Edit: Think SNES or the Sega Genesis/Megadrive/Mega CD/32X era consoles.
My favourite would have to be Terranigma, PAL only SNES release near the end of the SNES's lifespan in Europe and Australia.
You basically played the role of a young troublesome teenager living in a sleepy village town in an otherwise uninhabited wasteland, one day you open literally open Pandora's box and everyone in your village is frozen. You must set out to reverse the damage and end up dispacted to the overwold, a barren lifeless place to revive all life starting with plants and animals onto people, eventually helping rebuild civilization on the surface world and coming face to face with the evil that destroyed it originally. It is an action RPG meaning you attack enemies on the same screens you explore to find items and the like with your spear, it has different kinds of attacks based on whether you are dashing, jumping or hitting the attack button rapidly... If you run, jump and hit the attack button you will leap at the enemy with your spear, hit them, then slide along the floor hitting everything in your path until you come to a stop; it feels sweet as hell when you pull off chains of attacks. There is a huge twist about three quarters through and the ending is very, very sad. It has some of the most memorable music I've ever heard in a 16 bit video game and it will forever hold a warm place in my heart.
This is the final battle theme, I think it's great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkTIS-_f_r4

My favourite would have to be Terranigma, PAL only SNES release near the end of the SNES's lifespan in Europe and Australia.
You basically played the role of a young troublesome teenager living in a sleepy village town in an otherwise uninhabited wasteland, one day you open literally open Pandora's box and everyone in your village is frozen. You must set out to reverse the damage and end up dispacted to the overwold, a barren lifeless place to revive all life starting with plants and animals onto people, eventually helping rebuild civilization on the surface world and coming face to face with the evil that destroyed it originally. It is an action RPG meaning you attack enemies on the same screens you explore to find items and the like with your spear, it has different kinds of attacks based on whether you are dashing, jumping or hitting the attack button rapidly... If you run, jump and hit the attack button you will leap at the enemy with your spear, hit them, then slide along the floor hitting everything in your path until you come to a stop; it feels sweet as hell when you pull off chains of attacks. There is a huge twist about three quarters through and the ending is very, very sad. It has some of the most memorable music I've ever heard in a 16 bit video game and it will forever hold a warm place in my heart.
This is the final battle theme, I think it's great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkTIS-_f_r4

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