Cock/Cunt-snake pheromone as a consumable weapon?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
Pretty simple idea, you toss it at the enemy and they get chased by amorous cock/cunt-snakes who raise their lust level/occupy a penis/fill an orifice and lower their speed/accuracy or something. Use too much on someone with lots of fuckable nipples, multi-vagina/assholes/cocks could end weighed down so much they end up trapped in the center of a big of ball of the things, haha.

Anyone else think this could be funny?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It may be funny but then again only usable on two planets so far and even then just for one for each type as cunts/cock snakes. Plus those both are considered parasites that shouldn't be shipped offworld so really low chance to come with explanation how come their showing up on other planets. So mostly that idea have it wings cut bu fact that lore-wise it's almsot 0 chance we can have cunt snakes outside Mhen'ga and cock-snakes - Myrellion.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
It may be funny but then again only usable on two planets so far and even then just for one for each type as cunts/cock snakes. Plus those both are considered parasites that shouldn't be shipped offworld so really low chance to come with explanation how come their showing up on other planets. So mostly that idea have it wings cut bu fact that lore-wise it's almsot 0 chance we can have cunt snakes outside Mhen'ga and cock-snakes - Myrellion.

Ahhh, I see. Fair enough but couldn't be kayfabed by including something on non-infested planets that aren't straight up deadly to them about it not working/slim chance? The stuff would've been originally intended to corral/draw them into traps in world as they are a parasite that would have to be quickly removed if they were to escape on another planet. Thanks for the clarification though, if it can't be done, it can't be done. ^_^
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I jsut saying it can be quite tricky to do under current game lore. So about possibility of it actualy been doable you need wait for someone like Savin (most likely it would be him reply fastest) or Fen say his word on this matter. Putting aside this your idea is...well throwing pheromone lure at the enemy so some native creatures jump at him to somehow make the fight harder for our enemy.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
I feel like there are enough aphrodisiacs in the game that some form of dart-gun could be interesting, what with the Zil, Kerokoras, Dzaan, Myr, etc.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
I jsut saying it can be quite tricky to do under current game lore. So about possibility of it actualy been doable you need wait for someone like Savin (most likely it would be him reply fastest) or Fen say his word on this matter. Putting aside this your idea is...well throwing pheromone lure at the enemy so some native creatures jump at him to somehow make the fight harder for our enemy.

Could make it a universal pheromone instead then? I'm not sure I have the rep to contact those guys directly about something I'd like to see in game, CrazyMoniker inspired it in the chatroom when were joking around trying to keep the place busy.

I feel like there are enough aphrodisiacs in the game that some form of dart-gun could be interesting, what with the Zil, Kerokoras, Dzaan, Myr, etc.

A dart-gun would be cool too. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well you can send mail or pm here on forum any of them. Just may take some time for getting reply so if you want feedback fast try contact Savin first.

We got googun for grey vials that makes enemies take lust dmg. As for current thought about dart-gun it would probably fall in same type of weapon thus making it slight unnesesary when we already got googun. Unless it would have enough different effects that googun. So yeah I not against see dart-gun as ong it will have reason to exist ingame and not feel like it's just a copy of other existing weapon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Funny, but cruel... I like it. Especially if the cuntsnake would bite into the spines of the darted enemy. xD


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2015
Well you can send mail or pm here on forum any of them. Just may take some time for getting reply so if you want feedback fast try contact Savin first.

We got googun for grey vials that makes enemies take lust dmg. As for current thought about dart-gun it would probably fall in same type of weapon thus making it slight unnesesary when we already got googun. Unless it would have enough different effects that googun. So yeah I not against see dart-gun as ong it will have reason to exist ingame and not feel like it's just a copy of other existing weapon.

Speed debuff for each attached snake, if they have too many, they're immobilized until they break free or are plugged one snake/parasite at a time until you can walk off while they roll around moaning/trying to get the snakes off/out/ or enjoying it too much to care. Needs more work before it's presented, don't want to waste anyone's time...

Funny, but cruel... I like it. Especially if the cuntsnake would bite into the spines of the darted enemy.  xD

Sounds good to me.
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