever be implemented, it would probably have to have its own lore and such to make sense in the TiTS-verse and why it functions the way it does (hiding genitals and leaving behind bare skin/fur/scales/etc.--like hiding the bits with portals and  replacing the texture/color with chameleon silk or something!). So these are probably not chastity devices in the traditional sense--those were barbaric times!

Hope this clarifies what I mean!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Chastity belt content is best suited for within an extended scene rather than at all times.  The concept you propose is hypothetically doable, but still requires a scene be written for every enemy in the game always for the entire life of the game.  The very nature of the fetish is such that it has to be heavily supported to not be disappointing.

It's doable, but it's much easier to just write a novella-length sex scene or scene sequence directly involving chastity play with a dom.  You could write a scene in which said dom takes you out around the town / to the red light district with the chastity device on, for instance, with them taking the device off after, and have this slotted in fairly painlessly.


Plus, too much sci-fi in your chastity belt kind of gates the fetish a little behind being able to wrap your head around such shenanigans. It's why I infinitely prefer normal strap on scenes to hard-light holo strap on scenes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Uh, I'm not sure how chastity piercings would work. Sounds interesting though. But more importantly, just regular piercings and tattoos, anyone? A ring earring or a good old bellybutton piercing to spice PC up?


Nov 15, 2015
If anything, sorry for brigning this up, but...

I want piercings bad, is there any news in that direction? thx

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Popular fetishes will get in (eventually).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I certainly hope so, I very much like my character having piercings